Loïc Correnson authoredLoïc Correnson authored
ProverCoq.ml 21.85 KiB
(* *)
(* This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C. *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2007-2020 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Prover Coq Interface --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open Cil_types
open Qed
open Lang
open Definitions
let dkey = Wp_parameters.register_category "prover"
let cluster_file c =
let dir = WpContext.directory () in
let base = cluster_id c in
Printf.sprintf "%s/%s.v" dir base
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- External Coq Libraries --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Applies to both WP resources from the Share, and User-defined libraries *)
let option_file = LogicBuiltins.create_option
(fun ~driver_dir x -> driver_dir ^ "/" ^ x)
"coq" "file"
type coqlib = {
c_id : string ; (* Identifies the very original file. *)
c_source : string ; (* Original file directory. *)
c_file : string ; (* Relative Coq source file. *)
c_path : string ; (* Relative Coq source directory. *)
c_name : string ; (* Module package. *)
c_module : string ; (* Full module name. *)
(* example:
c_id="/mydir/foobar:a/b/User.v" ;
c_source="/mydir/foobar" ;
c_file= "a/b/User.v" ;
c_path = "a/b" ;
c_name = "a.b" ;
c_module = "a.b.User" ;
(* Take the directory name and changes all '/' into '.' *)
let name_of_path path =
if path = "." then ""
String.map (fun c -> if c = '/' || c = '\\' then '.' else c) path
let find_nonwin_column opt =
let p = String.rindex opt ':' in
if String.length opt >= 3 &&
opt.[1] = ':' && (opt.[2] = '/' || opt.[2] = '\\') && p = 1 then
(* windows absolute path, not <source>:<dir>/<file.v> format. *)
raise Not_found
else p
(* Parses the coq.file option from the driver. *)
let parse_c_option opt =
(* Format "<source>:<dir>/<file.v>" *)
let p = find_nonwin_column opt in
let c_source = String.sub opt 0 p in
let c_file = String.sub opt (p+1) (String.length opt - p - 1) in
let c_path = Filename.dirname c_file in
let c_name = name_of_path c_path in
let coqid = Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename c_file) in
let c_module =
Printf.sprintf "%s.%s" c_name
(String.capitalize_ascii coqid)
{ c_id = opt ; c_source ; c_file ; c_path ; c_name ; c_module }
with Not_found ->
(* Format "<source>/<file.v>" *)
let c_source = Filename.dirname opt in
let c_file = Filename.basename opt in
let c_module =
String.capitalize_ascii (Filename.chop_extension c_file)
{ c_id = opt ; c_source ; c_file ; c_path = "." ; c_name = "" ; c_module }
let coqlibs = Hashtbl.create 128 (*[LC] Not Projectified. *)
let c_option opt =
try Hashtbl.find coqlibs opt
with Not_found ->
let clib = parse_c_option opt in
Hashtbl.add coqlibs opt clib ; clib
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Dependencies --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type depend =
| D_cluster of cluster (* Generated in <out>/<model>/A.v *)
| D_coqlib of coqlib (* From <source>/ or <out>/coqwp/ *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Exporting Formulae to Coq --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let engine =
let module E = Qed.Export_coq.Make(Lang.F.QED) in
inherit E.engine as super
inherit Lang.idprinting
method infoprover p = p.coq
method! pp_fun cmode fct ts =
if fct == Vlist.f_concat
then Vlist.export self ts
else super#pp_fun cmode fct ts
class visitor fmt c =
inherit Definitions.visitor c
inherit ProverTask.printer fmt (cluster_title c)
val mutable deps : depend list = []
(* --- Managing Formatter --- *)
method flush =
Format.pp_print_newline fmt () ;
List.rev deps
(* --- Files, Theories and Clusters --- *)
method add_coqfile opt =
let clib = c_option opt in
Format.fprintf fmt "Require Import %s.@\n" clib.c_module ;
deps <- (D_coqlib clib) :: deps
method on_library thy =
let files = LogicBuiltins.get_option option_file ~library:thy in
List.iter self#add_coqfile files
method on_cluster c =
self#lines ;
Format.fprintf fmt "Require Import %s.@\n" (cluster_id c) ;
deps <- (D_cluster c) :: deps
method on_type lt def =
self#lines ;
engine#declare_type fmt (Lang.adt lt) (List.length lt.lt_params) def ;
method on_comp c fts =
self#paragraph ;
engine#declare_type fmt (Lang.comp c) 0 (Qed.Engine.Trec fts) ;
method on_dlemma l =
self#paragraph ;
engine#declare_axiom fmt
(Lang.lemma_id l.l_name)
l.l_forall l.l_triggers
(F.e_prop l.l_lemma)
method on_dfun d =
self#paragraph ;
match d.d_definition with
