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Commit 06b9500d authored by Maxime Jacquemin's avatar Maxime Jacquemin Committed by David Bühler
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[Kernel] Comments about the invariant computation and other stuffs

- The functions `Nat.of_int`, `Nat.of_strictly_positive_int` and
  `Finite.of_int` now returns an option instead of forcing valid
  bounds on their inputs.

- The spectral exponent search is simpler and returns the maximal
  exponent in the given limit that returns a spectral radius lower
  than one.

- A bug has been fixed in the invariant computation. The sum over
  the inputs missed an element.
parent 7f4bd5d1
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......@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ let next : type n. n finite -> n succ finite = fun n -> n + 1
let ( == ) : type n. n finite -> n finite -> bool = fun l r -> l = r
let to_int : type n. n finite -> int = fun n -> n
let of_int : type n. n succ nat -> int -> n succ finite =
fun limit n -> min (max 0 n) (Nat.to_int limit)
let of_int : type n. n succ nat -> int -> n succ finite option =
fun limit n -> if 0 <= n && n < Nat.to_int limit then Some n else None
let for_each (type n) acc (limit : n nat) (f : n finite -> 'a -> 'a) =
let acc = ref acc in
......@@ -30,10 +30,9 @@ val next : 'n finite -> 'n succ finite
val ( == ) : 'n finite -> 'n finite -> bool
(* The call [of_int limit n] returns a finite value representing the n-nd
element of a finite set of cardinal limit. If n is strictly negative then it
returns the first element. If n is greater or equal to the limit then it
returns the last element. This function complexity is O(1). *)
val of_int : 'n succ nat -> int -> 'n succ finite
element of a finite set of cardinal limit. If n is not in the bounds, none is
returned. This function complexity is O(1). *)
val of_int : 'n succ nat -> int -> 'n succ finite option
(* The call [to_int n] returns an integer equal to n. This function complexity
is O(1). *)
......@@ -28,46 +28,47 @@ module Make (Field : Field.S) = struct
module Linear = Linear.Space (Field)
open Linear.Types
open Field.Types
open Linear
(* Invariant search fuel parameters. TODO: let the user change those. *)
let fuel = 50
let coarse_refinement_fuel = 5
let fine_refinement_fuel = 50
let refinement_threshold = 200
(* Find a first exponant such as the spectral radius is lower than one. *)
let rec first_exponant m exp fuel =
if Field.(Linear.Matrix.norm m <= one) then (exp, m)
else if fuel < 0 then raise (Invalid_argument "Divergeant filter")
else first_exponant Linear.Matrix.(m * m) (exp * 2) (fuel - 1)
let rec first_steps max steps matrix exponent =
let steps = (matrix, exponent) :: steps in
if Field.(Matrix.norm matrix < one) then
if exponent * 2 > max then Some steps
else first_steps max steps Matrix.(matrix * matrix) (exponent * 2)
else if exponent <= max then
first_steps max steps Matrix.(matrix * matrix) (exponent * 2)
else None
(* Refine the exponant to improve the precision. *)
let rec refine base m exp coarse fine =
if coarse < 0 || fine < 0 || exp > refinement_threshold
then exp, m
else if (exp * 2) > refinement_threshold
then refine base Linear.Matrix.(base * m) (exp + 1) coarse (fine - 1)
else refine base Linear.Matrix.(m * m) (exp * 2) (coarse - 1) fine
let rec refine max = function
| [] -> None
| [ (matrix, exponent) ] -> Some (Matrix.norm matrix, exponent)
| (matrix, exponent) :: (matrix', exponent') :: previous ->
let exponent'' = exponent + exponent' in
if exponent'' > max
then refine max ((matrix, exponent) :: previous)
else refine max ((Matrix.(matrix * matrix'), exponent'') :: previous)
(* Looking for an exponant n such as norm(A^n) ≤ 1, which implies that the
spectral radius of A is lower than 1. The exponant is refined to improve the
invariant's precision. *)
let find_exponant base =
let exponant, matrix = first_exponant base 1 fuel in
let coarse = coarse_refinement_fuel and fine = fine_refinement_fuel in
let exponant, matrix = refine base matrix exponant coarse fine in
(Linear.Matrix.norm matrix, exponant)
let find_exponent max_acceptable_exponent base =
let open Option.Operators in
let* steps = first_steps max_acceptable_exponent [] base 1 in
refine max_acceptable_exponent steps
module Types = struct
type ('n, 'm) filter = Filter : ('n succ, 'm succ) data -> ('n, 'm) filter
type ('n, 'm) filter =
| Filter : ('n succ, 'm succ) data -> ('n succ, 'm succ) filter
and ('n, 'm) data =
{ state : ('n, 'n) matrix
; input : ('n, 'm) matrix
; measure : 'm vector
open Types
