Patrick Baudin authoredPatrick Baudin authored
Cint.ml 49.32 KiB
(* *)
(* This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C. *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2007-2021 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Integer Arithmetics Model --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open Qed
open Qed.Logic
open Lang
open Lang.F
module FunMap = Map.Make(Lang.Fun)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Kernel Interface --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let is_overflow_an_error iota =
if Ctypes.signed iota
then Kernel.SignedOverflow.get ()
else Kernel.UnsignedOverflow.get ()
let is_downcast_an_error iota =
if Ctypes.signed iota
then Kernel.SignedDowncast.get ()
else Kernel.UnsignedDowncast.get ()
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Library Cint --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let is_cint_map = ref FunMap.empty
let to_cint_map = ref FunMap.empty
let is_cint f = FunMap.find f !is_cint_map
let to_cint f = FunMap.find f !to_cint_map
let library = "cint"
let make_fun_int op i =
Lang.extern_f ~library ~result:Logic.Int "%s_%a" op Ctypes.pp_int i
let make_pred_int op i =
~library ~result:Logic.Prop ~coloring:true "%s_%a" op Ctypes.pp_int i
(* let fun_int op = Ctypes.imemo (make_fun_int op) *) (* unused for now *)
(* let pred_int op = Ctypes.imemo (make_pred_int op) *) (* unused for now *)
(* Signature int,int -> int over Z *)
let ac = {
associative = true ;
commutative = true ;
idempotent = false ;
invertible = false ;
neutral = E_none ;
absorbant = E_none ;
(* Functions -> Z *)
let result = Logic.Int
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Library Cbits --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let library = "cbits"
let balance = Lang.Left
let op_lxor = { ac with neutral = E_int 0 ; invertible = true }
let op_lor = { ac with neutral = E_int 0 ; absorbant = E_int (-1); idempotent = true }
let op_land = { ac with neutral = E_int (-1); absorbant = E_int 0 ; idempotent = true }
let f_lnot = Lang.extern_f ~library ~result "lnot"
let f_lor = Lang.extern_f ~library ~result ~category:(Operator op_lor) ~balance "lor"
let f_land = Lang.extern_f ~library ~result ~category:(Operator op_land) ~balance "land"
let f_lxor = Lang.extern_f ~library ~result ~category:(Operator op_lxor) ~balance "lxor"
let f_lsl = Lang.extern_f ~library ~result "lsl"
let f_lsr = Lang.extern_f ~library ~result "lsr"
let f_bitwised = [ f_lnot ; f_lor ; f_land ; f_lxor ; f_lsl ; f_lsr ]
(* [f_bit_stdlib] is related to the function [bit_test] of Frama-C StdLib *)
let f_bit_stdlib = Lang.extern_p ~library ~bool:"bit_testb" ~prop:"bit_test" ()
(* [f_bit_positive] is actually exported in forgoting the fact the position is positive *)
let f_bit_positive = Lang.extern_p ~library ~bool:"bit_testb" ~prop:"bit_test" ()
(* At export, some constructs such as [e & (1 << k)] are written into [f_bit_export] construct *)
let f_bit_export = Lang.extern_p ~library ~bool:"bit_testb" ~prop:"bit_test" ()
let () = let open LogicBuiltins in add_builtin "\\bit_test_stdlib" [Z;Z] f_bit_stdlib
let () = let open LogicBuiltins in add_builtin "\\bit_test" [Z;Z] f_bit_positive
let f_bits = [ f_bit_stdlib ; f_bit_positive ; f_bit_export ]
let bit_test e k =
let r = F.e_fun ~result:Logic.Bool
(if k <= 0 then f_bit_positive else f_bit_stdlib) [e ; e_int k]
in assert (is_prop r) ; r
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Matching utilities for simplifications --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let is_leq a b = F.is_true (F.e_leq a b)
let match_integer t =
match F.repr t with
| Logic.Kint c -> c
| _ -> raise Not_found
let match_to_cint t =
match F.repr t with
| Logic.Fun( conv , [a] ) -> (to_cint conv), a
| _ -> raise Not_found
let match_mod t =
match F.repr t with
| Logic.Mod (e1, e2) -> e1, e2
| _ -> raise Not_found
(* integration with qed should be improved! *)
let is_positive t =
match F.repr t with
| Logic.Kint c -> Integer.le Integer.one c
| _ -> false
(* integration with qed should be improved! *)
let rec is_positive_or_null e = match F.repr e with
| Logic.Fun( f , [e] ) when Fun.equal f f_lnot -> is_negative e
| Logic.Fun( f , es ) when Fun.equal f f_land -> List.exists is_positive_or_null es
| Logic.Fun( f , es ) when Fun.equal f f_lor -> List.for_all is_positive_or_null es
| Logic.Fun( f , es ) when Fun.equal f f_lxor -> (match mul_xor_sign es with | Some b -> b | _ -> false)
| Logic.Fun( f , es ) when Fun.equal f f_lsr || Fun.equal f f_lsl
-> List.for_all is_positive_or_null es
| _ -> (* try some improvement first then ask to qed *)
let improved_is_positive_or_null e = match F.repr e with
| Logic.Add es -> List.for_all is_positive_or_null es
| Logic.Mul es -> (match mul_xor_sign es with | Some b -> b | _ -> false)
| Logic.Mod(e1,e2) when is_positive e2 || is_negative e2 ->
(* e2<>0 ==> ( 0<=(e1 % e2) <=> 0<=e1 ) *)
is_positive_or_null e1
| _ -> false
