Loïc Correnson authored
(blind make headers from specifications)
Loïc Correnson authored(blind make headers from specifications)
CfgCompiler.mli 10.07 KiB
(* *)
(* This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C. *)
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(* Copyright (C) 2007-2019 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies *)
(* alternatives) *)
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(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
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(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
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(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
open Sigs
open Cil_types
open Lang
(** {2 Control Flow Graphs}
The semantics of a {i cfg} is a collection of execution traces. We
introduce the notion of {i node} which represent a program point.
In case of loop unrolling of function inlining, a node
generalize the notion of [stmt] : two distinct nodes may refer to the same
instruction at different memory states.
We introduce an interpretation I as a partial mapping from nodes [n:node] to
memory states [s:M.sigma], denoted I(n). The notation I(n) seen as a predicate
indicates if `n` is in the partial mapping.
Given a cfg, a node can be associated to {i assumptions} to filter
interpretation against the memory state at this point.
Effects and predicates are defined {i wrt} some fresh memory states, and can
be duplicated at different nodes, each instance being mapped to different
memory states.
type mode = [
| `Tree
| `Bool_Backward
| `Bool_Forward
module type Cfg =
(** The memory model used. *)
module S : Sigma
(** Program point along a trace. *)
module Node : sig
type t
module Map : Qed.Idxmap.S with type key = t
module Set : Qed.Idxset.S with type elt = t
module Hashtbl : Hashtbl.S with type key = t
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val create: unit -> t
val equal: t -> t -> bool
type node = Node.t
(** fresh node *)
val node : unit -> node
(** {2 Relocatable Formulae}
Can be created once with fresh environment, and used several
times on different memory states. *)
(** Relocatable condition *)
module C :
type t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
(** Bundle an equation with the sigma sequence that created it. *)
val create : S.t -> F.pred -> t
val get : t -> F.pred
val reads : t -> S.domain
val relocate : S.t -> t -> t
(** Relocatable predicate *)
module P :
type t
val pretty : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
(** Bundle an equation with the sigma sequence that created it.
[| create m p |] = [| p |]
val create : S.t Node.Map.t -> F.pred -> t
val get: t -> F.pred
val reads : t -> S.domain Node.Map.t
val nodes : t -> Node.Set.t
val relocate : S.t Node.Map.t -> t -> t
(** [| relocate m' (create m p) |] = [| p{ } |] *)
val to_condition: t -> (C.t * Node.t option) option
(** Relocatable term *)
module T :
type t
val pretty : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
(** Bundle a term with the sigma sequence that created it. *)
val create : S.t Node.Map.t -> F.term -> t
val get: t -> F.term
val reads : t -> S.domain Node.Map.t
val relocate : S.t Node.Map.t -> t -> t
val init : Node.Set.t -> (S.t Node.Map.t -> F.term) -> t
val init' : Node.t -> (S.t -> F.term) -> t
(** Relocatable effect (a predicate that depend on two states). *)
module E : sig
type t
val pretty: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
(** Bundle an equation with the sigma sequence that created it *)
val create : S.t sequence -> F.pred -> t
val get : t -> F.pred
val reads : t -> S.domain
val writes : t -> S.domain
(** as defined by S.writes *)
val relocate : S.t sequence -> t -> t
type cfg (** Structured collection of traces. *)
val dump_env: name:string -> cfg -> unit
val output_dot: out_channel -> ?checks:P.t Bag.t -> cfg -> unit
val nop : cfg
(** Structurally, [nop] is an empty execution trace.
Hence, [nop] actually denotes all possible execution traces.
This is the neutral element of [concat].
Formally: all interpretations I verify nop: [| nop |]_I
val add_tmpnode: node -> cfg
(** Set a node as temporary. Information about its path predicate or
sigma can be discarded during compilation *)
val concat : cfg -> cfg -> cfg
(** The concatenation is the intersection of all
possible collection of traces from each cfg.
[concat] is associative, commutative,
has [nop] as neutral element.
Formally: [| concat g1 g2 |]_I iff [| g1 |]_I and [| g2 |]_I
val meta : ?stmt:stmt -> ?descr:string -> node -> cfg
(** Attach meta informations to a node.
