Virgile Prevosto authored
This is absolutely not a sneaky attempt to relaunch a build (now that OCI seems in better shape) pushing a nearly empty commit.
Virgile Prevosto authoredThis is absolutely not a sneaky attempt to relaunch a build (now that OCI seems in better shape) pushing a nearly empty commit.
Auto.ml 8.79 KiB
(* *)
(* This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C. *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2007-2018 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Built-in Tactics --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open Lang
open Lang.F
let (^) a b =
if a="" then b else
if b="" then a else
Printf.sprintf "%s ; %s" a b
let t_id s = ["",s]
let t_absurd s = [ "Absurd" , (fst s,p_false) ]
let t_descr d0 p s = List.map (fun (d,s) -> (d0 ^ d) , s) (p s)
let t_finally d0 s = [ d0 , s ]
let t_chain (p : Tactical.process) (q : Tactical.process) s =
let pool = ref [] in
(fun (d,s) ->
(fun (d',s') ->
pool := (d ^ d' , s') :: !pool
) (q s)
) (p s) ;
List.rev !pool
let t_split ?(pos="") ?(neg="") p (hs,g) =
[ pos , (hs,p_imply p g) ; neg , (hs,p_imply (p_not p) g) ]
let t_cut ?(by="") (p : F.pred) (pi : Tactical.process) (hs,g) =
( by , (hs,p) ) :: (pi (hs,p_imply p g))
let t_case (p : F.pred) (a : Tactical.process) (b : Tactical.process) =
fun (hs,g) ->
(a (hs,F.p_imply p g))
(b (hs,F.p_imply (F.p_not p) g))
let t_cases ?(complete = "complete") (dps : (pred * Tactical.process) list) =
fun (hs,g) ->
let pool = ref [] in
(fun (p,pi) ->
(fun u -> pool := u :: !pool)
(pi (hs , p_imply p g))
) dps ;
( complete , (hs , p_any fst dps) ) :: List.rev !pool
let t_range e a b ~upper ~lower ~range s =
if (not (a <= b)) then raise (Invalid_argument "Wp.Auto.t_range") ;
let cases = ref [] in
for i = a to b do
cases := (Printf.sprintf "Value %d" i , p_equal e (e_int i)) :: !cases ;
done ;
List.concat [
upper (fst s , p_lt e (e_int a)) ;
lower (fst s , p_lt (e_int b) e) ;
t_chain (Tactical.insert !cases) range s ;
let t_replace ?(equal="equal") ~src ~tgt (pi : Tactical.process) s =
let s' = Conditions.subst (fun e -> if e == src then tgt else e) s in
(equal , (fst s, p_equal src tgt)) :: (pi s')
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Built-in Strategies --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let array = TacArray.strategy
let choice = TacChoice.Choice.strategy
let absurd = TacChoice.Absurd.strategy
let contrapose = TacChoice.Contrapose.strategy
let compound = TacCompound.strategy
let cut = TacCut.strategy
let filter = TacFilter.strategy
let havoc = TacHavoc.Havoc.strategy
let separated = TacHavoc.Separated.strategy
let intuition = TacNormalForm.strategy
let range = TacRange.strategy
let split = TacSplit.strategy
let definition = TacUnfold.strategy
let instance = TacInstance.strategy
let lemma = TacLemma.strategy
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Auto-Range --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Range =
open Repr
let update merge x v ofs map =
match Repr.term v with
| Int v ->
let v0 = Integer.add v ofs in
let v1 = try merge v0 (Tmap.find x map) with Not_found -> v0 in
Tmap.add x v1 map
| _ -> map
type rg = {
mutable vmin : Integer.t F.Tmap.t ;
mutable vmax : Integer.t F.Tmap.t ;
let set_vmin rg x v ofs =
rg.vmin <- update Integer.max x v ofs rg.vmin
let set_vmax rg x v ofs =
rg.vmax <- update Integer.min x v ofs rg.vmax
let rec add_bound rg p =
match Repr.term p with
| And ps -> List.iter (add_bound rg) ps
| Lt(a,b) when Lang.F.is_int a && Lang.F.is_int b ->
set_vmax rg a b Integer.minus_one ;
set_vmin rg b a Integer.one ;
| Leq(a,b) when Lang.F.is_int a && Lang.F.is_int b ->
set_vmax rg a b Integer.zero ;
set_vmin rg b a Integer.zero ;
| _ -> ()
let compute hs =
let rg = { vmin = F.Tmap.empty ; vmax = F.Tmap.empty } in
(fun s ->
let open Conditions in
match s.condition with
| Have p | When p | Core p -> add_bound rg (F.e_prop p)
| _ -> ())
hs ;
let ranges rg =
(fun _ a b ->
try Some(Integer.to_int a,Integer.to_int b)
with Integer.Too_big -> None
) rg.vmin rg.vmax
let small = function
| None -> None
| Some z -> try Some(Integer.to_int z) with Integer.Too_big -> None
let bounds rg =
(fun _ a b -> Some(small a,small b))
rg.vmin rg.vmax
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Heuristics: Auto-Range --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
class autorange =
method id = "wp:range"
method title = "Auto Range"
method descr = "Iterate over term constrained by a finite interval"
method search push (hyps,goal) =
let ranged = Range.ranges (Range.compute hyps) in
(fun e (a,b) ->
if Strategy.occurs_p e goal && b-a <= 1024 then
let selection = Tactical.(Inside(Goal goal,e)) in
push (range selection ~vmin:a ~vmax:b)
) ranged
let auto_range = Strategy.export (new autorange)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Heuristics: Auto-Split --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
class autosplit =
method id = "wp:split"
method title = "Auto Split"
method descr = "Split on goal or any branch (priority to goal variables)"
method private search_goal push seq =
let goal = snd seq in
let is_split =
let open Qed.Logic in
match F.e_expr goal with
| And _ | If _ -> true
| Bind (Exists,_,phi) -> let rec is_split = function
| Bind (Exists,_,phi) -> is_split (F.repr (F.QED.lc_repr phi))
| And _ | Or _ | If _ | Imply _ -> true
| _ -> false
in is_split (F.repr (F.QED.lc_repr phi))
| Neq(x,y) | Eq(x,y) -> (F.is_prop x) && (F.is_prop y)
| _ -> false
if is_split then
let selection = Tactical.(Clause (Goal goal)) in
push (split ~priority:2.0 selection)
method private search_branch push seq =
let target = Lang.F.varsp (snd seq) in
(fun s ->
let open Lang in
let open Conditions in
match s.condition with
| Branch(_,sa,sb) ->
let priority =
if F.Vars.intersect target (Conditions.vars_hyp sa) ||
F.Vars.intersect target (Conditions.vars_hyp sb)
then 1.0 else 0.5 in
let selection = Tactical.(Clause(Step s)) in
push (split ~priority selection)
| _ -> ()
) (fst seq)
method search push seq =
self#search_goal push seq ;
self#search_branch push seq
let auto_split = Strategy.export (new autosplit)