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Snippets Groups Projects
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Makefile Targets

The most useful development targets are:

$ make tsc   # run linter
$ make dev   # run development version
$ make app   # build production version
$ make dist  # package the application
$ make doc   # generate the documentation
$ make api   # update the frama-c server API

Additional makefile targets and environment variables are listed by:

$ make dome-help

Emacs Configuration

Emacs mode configuration can be setup with Typescript, Web-mode and Tide packages. You can install them with M-x package-install:

M-x package-refresh-contents ;; updates your index
M-x package-install web-mode
M-x package-install typescript-mode
M-x package-install tide

For configuring your .emacs accordingly, please look at the ivette/src/dome/template/typescript.el file. It setup the Tide package to work with typescript-mode for *.ts files (see also tsfmt.json config file) and web-mode for *.tsx files.

Useful commands:

M-. goto definition
M-, back to previous point
M-x tide-documentation-at-point
M-x tide-error-at-point

VS Code

VS Code has native support for Typescript (and JavaScript, of course), in terms of code navigation, syntax highlighting and formatting, compiler errors and warnings. The same holds for React development.

Useful extensions:

  • ESlint provides support for lint errors and warnings;
  • ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets provides boilerplate snippets;


It is possible to add visual tests and playgrounds inside src/sandbox directory. Please read the associated src/sandbox/ instructions.

Coding rules

Coding rules are mostly enforced by Eslint. It is mostly composed of all recommended rules for typescript and React. A few of them are slightly weakened. Additionally, a small set of rules have been added, divided in two categories.

  1. Safety rules. These rules aim at avoiding errors by detecting common mistakes early. Most of these rules have been added after finding a bug that could have been avoided with this particular rule.
  2. Style rules. These rules focus on code readability, including making things explicit or ensuring uniformity. They should not be very constraining.