| Logic t ->
engine#declare_signature fmt
d.d_lfun (List.map F.tau_of_var d.d_params) t ;
| Function(t,mu,v) ->
let pp = match mu with
| Rec -> engine#declare_fixpoint ~prefix:"Fix"
| Def -> engine#declare_definition
in pp fmt d.d_lfun d.d_params t v
| Predicate(mu,p) ->
let pp = match mu with
| Rec -> engine#declare_fixpoint ~prefix:"Fix"
| Def -> engine#declare_definition
in pp fmt d.d_lfun d.d_params Logic.Prop (F.e_prop p)
| Inductive dl ->
engine#declare_inductive fmt
d.d_lfun (List.map F.tau_of_var d.d_params) Logic.Prop
(List.map (fun l -> (Lang.lemma_id l.l_name,
(F.e_prop l.l_lemma))
) dl)
let write_cluster c =
let f = cluster_file c in
Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey "Generate '%s'" f ;
let deps = Command.print_file f
begin fun fmt ->
let v = new visitor fmt c in
v#lines ;
v#printf "Require Import ZArith.@\n" ;
v#printf "Require Import Reals.@\n" ;
v#on_library "qed" ;
v#vself ;
v#flush ;
in Wp_parameters.print_generated f ; deps
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Assembling Goal --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Returns whether source was modified after target *)
let need_recompile ~source ~target =
let t_src = (Unix.stat source).Unix.st_mtime in
let t_tgt = (Unix.stat target).Unix.st_mtime in
t_src >= t_tgt
with Unix.Unix_error _ -> true
(* Used to mark version of clusters already available *)
module CLUSTERS = WpContext.Index
type key = cluster
type data = int * depend list
let name = "ProverCoq.FILES"
let compare = cluster_compare
let pretty = pp_cluster
(* Used to mark coqlib versions to use *)
module Marked = Set.Make
type t = depend
let compare d1 d2 =
match d1 , d2 with
| D_coqlib _ , D_cluster _ -> (-1)
| D_cluster _ , D_coqlib _ -> 1
| D_cluster c1 , D_cluster c2 -> Definitions.cluster_compare c1 c2
| D_coqlib c1 , D_coqlib c2 -> String.compare c1.c_id c2.c_id
type included = string * string
(* -R <path> <name>, name possibly empty, use -I instead *)
type coqcc = {
mutable marked : Marked.t ;
mutable includes : included list ; (* (reversed) includes with as *)
mutable sources : string list ; (* (reversed) file .v to recompile *)
let add_include coqcc dir =
if not (List.mem dir coqcc.includes) then coqcc.includes <- dir :: coqcc.includes
let add_source coqcc file =
if not (List.mem file coqcc.sources) then coqcc.sources <- file :: coqcc.sources
(* Recursive assembly: some file need further dependencies *)
let rec assemble coqcc d =
if not (Marked.mem d coqcc.marked) then
coqcc.marked <- Marked.add d coqcc.marked ;
match d with
| D_cluster cluster -> assemble_cluster coqcc cluster
| D_coqlib clib -> assemble_coqlib coqcc clib
and assemble_cluster coqcc c =
let (age,deps) = try CLUSTERS.find c with Not_found -> (-1,[]) in
let deps =
if age < cluster_age c then
let deps = write_cluster c in
CLUSTERS.update c (cluster_age c , deps) ; deps
else deps in
List.iter (assemble coqcc) deps ;
add_source coqcc (cluster_file c)
and assemble_coqlib coqcc c =
let compiled = Printf.sprintf "%s/%so" c.c_source c.c_file in
if Sys.file_exists compiled then
let dir = Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" c.c_source c.c_path in
add_include coqcc (dir,c.c_name)
let tgtdir = Wp_parameters.get_output_dir "coqwp" in
let source = Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" c.c_source c.c_file in
let target = Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" tgtdir c.c_file in
let dir = Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" tgtdir c.c_path in
if need_recompile ~source ~target then
Wp_parameters.make_output_dir dir ;
Command.copy source target ;
end ;
add_include coqcc (dir,c.c_name) ;
add_source coqcc target;
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Assembling Goal --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let assemble_goal ~pid axioms prop =
let title = Pretty_utils.to_string WpPropId.pretty pid in
let model = WpContext.directory () in
let id = WpPropId.get_propid pid in
let file = Printf.sprintf "%s/%s.coq" model id in
let goal = cluster ~id ~title () in
let deps = Command.print_file file
begin fun fmt ->
let v = new visitor fmt goal in
v#printf "Require Import ZArith.@\n" ;
v#printf "Require Import Reals.@\n" ;
v#on_library "qed" ;
v#vgoal axioms prop ;
let libs = Wp_parameters.CoqLibs.get () in
if libs <> [] then
v#section "Additional Libraries" ;
List.iter v#add_coqfile libs ;
v#hline ;
end ;
v#paragraph ;
begin fun () ->
v#printf "@[<hv 2>Goal@ %a.@]@."