......@@ -76,24 +77,26 @@ module Make (Field : Field.S) = struct
let create state input measure = Filter { state ; input ; measure }
let pretty fmt (Filter f) =
let open Linear in
type ('n, 'm) formatter = Format.formatter -> ('n, 'm) filter -> unit
let pretty : type n m. (n, m) formatter = fun fmt (Filter f) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "Filter:@.@." ;
Format.fprintf fmt "- State :@.@. @[<v>%a@]@.@." Matrix.pretty f.state ;
Format.fprintf fmt "- Input :@.@. @[<v>%a@]@.@." Matrix.pretty f.input
let sum order f g stop =
let rec compute (acc, res) i =
if i > 0 then compute (f acc, Field.(res + g acc)) (i - 1) else res
in compute ( order, (stop - 1)
let invariant (Filter f) =
let order, _ = Linear.Matrix.dimensions f.input in
let spectral, exponant = find_exponant f.state in
let power p = Linear.Matrix.(f.state * p) in
let norm p = Linear.Matrix.(p * f.input |> norm) in
let sum order p norm stop =
let ( + ) res acc = Field.(res + norm acc) in
let rec aux (m, r) i = if i >= 0 then aux (p m, r + m) (i - 1) else r in
aux ( order, (stop - 1)
type ('n, 'm) invariant = ('n, 'm) filter -> int -> scalar option
let invariant : type n m. (n, m) invariant = fun (Filter f) max ->
let open Option.Operators in
let order, _ = Matrix.dimensions f.input in
let+ spectral, exponant = find_exponent max f.state in
let power p = Matrix.(f.state * p) in
let norm p = Matrix.(p * f.input |> norm) in
let sum = sum order power norm exponant in
let bound = Field.(Linear.Vector.norm f.measure * sum / (one - spectral)) in
let bound = Field.(Vector.norm f.measure * sum / (one - spectral)) in
let order = Field.of_int (Nat.to_int order) in
Field.(bound / order)
......@@ -28,15 +28,30 @@ module Make (Field : Field.S) : sig
open Linear.Types
open Field.Types
(* A value of type [(n, m) filter] describes a linear filter of order n (i.e
with n state variables) and with m inputs. *)
module Types : sig type ('n, 'm) filter end
open Types
val create :
('n succ, 'n succ) matrix ->
('n succ, 'm succ) matrix ->
'm succ vector -> ('n, 'm) filter
'm succ vector -> ('n succ, 'm succ) filter
val pretty : Format.formatter -> ('n, 'm) filter -> unit
val invariant : ('n, 'm) filter -> scalar
(* Invariant computation. The computation of [invariant filter max] relies on
the search of an exponent such as the norm of the state matrix is strictly
lower than one. This search depth is bounded by [max]. If no exponent is
found before this limit is reached, the function returns None. If an
exponent [e] is found, the invariant computation complexity is bounded by
O(e * (n^3 + n^2 * m)) with [n] the filter's order and [m] its number of
inputs. Only the invariant's upper bound [λ] is returned, the filter's
invariant is thus bounded by ±λ. The only thing that limit the optimality
of this bound is [max], the initial search depth. However, for most simple
filters, a depth of 200 will gives an exact upper bound up to at least ten
digits, which is more than enough. Moreover, for those simple filters, the
computation is immediate, even when using rational numbers. *)
val invariant : ('n, 'm) filter -> int -> scalar option
......@@ -37,11 +37,7 @@ let prev : type n. n succ nat -> n nat = fun n -> n - 1
let to_int : type n. n nat -> int = fun n -> n
let of_int n =
let next (PositiveOrNull n) = PositiveOrNull (succ n) in
let rec aux acc n = if n <= 0 then acc else aux (next acc) (n - 1) in
aux (PositiveOrNull zero) n
if n < 0 then None else Some (PositiveOrNull n)
let of_strictly_positive_int n =
let next (StrictlyPositive n) = StrictlyPositive (succ n) in
let rec aux acc n = if n <= 1 then acc else aux (next acc) (n - 1) in
aux (StrictlyPositive one) n
if n < 1 then None else Some (StrictlyPositive n)
......@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ val to_int : 'n nat -> int
(* Returns a positive or null natural. If the given parameter is stricly
negative then 0 is returned. This function complexity is O(n). *)
val of_int : int -> positive_or_null
val of_int : int -> positive_or_null option
(* Returns a strictly positive natural. If the given parameter is less or equal
than zero, then 1 is returned. This function complexity is O(n). *)
val of_strictly_positive_int : int -> strictly_positive
val of_strictly_positive_int : int -> strictly_positive option
......@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@
(* *)
(* Persistent array, based on "A Persistent Union-Find Data Structure" by
Sylvain Conchon and Jean-Chistophe Filliâtre. For further details, see *)
module Types : sig
type 'a array
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