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Commit 03f543fb authored by Patrick Baudin's avatar Patrick Baudin Committed by Patrick Baudin
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[Wp] improve Cint simplifier

parent 59fdd976
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......@@ -189,26 +189,27 @@ let match_positive_or_null e =
if not (is_positive_or_null e) then raise Not_found;
let highest_bit_number =
let hsb p = if p land 2 = 0 then 0 else 1
in let hsb p = let n = p lsr 2 in if n = 0 then hsb p else 2 + hsb n
in let hsb p = let n = p lsr 4 in if n = 0 then hsb p else 4 + hsb n
in let hsb = Array.init 256 hsb
in let hsb p = let n = p lsr 8 in if n = 0 then hsb.(p) else 8 + hsb.(n)
in let hsb p =
let n = Integer.shift_right p Integer.sixteen in
Integer.of_int (if Integer.is_zero n
then hsb (Integer.to_int_exn p)
else 16 + hsb (Integer.to_int_exn n))
in let rec hsb_aux p =
let n = Integer.shift_right p Integer.thirtytwo in
if Integer.is_zero n then hsb p
else Integer.add Integer.thirtytwo (hsb_aux n)
in hsb_aux
let match_power2, match_power2_minus1 =
let highest_bit_number =
let hsb p = if p land 2 = 0 then 0 else 1
in let hsb p = let n = p lsr 2 in if n = 0 then hsb p else 2 + hsb n
in let hsb p = let n = p lsr 4 in if n = 0 then hsb p else 4 + hsb n
in let hsb = Array.init 256 hsb
in let hsb p = let n = p lsr 8 in if n = 0 then hsb.(p) else 8 + hsb.(n)
in let hsb p =
let n = Integer.shift_right p Integer.sixteen in
Integer.of_int (if Integer.is_zero n
then hsb (Integer.to_int_exn p)
else 16 + hsb (Integer.to_int_exn n))
in let rec hsb_aux p =
let n = Integer.shift_right p Integer.thirtytwo in
if Integer.is_zero n then hsb p
else Integer.add Integer.thirtytwo (hsb_aux n)
in hsb_aux
in let is_power2 k = (* exists n such that k == 2**n? *)
( k &&
(Integer.equal k (Integer.logand k (Integer.neg k)))
let is_power2 k = (* exists n such that k == 2**n? *)
( k &&
(Integer.equal k (Integer.logand k (Integer.neg k)))
in let rec match_power2 e = match F.repr e with
| Logic.Kint z
when is_power2 z -> e_zint (highest_bit_number z)
......@@ -1244,64 +1245,229 @@ let is_cint_simplifier =
let dkey = Wp_parameters.register_category "mask-simplifier"
let mask_simplifier =
let module Masks = struct
(* There is a contradiction when [m.unset & m.set != 0] *)
type t = { unset: Integer.t ; (* Mask of the bits set to 1 *)
set:Integer.t (* Mask of the bits set to 1 *)
type ctx = t Tmap.t
type dom = t Tmap.t
let is_bottom v =
not (Integer.is_zero (Integer.logand v.unset v.set))
let top = { ; }
let is_top v =
Integer.is_zero v.unset && Integer.is_zero v.set
let pretty_mask fmt m =
if Integer.le m then Integer.pretty_hex fmt m
else Format.fprintf fmt "~%a" Integer.pretty_hex (Integer.lognot m)
[@@@ warning "-32"]
let pretty fmt (k,({unset;set} as v)) =
if is_bottom v then
Format.fprintf fmt "%a: BOTTOM" Lang.F.pp_term k
else if is_top v then
Format.fprintf fmt "%a: TOP" Lang.F.pp_term k
Format.fprintf fmt "%a: set:%a unset:%a"
Lang.F.pp_term k pretty_mask set pretty_mask unset
let mk_mask ~unset ~set =
if not (Integer.equal (Integer.logand unset set))
then raise Lang.Contradiction;
{ unset ; set }
[@@@ warning "-32"]
let pretty_table fmt dom =
Tmap.iter (fun k (v:t) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a,@ " pretty (k,v)) dom
let update ?( ?( ctx x =
Tmap.insert (fun _ v old ->
mk_mask ~unset:(Integer.logor v.unset old.unset)
~set:(Integer.logor v.set old.set))
x (mk_mask ~unset ~set) ctx
let is_equal {unset=u1; set=s1} {unset=u2; set=s2} =
Integer.equal u1 u2 && Integer.equal s1 s2
let mk_mask ~unset ~set = { unset ; set }
let find t dom = Tmap.find t dom
let get t dom =
let r =
match F.repr t with
| Kint set -> { set; unset=Integer.lognot set }
| _ -> try find t dom with Not_found -> top
Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey "Get %a @." pretty (t,r);
