Allan Blanchard authored
- not available from GUI for now - TacClear and TacUnfold adapted
Allan Blanchard authored- not available from GUI for now - TacClear and TacUnfold adapted
TacUnfold.ml 5.78 KiB
(* *)
(* This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C. *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2007-2021 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
open Lang
open Tactical
open Conditions
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Unfold Definition Tactical --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open Definitions
let definition f es =
let d = find_symbol f in
match d.d_definition with
| Function(_,_,u) ->
let sigma = Lang.subst d.d_params es in
F.e_subst sigma u
| Predicate(_,p) ->
let sigma = Lang.subst d.d_params es in
F.e_prop (F.p_subst sigma p)
| _ ->
raise Not_found
let range f es =
let a,b = Ctypes.bounds (Cint.is_cint f) in
let range e = F.p_and
(F.p_leq (F.e_zint a) e)
(F.p_leq e (F.e_zint b)) in
F.e_prop (F.p_all range es)
(* Used only for non Multi selection *)
let rec applicable ?at e f es = function
| phi::others ->
let v = phi f es in
let d = Pretty_utils.sfprintf "Unfold '%a'" Lang.Fun.pretty f in
Applicable (Tactical.rewrite ?at [d,F.p_true,e,v])
with Not_found | Invalid_argument _ ->
applicable ?at e f es others
| [] ->
(* Used only for Multi selection *)
module Smap = Qed.Idxmap.Make
type t = step
let id s = s.id
let condition original p = (* keep original kind of simple condition *)
match original.condition with
| Type _ -> Type p
| Have _ -> Have p
| When _ -> When p
| Core _ -> Core p
| Init _ -> Init p
| _ -> assert false
let collect_term_to_unfold (g, m) = function
| Inside(Step step, unfold) ->
let l =
try Smap.find step m
with Not_found -> []
g, Smap.add step (unfold :: l) m
| Inside (Goal _, unfold) ->
begin match g with
| None -> Some [ unfold ], m
| Some g -> Some (unfold :: g), m
| _ -> raise Not_found
let rec collect_unfold phis m e =
match phis with
| phi :: others ->
match F.repr e with
| Qed.Logic.Fun(f,es) -> Lang.F.Tmap.add e (phi f es) m
| _ -> raise Not_found
with Not_found | Invalid_argument _ -> collect_unfold others m e
| [] -> m
let unfolds_from_list phis es =
List.fold_left (collect_unfold phis) Lang.F.Tmap.empty es
let unfolds_from_smap phis m =
Smap.map (fun _s es -> unfolds_from_list phis es) m
let tactical_inside step unfolds sequent =
if Lang.F.Tmap.is_empty unfolds
then raise Not_found
else match step.condition with
| Type p | Have p | When p | Core p | Init p ->
let subst t = Lang.F.Tmap.find t unfolds in
let p = condition step @@ Lang.p_subst subst p in
snd @@ Tactical.replace_single ~at:step.id ("Unfolded", p) sequent
| _ -> raise Not_found
let tactical_goal unfolds (seq, g) =
if Lang.F.Tmap.is_empty unfolds
then raise Not_found
let subst t = Lang.F.Tmap.find t unfolds in
seq, Lang.p_subst subst g
let fold_selection goal_unfolds step_unfolds sequent =
"Unfolded multiple selection",
let add_goal = match goal_unfolds with
| None -> Extlib.id
| Some goal_unfolds -> tactical_goal goal_unfolds
add_goal @@ Smap.fold tactical_inside step_unfolds sequent
let process (f: sequent -> string * sequent) s = [ f s ]
class unfold =
inherit Tactical.make ~id:"Wp.unfold"
~descr:"Unfold predicate and logic function definition"
method select _feedback (s : Tactical.selection) =
let unfoldings = [ definition ; range ] in
match s with
| Multi es ->
let goal, steps =
List.fold_left collect_term_to_unfold (None, Smap.empty) es in
let goal = Option.map (unfolds_from_list unfoldings) goal in
let steps = unfolds_from_smap unfoldings steps in
Applicable (process @@ fold_selection goal steps)
| s ->
let at = Tactical.at s in
let e = Tactical.selected s in
match F.repr e with
| Qed.Logic.Fun(f,es) ->
applicable ?at e f es unfoldings
| _ -> Not_applicable
let tactical = Tactical.export (new unfold)
let strategy = Strategy.make tactical ~arguments:[]