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Commit 0935609f authored by Andre Maroneze's avatar Andre Maroneze
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Merge branch 'fix/log/self-recursion' into 'master'

[kernel] fix log self-recursion

See merge request frama-c/frama-c!2796
parents 06b7167f f9270e93
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......@@ -99,8 +99,6 @@ ML_LINT_KO+=src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ type terminal = {
mutable delayed : (terminal -> unit) list ;
mutable output : string -> int -> int -> unit ;
(* Same as Format.make_formatter *)
mutable flush : unit -> unit ;
mutable flush : unit -> unit ;
(* Same as Format.make_formatter *)
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ let is_ready t =
| Locked | DelayedLock -> false
| Ready -> true
let term_clean t =
let term_clean t =
if t.isatty && not t.clean then
let u = "\r\027[K" in
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ let stdout = {
let clean () = term_clean stdout
let set_output ?(isatty=false) output flush =
let set_output ?(isatty=false) output flush =
set_terminal stdout isatty output flush
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
......@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ let is_prefixed_event = function
let is_single_line text =
try ignore (String.index_from text 0 '\n') ; false
with Not_found -> true
with Not_found -> true
let echo_firstline output text p q width =
let t = try String.index_from text p '\n' with Not_found -> succ q in
......@@ -372,10 +372,13 @@ let () = Array.iteri
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let all_channels : (string,channelstate) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 31
let default_emitters = (fun _ -> { listeners=[] ; echo=true }) all_kinds
let default_emitters = (fun _ -> { listeners=[] ; echo=true })
let new_emitters () = (fun e -> { listeners = e.listeners ; echo = e.echo }) default_emitters (fun e -> { listeners = e.listeners ; echo = e.echo })
let get_emitters plugin =
......@@ -477,6 +480,8 @@ let logtransient channel text =
raise e
) buffer text
let locked_listeners = ref false
let logwithfinal finally channel
?(fire=true) (* fire channel listeners *)
?emitwith (* additional emitter *)
......@@ -498,7 +503,7 @@ let logwithfinal finally channel
Format.pp_print_newline fmt () ;
Format.pp_print_flush fmt () ;
let p,q = Rich_text.trim buffer in
let output =
let output =
if p <= q then
let source = get_source current source in
let message = Rich_text.range buffer p q in
......@@ -515,7 +520,16 @@ let logwithfinal finally channel
if echo && e.echo then
do_echo channel.terminal event ;
Extlib.may (do_fire event) emitwith;
if fire then List.iter (do_fire event) e.listeners ;
if fire && not !locked_listeners then
locked_listeners := true ;
List.iter (do_fire event) e.listeners ;
locked_listeners := false ;
with exn ->
locked_listeners := false ;
raise exn
end ;
Some event
else None
......@@ -586,26 +600,26 @@ let deferred_raise ~fatal ~unreported event msg =
logwithfinal finally channel ?append ~kind:event.evt_kind msg
let treat_deferred_error () =
match !deferred_exn with
| DNo_exn -> ()
| DWarn_as_error event ->
let unreported = unreported_event event in
let wkey =
match event.evt_category with
| None -> ""
| Some s when s = unreported_error -> ""
| Some s -> s
deferred_raise ~fatal:false ~unreported event
"warning %s treated as deferred error." wkey
| DError event ->
let unreported = unreported_event event in
deferred_raise ~fatal:false ~unreported event
"Deferred error message was emitted during execution."
| DFatal event ->
let unreported = unreported_event event in
deferred_raise ~fatal:true ~unreported event
"Deferred internal error message was emitted during execution."
match !deferred_exn with
| DNo_exn -> ()
| DWarn_as_error event ->
let unreported = unreported_event event in
let wkey =
match event.evt_category with
| None -> ""
| Some s when s = unreported_error -> ""
| Some s -> s
deferred_raise ~fatal:false ~unreported event
"warning %s treated as deferred error." wkey
| DError event ->
let unreported = unreported_event event in
deferred_raise ~fatal:false ~unreported event
"Deferred error message was emitted during execution."
| DFatal event ->
let unreported = unreported_event event in
deferred_raise ~fatal:true ~unreported event
"Deferred internal error message was emitted during execution."
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Messages Interface --- *)
......@@ -1242,7 +1256,7 @@ struct
with error ->
unlock_terminal stdout fmt ; raise error
Pretty_utils.nullprintf text
let pp_all_warn_categories_status () =
......@@ -45,17 +45,17 @@ type 'a pretty_printer =
Generic type for the various logging channels which are not aborting
- When [current] is [false] (default for most of the channels),
no location is output. When it is [true], the last registered location
is used as current (see {!Cil_const.CurrentLoc}).
- When [current] is [false] (default for most of the channels),
no location is output. When it is [true], the last registered location
is used as current (see {!Cil_const.CurrentLoc}).
- [source] is the location to be output. If nil, [current] is used to
determine if a location should be output
determine if a location should be output
- [emitwith] function which is called each time an event is processed
- [echo] is [true] if the event should be output somewhere in addition
to [stdout]
to [stdout]
- [append] adds some actions performed on the formatter after the event
has been processed.