in if improved_is_positive_or_null e then true
else match F.is_true (F.e_leq e_zero e) with
| Logic.Yes -> true
| Logic.No | Logic.Maybe -> false
and is_negative e = match F.repr e with
| Logic.Fun( f , [e] ) when Fun.equal f f_lnot -> is_positive_or_null e
| Logic.Fun( f , es ) when Fun.equal f f_lor -> List.exists is_negative es
| Logic.Fun( f , es ) when Fun.equal f f_land -> List.for_all is_negative es
| Logic.Fun( f , es ) when Fun.equal f f_lxor -> (match mul_xor_sign es with | Some b -> (not b) | _ -> false)
| Logic.Fun( f , [k;n] ) when Fun.equal f f_lsr || Fun.equal f f_lsl
-> is_positive_or_null n && is_negative k
| _ -> (* try some improvement first then ask to qed *)
let improved_is_negative e = match F.repr e with
| Logic.Add es -> List.for_all is_negative es
| Logic.Mul es -> (match mul_xor_sign es with | Some b -> (not b) | _ -> false)
| _ -> false
in if improved_is_negative e then true
else match F.is_true (F.e_lt e e_zero) with
| Logic.Yes -> true
| Logic.No | Logic.Maybe -> false
and mul_xor_sign es = try
Some (List.fold_left (fun acc e ->
if is_positive_or_null e then acc (* as previous *)
else if is_negative e then (not acc) (* opposite sign *)
else raise Not_found) true es)
with Not_found -> None
let match_positive_or_null e =
if not (is_positive_or_null e) then raise Not_found;
let match_power2, match_power2_minus1 =
let highest_bit_number =
let hsb p = if p land 2 = 0 then 0 else 1
in let hsb p = let n = p lsr 2 in if n = 0 then hsb p else 2 + hsb n
in let hsb p = let n = p lsr 4 in if n = 0 then hsb p else 4 + hsb n
in let hsb = Array.init 256 hsb
in let hsb p = let n = p lsr 8 in if n = 0 then hsb.(p) else 8 + hsb.(n)
in let hsb p =
let n = Integer.shift_right p Integer.sixteen in
Integer.of_int (if Integer.is_zero n
then hsb (Integer.to_int_exn p)
else 16 + hsb (Integer.to_int_exn n))
in let rec hsb_aux p =
let n = Integer.shift_right p Integer.thirtytwo in
if Integer.is_zero n then hsb p
else Integer.add Integer.thirtytwo (hsb_aux n)
in hsb_aux
in let is_power2 k = (* exists n such that k == 2**n? *)
(Integer.gt k Integer.zero) &&
(Integer.equal k (Integer.logand k (Integer.neg k)))
in let rec match_power2 e = match F.repr e with
| Logic.Kint z
when is_power2 z -> e_zint (highest_bit_number z)
| Logic.Fun( f , [n;k] )
when Fun.equal f f_lsl && is_positive_or_null k ->
e_add k (match_power2 n)
| _ -> raise Not_found
in let match_power2_minus1 e = match F.repr e with
| Logic.Kint z when is_power2 (Integer.succ z) ->
e_zint (highest_bit_number (Integer.succ z))
| _ -> match_power2 (e_add e_one e)
in match_power2, match_power2_minus1
let match_fun op t =
match F.repr t with
| Logic.Fun( f , es ) when Fun.equal f op -> es
| _ -> raise Not_found
let match_ufun uop t =
match F.repr t with
| Logic.Fun( f , e::[] ) when Fun.equal f uop -> e
| _ -> raise Not_found
let match_positive_or_null_integer t =
match F.repr t with
| Logic.Kint c when Integer.le Integer.zero c -> c
| _ -> raise Not_found
let match_binop_arg1 match_f = function (* for binop *)
| [e1;e2] -> (match_f e1),e2
| _ -> raise Not_found
let match_binop_arg2 match_f = function (* for binop *)
| [e1;e2] -> e1,(match_f e2)
| _ -> raise Not_found
let match_list_head match_f = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| e::es -> (match_f e), es
let match_binop_one_arg1 binop e = match F.repr e with
| Logic.Fun( f , [one; e2] ) when Fun.equal f binop && one == e_one -> e2
| _ -> raise Not_found
let match_list_extraction match_f =
let match_f_opt n = try Some (match_f n) with Not_found -> None in
let rec aux rs = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| e::es ->
match match_f_opt e with
| Some k -> k, e, List.rev_append rs es
| None -> aux (e::rs) es
in aux []
let match_integer_arg1 = match_binop_arg1 match_integer
let match_positive_or_null_arg2 = match_binop_arg2 match_positive_or_null
let match_positive_or_null_integer_arg2 =
match_binop_arg2 match_positive_or_null_integer
let match_integer_extraction = match_list_head match_integer
let match_power2_extraction = match_list_extraction match_power2
let match_power2_minus1_extraction = match_list_extraction match_power2_minus1
let match_binop_one_extraction binop = match_list_extraction (match_binop_one_arg1 binop)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Conversion Symbols --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* rule A: to_a(to_b x) = to_b x when domain(b) is all included in domain(a) *)
(* rule B: to_a(to_b x) = to_a x when range(b) is a multiple of range(a)
AND a is not bool *)
(* to_iota(e) where e = to_iota'(e'), only ranges for iota *)
let simplify_range_comp f iota e conv e' =
let iota' = to_cint conv in
let size' = Ctypes.i_bits iota' in
let size = Ctypes.i_bits iota in
if size <= size'
then e_fun f [e']
(* rule B:
iota' is multiple of iota -> keep iota(e') *)
if ((Ctypes.signed iota) || not (Ctypes.signed iota'))
then e
(* rule A:
have iota > iota' check sign to apply rule.
