Andre Maroneze authoredAndre Maroneze authored
json_compilation_database.ml 13.76 KiB
(* *)
(* This file is part of Frama-C. *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2007-2022 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
module StringList = Datatype.List(Datatype.String)
module Flags =
let name ="JsonCompilationDatabase.Flags"
let dependencies = [Kernel.JsonCompilationDatabase.self]
let size = 32
type arg_type =
Path of string
| Define of string
| Undefine of string
let whitelisted_prefixes =
Path "-I";
Path "-idirafter";
Path "-include";
Path "-imacros";
Path "-isystem";
Define "-D";
Undefine "-U"
let string_of_arg_type = function
Path s | Define s | Undefine s -> s
let whitelist =
List.map (fun p ->
let s = string_of_arg_type p in
p, Str.regexp (s ^ "\\(.*\\)")
) whitelisted_prefixes
exception Found_whitelisted of arg_type * string
(* Tests if any whitelisted prefix matches [s], and returns
the matched suffix (s minus the prefix, which can be ""),
or None if no match. *)
let has_whitelisted_prefix s =
List.iter (fun (prefix, re) ->
if Str.string_match re s 0 then
raise (Found_whitelisted (prefix, Str.matched_group 1 s))
with Not_found ->
(* found the prefix, but with an empty suffix *)
raise (Found_whitelisted (prefix, ""))
) whitelist;
with Found_whitelisted (prefix, suffix) -> Some (prefix, suffix)
type arg_parser_state = Inside_quote of char | Outside_quote
(** Parses a 'command' string, splitting arguments into a list of strings.
Handles quoted strings containing spaces. *)
let split_command_args s =
let n = String.length s in
let buf = Buffer.create 20 in
let rec aux i prev_c state acc =
if i >= n then begin
if Buffer.length buf > 0 then Buffer.contents buf :: acc else acc
end else
let c = String.get s i in
let new_state, new_acc =
match state, prev_c, c with
| Outside_quote, '\\', c when c = '\"' || c = '\'' ->
(* escaped quote, continue with previous arg *)
Buffer.add_char buf c;
state, acc
| Outside_quote, _, q when q = '\'' || q = '\"' ->
(* continue previous arg with q *)
Buffer.add_char buf q;
Inside_quote q, acc
| Outside_quote, _, ws when ws = ' ' || ws = '\t' ->
if Buffer.length buf = 0 then
(* in whitespace between args *)
Outside_quote, acc
(* close previous arg and start another *)
let new_arg = Buffer.contents buf in
Buffer.clear buf;
Outside_quote, new_arg :: acc
| Outside_quote, _, _ ->
(* continue previous arg with c *)
Buffer.add_char buf c;
Outside_quote, acc
| Inside_quote q, '\\', ch when ch = q ->
(* escaped quote, continue with previous arg *)
Buffer.add_char buf c;
state, acc
| Inside_quote q, _, ch when q = ch ->
(* unescaped quote, close arg and start another *)
Buffer.add_char buf c;
let new_arg = Buffer.contents buf in
Buffer.clear buf;
Outside_quote, new_arg :: acc
| Inside_quote q, _, _ ->
(* continue previous arg with c *)
Buffer.add_char buf c;
Inside_quote q, acc
aux (i+1) c new_state new_acc
let args = aux 0 ' ' Outside_quote [""] in
let res = List.filter (fun s -> s <> "") args in
List.rev res
(** The 'arguments' given in a compile_commands.json are unescaped,
but cannot be directly passed to the compiler. In particular,
macro definitions and strings containing quotes need to be
"re-quoted" before they are given to the preprocessor.
This only needs to be applied to definitions; undefinitions (-U)
never need quotes. *)
let quote_define_argument arg = Format.sprintf "%S" arg
(* Filters and normalize useful flags: -I, -D, -U, ...
This includes removing extraneous double quotes
(when the first and last characters are both '"') *)
let filter_useful_flags ~requote option_list =
let convert_define arg =
if requote then quote_define_argument arg else arg
let process_prefix prefix suffix =
match prefix with
| Path s -> s ^ suffix
| Define s -> s ^ convert_define suffix
| Undefine s -> s ^ suffix
let remove_extraneous_quotes arg =
let len = String.length arg in
if len = 0 then arg
if String.get arg 0 = '"' && String.get arg (len-1) = '"' then
String.sub arg 1 (len-2)
else arg
(* we must process the arguments in-order, since several -D and -U may
exist on the command line *)
(* prev is the prefix of the previous argument (if any) *)
let _, res =
List.fold_left (fun (prev, acc_res) arg ->
let arg = remove_extraneous_quotes arg in
match prev with
| None -> begin
match has_whitelisted_prefix arg with
| None ->
Kernel.feedback ~dkey:Kernel.dkey_compilation_db
"dropping non-whitelisted argument: %s" arg;
(None, acc_res)
| Some (prefix, suffix) ->
if suffix = "" then begin
(* delay argument for next iteration *)
Kernel.feedback ~dkey:Kernel.dkey_compilation_db
"storing whitelisted lonely prefix: %s" arg;
(Some prefix, acc_res)
end else begin
Kernel.feedback ~dkey:Kernel.dkey_compilation_db
"adding whitelisted attached prefix: %s" arg;
let new_arg = process_prefix prefix suffix in
(None, new_arg :: acc_res)
| Some prefix -> begin
Kernel.feedback ~dkey:Kernel.dkey_compilation_db
"adding stored prefix to suffix: %s %s"
(string_of_arg_type prefix) arg;
let new_arg = process_prefix prefix arg in
(None, new_arg :: acc_res)
) (None, []) option_list
List.rev res
(* The same file may be compiled several times, under different
(and possibly incompatible) configurations, leading to multiple
occurrences in the list. Since we cannot infer which of them is the
