Loïc Correnson authoredLoïc Correnson authored
log.ml 36.27 KiB
(* *)
(* This file is part of Frama-C. *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2007-2018 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
type kind = Result | Feedback | Debug | Warning | Error | Failure
[@@@ warning "-32"]
let pretty_kind fmt = function
| Result -> Format.fprintf fmt "Result"
| Feedback -> Format.fprintf fmt "Feedback"
| Debug -> Format.fprintf fmt "Debug"
| Warning -> Format.fprintf fmt "Warning"
| Error -> Format.fprintf fmt "Error"
| Failure -> Format.fprintf fmt "Failure"
[@@@ warning "+32"]
type event = {
evt_kind : kind ;
evt_plugin : string ;
evt_category : string option;
evt_source : Lexing.position option ;
evt_message : string ;
let kernel_channel_name = "kernel"
let kernel_label_name = "kernel"
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Exception Management --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
exception FeatureRequest of string * string
exception AbortError of string (* plug-in *)
exception AbortFatal of string (* plug-in *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Terminal Management --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open Format
type lock =
| Ready
| Locked
| DelayedLock
type terminal = {
mutable lock : lock ;
mutable isatty : bool ;
mutable clean : bool ;
mutable delayed : (terminal -> unit) list ;
mutable output : string -> int -> int -> unit ;
(* Same as Format.make_formatter *)
mutable flush : unit -> unit ;
(* Same as Format.make_formatter *)
let delayed_echo t =
match t.lock with
| Locked -> true
| Ready | DelayedLock -> false
let is_locked t =
match t.lock with
| Locked | DelayedLock -> true
| Ready -> false
let is_ready t =
match t.lock with
| Locked | DelayedLock -> false
| Ready -> true
let term_clean t =
if t.isatty && not t.clean then
let u = "\r\027[K" in
(* TERM escape commands:
"\r" is carriage return ;
"\027[K" is CSI command EL 'Erase in Line' ;
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code
t.output u 0 (String.length u) ;
t.clean <- true ;
let set_terminal t isatty output flush =
(* Ensures previous terminal state is clean *)
assert (is_ready t) ;
term_clean t ;
(* Now reconfigure the terminal *)
t.isatty <- isatty ;
t.output <- output ;
t.flush <- flush ;
t.clean <- true ;
let stdout = {
lock = Ready ;
clean = true ;
delayed = [] ;
isatty = Unix.isatty Unix.stdout ;
output = Pervasives.output_substring Pervasives.stdout ;
flush = (fun () -> Pervasives.flush Pervasives.stdout);
let clean () = term_clean stdout
let set_output ?(isatty=false) output flush =
set_terminal stdout isatty output flush
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Locked Formatter --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type delayed =
| Delayed of terminal
| Formatter of (string -> int -> int -> unit) * (unit -> unit)
let lock_terminal t =
if is_locked t then
failwith "Console is already locked" ;
term_clean t ;
t.lock <- Locked ;
Format.make_formatter t.output t.flush ;
let unlock_terminal t fmt =
if is_ready t then
failwith "Console can not be unlocked" ;
Format.pp_print_flush fmt () ;
t.lock <- Ready ;
(fun job -> job t)
(List.rev t.delayed) ;
t.delayed <- [] ;
let print_on_output job =
let fmt = lock_terminal stdout in
try job fmt ; unlock_terminal stdout fmt
with error -> unlock_terminal stdout fmt ; raise error
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Delayed Lock until first write --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let delayed_terminal terminal =
if is_locked terminal then
failwith "Console is already locked" ;
terminal.lock <- DelayedLock ;
let d = ref (Delayed terminal) in
let d_output d text k n =
match !d with
| Delayed t ->
t.lock <- Locked ;
d := Formatter( t.output , t.flush ) ;
t.output text k n
| Formatter(out,_) ->
out text k n
let d_flush d () =
match !d with
| Delayed _ -> () (* nothing to flush yet ! *)
| Formatter(_,flush) -> flush ()
Format.make_formatter (d_output d) (d_flush d)
let print_delayed job =
let fmt = delayed_terminal stdout in
try job fmt ; unlock_terminal stdout fmt
with error -> unlock_terminal stdout fmt ; raise error
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Echo Line(s) --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* whenever the first line of the event shall be printed along the prefix *)