unsigned iota -> iota' must be unsigned
signed iota -> iota' can have any sign *)
else raise Not_found
let simplify_f_to_bounds iota e =
(* min(ctypes)<=y<=max(ctypes) ==> to_ctypes(y)=y *)
let lower,upper = Ctypes.bounds iota in
if (F.decide (F.e_leq e (e_zint upper))) &&
(F.decide (F.e_leq (e_zint lower) e))
then e
else raise Not_found
let f_to_int = Ctypes.i_memo (fun iota -> make_fun_int "to" iota)
let configure_to_int iota =
let simplify_range f iota e =
try match F.repr e with
| Logic.Kint value ->
let size = Integer.of_int (Ctypes.i_bits iota) in
let signed = Ctypes.signed iota in
F.e_zint (Integer.cast ~size ~signed ~value)
| Logic.Fun( fland , es )
when Fun.equal fland f_land &&
not (Ctypes.signed iota) &&
List.exists is_positive_or_null es ->
(* to_uintN(a) == a & (2^N-1) when a >= 0 *)
let m = F.e_zint (snd (Ctypes.bounds iota)) in
F.e_fun f_land (m :: es)
| Logic.Fun( flor , es ) when (Fun.equal flor f_lor)
&& not (Ctypes.signed iota) ->
(* to_uintN(a|b) == (to_uintN(a) | to_uintN(b)) *)
F.e_fun f_lor (List.map (fun e' -> e_fun f [e']) es)
| Logic.Fun( flnot , [ e ] ) when (Fun.equal flnot f_lnot)
&& not (Ctypes.signed iota) ->
match F.repr e with
| Logic.Fun( f' , w ) when f' == f ->
e_fun f [ e_fun f_lnot w ]
| _ -> raise Not_found
| Logic.Fun( conv , [e'] ) -> (* unary op *)
simplify_range_comp f iota e conv e'
| _ -> raise Not_found
with Not_found ->
simplify_f_to_bounds iota e
let simplify_conv f iota e =
if iota = Ctypes.CBool then
match F.is_equal e F.e_zero with
| Yes -> F.e_zero
| No -> F.e_one
| Maybe -> raise Not_found
simplify_range f iota e
let simplify_leq f iota x y =
let lower,upper = Ctypes.bounds iota in
match F.repr y with
| Logic.Fun( conv , [_] )
when (Fun.equal conv f) &&
(F.decide (F.e_leq x (e_zint lower))) ->
(* x<=min(ctypes) ==> x<=to_ctypes(y) *)
| _ ->
match F.repr x with
| Logic.Fun( conv , [_] )
when (Fun.equal conv f) &&
(F.decide (F.e_leq (e_zint upper) y)) ->
(* max(ctypes)<=y ==> to_ctypes(y)<=y *)
| _ -> raise Not_found
let f = f_to_int iota in
F.set_builtin_1 f (simplify_conv f iota) ;
F.set_builtin_leq f (simplify_leq f iota) ;
to_cint_map := FunMap.add f iota !to_cint_map
let simplify_p_is_bounds iota e =
let bounds = Ctypes.bounds iota in
(* min(ctypes)<=y<=max(ctypes) <==> is_ctypes(y) *)
match F.is_true (F.e_and
[F.e_leq (e_zint (fst bounds)) e;
F.e_leq e (e_zint (snd bounds))]) with
| Logic.Yes -> e_true
| Logic.No -> e_false
| _ -> raise Not_found
(* is_<cint> : int -> prop *)
let p_is_int = Ctypes.i_memo (fun iota -> make_pred_int "is" iota)
let configure_is_int iota =
let f = p_is_int iota in
let simplify = function
| [e] ->
match F.repr e with
| Logic.Kint k ->
let vmin,vmax = Ctypes.bounds iota in
F.e_bool (Z.leq vmin k && Z.leq k vmax)
| Logic.Fun( flor , es ) when (Fun.equal flor f_lor)
&& not (Ctypes.signed iota) ->
(* is_uintN(a|b) == is_uintN(a) && is_uintN(b) *)
F.e_and (List.map (fun e' -> e_fun f [e']) es)
| _ -> simplify_p_is_bounds iota e
| _ -> raise Not_found
F.set_builtin f simplify;
is_cint_map := FunMap.add f iota !is_cint_map
let convert i a = e_fun (f_to_int i) [a]
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type model =
| Natural (** Integer arithmetics with no upper-bound *)
| Machine (** Integer/Module wrt Kernel options on RTE *)
let () =
begin fun () ->
Ctypes.i_iter configure_to_int;
Ctypes.i_iter configure_is_int;
let model = Context.create "Cint.model"
let current () = Context.get model
let configure m =
let orig_model = Context.push model m in
(fun () -> Context.pop model orig_model)
let to_integer a = a
let of_integer i a = convert i a
let of_real i a = convert i (Cmath.int_of_real a)
let range i a =
match Context.get model with
| Natural ->
if Ctypes.signed i
then F.p_true
else F.p_leq F.e_zero a
| Machine -> p_call (p_is_int i) [a]
let ensures warn i a =
if warn i
then a
else e_fun (f_to_int i) [a]
let downcast = ensures is_downcast_an_error
let overflow = ensures is_overflow_an_error
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Arithmetics --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let binop f i x y = overflow i (f x y)
let unop f i x = overflow i (f x)
(* C Code Semantics *)
let iopp = unop e_opp
let iadd = binop e_add
let isub = binop e_sub
let imul = binop e_mul
let idiv = binop e_div
let imod = binop e_mod
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Bits --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* smp functions raise Not_found when simplification isn't possible *)
let smp1 zf = (* f(c1) ~> zf(c1) *)
| [e] -> begin match F.repr e with
| Logic.Kint c1 -> e_zint (zf c1)
| _ -> raise Not_found
| _ -> raise Not_found
let smp2 f zf = (* f(c1,c2) ~> zf(c1,c2), f(c1,c2,...) ~> f(zf(c1,c2),...) *)
| e1::e2::others -> begin match (F.repr e1), (F.repr e2) with
(* integers should be at the beginning of the list *)
| Logic.Kint c1, Logic.Kint c2 ->
let z12 = ref (zf c1 c2) in
let rec smp2 = function (* look at the other integers *)
| [] -> []
| (e::r) as l -> begin match F.repr e with
| Logic.Kint c -> z12 := zf !z12 c; smp2 r
| _ -> l
in let others = smp2 others
in let c12 = e_zint !z12 in
if others = [] || F.is_absorbant f c12
then c12