let masks_narrow ?( ?( =
mk_mask ~unset:(Integer.logor unset v.unset)
~set:(Integer.logor set v.set)
let narrow ctx t ({set;unset} as v) =
if is_top v then ctx
else if is_bottom v then raise Lang.Contradiction
else match F.repr t with
| Kint _ -> ctx
| _ ->
Tmap.change (fun _ v -> function
| None ->
Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey "Assume %a@." pretty (t,v);
Some v
| (Some old) as old' ->
let v = masks_narrow ~unset ~set old in
Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey "Assume %a@." pretty (t,v);
if is_bottom v then raise Lang.Contradiction;
if is_equal v old then old'
else Some v) t v ctx
let neutral_land = {set=Integer.minus_one ; }
let neutral_lor = { ; unset=Integer.minus_one }
let eval ctx e = (* non recursive evaluation *)
let r =
match F.repr e with
| Kint set -> { set; unset=Integer.lognot set }
| Fun(f,es) when f == f_land ->
List.fold_left (fun {set;unset} x ->
let v = get x ctx in
{ set=Integer.logand v.set set ;
unset=Integer.logor v.unset unset}) neutral_land es
| Fun(f,es) when f == f_lor ->
List.fold_left (fun {set;unset} x ->
let v = get x ctx in
{ set=Integer.logor v.set set ;
unset=Integer.logand v.unset unset}) neutral_lor es
| Fun(f,[x]) when f == f_lnot ->
let v = get x ctx in
{ unset=v.set ; set=v.unset }
| Fun(f,[x]) ->
let iota = to_cint f in
let v = get x ctx in
if not (Ctypes.signed iota) then
(* The uppest bits are unset *)
let mask = snd (Ctypes.bounds iota) in
{ unset = Integer.logor v.unset (Integer.lognot mask) ;
set = Integer.logand v.set mask }
else v
| _ -> top
with Not_found -> top
Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey "Eval %a @." pretty (e,r);
let rec reduce ctx t (v:t) =
Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey "Reduce %a@." pretty (t,v);
let ctx =
if is_top v then ctx (* no possible reduction *)
else if is_bottom v then raise Lang.Contradiction
else match F.repr t with
| Fun(f,es) when f == f_land -> begin
let k,es = match_list_head match_integer es in
(* N.B. requires v<>bottom *)
let unset = Integer.logand (Integer.logor v.set v.unset)
(Integer.logxor v.set k)
reduce ctx (F.e_fun f_land es) { v with unset }
with Not_found ->
if Integer.is_zero v.set then ctx else
List.fold_left (fun ctx t ->
(* bit(&ei... ,kv) ==> bit(ei,kv) *)
reduce ctx t {top with set = v.set }) ctx es
| Fun(f,es) when f == f_lor -> begin
let k,es = match_list_head match_integer es in
(* N.B. requires v<>bottom *)
let set = Integer.logand (Integer.logor v.set v.unset)
(Integer.logxor v.set k)
reduce ctx (F.e_fun f_land es) { v with set }
with Not_found ->
if Integer.is_zero v.unset then ctx else
List.fold_left (fun ctx t ->
(* !bit(|ei... ,kv) ==>!bit(ei,kv) *)
reduce ctx t {top with set = v.unset }) ctx es
| Fun(f,[e]) when f == f_lnot ->
reduce ctx e { set=v.unset; unset= v.set }
| Fun(f,[x]) -> begin
let iota = to_cint f in (* may raise Not_found *)
(* The lowest bits can be reduced *)
let mask = if not (Ctypes.signed iota) then
snd (Ctypes.bounds iota)
let min,max = (Ctypes.bounds iota) in
Integer.sub max min
reduce ctx x { set = Integer.logand mask v.set ;
unset = Integer.logand mask v.unset }
with Not_found -> ctx
| _ -> ctx
let {set;unset} = eval ctx t in
narrow ctx t (masks_narrow ~unset ~set v)
let assume ctx h = (* [rtx = assume ctx h] such that [h |- ctx ==> rtx] *)
Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey "Intro %a@." Lang.F.pp_term h;
match F.repr h with
| Fun(f,[x]) ->
let iota = is_cint f in
let iota = is_cint f in (* may raise Not_found *)
if not (Ctypes.signed iota) then
(* The uppest bits are unset *)
update ~unset:(Integer.lognot (snd (Ctypes.bounds iota))) ctx x
let mask = snd (Ctypes.bounds iota) in
reduce ctx x { top with unset =Integer.lognot mask }
else ctx
| Fun(f,[x;k]) when f == f_bit_positive ->
let k = match_integer k in (* may raise Not_found *)
if Integer.le k then