let is_prefixed_event = function
| { evt_category = None ; evt_source = None } -> true
| _ -> false
let is_single_line text =
try ignore (String.index_from text 0 '\n') ; false
with Not_found -> true
let echo_firstline output text p q width =
let t = try String.index_from text p '\n' with Not_found -> succ q in
let n = min width (t-p) in
output text p n
let echo_newline output =
output "\n" 0 1
(* output indentation unless the first line is along the prefix *)
let echo_line output ~prefix text k n =
if not prefix then output " " 0 2 ; output text k n
let rec echo_lines ?(prefix=false) output text p q =
if p <= q then
let t = try String.index_from text p '\n' with Not_found -> (-1) in
if t < 0 || t > q then
(* incomplete, last line *)
echo_line output ~prefix text p (q+1-p) ;
echo_newline output ;
(* complete line *)
echo_line output ~prefix text p (t+1-p) ;
echo_lines output text (t+1) q ;
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Echo Event --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let add_source buffer = function
| None -> ()
| Some src ->
Buffer.add_string buffer (Filepath.pretty src.Lexing.pos_fname) ;
Buffer.add_char buffer ':' ;
Buffer.add_string buffer (string_of_int src.Lexing.pos_lnum) ;
Buffer.add_string buffer ": " ;
let add_category buffer = function
| None -> ()
| Some a -> Buffer.add_char buffer ':' ; Buffer.add_string buffer a
let add_kind buffer = function
| Result | Feedback | Debug -> ()
| Error -> Buffer.add_string buffer "User Error: "
| Warning -> Buffer.add_string buffer "Warning: "
| Failure -> Buffer.add_string buffer "Failure: "
let echo_event evt terminal =
term_clean terminal ;
let buffer = Buffer.create 120 in
Buffer.add_char buffer '[' ;
Buffer.add_string buffer evt.evt_plugin ;
add_category buffer evt.evt_category ;
Buffer.add_string buffer "] " ;
add_source buffer evt.evt_source ;
add_kind buffer evt.evt_kind ;
let prefix = Buffer.contents buffer in
let header = String.length prefix in
let text = evt.evt_message in
let size = String.length text in
let output = terminal.output in
output prefix 0 header ;
if header + size <= 80 && is_single_line text then
output text 0 size ;
echo_newline output ;
let prefix = is_prefixed_event evt in
if not prefix then echo_newline output ;
echo_lines output ~prefix text 0 (String.length text - 1) ;
end ;
terminal.flush () ;
let do_echo terminal evt =
if delayed_echo terminal then
terminal.delayed <- echo_event evt :: terminal.delayed
echo_event evt terminal
let do_transient terminal text p q =
if p <= q && not (delayed_echo terminal) then
term_clean terminal ;
echo_firstline terminal.output text p q 80 ;
if terminal.isatty
then terminal.clean <- false
else terminal.output "\n" 0 1 ;
terminal.flush () ;
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Source --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let source ~file ~line =
Lexing.{ pos_fname = file ; pos_lnum = line ; pos_bol = 0 ; pos_cnum = 0 }
let current_loc = ref (fun () -> raise Not_found)
let set_current_source fpos = current_loc := fpos
let get_current_source () = !current_loc ()
let get_source current = function
| None -> if current then Some (!current_loc ()) else None
| Some _ as s -> s
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Channels --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type emitter = {
mutable listeners : (event -> unit) list ;
mutable echo : bool ;
type ontty = [
| `Message (* Normal message (default) *)
| `Feedback (* Temporary visible on console, normal message otherwise *)
| `Transient (* Temporary visible, only on console *)
| `Silent (* Not visible on console *)
let tty = ref (fun () -> false)
type channel = {
locked_buffer : Rich_text.buffer ; (* already allocated top-level buffer *)
mutable stack : int ; (* number of 'stacked' buffers *)
plugin : string ;
emitters : emitter array ;
terminal : terminal ;
type channelstate =
| NotCreatedYet of emitter array
| Created of channel
let nth_kind = function
| Result -> 0
| Feedback -> 1
| Debug -> 2
| Error -> 3
| Warning -> 4
| Failure -> 5
let all_kinds = [| Result ; Feedback ; Debug ; Error ; Warning ; Failure |]
let () = Array.iteri