engine#pp_prop (F.e_prop prop) ;
end ;
end in
let coqcc = { marked = Marked.empty ; includes = [] ; sources = [] } in
List.iter (assemble coqcc) deps ;
let includes = (model , "") :: List.rev coqcc.includes in
let sources = List.rev coqcc.sources in
includes , sources , file
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Running Coq --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open Task
open VCS
let coq_timeout () =
let coqtimeout = Wp_parameters.CoqTimeout.get () in
let gentimeout = Wp_parameters.Timeout.get () in
max coqtimeout gentimeout
let coqide_lock = Task.mutex ()
let emacs_regexp = Str.regexp_string_case_fold "emacs"
let is_emacs cmd =
try ignore (Str.search_forward emacs_regexp cmd 0) ; true
with Not_found -> false
class runcoq includes source =
let base = Filename.chop_extension source in
let logout = base ^ "_Coq.out" in
let logerr = base ^ "_Coq.err" in
inherit ProverTask.command "coq"
method private project =
let dir = Filename.dirname source in
let p = Wp_parameters.CoqProject.get () in
Command.pp_to_file (Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" dir p)
begin fun fmt ->
(fun (dir,name) ->
if name = "" then
Format.fprintf fmt "-R %s ''@\n" dir
Format.fprintf fmt "-R %s %s@\n" dir name
) includes ;
Format.fprintf fmt "-arg@\n" ;
method private options =
(fun (dir,name) ->
if name = "" then
self#add ["-R";dir;""]
self#add ["-R";dir;name]
) includes ;
method failed : 'a. 'a task =
let name = Filename.basename source in
Wp_parameters.feedback ~ontty:`Message "[Coq] '%s' compilation failed." name ;
if Wp_parameters.verbose_atleast 1 then
ProverTask.pp_file ~message:"Coqc (stdout)" ~file:logout ;
ProverTask.pp_file ~message:"Coqc (stderr)" ~file:logerr ;
end ;
Task.failed "Compilation of '%s' failed." name ;
method compile =
let cmd = Wp_parameters.CoqCompiler.get () in
self#set_command cmd ;
self#options ;
self#add [ source ] ;
self#timeout (coq_timeout ()) ;
(fun () ->
let name = Filename.basename source in
Wp_parameters.feedback ~ontty:`Transient
"[Coq] Compiling '%s'." name) ()
>>= self#run ~logout ~logerr
>>= fun r ->
if r = 127 then Task.failed "Command '%s' not found" cmd
else if r <> 0 then self#failed
else Task.return ()
method check =
let cmd = Wp_parameters.CoqCompiler.get () in
self#set_command cmd ;
self#options ;
self#add [ source ] ;
self#timeout (coq_timeout ()) ;
self#run ~logout ~logerr () >>= function
| 127 -> Task.failed "Command '%s' not found" cmd
| 0 -> Task.return true
| 1 -> Task.return false
| _ -> self#failed
method coqide =
let coqide = Wp_parameters.CoqIde.get () in
self#set_command coqide ;
if is_emacs coqide then
self#project ;
self#add [ source ] ;
self#options ;
self#add [ source ] ;
end ;
Task.sync coqide_lock (self#run ~logout ~logerr)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Compilation Helpers --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let shared_demon = ref true
let shared_headers : (string,unit Task.shared) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 120
let shared includes source =
try Hashtbl.find shared_headers source
with Not_found ->
if !shared_demon then
shared_demon := false ;
let server = ProverTask.server () in
Task.on_server_stop server (fun () -> Hashtbl.clear shared_headers) ;
end ;
let descr = Printf.sprintf "Coqc '%s'" source in
let shared = Task.shared ~descr ~retry:true
(fun () -> (new runcoq includes source)#compile)
in Hashtbl.add shared_headers source shared ; shared
let rec compile_headers includes forced = function
| [] -> Task.nop
| source::headers ->
let target = source ^ "o" in
if forced || need_recompile ~source ~target then
let cc = shared includes source in
Task.share cc >>= fun () -> compile_headers includes true headers
else compile_headers includes forced headers
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Coq Prover --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let ontty = `Feedback