else if F.is_neutral f c12
then e_fun f others
else e_fun f (c12::others)
| _ -> raise Not_found
| _ -> raise Not_found
let bitk_positive k e = F.e_fun ~result:Logic.Bool f_bit_positive [e;k]
let smp_mk_bit_stdlib = function
| [ a ; k ] when is_positive_or_null k ->
(* No need to expand the logic definition of the ACSL stdlib symbol when
[k] is positive (the definition must comply with that simplification). *)
bitk_positive k a
| [ a ; k ] ->
(* TODO: expand the current logic definition of the ACSL stdlib symbol *)
F.e_neq F.e_zero (F.e_fun f_land [a; (F.e_fun f_lsl [F.e_one;k])])
| _ -> raise Not_found
let smp_bitk_positive = function
| [ a ; k ] -> (* requires k>=0 *)
try e_eq (match_power2 a) k
with Not_found ->
match F.repr a with
| Logic.Kint za ->
let zk = match_integer k (* simplifies constants *)
in if Integer.is_zero (Integer.logand za
(Integer.shift_left Integer.one zk))
then e_false else e_true
| Logic.Fun( f , [e;n] ) when Fun.equal f f_lsr && is_positive_or_null n ->
bitk_positive (e_add k n) e
| Logic.Fun( f , [e;n] ) when Fun.equal f f_lsl && is_positive_or_null n ->
begin match is_leq n k with
| Logic.Yes -> bitk_positive (e_sub k n) e
| Logic.No -> e_false
| Logic.Maybe -> raise Not_found
| Logic.Fun( f , es ) when Fun.equal f f_land ->
F.e_and (List.map (bitk_positive k) es)
| Logic.Fun( f , es ) when Fun.equal f f_lor ->
F.e_or (List.map (bitk_positive k) es)
| Logic.Fun( f , [a;b] ) when Fun.equal f f_lxor ->
F.e_neq (bitk_positive k a) (bitk_positive k b)
| Logic.Fun( f , [a] ) when Fun.equal f f_lnot ->
F.e_not (bitk_positive k a)
| Logic.Fun( conv , [a] ) (* when is_to_c_int conv *) ->
let iota = to_cint conv in
let range = Ctypes.i_bits iota in
let signed = Ctypes.signed iota in
if signed then (* beware of sign-bit *)
begin match is_leq k (e_int (range-2)) with
| Logic.Yes -> bitk_positive k a
| Logic.No | Logic.Maybe -> raise Not_found
else begin match is_leq (e_int range) k with
| Logic.Yes -> e_false
| Logic.No -> bitk_positive k a
| Logic.Maybe -> raise Not_found
| _ -> raise Not_found
| _ -> raise Not_found
let introduction_bit_test_positive es b =
(* introduces bit_test(n,k) only when k>=0 *)
let k,_,es = match_power2_extraction es in
let es' = List.map (bitk_positive k) es in
if b == e_zero then e_not (e_and es')
try let k' = match_power2 b in e_and ( e_eq k k' :: es' )
with Not_found ->
let bs = match_fun f_land b in
let k',_,bs = match_power2_extraction bs in
let bs' = List.map (bitk_positive k') bs in
match F.is_true (F.e_eq k k') with
| Logic.Yes -> e_eq (e_and es') (e_and bs')
| Logic.No -> e_and [e_not (e_and es'); e_not (e_and bs')]
| Logic.Maybe -> raise Not_found
let smp_land es =
let introduction_bit_test_positive_from_land es =
if true then raise Not_found; (* [PB] true: until alt-ergo 0.95.2 trouble *)
let k,e,es = match_power2_extraction es in
let t = match es with
| x::[] -> x
| _ -> e_fun f_land es
in e_if (bitk_positive k t) e e_zero
try let r = smp2 f_land Integer.logand es in
try match F.repr r with
| Logic.Fun( f , es ) when Fun.equal f f_land ->
introduction_bit_test_positive_from_land es
| _ -> r
with Not_found -> r
with Not_found -> introduction_bit_test_positive_from_land es
let smp_shift zf = (* f(e1,0)~>e1, c2>0==>f(c1,c2)~>zf(c1,c2), c2>0==>f(0,c2)~>0 *)
| [e1;e2] -> begin match (F.repr e1), (F.repr e2) with
| _, Logic.Kint c2 when Z.equal c2 Z.zero -> e1
| Logic.Kint c1, Logic.Kint c2 when Z.leq Z.zero c2 ->
(* undefined when c2 is negative *)
e_zint (zf c1 c2)
| Logic.Kint c1, _ when Z.equal c1 Z.zero && is_positive_or_null e2 ->
(* undefined when c2 is negative *)
| _ -> raise Not_found
| _ -> raise Not_found
let smp_lnot = function
| ([e] as args) -> begin match F.repr e with
| Logic.Fun( f , [e] ) when Fun.equal f f_lnot ->
(* ~~e ~> e *)
| _ -> smp1 Integer.lognot args
| _ -> raise Not_found
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Comparision with L-AND / L-OR / L-NOT --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let smp_leq_improved f a b =
ignore (match_fun f b) ; (* It must be an improved of [is_positive_or_null f(args)] *)
(* a <= 0 && 0 <= f(args) *)
if F.decide (F.e_leq a F.e_zero) && is_positive_or_null b
then e_true
else raise Not_found
let smp_leq_with_land a b =
let es = match_fun f_land a in
let a1,_ = match_list_head match_positive_or_null_integer es in
if F.decide (F.e_leq (e_zint a1) b)
then e_true
else raise Not_found
with Not_found ->
(* a <= 0 && 0 <= (x&y) ==> a <= (x & y) *)
smp_leq_improved f_land a b
let smp_eq_with_land a b =
let es = match_fun f_land a in
let b1 = match_integer b in
try (* (b1&~a2)!=0 ==> (b1==(a2&e) <=> false) *)
let a2,_ = match_integer_extraction es in
if Integer.is_zero (Integer.logand b1 (Integer.lognot a2))
then raise Not_found ;
with Not_found when b == e_minus_one ->
(* -1==(a1&a2) <=> (-1==a1 && -1==a2) *)
F.e_and (List.map (e_eq b) es)
with Not_found -> introduction_bit_test_positive es b
with Not_found ->
(* k>=0 & b1>=0 ==> (b1 & ((1 << k) -1) == b1 % (1 << k) <==> true) *)
let b1,b2 = match_mod b in
let k = match_power2 b2 in
(* note: a positive or null k is required by match_power2, match_power2_minus1 *)
let k',_,es = match_power2_minus1_extraction es in