(fun i k -> assert (i == nth_kind k))
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Channels --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let all_channels : (string,channelstate) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 31
let default_emitters = Array.map (fun _ -> { listeners=[] ; echo=true }) all_kinds
let new_emitters () =
Array.map (fun e -> { listeners = e.listeners ; echo = e.echo }) default_emitters
let get_emitters plugin =
match Hashtbl.find all_channels plugin with
| NotCreatedYet e -> e
| Created c -> c.emitters
with Not_found ->
let e = new_emitters () in
Hashtbl.replace all_channels plugin (NotCreatedYet e) ; e
let new_channel plugin =
let create_with_emitters plugin emitters =
let c = {
plugin = plugin ;
stack = 0 ;
locked_buffer = Rich_text.create () ;
emitters = emitters ;
terminal = stdout ;
} in
Hashtbl.replace all_channels plugin (Created c) ; c
match Hashtbl.find all_channels plugin with
| Created c -> c
| NotCreatedYet ems -> create_with_emitters plugin ems
with Not_found ->
let ems = new_emitters () in
create_with_emitters plugin ems
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Already emitted messages --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let check_not_yet = ref (fun _evt -> false)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Listeners --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let do_fire e f = f e
let iter_kind ?kind f ems =
match kind with
| None -> Array.iter f ems
| Some ks -> List.iter (fun k -> f ems.(nth_kind k)) ks
let iter_plugin ?plugin ?kind f =
match plugin with
| None ->
(fun _ s ->
match s with
| Created c -> iter_kind ?kind f c.emitters
| NotCreatedYet ems -> iter_kind ?kind f ems)
all_channels ;
iter_kind ?kind f default_emitters
| Some p ->
iter_kind ?kind f (get_emitters p)
let add_listener ?plugin ?kind demon =
iter_plugin ?plugin ?kind (fun em -> em.listeners <- em.listeners @ [demon])
let set_echo ?plugin ?kind echo =
iter_plugin ?plugin ?kind (fun em -> em.echo <- echo)
let notify e =
let es = get_emitters e.evt_plugin in
List.iter (fun f -> f e) es.(nth_kind e.evt_kind).listeners
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Generic Log Routine --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let open_buffer c =
if c.stack > 0 then
( c.stack <- succ c.stack ; Rich_text.create () )
( c.stack <- 1 ; c.locked_buffer )
let close_buffer c =
if c.stack > 1 then
c.stack <- pred c.stack
Rich_text.shrink c.locked_buffer
let logtransient channel text =
let buffer = open_buffer channel in
(fun fmt ->
Format.pp_print_newline fmt () ;
Format.pp_print_flush fmt () ;
let p,q = Rich_text.trim buffer in
do_transient channel.terminal (Rich_text.contents buffer) p q ;
close_buffer channel
with e ->
close_buffer channel ;
raise e
) buffer text
let logwith finally channel
?(fire=true) (* fire channel listeners *)
?emitwith (* additional emitter *)
?(once=false) (* log and emit only once *)
?(echo=true) (* echo on terminal *)
?(current=false) (* use current source as default *)
?source (* source location *)
?(kind=Feedback) (* message kind *)
?category (* message category *)
?append (* additional text *)
text =
let buffer = open_buffer channel in
Format.pp_open_vbox (Rich_text.formatter buffer) 0 ;
(fun fmt ->
(match append with None -> () | Some k -> k fmt) ;
Format.pp_close_box fmt () ;
Format.pp_print_newline fmt () ;
Format.pp_print_flush fmt () ;
let p,q = Rich_text.trim buffer in
let output =
if p <= q then
let source = get_source current source in
let message = Rich_text.range buffer p q in
let event = {
evt_kind = kind ;
evt_plugin = channel.plugin ;
evt_category = category ;
evt_message = message ;
evt_source = source ;
} in
if not once || !check_not_yet event then
let e = channel.emitters.(nth_kind kind) in
if echo && e.echo then
do_echo channel.terminal event ;
Extlib.may (do_fire event) emitwith;
if fire then List.iter (do_fire event) e.listeners ;
Some event
else None
else None
close_buffer channel ;
finally output
with e ->
close_buffer channel ;
raise e
) buffer text
let finally_unit _ = ()
let finally_raise e _ = raise e
let finally_false _ = false
let cmdline_error_occurred = Extlib.mk_fun "Log.cmdline_error_occurred"
let cmdline_at_error_exit = Extlib.mk_fun "Log.at_error_exit"