reduce ctx x { top with set = two_power_k k }
else ctx
| Not x -> begin match F.repr x with
| Fun(f,[x;k]) when f == f_bit_positive ->
let k = match_integer k in
if Integer.le k then
reduce ctx x { top with unset = two_power_k k }
else ctx
| _ -> ctx
| Eq(a,b) when is_int a && is_int b ->
(* b may give a better constraint because it could be a constant *)
let ctx = reduce ctx a (eval ctx b) in
reduce ctx b (get a ctx)
| _ -> ctx
with Not_found -> ctx
let eval ctx h =
let ({set;unset} as v) = eval ctx h in
let r = try masks_narrow ~unset ~set (get h ctx) with Not_found -> v in
Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey "Value %a@." pretty (h,r);
end in
let rewrite ctx e = (* [r = rewrite ctx e] such that [ctx |- e = r] *)
match F.repr e with
| Fun(f,es) when f == f_land ->
Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey "Rewrite %a@." Lang.F.pp_term e;
let reduce unset x = match F.repr x with
| Kint v -> F.e_zint (Integer.logand (Integer.lognot unset) v)
| _ -> x
and collect ctx unset_mask x = try
let m = Tmap.find x ctx in
let open Masks in
match unset_mask with
| None -> Some m.unset
| Some unset_mask -> Some (Integer.logand unset_mask m.unset)
let m = eval ctx x in
Integer.logor unset_mask m.unset
with Not_found -> unset_mask
match List.fold_left (collect ctx) None es with
| None -> raise Not_found
| Some unset_mask ->
F.e_fun f_land ( (reduce unset_mask) es)
let unset_mask = List.fold_left (collect ctx) es in
if Integer.is_zero unset_mask then e
else if Integer.equal unset_mask Integer.minus_one then e_zero
else F.e_fun f_land ( (reduce unset_mask) es)
| _ -> raise Not_found
(** Must be 2^n-1 *)
val mutable masks : Masks.ctx = Tmap.empty
val mutable masks : Masks.dom = Tmap.empty
method name = "Rewrite bitwise masks"
method copy = {< masks = masks >}
......@@ -128,5 +128,8 @@ void lemma(unsigned a, unsigned b, unsigned k) {
//@ ensures \result == (x & 0xFF) ;
unsigned char cast_uchar(int x) {
unsigned char c = x;
//@ check bit_test: ok: (c & (1 << 1)) == 0 ==> (c & 5) == (c & 7);
//@ check bit_unset: ok: (c & 0x77) == 0x66 ==> (x & 1) == 0 ;
//@ check bit_set_unset: ok: (c & 0x77) == 0x66 && (x & 5) == (x & 7) ==> (x & 4) == (x & 6) ;
return c;
......@@ -65,8 +65,7 @@ Prove: true.
Goal Post-condition for 'bit5' 'band7,zbit' in 'band':
Assume { Type: is_sint32(a). (* Goal *) When: land(4095, a) = 85. }
Prove: land(65535, a) != 21845.
Prove: true.
......@@ -221,6 +220,21 @@ Prove: b != a.
Goal Post-condition (file bitwise.i, line 128) in 'cast_uchar':
Prove: true.
Goal Check 'bit_test,ok' (file bitwise.i, line 131):
Prove: true.
Goal Check 'bit_unset,ok' (file bitwise.i, line 132):
Prove: true.
Goal Check 'bit_set_unset,ok' (file bitwise.i, line 133):
Prove: true.
Function lemma
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
[kernel] Parsing bitwise.i (no preprocessing)
[wp] Running WP plugin...
[wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
[wp] 38 goals scheduled
[wp] 41 goals scheduled
[wp] [Qed] Goal typed_band_ensures : Valid
[wp] [Qed] Goal typed_band_ensures_band0 : Valid
[wp] [Qed] Goal typed_band_bit0_ensures_band1 : Valid
......@@ -41,8 +41,11 @@
[wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lemma_check_6 : Valid
[wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lemma_check_7 : Valid
[wp] [Qed] Goal typed_cast_uchar_ensures : Valid
[wp] Proved goals: 38 / 38
Qed: 35
[wp] [Qed] Goal typed_cast_uchar_check_bit_test_ok : Valid
[wp] [Qed] Goal typed_cast_uchar_check_bit_unset_ok : Valid
[wp] [Qed] Goal typed_cast_uchar_check_bit_set_unset_ok : Valid
[wp] Proved goals: 41 / 41
Qed: 38
Alt-Ergo: 3
Functions WP Alt-Ergo Total Success
......@@ -56,5 +59,5 @@
band_bool 1 1 2 100%
bxor_bool 1 1 2 100%
lemma 7 - 7 100%
cast_uchar 1 - 1 100%
cast_uchar 4 - 4 100%
0% Loading or .
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