if not ((is_positive_or_null b1) &&
(F.decide (F.e_eq k k')) &&
(F.decide (F.e_eq b1 (F.e_fun f_land es))))
then raise Not_found ;
with Not_found ->
(* k in {8,16,32,64} ==> (b1 & ((1 << k) -1) == to_cint_unsigned_bits(k, b1) <==> true *)
let iota,b1 = match_to_cint b in
if Ctypes.signed iota then raise Not_found ;
let n = Ctypes.i_bits iota in
if n = 1 then
(* rejects [to_bool()] that is not a modulo *)
raise Not_found ;
let k',_,es = match_power2_minus1_extraction es in
let k' = match_integer k' in
let k = Integer.of_int n in
if not ((Integer.equal k k') &&
(F.decide (F.e_eq b1 (F.e_fun f_land es))))
then raise Not_found ;
let smp_eq_with_lor a b =
let b1 = match_integer b in
let es = match_fun f_lor a in
try (* b1==(a2|e) <==> (b1^a2)==(~a2&e) *)
let a2,es = match_integer_extraction es in
let k1 = Integer.logxor b1 a2 in
let k2 = Integer.lognot a2 in
e_eq (e_zint k1) (e_fun f_land [e_zint k2 ; e_fun f_lor es])
with Not_found when b == e_zero ->
(* 0==(a1|a2) <=> (0==a1 && 0==a2) *)
F.e_and (List.map (e_eq b) es)
let smp_eq_with_lxor a b = (* b1==(a2^e) <==> (b1^a2)==e *)
let b1 = match_integer b in
let es = match_fun f_lxor a in
try (* b1==(a2^e) <==> (b1^a2)==e *)
let a2,es = match_integer_extraction es in
let k1 = Integer.logxor b1 a2 in
e_eq (e_zint k1) (e_fun f_lxor es)
with Not_found when b == e_zero ->
(* 0==(a1^a2) <=> (a1==a2) *)
(match es with
| e1::e2::[] -> e_eq e1 e2
| e1::((_::_) as e22) -> e_eq e1 (e_fun f_lxor e22)
| _ -> raise Not_found)
| Not_found when b == e_minus_one ->
(* -1==(a1^a2) <=> (a1==~a2) *)
(match es with
| e1::e2::[] -> e_eq e1 (e_fun f_lnot [e2])
| e1::((_::_) as e22) -> e_eq e1 (e_fun f_lnot [e_fun f_lxor e22])
| _ -> raise Not_found)
let smp_eq_with_lnot a b =
let e = match_ufun f_lnot a in
try (* b1==~e <==> ~b1==e *)
let b1 = match_integer b in
let k1 = Integer.lognot b1 in
e_eq (e_zint k1) e
with Not_found ->(* ~b==~e <==> b==e *)
let b = match_ufun f_lnot b in
e_eq e b
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Comparision with LSL / LSR --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let two_power_k k =
try Integer.two_power k
with Z.Overflow -> raise Not_found
let two_power_k_minus1 k =
try Integer.pred (Integer.two_power k)
with Z.Overflow -> raise Not_found
let smp_eq_with_lsl_cst a0 b0 =
let b1 = match_integer b0 in
let es = match_fun f_lsl a0 in
try (* looks at the sd arg of a0 *)
let e,a2= match_positive_or_null_integer_arg2 es in
if not (Integer.is_zero (Integer.logand b1 (two_power_k_minus1 a2)))
(* a2>=0 && 0!=(b1 & ((2**a2)-1)) ==> ( (e<<a2)==b1 <==> false ) *)
(* a2>=0 && 0==(b1 & ((2**a2)-1)) ==> ( (e<<a2)==b1 <==> e==(b1>>a2) ) *)
e_eq e (e_zint (Integer.shift_right b1 a2))
with Not_found -> (* looks at the fistt arg of a0 *)
let a1,e= match_integer_arg1 es in
if is_negative e then raise Not_found ;
(* [PB] can be generalized to any term for a1 *)
if Integer.le Integer.zero a1 && Integer.lt b1 a1 then
(* e>=0 && 0<=a1 && b1<a1 ==> ( (a1<<e)==b1 <==> false ) *)
else if Integer.ge Integer.zero a1 && Integer.gt b1 a1 then
(* e>=0 && 0>=a1 && b1>a1 ==> ( (a1<<e)==b1 <==> false ) *)
else raise Not_found
let smp_cmp_with_lsl cmp a0 b0 =
if a0 == e_zero then
let b,_ = match_fun f_lsl b0 |> match_positive_or_null_arg2 in
cmp e_zero b (* q>=0 ==> ( (0 cmp(b<<q)) <==> (0 cmp b) ) *)
else if b0 == e_zero then
let a,_ = match_fun f_lsl a0 |> match_positive_or_null_arg2 in
cmp a e_zero (* p>=0 ==> ( ((a<<p) cmp 0) <==> (a cmp 0) ) *)
let a,p = match_fun f_lsl a0 |> match_positive_or_null_arg2 in
let b,q = match_fun f_lsl b0 |> match_positive_or_null_arg2 in
if p == q then
(* p>=0 && q>=0 && p==q ==> ( ((a<<p)cmp(b<<q)) <==> (a cmp b) ) *)
cmp a b
else if a == b && (cmp==e_eq || is_positive_or_null a) then
(* p>=0 && q>=0 && a==b ==> ( ((a<<p)== (b<<q)) <==> (p == q) ) *)
(* p>=0 && q>=0 && a==b && a>=0 ==> ( ((a<<p)cmp(b<<q)) <==> (p cmp q) ) *)
cmp p q
else if a == b && is_negative a then
(* p>=0 && q>=0 && a==b && a<0 ==> ( ((a<<p)cmp(b<<q)) <==> (q cmp p) ) *)
cmp q p
let p = match_integer p in
let q = match_integer q in
if Z.lt p q then
(* p>=0 && q>=0 && p>q ==> ( ((a<<p)cmp(b<<q)) <==> (a cmp(b<<(q-p))) ) *)
cmp a (e_fun f_lsl [b;e_zint (Z.sub q p)])
else if Z.lt q p then
(* p>=0 && q>=0 && p<q ==> ( ((a<<p)cmp(b<<q)) <==> ((a<<(p-q)) cmp b) ) *)
cmp (e_fun f_lsl [a;e_zint (Z.sub p q)]) b
(* p>=0 && q>=0 && p==q ==> ( ((a<<p)cmp(b<<q)) <==> (a cmp b) ) *)
cmp a b
let smp_eq_with_lsl a b =
try smp_eq_with_lsl_cst a b
with Not_found -> smp_cmp_with_lsl e_eq a b
let smp_leq_with_lsl a b =
try smp_cmp_with_lsl e_leq a b
with Not_found ->
(* a <= 0 && 0 <= (x << y) ==> a <= (x << y) *)
smp_leq_improved f_lsl a b
let smp_eq_with_lsr a0 b0 =
let b1 = match_integer b0 in
let e,a2 = match_fun f_lsr a0 |> match_positive_or_null_integer_arg2 in
(* (e>>a2) == b1 <==> (e&~((2**a2)-1)) == (b1<<a2)
That rule is similar to
e/A2 == b2 <==> (e/A2)*A2 == b2*A2) with A2==2**a2
So, A2>0 and (e/A2)*A2 == e&~((2**a2)-1)
(* build (e&~((2**a2)-1)) == (b1<<a2) *)
(e_zint (Integer.shift_left b1 a2))
(e_fun f_land [e_zint (Integer.lognot (two_power_k_minus1 a2));e])
with Not_found ->
(* This rule takes into acount several cases.