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Messages Interface --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type 'a pretty_printer =
?current:bool -> ?source:Lexing.position ->
?emitwith:(event -> unit) -> ?echo:bool -> ?once:bool ->
?append:(Format.formatter -> unit) ->
('a,formatter,unit) format -> 'a
type ('a,'b) pretty_aborter =
?current:bool -> ?source:Lexing.position -> ?echo:bool ->
?append:(Format.formatter -> unit) ->
('a,formatter,unit,'b) format4 -> 'a
let log_channel channel
?current ?source
?emitwith ?echo ?once
text =
logwith finally_unit channel ?once ?echo ?emitwith ?current ?source
~kind ?append text
let echo e =
match Hashtbl.find all_channels e.evt_plugin with
| NotCreatedYet _ -> raise Not_found
| Created c -> do_echo c.terminal e
with Not_found ->
let msg =
Format.sprintf "[unknown channel %s]:%s"
e.evt_plugin e.evt_message
in failwith msg
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Plug-in Interface --- *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Category_trie =
(* No Datatype at this level for dependencies reasons *)
module String_map = Map.Make(String)
type 'a t =
| Node of 'a option * 'a t String_map.t
let empty = Node (None, String_map.empty)
let rec add_structure l t =
match l with
| [] -> t
| x :: l ->
let Node (info, map) = t in
let binding =
try String_map.find x map
with Not_found -> Node (info, String_map.empty)
let res = add_structure l binding in
Node (info, String_map.add x res map)
let rec add_info l ?merge info (Node (old_info, map)) =
match l with
| [] ->
let rec aux map =
(function Node(old_info, map) ->
let new_info =
match old_info, merge with
| None, _ | _, None -> Some info
| Some old_info, Some merge -> Some (merge old_info info)
Node (new_info, aux map)) map
Node (Some info, aux map)
| x :: l ->
let binding = String_map.find x map in
let res = add_info l info binding in
Node (old_info, String_map.add x res map)
let rec get l (Node(info, map)) =
match l with
| [] -> info
| x :: l ->
let binding = String_map.find x map in
get l binding
let fold f map acc =
let rec aux suf (Node(info, map)) acc =
let acc = f (List.rev suf) info acc in
String_map.fold (fun s t acc -> aux (s::suf) t acc) map acc
in aux [] map acc
let suffixes l trie =
let rec aux res suf l (Node(_,map)) =
match l with
| [] ->
let res = (List.rev suf) :: res in
String_map.fold (fun s t res -> aux res (s::suf) [] t) map res
| x::l ->
let t = String_map.find x map in
aux res (x::suf) l t
(* Provide results in lexicographic order. *)
List.rev (aux [] [] l trie)
let split_category s =
let s = if s = "*" then "" else s in
List.filter (fun s -> s <> "") (Transitioning.String.split_on_char ':' s)
let merge_category l =
match l with
| [] -> "*"
| [ s ] -> s
| hd :: tl ->
let b = Buffer.create 15 in
Buffer.add_string b hd;
List.iter (fun s -> Buffer.add_char b ':'; Buffer.add_string b s) tl;
Buffer.contents b
type warn_status =
| Winactive
| Wfeedback_once
| Wfeedback
| Wonce
| Wactive
| Werror_once
| Werror
| Wabort
let pp_warn_status fmt s =
let s =
match s with
| Winactive -> "inactive"
| Wfeedback_once -> "feedback,once"
| Wfeedback -> "feedback"
| Wonce -> "once"
| Wactive -> "active"
| Werror_once -> "error,once"
| Werror -> "error"
| Wabort -> "abort"
Format.pp_print_string fmt s
let merge_status old_status new_status =
match old_status, new_status with
| Winactive, Wactive -> Wactive
| Winactive, Wonce -> Wonce
| Winactive, _ -> Winactive
| _ -> new_status
module type Messages =
type category
type warn_category
val verbose_atleast: int -> bool
val debug_atleast: int -> bool
val printf : ?level:int -> ?dkey:category ->
?current:bool -> ?source:Lexing.position ->
?append:(Format.formatter -> unit) ->
?header:(Format.formatter -> unit) ->
('a,formatter,unit) format -> 'a
val result : ?level:int -> ?dkey:category -> 'a pretty_printer
val feedback: ?ontty:ontty -> ?level:int -> ?dkey:category -> 'a pretty_printer
val debug : ?level:int -> ?dkey:category -> 'a pretty_printer
val warning : ?wkey: warn_category -> 'a pretty_printer
val error : 'a pretty_printer
val abort : ('a,'b) pretty_aborter
val failure : 'a pretty_printer
val fatal : ('a,'b) pretty_aborter
val verify : bool -> ('a,bool) pretty_aborter
val not_yet_implemented : ('a,formatter,unit,'b) format4 -> 'a
