logic_inout.ml 12.98 KiB
(* *)
(* This file is part of Frama-C. *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2007-2024 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
open Cil_types
let join_logic_deps logic_deps =
(fun _ -> Locations.Zone.join) logic_deps Locations.Zone.bottom
let predicate_deps ~pre ~here predicate =
let env = Eval_terms.env_annot ~pre ~here () in
let logic_deps = Eval_terms.predicate_deps env predicate in
Option.map join_logic_deps logic_deps
let term_deps state t =
let env = Eval_terms.env_only_here state in
let r = Eval_terms.eval_term ~alarm_mode:Eval_terms.Ignore env t in
let zone = join_logic_deps r.Eval_terms.ldeps in
Some zone
with Eval_terms.LogicEvalError _ -> None
let compute_term_deps stmt t =
let state = Results.(before stmt |> get_cvalue_model) in
term_deps state t
let () = Logic_deps.compute_term_deps := compute_term_deps
let valid_behaviors kf state =
Populate_spec.populate_funspec kf [`Assigns];
let funspec = Annotations.funspec kf in
let eval_predicate pred =
match Eval_terms.(eval_predicate (env_pre_f ~pre:state ()) pred) with
| True -> Alarmset.True
| False -> Alarmset.False
| Unknown -> Alarmset.Unknown
let ab = Active_behaviors.create eval_predicate funspec in
Active_behaviors.active_behaviors ab
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Compute inout from assigns clauses --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let eval_error_reason fmt e =
if e <> Eval_terms.CAlarm
then Eval_terms.pretty_logic_evaluation_error fmt e
let eval_tlval_as_zone assigns kind env acc t =
let alarm_mode = Eval_terms.Ignore in
let zone = Eval_terms.eval_tlval_as_zone ~alarm_mode kind env t.it_content in
Locations.Zone.join acc zone
with Eval_terms.LogicEvalError e ->
let pp_clause fmt =
if kind = Read
then Printer.pp_from fmt assigns
else Printer.pp_term fmt (fst assigns).it_content
Self.warning ~current:true ~once:true
"Failed to interpret %sassigns clause '%t'%a"
(if kind = Read then "inputs in " else "")
pp_clause eval_error_reason e;
let assigns_inputs_to_zone state assigns =
let env = Eval_terms.env_assigns ~pre:state in
let treat_asgn acc (_,ins as asgn) =
match ins with
| FromAny -> Locations.Zone.top
| From l -> List.fold_left (eval_tlval_as_zone asgn Read env) acc l
match assigns with
| WritesAny -> Locations.Zone.top
| Writes l -> List.fold_left treat_asgn Locations.Zone.bottom l
let assigns_outputs_to_zone ~result state assigns =
let env = Eval_terms.env_post_f ~pre:state ~post:state ~result () in
let treat_asgn acc (out,_ as asgn) =
if Logic_utils.is_result out.it_content && result = None
then acc
else eval_tlval_as_zone asgn Write env acc out
match assigns with
| WritesAny -> Locations.Zone.top
| Writes l -> List.fold_left treat_asgn Locations.Zone.bottom l
type tlval_zones = {
under: Locations.Zone.t;
over: Locations.Zone.t;
deps: Locations.Zone.t;
let assigns_tlval_to_zones state access tlval =
let env = Eval_terms.env_post_f ~pre:state ~post:state ~result:None () in
let alarm_mode = Eval_terms.Ignore in
let under, over =
Eval_terms.eval_tlval_as_zone_under_over ~alarm_mode access env tlval
let deps = join_logic_deps (Eval_terms.tlval_deps env tlval) in
Some { under; over; deps; }
with Eval_terms.LogicEvalError _ -> None
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Verify assigns clauses --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Eval: under-approximation of the term. Note that ACSL states
that assigns clauses are evaluated in the pre-state.
We skip [\result]: it is meaningless when evaluating the 'assigns' part,
and a special treatment must be done in [from] clauses anyway. *)
let eval_assigns_from pre_state it =
let term = it.it_content in
if Logic_utils.is_result it.it_content then
let eval_env = Eval_terms.env_assigns ~pre:pre_state in
let under, _ =
~alarm_mode:Eval_terms.Ignore Locations.Read eval_env term
with Eval_terms.LogicEvalError _ -> Locations.Zone.bottom
(** Compute the validity status for [from] in [pre_state], assuming the
entire clause is [assigns asgn \from from]. The inferred dependencies
are [found_froms], while [asgn] evaluates to [assigns_zone]. *)
let check_from pre_state asgn assigns_zone from found_assigns =
let open Locations in
let found_deps =
if Logic_utils.is_result asgn.it_content then
Assigns.Memory.find_precise found_assigns.memory assigns_zone
let (indirect_deps,direct_deps) =
let filter x = List.mem "indirect" x.it_content.term_name in
List.partition filter from
(* Under-approximation of the union. *)
let link zones = List.fold_left Zone.link Zone.bottom zones in
let eval = eval_assigns_from pre_state in
let stated_indirect_deps = link (List.map eval indirect_deps) in
let stated_direct_deps = link (List.map eval direct_deps) in
let found_direct_deps = found_deps.Deps.data in
let found_indirect_deps = found_deps.Deps.indirect in
let res_for_unknown txt =
Self.debug "found_direct deps %a stated_direct_deps %a \
found_indirect_deps %a stated_indirect_deps %a"