open Wpo
type coq_wpo = {
cw_pid : WpPropId.prop_id ;
cw_gid : string ;
cw_leg : string ;
cw_goal : string ; (* filename for goal without proof *)
cw_script : string ; (* filename for goal with proof script *)
cw_headers : string list ; (* filename for libraries *)
cw_includes : included list ; (* -R ... ... *)
let make_script w script closing =
Command.print_file w.cw_script
begin fun fmt ->
Command.pp_from_file fmt w.cw_goal ;
Format.fprintf fmt "Proof.@\n%s%s@\n@." script closing ;
let try_script w script closing =
make_script w script closing ;
(new runcoq w.cw_includes w.cw_script)#check
let rec try_hints w = function
| [] -> Task.return false
| (kind,script,closing) :: hints ->
Wp_parameters.feedback ~ontty "[Coq] Goal %s : %s" w.cw_gid kind ;
try_script w script closing >>= fun succeed ->
if succeed then
let required,hints = WpPropId.prop_id_keys w.cw_pid in
let keys = List.merge String.compare required hints in
Proof.add_script_for ~gid:w.cw_gid keys script closing ;
Task.return true
try_hints w hints
let try_prove w =
match Proof.script_for ~pid:w.cw_pid ~gid:w.cw_gid ~legacy:w.cw_leg with
| Some (script,closing) ->
Wp_parameters.feedback ~ontty "[Coq] Goal %s : Saved script" w.cw_gid ;
try_script w script closing
| None -> Task.return false
>>= fun succeed ->
if succeed then
Task.return true
try_hints w (Proof.hints_for ~pid:w.cw_pid)
let try_coqide w =
let script,closing =
Proof.script_for_ide ~pid:w.cw_pid ~gid:w.cw_gid ~legacy:w.cw_leg in
make_script w script closing ;
(new runcoq w.cw_includes w.cw_script)#coqide >>= fun st ->
if st = 0 then
match Proof.parse_coqproof w.cw_script with
| None ->
Wp_parameters.feedback "[Coq] No proof found" ;
Task.return false
| Some(script,closing) ->
if Proof.is_empty_script script then
Proof.delete_script_for ~gid:w.cw_gid ;
Task.canceled () ;
let req,hs = WpPropId.prop_id_keys w.cw_pid in
let hints = List.merge String.compare req hs in
Proof.add_script_for ~gid:w.cw_gid hints script closing ;
Wp_parameters.feedback ~ontty "[Coq] Goal %s : Script" w.cw_gid ;
try_script w script closing
else if st = 127
then Task.failed "CoqIde command '%s' not found" (Wp_parameters.CoqIde.get ())
else Task.failed "CoqIde exits with status %d." st
let prove_session ~mode w =
compile_headers w.cw_includes false w.cw_headers >>=
begin fun () ->
match mode with
| BatchMode -> try_prove w
| EditMode -> try_coqide w
| FixMode ->
try_prove w >>> function
| Task.Result true -> Task.return true
| Task.Failed e -> Task.raised e
| Task.Canceled | Task.Timeout _ | Task.Result false -> try_coqide w
>>= Task.call (fun r -> if r then VCS.valid else VCS.unknown)
let gen_session w =
make_script w " ...\n" "Qed." ;
Wp_parameters.print_generated w.cw_script ;
Task.return VCS.no_result
let prove_session ~mode w =
if Wp_parameters.Generate.get () then
gen_session w
prove_session ~mode w
let prove_prop wpo ~mode ~axioms ~prop =
let pid = wpo.po_pid in
let gid = wpo.po_gid in
let leg = wpo.po_leg in
let model = wpo.po_model in
let context = Wpo.get_context wpo in
let script = DISK.file_goal ~pid ~model ~prover:NativeCoq in
let includes , headers , goal =
WpContext.on_context context (assemble_goal ~pid axioms) prop
prove_session ~mode {
cw_pid = pid ;
cw_gid = gid ;
cw_leg = leg ;
cw_goal = goal ;
cw_script = script ;
cw_headers = headers ;
cw_includes = includes ;
let prove_annot wpo vcq ~mode =
begin fun () ->
let prop =
WpContext.on_context (Wpo.get_context wpo)
GOAL.compute_proof vcq.VC_Annot.goal in
prove_prop wpo ~mode ~axioms:None ~prop
let prove_lemma wpo vca ~mode =
begin fun () ->
let lemma = vca.VC_Lemma.lemma in
let depends = vca.VC_Lemma.depends in
let prop = F.p_forall lemma.l_forall lemma.l_lemma in
let axioms = Some(lemma.l_cluster,depends) in
prove_prop wpo ~mode ~axioms ~prop
let prove mode wpo =
match wpo.Wpo.po_formula with
| GoalAnnot vcq -> prove_annot wpo vcq ~mode
| GoalLemma vca -> prove_lemma wpo vca ~mode