val deprecated : string -> now:string -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val with_result : (event -> 'b) -> ('a,'b) pretty_aborter
val with_warning : (event -> 'b) -> ('a,'b) pretty_aborter
val with_error : (event -> 'b) -> ('a,'b) pretty_aborter
val with_failure : (event -> 'b) -> ('a,'b) pretty_aborter
val log : ?kind:kind -> ?verbose:int -> ?debug:int -> 'a pretty_printer
val register : kind -> (event -> unit) -> unit (** Very local listener. *)
val register_tag_handlers : (string -> string) * (string -> string) -> unit
val register_category: string -> category
val pp_category: Format.formatter -> category -> unit
val is_registered_category: string -> bool
val get_category: string -> category option
val get_all_categories: unit -> category list
val add_debug_keys: category -> unit
val del_debug_keys: category -> unit
val get_debug_keys: unit -> category list
val is_debug_key_enabled: category -> bool
val get_debug_keyset : unit -> category list
val register_warn_category: string -> warn_category
val is_warn_category: string -> bool
val pp_warn_category: Format.formatter -> warn_category -> unit
val pp_all_warn_categories_status: unit -> unit
val get_warn_category: string -> warn_category option
val get_all_warn_categories: unit -> warn_category list
val get_all_warn_categories_status: unit -> (warn_category * warn_status) list
val set_warn_status: warn_category -> warn_status -> unit
val get_warn_status: warn_category -> warn_status
module Register
(P : sig
val channel : string
val label : string
val verbose_atleast : int -> bool
val debug_atleast : int -> bool
end) =
include P
type category = string
type warn_category = string
let categories = ref Category_trie.empty
let register_category (s:string) =
let res: category = s in
let l = split_category s in
categories := Category_trie.add_structure l !categories;
let pp_category fmt (cat: category) = Format.pp_print_string fmt cat
let get_all_categories () =
List.map merge_category (Category_trie.suffixes [] !categories)
let is_registered_category s =
List.mem (split_category s) (Category_trie.suffixes [] !categories)
let get_category s =
if is_registered_category s then Some s else None
let not_registered s =
failwith (s ^ " is not a registered category for " ^ label)
let add_debug_keys s =
categories := Category_trie.add_info (split_category s) true !categories
with Not_found -> not_registered s
let del_debug_keys s =
categories := Category_trie.add_info (split_category s) false !categories
with Not_found -> not_registered s
let get_debug_keys () =
let f cat info acc =
match info with
| None | Some false -> acc
| Some true -> (merge_category cat) :: acc
Category_trie.fold f !categories []
let is_debug_key_enabled (c:category) =
let s = (c:>string) in
match Category_trie.get (split_category s) !categories with
| None -> false
| Some flag -> flag
| exception Not_found -> not_registered s
let has_debug_key = function
| None -> true (* No key means to be displayed each time *)
| Some c -> is_debug_key_enabled c
let warn_categories = ref Category_trie.empty
let register_warn_category s =
warn_categories :=
Category_trie.add_structure (split_category s) !warn_categories;
let get_all_warn_categories () =
List.map merge_category (Category_trie.suffixes [] !warn_categories)
let get_all_warn_categories_status () =
(fun cat status l ->
(merge_category cat, Extlib.opt_conv Wactive status) :: l)
!warn_categories [])
let is_warn_category s =
List.mem (split_category s) (Category_trie.suffixes [] !warn_categories)
let pp_warn_category fmt s = Format.pp_print_string fmt s
let get_warn_category s = if is_warn_category s then Some s else None
let wnot_registered s =
failwith (s ^ " is not a registered warning category for " ^ label)
let set_warn_status s status =
warn_categories :=
(split_category s) ~merge:merge_status status !warn_categories
with Not_found -> wnot_registered s
let get_warn_status s =
match Category_trie.get (split_category s) !warn_categories with
| Some s -> s
| None -> Wactive
| exception Not_found -> wnot_registered s
let channel = new_channel P.channel
let internal_register_tag_handlers _c (_ope,_close) = ()
(* BM->LOIC: I need to keep this code around to be able to handle
marks and tags correctly.