Formally, it is equivalent to [nop]. *)
val goto : node -> node -> cfg
(** Represents all execution traces [T] such that, if [T] contains node [a],
[T] also contains node [b] and memory states at [a] and [b] are equal.
Formally: [| goto a b |]_I iff (I(a) iff I(b))
val branch : node -> C.t -> node -> node -> cfg
(** Structurally corresponds to an if-then-else control-flow.
The predicate [P] shall reads only memory state at label [Here].
Formally: [| branch n P a b |]_I iff ( (I(n) iff (I(a) \/ I(b)))
/\ (I(n) implies (if P(I(n)) then I(a) else I(b))) )
val guard : node -> C.t -> node -> cfg
(** Structurally corresponds to an assume control-flow.
The predicate [P] shall reads only memory state at label [Here].
Formally: [| guard n P a |]_I iff ( (I(n) iff I(a))
/\ (I(n) implies [| P |]_I ) )
val guard' : node -> C.t -> node -> cfg
(** Same than guard but the condition is negated *)
val either : node -> node list -> cfg
(** Structurally corresponds to an arbitrary choice among the different
possible executions.
[either] is associative and commutative. [either a []] is
very special, since it denotes a cfg with {i no} trace. Technically,
it is equivalent to attaching an [assert \false] annotation to node [a].
Formally: [| either n [a_1;...;a_n] } |]_I iff ( I(n) iff (I(a_1) \/ ... I(a_n)))
val implies : node -> (C.t * node) list -> cfg
implies is the dual of either. Instead of being a non-deterministic choice,
it takes the choices that verify its predicate.
Formally: [| either n [P_1,a_1;...;P_n,a_n] } |]_I iff ( I(n) iff (I(a_1) \/ ... I(a_n))
/\ I(n) implies [| P_k |]_I implies I(a_k)
val effect : node -> E.t -> node -> cfg
(** Represents all execution trace [T] such that, if [T] contains node [a],
then [T] also contains [b] with the given effect on corresponding
memory states.
Formally: [| effect a e b |]_I iff (( I(a) iff I(b) ) /\ [| e |]_I )
val assume : P.t -> cfg
(** Represents execution traces [T] such that, if [T] contains
every node points in the label-map, then the condition holds over the
corresponding memory states. If the node-map is empty,
the condition must hold over all possible execution path.
Formally: [| assume P |]_I iff [| P |]_I
val havoc : node -> effects:node sequence -> node -> cfg
(** Inserts an assigns effect between nodes [a] and [b], correspondings
to all the written memory chunks accessible in execution paths delimited
by the [effects] sequence of nodes.
Formally: [| havoc a s b |]_I is verified if there is no path between s.pre and s.path,
otherwise if (I(a) iff I(b) and if I(a) is defined then I(a) and I(b) are equal
for all the chunks that are not in the written domain of an effect that can be found
between [s.pre] to [s.post].
Note: the effects are collected in the {i final} control-flow,
when {!compile} is invoked. The portion of the sub-graph in the sequence
shall be concatenated to the [cfg] before compiling-it, otherwize it would be
considered empty and [havoc] would be a nop (no connection between a and b).
(** {2 Path-Predicates}
The compilation of cfg control-flow into path predicate
is performed by allocating fresh environments with optimized variable
allocation. Only the relevant path between the nodes
is extracted. Other paths in the cfg are pruned out.
(** Extract the nodes that are between the start node and the final
nodes and returns how to observe a collection of states indexed
by nodes. The returned maps gives, for each reachable node, a
predicate representing paths that reach the node and the memory
state at this node.
Nodes absent from the map are unreachable. Whenever possible,
predicate [F.ptrue] is returned for inconditionally accessible
~name: identifier used for debugging
val compile : ?name:string -> ?mode:mode -> node -> Node.Set.t -> S.domain Node.Map.t ->
cfg -> F.pred Node.Map.t * S.t Node.Map.t * Conditions.sequence
module Cfg(S:Sigma) : Cfg with module S = S