One of them is
(a>>p) == (b>>(n+p)) <==> (a&~((2**p)-1)) == (b>>n)&~((2**p)-1)
That rule is similar to
(a/P) == (b/(N*P)) <==> (a/P)*P == ((b/N)/P)*P
with P==2**p, N=2**n, q=p+n.
So, (a/P)*P==a&~((2**p)-1), b/N==b>>n, ((b/N)/P)*P==(b>>n)&~((2**p)-1) *)
let a,p = match_fun f_lsr a0 |> match_positive_or_null_integer_arg2 in
let b,q = match_fun f_lsr b0 |> match_positive_or_null_integer_arg2 in
let n = Integer.min p q in
let a = if Integer.lt n p then e_fun f_lsr [a;e_zint (Z.sub p n)] else a in
let b = if Integer.lt n q then e_fun f_lsr [b;e_zint (Z.sub q n)] else b in
let m = F.e_zint (Integer.lognot (two_power_k_minus1 n)) in
e_eq (e_fun f_land [a;m]) (e_fun f_land [b;m])
let smp_leq_with_lsr x y =
let a,p = match_fun f_lsr y |> match_positive_or_null_integer_arg2 in
(* x <= (a >> p) with p >= 0 *)
if x == e_zero then
(* p >= 0 ==> ( 0 <= (a >> p) <==> 0 <= a )*)
e_leq e_zero a
(* p >= 0 ==> ( x <= (a >> p) <==> x <= a/(2**p) ) *)
let k = two_power_k p in
e_leq x (e_div a (e_zint k))
with Not_found ->
let a,p = match_fun f_lsr x |> match_positive_or_null_integer_arg2 in
(* (a >> p) <= y with p >= 0 *)
if y == e_zero then
(* p >= 0 ==> ( (a >> p) <= 0 <==> a <= 0 ) *)
e_leq a e_zero
(* p >= 0 ==> ( (a >> p) <= y <==> a/(2**p) <= y ) *)
let k = two_power_k p in
e_leq (e_div a (e_zint k)) y
with Not_found ->
(* x <= y && 0 <= (a&b) ==> x <= (a >> b) *)
smp_leq_improved f_lsr x y
(* Rewritting at export *)
let bitk_export k e = F.e_fun ~result:Logic.Bool f_bit_export [e;k]
let export_eq_with_land a b =
let es = match_fun f_land a in
if b == e_zero then
let k,_,es = match_binop_one_extraction f_lsl es in
(* e1 & ... & en & (1 << k) = 0 <==> !bit_test(e1 & ... & en, k) *)
e_not (bitk_export k (e_fun f_land es))
else raise Not_found
(* ACSL Semantics *)
type l_builtin = {
f: lfun ;
eq: (term -> term -> term) option ;
leq: (term -> term -> term) option ;
smp: term list -> term ;
let () =
begin fun () ->
let mk_builtin n f ?eq ?leq smp = n, { f ; eq; leq; smp } in
(* From [smp_mk_bit_stdlib], the built-in [f_bit_stdlib] is such that there is
no creation of [e_fun f_bit_stdlib args] *)
let bi_lbit_stdlib = mk_builtin "f_bit_stdlib" f_bit_stdlib smp_mk_bit_stdlib in
let bi_lbit = mk_builtin "f_bit" f_bit_positive smp_bitk_positive in
let bi_lnot = mk_builtin "f_lnot" f_lnot ~eq:smp_eq_with_lnot smp_lnot ~leq:(smp_leq_improved f_lnot) in
let bi_lxor = mk_builtin "f_lxor" f_lxor ~eq:smp_eq_with_lxor ~leq:(smp_leq_improved f_lxor)
(smp2 f_lxor Integer.logxor) in
let bi_lor = mk_builtin "f_lor" f_lor ~eq:smp_eq_with_lor ~leq:(smp_leq_improved f_lor)
(smp2 f_lor Integer.logor) in
let bi_land = mk_builtin "f_land" f_land ~eq:smp_eq_with_land ~leq:smp_leq_with_land
smp_land in
let bi_lsl = mk_builtin "f_lsl" f_lsl ~eq:smp_eq_with_lsl ~leq:smp_leq_with_lsl
(smp_shift Integer.shift_left) in
let bi_lsr = mk_builtin "f_lsr" f_lsr ~eq:smp_eq_with_lsr ~leq:smp_leq_with_lsr
(smp_shift Integer.shift_right) in
begin fun (_name, { f; eq; leq; smp }) ->
F.set_builtin f smp ;
(match eq with
| None -> ()
| Some eq -> F.set_builtin_eq f eq);
(match leq with
| None -> ()
| Some leq -> F.set_builtin_leq f leq)
[bi_lbit_stdlib ; bi_lbit; bi_lnot; bi_lxor; bi_lor; bi_land; bi_lsl; bi_lsr];
Lang.For_export.set_builtin_eq f_land export_eq_with_land
(* ACSL Semantics *)
let l_not a = e_fun f_lnot [a]
let l_xor a b = e_fun f_lxor [a;b]
let l_or a b = e_fun f_lor [a;b]
let l_and a b = e_fun f_land [a;b]
let l_lsl a b = e_fun f_lsl [a;b]
let l_lsr a b = e_fun f_lsr [a;b]
(* C Code Semantics *)
(* we need a (forced) conversion to properly encode
the semantics of C in terms of the semantics in Z(ACSL).