Do you think we can emulate all other features of Log but without
using c.buffer at all?
Everything but ensure_unique_newline seems feasible.
See Design.make_slash to see a useful example.
let start_of_line= Printf.sprintf "\n[%s] " P.label in
let length= pred (String.length start_of_line) in
Format.pp_set_all_formatter_output_functions c.formatter
~newline:(fun () -> c.term.output start_of_line 0 length)
~spaces:(fun _ -> ()(*TODO:correct margin*))
Format.pp_set_tags c.formatter true;
Format.pp_set_mark_tags c.formatter true;
Format.pp_set_print_tags c.formatter false;
Format.pp_set_formatter_tag_functions c.formatter
{(Format.pp_get_formatter_tag_functions c.formatter ())
Format.mark_open_tag = ope;
mark_close_tag = close}
let register_tag_handlers h =
internal_register_tag_handlers channel h
let to_be_log verbose debug =
match verbose , debug with
| 0 , 0 -> verbose_atleast 1
| v , 0 -> verbose_atleast v
| 0 , d -> debug_atleast d
| v , d -> verbose_atleast v || debug_atleast d
let log ?(kind=Result)
?(verbose=0) ?(debug=0)
?current ?source
?emitwith ?echo ?once
?append text =
if to_be_log verbose debug then
logwith finally_unit channel ?once ?echo ?emitwith ?current ?source
?append text
else Pretty_utils.nullprintf text
let result
?(level=1) ?dkey ?current ?source
?emitwith ?echo ?once ?append text =
if verbose_atleast level && has_debug_key dkey then
logwith finally_unit channel ?once ?echo ?emitwith ?current ?source
~kind:Result ?category:dkey ?append text
else Pretty_utils.nullprintf text
let transient channel = channel.terminal.isatty && !tty ()
let feedback
?(level=1) ?dkey ?current ?source
?emitwith ?echo ?once ?append text =
let mode =
if verbose_atleast level && has_debug_key dkey
match ontty with
| `Feedback -> if transient channel then `Transient else `Message
| `Transient -> if transient channel then `Transient else `Silent
| `Silent -> if transient channel then `Silent else `Message
| `Message -> `Message
else `Silent
in match mode with
| `Message ->
logwith finally_unit channel ?once ?echo ?emitwith ?current ?source
~kind:Feedback ?category:dkey ?append text
| `Transient -> logtransient channel text
| `Silent -> Pretty_utils.nullprintf text
let should_output_debug level dkey =
match level, dkey with
| None, None -> debug_atleast 1
| Some l, None -> debug_atleast l
| None, Some _ -> has_debug_key dkey
| Some l, Some _ -> debug_atleast l && has_debug_key dkey
let debug
?level ?dkey ?current ?source
?emitwith ?echo ?once ?append text =
if should_output_debug level dkey then
logwith finally_unit channel ?once ?echo ?emitwith ?current ?source
~kind:Debug ?category:dkey ?append text
Pretty_utils.nullprintf text
exception Warn_as_error
let warn_event_as_error event =
let wkey = match event.evt_category with None -> "" | Some s -> s in
!cmdline_error_occurred Warn_as_error;
| Warn_as_error ->
feedback "warning %s treated as error:@\n%s" wkey event.evt_message
(* only emit a message if the exit status is caused by ourselves. *)
| _ -> ())
let error
?current ?source
?emitwith ?echo ?once ?append text =
logwith finally_unit channel ?once ?echo ?emitwith ?current ?source
~kind:Error ?append text
let abort ?current ?source ?echo ?append text =
logwith (finally_raise (AbortError P.channel))
channel ?echo ?current ?source
~kind:Error ?append text
let failure
?current ?source
?emitwith ?echo ?once ?append text =
logwith finally_unit channel ?once ?echo ?emitwith ?current ?source
~kind:Failure ?append text
let fatal
?current ?source
?echo ?append text =
logwith (finally_raise (AbortFatal P.channel)) channel
?echo ?current ?source
~kind:Failure ?append text
let verify assertion
?current ?source
?echo ?append text =
if assertion then
Format.kfprintf (fun _ -> true) Pretty_utils.null text
logwith finally_false channel ?echo ?current ?source
~kind:Failure ?append text
let warning
?current ?source
?emitwith ?echo ?once ?append text =
let status = get_warn_status wkey in