Zone.pretty found_direct_deps Zone.pretty stated_direct_deps
Zone.pretty found_indirect_deps Zone.pretty stated_indirect_deps;
"unknown (cannot validate "^txt^" dependencies)",
match (Zone.is_included found_direct_deps stated_direct_deps,
Zone.is_included found_indirect_deps stated_indirect_deps) with
| true,true -> "valid", Alarmset.True
| false,true -> res_for_unknown "direct"
| false,false -> res_for_unknown "direct and indirect"
| true,false -> res_for_unknown "indirect"
(* Display the message as result/warning depending on [status] *)
let msg_status status ?current ?once ?source fmt =
if status = Alarmset.True then
if Parameters.ValShowProgress.get ()
then Self.result ?current ?once ?source fmt
else Self.result ?current ?once ?source ~level:2 fmt
~wkey:Self.wkey_alarm ?current ?once ?source fmt
let pp_bhv fmt b =
if not (Cil.is_default_behavior b)
then Format.fprintf fmt ", behavior %s" b.b_name
let pp_header kf fmt b =
Format.fprintf fmt "function %a%a"
Kernel_function.pretty kf pp_bhv b
let conv_status = function
| Alarmset.False -> Property_status.False_if_reachable;
| Alarmset.True -> Property_status.True;
| Alarmset.Unknown -> Property_status.Dont_know
let check_fct_assigns kf ab ~pre_state found_froms =
let open Locations in
let open Alarmset in
let behaviors = Annotations.behaviors kf in
(* Under-approximation of the union. *)
let link zones = List.fold_left Zone.link Zone.bottom zones in
let outputs = Assigns.outputs found_froms in
let check_for_behavior b =
let activity = Active_behaviors.is_active ab b in
match activity with
| False -> ()
| True | Unknown ->
let pp_activity fmt activity = match activity with
| False -> assert false
| True -> ()
(* If unknown, the error may be because we did not notice
that the behavior is inactive. *)
| Unknown -> Format.fprintf fmt "(the behavior may be inactive)"
(match b.b_assigns with
| WritesAny -> ()
| Writes(assigns_deps) ->
let bol = Property.Id_contract (Datatype.String.Set.empty,b) in
let ip = Option.get (Property.ip_of_assigns kf Kglobal bol b.b_assigns)
let source = fst (Property.location ip) in
(* First, check the assigns. *)
let assigns = List.map fst assigns_deps in
let assigns_zones = List.map (eval_assigns_from pre_state) assigns in
let assigns_union = link assigns_zones in
let status_txt, vstatus, status =
if not (Zone.is_included outputs assigns_union)
then (
"@[Cannot prove assigns clause@]@ \
@[<2>found assigns: %a@]@ @[<2>stated assigns: %a@]"
Zone.pretty outputs Zone.pretty assigns_union;
"unknown", Unknown, Property_status.Dont_know)
else "valid", True, Property_status.True
msg_status vstatus ~once:true ~source
"%a: assigns got status %s.%a%t"
(pp_header kf) b
pp_activity activity
let emit_status ppt status =
~distinct:true Eva_utils.emitter ~hyps:[] ppt status
emit_status ip status;
(* Now, checks the individual froms. *)
let check_from ((asgn,deps) as from) assigns_zone =
match deps with
| FromAny -> ()
| From deps ->
let status_txt, status =
check_from pre_state asgn assigns_zone deps found_froms
let ip = Option.get (Property.ip_of_from kf Kglobal bol from) in
let source = fst (asgn.it_content.term_loc) in
msg_status status ~once:true ~source
"%a: \\from ... part in assign clause got status %s.%a%t"
(pp_header kf) b
pp_activity activity
emit_status ip (conv_status status)
List.iter2 check_from assigns_deps assigns_zones)
in List.iter check_for_behavior behaviors
let verify_assigns kf ~pre froms =
let funspec = Annotations.funspec kf in
let env = Eval_terms.env_pre_f ~pre () in
let eval_predicate pred =
match Eval_terms.eval_predicate env pred with
| Eval_terms.True -> Alarmset.True
| Eval_terms.False -> Alarmset.False
| Eval_terms.Unknown -> Alarmset.Unknown
let ab = Active_behaviors.create eval_predicate funspec in
check_fct_assigns kf ab ~pre_state:pre froms
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Utilitary function for Inout and From plugins --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let compute_all_callers kf =
let rec add_callers kf acc =
List.fold_left add_kf acc (Function_calls.callers kf)
and add_kf acc kf =
if Kernel_function.Hptset.mem kf acc
then acc
else add_callers kf (Kernel_function.Hptset.add kf acc)
add_callers kf (Kernel_function.Hptset.empty)
let is_local_or_formal_of_caller callers base =
match Kernel_function.find_defining_kf (Base.to_varinfo base) with
| Some kf -> Kernel_function.Hptset.mem kf callers
| None | exception Base.Not_a_C_variable -> false
let is_formal kf base =
match kf.fundec with
| Definition (fundec, _) -> Base.is_formal base fundec
| Declaration (_, vi, _, _) -> Base.is_formal_of_prototype base vi
let is_local kf base =
match kf.fundec with
| Definition (fundec, _) -> Base.is_local base fundec
| Declaration _ -> false
let accept_base ~formals ~locals kf =
let all_callers = compute_all_callers kf in
fun base ->
Base.is_global base
|| (formals && is_formal kf base)
|| (locals && is_local kf base)
|| is_local_or_formal_of_caller all_callers base