"right" one, we replace them with the latest ones found, warning the
user if previous flags were different. *)
let update_flags_verbosely path (dir, flags) =
let (previous_dir, previous_flags) = Flags.find path in
let must_replace = ref false in
if previous_dir <> dir then begin
Kernel.warning ~wkey:Kernel.wkey_jcdb
"@[<v>found different directories for '%a', replacing old directory.@ \
Old directory: %a@ \
New directory: %a@]"
Datatype.Filepath.pretty path
Datatype.Filepath.pretty previous_dir
Datatype.Filepath.pretty dir;
must_replace := true
if previous_flags <> flags then begin
let removed_flags =
List.filter (fun e -> not (List.mem e previous_flags)) flags
let removed_str =
if removed_flags = [] then "" else
Format.asprintf "@ Old flags no longer present: %a"
(Pretty_utils.pp_list ~sep:" " Format.pp_print_string) removed_flags
let added_flags =
List.filter (fun e -> not (List.mem e flags)) previous_flags
let added_str =
if added_flags = [] then "" else
Format.asprintf "@ New flags not previously present: %a"
(Pretty_utils.pp_list ~sep:" " Format.pp_print_string) added_flags
Kernel.warning ~wkey:Kernel.wkey_jcdb
"@[<v>found duplicate flags for '%a', replacing old flags.%s%s@]"
Datatype.Filepath.pretty path removed_str added_str;
must_replace := true
if !must_replace then
Flags.replace path (dir, flags)
| Not_found ->
Flags.add path (dir, flags)
let parse_build_entry jbdb_dir r =
let open Yojson.Basic.Util in
let filenames = r |> member "sources" |> to_list |> List.map to_string in
let dirname = r |> member "directory" |> to_string in
let dirname =
if Filename.is_relative dirname then Filename.concat jbdb_dir dirname
else dirname
let dirname = Filepath.normalize dirname in
let args = List.map to_string (r |> member "arguments" |> to_list) in
let flags = filter_useful_flags ~requote:true args in
List.iter (fun filename ->
let path = Datatype.Filepath.of_string ~base_name:dirname filename in
let dirpath = Datatype.Filepath.of_string dirname in
update_flags_verbosely path (dirpath, flags)
) filenames
let parse_compilation_entry jcdb_dir r =
let open Yojson.Basic.Util in
let filename = r |> member "file" |> to_string in
let dirname = r |> member "directory" |> to_string_option |> Option.value ~default:jcdb_dir in
let dirname =
if Filename.is_relative dirname then Filename.concat jcdb_dir dirname
else dirname
let dirname = Filepath.normalize dirname in
let path = Datatype.Filepath.of_string ~base_name:dirname filename in
(* get the list of arguments, and a flag indicating if the arguments
were given via 'command' or 'arguments'; the latter require quoting *)
let string_option_list, requote =
(* Note: the JSON Compilation Database specification specifies that
"either arguments or command is required", but does NOT specify what
happens when both are present. There is a LLVM commit from 2015
(https://reviews.llvm.org/D10365) that mentions:
"Arguments and Command can now be in the same compilation database for
the same file. Arguments are preferred when both are present."
The code below follows this behavior. *)
let args = List.map to_string (r |> member "arguments" |> to_list) in
args, true
with _ ->
let s = r |> member "command" |> to_string in
split_command_args s, false
with _ ->
Kernel.abort "compilation database: expected 'arguments' or 'command'"
let flags = filter_useful_flags ~requote string_option_list in
let dirpath = Datatype.Filepath.of_string dirname in
update_flags_verbosely path (dirpath, flags)
let compute_flags_from_file () =
let database = (Kernel.JsonCompilationDatabase.get () :> string) in
let jcdb_dir, jcdb_path =
if Sys.is_directory database then
database, Filename.concat database "compile_commands.json"
else Filename.dirname database, database
Kernel.feedback ~dkey:Kernel.dkey_compilation_db
"using compilation database: %s" jcdb_path;
let r_list =
Yojson.Basic.from_file jcdb_path |> Yojson.Basic.Util.to_list
let is_build_database =
List.hd r_list |> Yojson.Basic.Util.member "sources" <> `Null
with _ -> false
let parse_entry =
if is_build_database then parse_build_entry else parse_compilation_entry
List.iter (parse_entry jcdb_dir) r_list;
| Sys_error msg
| Yojson.Json_error msg
| Yojson.Basic.Util.Type_error (msg, _) ->
Kernel.abort "could not parse compilation database: %s@ %s"
database msg
Flags.mark_as_computed ()
let get_flags f =
if not (Kernel.JsonCompilationDatabase.is_empty ()) then begin
if not (Flags.is_computed ()) then compute_flags_from_file ();
let (_, flags) = Flags.find f in
Kernel.feedback ~dkey:Kernel.dkey_compilation_db
"flags found for '%a': %a" Datatype.Filepath.pretty f StringList.pretty flags;
with Not_found ->
Kernel.feedback ~dkey:Kernel.dkey_compilation_db
"no flags found for '%a'" Datatype.Filepath.pretty f;
else []
let get_dir f =
if not (Kernel.JsonCompilationDatabase.is_empty ()) then begin
if not (Flags.is_computed ()) then compute_flags_from_file ();
let (dir, _) = Flags.find f in
Kernel.feedback ~dkey:Kernel.dkey_compilation_db
"directory found for '%a': %a"
Datatype.Filepath.pretty f Datatype.Filepath.pretty dir;
Some dir
with Not_found ->
Kernel.feedback ~dkey:Kernel.dkey_compilation_db
"no directory found for '%a'" Datatype.Filepath.pretty f;
else None
let has_entry f =
if not (Flags.is_computed ()) then compute_flags_from_file ();
Flags.mem f