if status <> Winactive then
let action, once_suffix =
match status with
| Wabort ->
Some (fun _ -> abort "warning %s treated as fatal error." wkey), ""
| Werror -> Some warn_event_as_error, ""
| Werror_once ->
(fun evt ->
warn_event_as_error evt; set_warn_status wkey Winactive),
| Wfeedback_once ->
Some (fun _ -> set_warn_status wkey Winactive), "warn-feedback-once"
| Wonce ->
Some (fun _ -> set_warn_status wkey Winactive), "warn-once"
| Wactive | Winactive | Wfeedback -> None, ""
let emitwith =
match emitwith, action with
| None, None -> None
| Some e, None | None, Some e -> Some e
| Some e1, Some e2 -> Some (fun evt -> e1 evt; e2 evt)
let kind =
match status with
| Wfeedback | Wfeedback_once -> Feedback
| (Wactive | Werror | Wabort | Wonce | Werror_once | Winactive) ->
let category = if wkey = "" then None else Some wkey in
let append_once_suffix = (fun fmt ->
Format.fprintf fmt
"@.(%s: no further messages from category '%s' will be emitted)"
once_suffix wkey)
let append = if once_suffix = "" then append
else match append with
| None -> Some append_once_suffix
| Some app ->
Some (fun fmt -> app fmt; append_once_suffix fmt)
logwith finally_unit channel ?once ?echo ?emitwith ?current ?source
~kind ?category ?append text
else Pretty_utils.nullprintf text
let do_finally kf = function None -> assert false | Some evt -> kf evt
let with_result kf ?current ?source ?echo ?append text =
logwith (do_finally kf) channel
~kind:Result ?current ?source ?echo ?append text
let with_warning kf ?current ?source ?echo ?append text =
logwith (do_finally kf) channel
~kind:Warning ?current ?source ?echo ?append text
let with_error kf ?current ?source ?echo ?append text =
logwith (do_finally kf) channel
~kind:Error ?current ?source ?echo ?append text
let with_failure kf ?current ?source ?echo ?append text =
logwith (do_finally kf) channel
~kind:Failure ?current ?source ?echo ?append text
let register kd f =
let em = channel.emitters.(nth_kind kd) in
em.listeners <- em.listeners @ [f]
let not_yet_implemented text =
let buffer = Buffer.create 80 in
let finally fmt =
Format.pp_print_flush fmt ();
let msg = Buffer.contents buffer in
raise (FeatureRequest(channel.plugin,msg)) in
let fmt = Format.formatter_of_buffer buffer in
Format.kfprintf finally fmt text
let deprecated name ~now f x =
warning ~once:true
"call to deprecated function '%s'.\nShould use '%s' instead."
name now ;
f x
let get_debug_keyset =
deprecated "Log.get_debug_key_set"
(fun () -> get_all_categories ())
let noprint _fmt = ()
let spynewline bol output buffer start length =
let ofs = start+length-1 in
if 0 <= ofs && ofs < String.length buffer then
bol := buffer.[ofs] = '\n' ;
output buffer start length
let printf ?(level=1) ?dkey ?current ?source ?(append=noprint)
?header text =
if verbose_atleast level && has_debug_key dkey then
(* Header is a regular message *)
let header = match header with None -> noprint | Some h -> h in
logwith finally_unit channel ~kind:Result ~fire:false ?current ?source
?category:dkey "%t" header ;
let bol = ref true in
let stdout = { stdout with output = spynewline bol stdout.output } in
let fmt = delayed_terminal stdout in
begin fun fmt ->
append fmt ;
Format.pp_print_flush fmt () ;
unlock_terminal stdout fmt ;
if not !bol then Format.pp_print_newline fmt () ;
fmt text
with error ->
unlock_terminal stdout fmt ; raise error
Pretty_utils.nullprintf text
let pp_all_warn_categories_status () =
let l = get_all_warn_categories_status () in
let max =
List.fold_left (fun m (s,_) -> max m (String.length s)) 0 l
let print_one_elt fmt (cat, status) =
Format.fprintf fmt "%-*s : %a" max cat pp_warn_status status
feedback "@[<v 2>Warning categories for %s are@;%a@]"
label Format.(pp_print_list ~pp_sep:pp_print_cut print_one_elt) l
(* Deprecated -- backward compatibity only. *)
let null = Pretty_utils.null
let with_null = Pretty_utils.with_null
let nullprintf = Pretty_utils.nullprintf
Local Variables:
compile-command: "make -C ../../.."