@since Beryllium-20090601-beta1 *)
has been processed.
@since Beryllium-20090601-beta1 *)
type ('a,'b) pretty_aborter =
?current:bool -> ?source:Filepath.position -> ?echo:bool ->
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ module type Messages = sig
type category
(** category for debugging/verbose messages. Must be registered before
any use.
any use.
Each column in the string defines a sub-category, e.g.
a:b:c defines a subcategory c of b, which is itself a subcategory of a.
Enabling a category (via -plugin-msg-category) will enable all its
......@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ module type Messages = sig
val debug_atleast : int -> bool
(** @since Beryllium-20090601-beta1 *)
val printf : ?level:int -> ?dkey:category ->
val printf : ?level:int -> ?dkey:category ->
?current:bool -> ?source:Filepath.position ->
?append:(Format.formatter -> unit) ->
?header:(Format.formatter -> unit) ->
......@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ module type Messages = sig
The intended usage is: [assert (verify e "Bla...") ;].
@since Beryllium-20090601-beta1
@since Beryllium-20090601-beta1
@plugin development guide *)
val not_yet_implemented : ('a,formatter,unit,'b) format4 -> 'a
......@@ -242,13 +242,13 @@ module type Messages = sig
(** Generic log routine. The default kind is [Result]. Use cases (with
[n,m > 0]):
- [log ~verbose:n]: emit the message only when verbosity level is
at least [n].
at least [n].
- [log ~debug:n]: emit the message only when debugging level is
at least [n].
at least [n].
- [log ~verbose:n ~debug:m]: any debugging or verbosity level is
@since Beryllium-20090901
@plugin development guide *)
@since Beryllium-20090901
@plugin development guide *)
val logwith : (event option -> 'b) ->
?wkey:warn_category -> ?emitwith:(event -> unit) -> ?once:bool ->
......@@ -397,14 +397,18 @@ module Register
val set_echo : ?plugin:string -> ?kind:kind list -> bool -> unit
(** Turns echo on or off. Applies to all channel unless specified,
and all kind of messages unless specified.
@since Beryllium-20090601-beta1
@since Beryllium-20090601-beta1
@plugin development guide *)
val add_listener : ?plugin:string -> ?kind:kind list -> (event -> unit) -> unit
(** Register a hook that is called each time an event is
emitted. Applies to all channel unless specified,
and all kind of messages unless specified.
@since Beryllium-20090601-beta1
Warning: when executing the listener, all listeners will be
temporarily deactivated in order to avoid infinite recursion.
@since Beryllium-20090601-beta1
@plugin development guide *)
val echo : event -> unit
......@@ -426,7 +430,7 @@ type channel
(** @since Beryllium-20090601-beta1 *)
val new_channel : string -> channel
(** @since Beryllium-20090901
(** @since Beryllium-20090901
@plugin development guide *)
val log_channel : channel ->
......@@ -447,7 +451,7 @@ val kernel_label_name: string
val source : file:Filepath.Normalized.t -> line:int -> Filepath.position
(** @since Chlorine-20180501
@modify 18.0-Argon change type of [file]
val get_current_source : unit -> Filepath.position
......@@ -463,7 +467,7 @@ val clean : unit -> unit
val null : formatter
[@@ deprecated "Use 'Pretty_utils.null' instead"]
(** Prints nothing.
@since Beryllium-20090901
@since Beryllium-20090901
@deprecated Chlorine-20180501 use {!Pretty_utils} instead. *)
val nullprintf : ('a,formatter,unit) format -> 'a
......@@ -480,7 +484,7 @@ val with_null : (unit -> 'b) -> ('a,formatter,unit,'b) format4 -> 'a
val set_output : ?isatty:bool -> (string -> int -> int -> unit) -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
(** This function has the same parameters as Format.make_formatter.
@since Beryllium-20090901
@since Beryllium-20090901
@plugin development guide *)
val print_on_output : (Format.formatter -> unit) -> unit
......@@ -490,8 +494,8 @@ val print_on_output : (Format.formatter -> unit) -> unit
Notification of listeners is not delayed, however.
Can not be recursively invoked.
@since Beryllium-20090901
@modify Nitrogen-20111001 signature changed
@since Beryllium-20090901
@modify Nitrogen-20111001 signature changed
@plugin development guide *)
val print_delayed : (Format.formatter -> unit) -> unit
......@@ -502,7 +506,7 @@ val print_delayed : (Format.formatter -> unit) -> unit
Can not be recursively invoked.
@since Beryllium-20090901
@modify Nitrogen-20111001 signature changed
@modify Nitrogen-20111001 signature changed
@plugin development guide *)
......@@ -528,7 +532,7 @@ val treat_deferred_error: unit -> unit
a delayed error or failure. Currently done:
- after each command-line stage.
- after each analysis step (as separated by -then and its derivatives),
including the last one.
including the last one.
/* run.config
OPT: -foobar -report-unclassified-error jazz
[report] Monitoring events
[kernel] User Error: option `-foobar' is unknown.
use `bin/toplevel.opt -help' for more information.
[report] User Error: Invalid action ("JAZZ")
[kernel] Plug-in report aborted: invalid user input.
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