Typically, lnot(128) becomes (-129), which must be converted
to obtain an unsigned. *)
let mask_unsigned i m =
if Ctypes.signed i then m else convert i m
let bnot i x = mask_unsigned i (l_not x)
let bxor i x y = mask_unsigned i (l_xor x y)
let bor _i = l_or (* no needs of range conversion *)
let band _i = l_and (* no needs of range conversion *)
let blsl i x y = overflow i (l_lsl x y) (* mult. by 2^y *)
let blsr _i = l_lsr (* div. by 2^y, never overflow *)
(** Simplifiers *)
let c_int_bounds_ival f =
let (umin,umax) = Ctypes.bounds f in
Ival.inject_range (Some umin) (Some umax)
let max_reduce_quantifiers = 1000
module Dom = struct
type t = Ival.t Tmap.t
let is_top_ival = Ival.equal Ival.top
let top = Tmap.empty
[@@@ warning "-32"]
let pretty fmt dom =
Tmap.iter (fun k v ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a: %a,@ " Lang.F.pp_term k Ival.pretty v)
let find t dom = Tmap.find t dom
let get t dom = try find t dom with Not_found -> Ival.top
let narrow t v dom =
if Ival.is_bottom v then raise Lang.Contradiction
else if is_top_ival v then dom
else Tmap.change (fun _ v old ->
match old with | None -> Some v
| (Some old) as old' ->
let v = Ival.narrow v old in
if Ival.is_bottom v then raise Lang.Contradiction;
if Ival.equal v old then old'
else Some v) t v dom
let add_with_bot t v dom =
if is_top_ival v then dom else Tmap.add t v dom
let add t v dom =
if Ival.is_bottom v then raise Lang.Contradiction;
add_with_bot t v dom
let remove t dom = Tmap.remove t dom
let assume_cmp =
let module Local = struct
type t = Integer of Ival.t | Term of Ival.t option
end in fun cmp t1 t2 dom ->
let encode t = match Lang.F.repr t with
| Kint z -> Local.Integer (Ival.inject_singleton z)
| _ -> Local.Term (try Some (Tmap.find t dom) with Not_found -> None)
let term_dom = function
| Some v -> v
| None -> Ival.top
match encode t1, encode t2 with
| Local.Integer cst1, Local.Integer cst2 -> (* assume cmp cst1 cst2 *)
if Abstract_interp.Comp.False = Ival.forward_comp_int cmp cst1 cst2
then raise Lang.Contradiction;
| Local.Term None, Local.Term None ->
dom (* nothing can be collected *)
| Local.Term opt1, Local.Integer cst2 ->
let v1 = term_dom opt1 in
add t1 (Ival.backward_comp_int_left cmp v1 cst2) dom
| Local.Integer cst1, Local.Term opt2 ->
let v2 = term_dom opt2 in
let cmp_sym = Abstract_interp.Comp.sym cmp in
add t2 (Ival.backward_comp_int_left cmp_sym v2 cst1) dom
| Local.Term opt1, Local.Term opt2 ->
let v1 = term_dom opt1 in
let v2 = term_dom opt2 in
let cmp_sym = Abstract_interp.Comp.sym cmp in
add t1 (Ival.backward_comp_int_left cmp v1 v2)
(add t2 (Ival.backward_comp_int_left cmp_sym v2 v1) dom)
let assume_literal t dom = match Lang.F.repr t with
| Eq(a,b) -> assume_cmp Abstract_interp.Comp.Eq a b dom
| Leq(a,b) -> assume_cmp Abstract_interp.Comp.Le a b dom
| Lt(a,b) -> assume_cmp Abstract_interp.Comp.Lt a b dom
| Fun(g,[a]) -> begin try
let ubound =
c_int_bounds_ival (is_cint g) (* may raise Not_found *) in
narrow a ubound dom
with Not_found -> dom
| Not p -> begin match Lang.F.repr p with
| Fun(g,[a]) -> begin try (* just checks for a contraction *)
let ubound =
c_int_bounds_ival (is_cint g) (* may raise Not_found *) in
let v = Tmap.find a dom (* may raise Not_found *) in
if Ival.is_included v ubound then raise Lang.Contradiction;
with Not_found -> dom
| _ -> dom
| _ -> dom
let is_cint_simplifier =
let reduce_bound ~add_bonus quant v tv dom t : term =
(** Returns [new_t] such that [c_bind quant (alpha,t)]
equals [c_bind quant v (alpha,new_t)]
under the knowledge that [(not t) ==> (var in dom)].
Note: [~add_bonus] has not effect on the correctness of the transformation.
It is a parameter that can be used in order to get better results.
Bonus: Add additionnal hypothesis when we could deduce better constraint
on the variable *)
let module Tool = struct
exception Stop
exception Empty
exception Unknown of Integer.t
type t = { when_empty: unit -> term;
add_hyp: term list -> term -> term;
when_true: bool ref -> unit;
when_false: bool ref -> unit;
when_stop: unit -> term;
end in
let tools = Tool.(match quant with
| Forall -> { when_empty=(fun () -> e_true);
add_hyp =(fun hyps t -> e_imply hyps t);
when_true=(fun bonus -> bonus := add_bonus);
when_false=(fun _ -> raise Stop);
when_stop=(fun () -> e_false);
| Exists ->{ when_empty= (fun () -> e_false);
add_hyp =(fun hyps t -> e_and (t::hyps));
when_true=(fun _ -> raise Stop);
when_false=(fun bonus -> bonus := add_bonus);
when_stop=(fun () -> e_true);
| _ -> assert false)
if Vars.mem v (vars t) then try
let bonus_min = ref false in
let bonus_max = ref false in
let dom = if Ival.cardinal_is_less_than dom max_reduce_quantifiers then
(* try to reduce the domain when [var] is still in [t] *)
let red reduced i () =
match repr (QED.e_subst_var v (e_zint i) t) with
| True -> tools.Tool.when_true reduced
| False -> tools.Tool.when_false reduced
| _ -> raise (Tool.Unknown i) in
let min_bound = try Ival.fold_int (red bonus_min) dom ();
raise Tool.Empty with Tool.Unknown i -> i in
let max_bound = try Ival.fold_int_decrease (red bonus_max) dom ();
raise Tool.Empty with Tool.Unknown i -> i in
let red_dom = Ival.inject_range (Some min_bound) (Some max_bound) in
Ival.narrow dom red_dom
else dom
in begin match Ival.min_and_max dom with
| None, None -> t (* Cannot be reduced *)
| Some min, None -> (* May be reduced to [min ...] *)
if !bonus_min then tools.Tool.add_hyp [e_leq (e_zint min) tv] t
else t
| None, Some max -> (* May be reduced to [... max] *)
if !bonus_max then tools.Tool.add_hyp [e_leq tv (e_zint max)] t
else t
| Some min, Some max ->
if Integer.equal min max then (* Reduced to only one value: [min] *)
