Allan Blanchard authoredAllan Blanchard authored
lint.ml 9.66 KiB
(* *)
(* This file is part of Frama-C. *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2007-2022 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
open CamomileLibrary
(* Utils *)
let read_buffered channel =
let buffer = Buffer.create 0 in
let size = 4096 in
let load = Bytes.create size in
let read = ref @@ input channel load 0 size in
while !read <> 0 do
Buffer.add_subbytes buffer load 0 !read ;
read := input channel load 0 size
done ;
Buffer.to_bytes buffer
let rec lines_from_buffer acc buffer start =
if start = Bytes.length buffer then acc
let line_end = Bytes.index_from buffer start '\000' in
let len = line_end - start in
let line = Bytes.sub_string buffer start len in
lines_from_buffer (line :: acc) buffer (line_end + 1)
let lines_from_in channel =
let content = read_buffered channel in
let acc = lines_from_buffer [] content 0 in
List.rev acc
(* Available Checks and corresponding attributes *)
type checks =
{ eoleof : bool
; indent : bool
; syntax : bool
; utf8 : bool
let no_checks =
{ eoleof = false
; indent = false
; syntax = false
; utf8 = false
let add_attr checks attr value =
let value = value = "set" in
match attr with
| "check-eoleof" -> { checks with eoleof = value }
| "check-indent" -> { checks with indent = value }
| "check-syntax" -> { checks with syntax = value }
| "check-utf8" -> { checks with utf8 = value }
| _ -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Unknown attr %s" attr)
let handled_attr s =
s = "check-eoleof" || s = "check-indent" ||
s = "check-syntax" || s = "check-utf8"
let ignored_attr s =
not (handled_attr s)
(* Table of the files to control *)
let table = Hashtbl.create 1031
let get file =
try Hashtbl.find table file
with Not_found -> no_checks
let rec collect = function
| _file :: attr :: _value :: tl when ignored_attr attr ->
collect tl
| file :: attr :: value :: tl ->
let checks = get file in
Hashtbl.replace table file (add_attr checks attr value) ;
collect tl
| [] -> ()
| l -> List.iter (Printf.eprintf "Could not load file list %s\n") l
(* Functions used to check lint *)
(* UTF8 *)
let is_utf8 content =
try UTF8.validate (Bytes.to_string content) ; true
with UTF8.Malformed_code -> false
(* Syntax *)
let check_syntax ~update content =
let size = Bytes.length content in
let out = Buffer.create 0 in
let exception Bad_syntax in
let i = ref 0 in
let blank = ref (-1) in
while !i < size do
let byte = Bytes.get content !i in
if byte = '\t' then begin
if not update then raise Bad_syntax ;
if !blank = -1 then blank := Buffer.length out ;
Buffer.add_string out " "
else if byte = ' ' then begin
if !blank = -1 then blank := Buffer.length out ;
Buffer.add_char out ' '
else if byte = '\n' && !blank <> -1 then begin
if not update then raise Bad_syntax ;
Buffer.truncate out !blank ;
Buffer.add_char out '\n' ;
blank := -1
else begin
Buffer.add_char out byte ;
blank := -1
end ;
incr i
done ;
if !blank <> -1 then
Buffer.truncate out !blank ;
let out = Buffer.to_bytes out in
if not @@ Bytes.equal out content
then out, false
else content, true
with Bad_syntax ->
content, false
(* EOL/EOF *)
let check_eoleof ~update content =
let length = Bytes.length content in
if length = 0 then content, true
else if '\n' = Bytes.get content (length - 1) then content, true
else if update then begin
let new_content = Bytes.extend content 0 1 in
Bytes.set new_content length '\n' ;
new_content, false
end else
(* Indentation *)
(* ML(I) *)
(* Basically this is OCP-Indent main where all elements related to options have
been removed and the printer changed so that it prints into a buffer and not
a file.
let global_config = ref None
let config () =
match !global_config with
| None ->
let config, syntaxes, dlink = IndentConfig.local_default () in
IndentLoader.load ~debug:false dlink ;
Approx_lexer.disable_extensions ();
(fun stx ->
try Approx_lexer.enable_extension stx
with IndentExtend.Syntax_not_found name ->
Format.eprintf "Warning: unknown syntax extension %S@." name)
syntaxes ;
global_config := Some config ;
| Some config -> config
let ocp_indent channel =
let config = config () in
let buffer = Buffer.create 0 in
let out = IndentPrinter.{
debug = false; config = config; indent_empty = false; adaptive = true;
in_lines = (fun _ -> true);
kind = Print (fun s b -> Buffer.add_string b s ; b);
let stream = Nstream.of_channel channel in
Buffer.to_bytes (IndentPrinter.proceed out stream IndentBlock.empty buffer)
let check_ml_indent ~update file =
let input = open_in file in
let original = read_buffered input in
seek_in input 0 ;
let modified = ocp_indent input in
close_in input ;
let result = Bytes.equal original modified in
if update && not result then
let output = open_out file in
output_bytes output modified ;
close_out output ;
(* C/H *)
let check_c_indent ~update file =
let opt = if update then "-i" else "--dry-run -Werror" in
0 = Sys.command (Printf.sprintf "clang-format %s \"%s\"" opt file)
exception Bad_ext
let check_indent ~update file =
match Filename.extension file with
| ".c" | ".h" -> check_c_indent ~update file
| ".ml" | ".mli" -> check_ml_indent ~update file
| _ -> raise Bad_ext
let res = ref true
(* Main checks *)
let check ~verbose ~update file params =
if verbose then
Printf.printf "Checking %s\n" file ;
if Sys.is_directory file then ()
else begin
let in_chan = open_in file in
let content = read_buffered in_chan in
close_in in_chan ;
(* UTF8 *)
if params.utf8 then
if not @@ is_utf8 content then begin
Printf.eprintf "Bad encoding (not UTF8) for %s\n" file ;
res := false
end ;
(* Blanks *)
let rewrite = ref false in
let syntactic_check checker content message =
let new_content, was_ok = checker ~update content in
if update && not was_ok
then begin rewrite := true ; new_content end
else if not was_ok then begin
Printf.eprintf "%s for %s\n" message file ;
res := false ; new_content
else new_content
let content =
if params.syntax
then syntactic_check check_syntax content "Bad syntax"
else content
let content =
if params.eoleof || params.syntax
then syntactic_check check_eoleof content "Bad EOF"
else content
if !rewrite then begin
let out_chan = open_out file in
output_bytes out_chan content ;
close_out out_chan
end ;
(* Indentation *)
if params.indent then
if not @@ check_indent ~update file then begin
Printf.eprintf "Bad indentation for %s\n" file ;
res := false
end ;
(* Options *)
let exec_name = Sys.argv.(0)
let update = ref false
let verbose = ref false
let rec argspec = [
"--help", Arg.Unit print_usage, "print this option list and exits" ;
"-u", Arg.Set update, "update ill-formed files (does not handle UTF8 update)" ;
"-v", Arg.Set verbose, "verbose mode" ;
and sort argspec =
List.sort (fun (name1, _, _) (name2, _, _) -> String.compare name1 name2)
and print_usage () =
(Arg.align (sort argspec))
(Printf.sprintf "Usage: %s [-u]" exec_name) ;
exit 0
(* Main *)
let () =
(Arg.align (sort argspec))
(fun s -> Printf.eprintf "Unknown argument: %s" s)
collect @@ lines_from_in stdin ;
Hashtbl.iter (check ~verbose:!verbose ~update:!update) table ;
if not !res then exit 1