QED.e_subst_var v (e_zint min) t
else if Integer.lt min max then
let h = if !bonus_min then [e_leq (e_zint min) tv] else []
let h = if !bonus_max then (e_leq tv (e_zint max))::h else h
in tools.Tool.add_hyp h t
else assert false (* Abstract_interp.Error_Bottom raised *)
| Tool.Stop -> tools.Tool.when_stop ()
| Tool.Empty -> tools.Tool.when_empty ()
| Abstract_interp.Error_Bottom -> tools.Tool.when_empty ()
| Abstract_interp.Error_Top -> t
else (* [alpha] is no more in [t] *)
if Ival.is_bottom dom then tools.Tool.when_empty () else t
let module Polarity = struct
type t = Pos | Neg | Both
let flip = function | Pos -> Neg | Neg -> Pos | Both -> Both
let from_bool = function | false -> Neg | true -> Pos
in object (self)
val mutable domain : Dom.t = Dom.top
method name = "Remove redundant is_cint"
method copy = {< domain = domain >}
method target _ = ()
method fixpoint = ()
method assume p =
(fun p -> domain <- Dom.assume_literal p domain) (Lang.F.e_prop p)
method private simplify ~is_goal p =
let pool = Lang.get_pool () in
let reduce op var_domain base =
let dom =
match Lang.F.repr base with
| Kint z -> Ival.inject_singleton z
| _ ->
try Tmap.find base domain
with Not_found -> Ival.top
var_domain := Ival.backward_comp_int_left op !var_domain dom
let rec reduce_on_neg var var_domain t =
match Lang.F.repr t with
| _ when not (is_prop t) -> ()
| Leq(a,b) when Lang.F.equal a var ->
reduce Abstract_interp.Comp.Le var_domain b
| Leq(b,a) when Lang.F.equal a var ->
reduce Abstract_interp.Comp.Ge var_domain b
| Lt(a,b) when Lang.F.equal a var ->
reduce Abstract_interp.Comp.Lt var_domain b
| Lt(b,a) when Lang.F.equal a var ->
reduce Abstract_interp.Comp.Gt var_domain b
| And l -> List.iter (reduce_on_neg var var_domain) l
| Not p -> reduce_on_pos var var_domain p
| _ -> ()
and reduce_on_pos var var_domain t =
match Lang.F.repr t with
| Neq _ | Leq _ | Lt _ -> reduce_on_neg var var_domain (e_not t)
| Imply (l,p) -> List.iter (reduce_on_neg var var_domain) l;
reduce_on_pos var var_domain p
| Or l -> List.iter (reduce_on_pos var var_domain) l;
| Not p -> reduce_on_neg var var_domain p
| _ -> ()
(* [~term_pol] gives the polarity of the term [t] from the top level.
That informs about how should be considered the quantifiers
of [t]
let rec walk ~term_pol t =
let walk_flip_pol t = walk ~term_pol:(Polarity.flip term_pol) t
and walk_same_pol t = walk ~term_pol t
and walk_both_pol t = walk ~term_pol:Polarity.Both t
match repr t with
| _ when not (is_prop t) -> t
| Bind((Forall|Exists),_,_) ->
let ctx,t = e_open ~pool ~lambda:false t in
let ctx_with_dom =
List.map (fun ((quant,var) as qv) -> match tau_of_var var with
| Int ->
let tvar = (e_var var) in
let var_domain = ref Ival.top in
if quant = Forall
then reduce_on_pos tvar var_domain t
else reduce_on_neg tvar var_domain t;
domain <- Dom.add_with_bot tvar !var_domain domain;
qv, Some (tvar, var_domain)
| _ -> qv, None) ctx
let t = walk_same_pol t in
let f_close t = function
| (quant,var), None -> e_bind quant var t
| (quant,var), Some (tvar,var_domain) ->
domain <- Dom.remove tvar domain;
(** Bonus: Add additionnal hypothesis in forall when we could deduce
better constraint on the variable *)
let add_bonus = match term_pol with
| Polarity.Both -> false
| _ -> (term_pol=Polarity.Pos) = (quant=Forall)
let t = reduce_bound ~add_bonus quant var tvar !var_domain t in
e_bind quant var t
List.fold_left f_close t ctx_with_dom
| Fun(g,[a]) ->
(** Here we simplifies the cints which are redoundant *)
begin try
let ubound = c_int_bounds_ival (is_cint g) in
let dom = (Tmap.find a domain) in
if Ival.is_included dom ubound
then e_true
else t
with Not_found -> t
| Imply (l1,l2) -> e_imply (List.map walk_flip_pol l1) (walk_same_pol l2)
| Not p -> e_not (walk_flip_pol p)
| And _ | Or _ -> Lang.F.QED.f_map walk_same_pol t
| _ ->
Lang.F.QED.f_map ~pool ~forall:false ~exists:false walk_both_pol t in
Lang.F.p_bool (walk ~term_pol:(Polarity.from_bool is_goal) (Lang.F.e_prop p))
method simplify_exp (e : term) = e
method simplify_hyp p = self#simplify ~is_goal:false p
method simplify_goal p = self#simplify ~is_goal:true p
method simplify_branch p = p
method infer = []
let mask_simplifier =
let update x m ctx =
Tmap.insert (fun _ m old -> if Integer.lt m old then (*better*) m else old)
x m ctx
and rewrite ctx e =
let reduce m x = match F.repr x with
| Kint v -> F.e_zint (Integer.logand m v)
| _ -> x
and collect ctx d x = try
let m = Tmap.find x ctx in
match d with
| None -> Some m
| Some m0 -> if Integer.lt m m0 then Some m else d
with Not_found -> d
match F.repr e with
| Fun(f,es) when f == f_land ->
match List.fold_left (collect ctx) None es with
| None -> raise Not_found
| Some m -> F.e_fun f_land (List.map (reduce m) es)
| _ -> raise Not_found
(** Must be 2^n-1 *)
val mutable magnitude : Integer.t Tmap.t = Tmap.empty
method name = "Rewrite unsigned masks"
method copy = {< magnitude = magnitude >}
method target _ = ()
method infer = []
method fixpoint = ()
method assume p =
(fun p -> match F.repr p with
| Fun(f,[x]) -> begin
let iota = is_cint f in
if not (Ctypes.signed iota) then
magnitude <- update x (snd (Ctypes.bounds iota)) magnitude
with Not_found -> ()
| _ -> ()) (F.e_prop p)
method simplify_exp e =
if Tmap.is_empty magnitude then e else
Lang.e_subst (rewrite magnitude) e
method simplify_hyp p =
if Tmap.is_empty magnitude then p else
Lang.p_subst (rewrite magnitude) p
method simplify_branch p =
if Tmap.is_empty magnitude then p else
Lang.p_subst (rewrite magnitude) p
method simplify_goal p =
if Tmap.is_empty magnitude then p else
Lang.p_subst (rewrite magnitude) p
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)