Andre Maroneze authoredAndre Maroneze authored
configurator.ml 10.79 KiB
(* *)
(* This file is part of Frama-C. *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2007-2024 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
module C = Configurator.V1
module Temp = struct (* Almost copied from configurator *)
let (^/) a b = a ^ "/" ^ b
let rec rm_rf dir =
Array.iter (fun fn ->
let fn = dir ^/ fn in
if Sys.is_directory fn then rm_rf fn else Unix.unlink fn)
(Sys.readdir dir);
Unix.rmdir dir
let prng = lazy (Random.State.make_self_init ())
let gen_name ~dir ~prefix ~suffix =
let rnd = Random.State.bits (Lazy.force prng) land 0xFFFFFF in
dir ^/ Printf.sprintf "%s%06x%s" prefix rnd suffix
let create_dir () =
let dir =
gen_name ~dir:(Filename.get_temp_dir_name ()) ~prefix:"" ~suffix:"" in
Unix.mkdir dir 0o700 ;
at_exit (fun () -> rm_rf dir) ;
let create ?(dir=create_dir ()) ?(prefix="") ?(suffix="") mk =
let rec try_name counter =
let name = gen_name ~dir ~prefix ~suffix in
match mk name with
| () -> name
| exception Unix.Unix_error _ when counter < 1000 -> try_name (counter + 1)
try_name 0
module C_preprocessor = struct (* This could be put in Dune? *)
type t =
{ preprocessor: string
; pp_opt: string option
let stdout_contains out str =
let re = Str.regexp_string str in
try ignore (Str.search_forward re out 0); true
with Not_found -> false
let find_preprocessor configurator =
let cc_env = try Sys.getenv "CPP" with Not_found -> "" in
if cc_env <> "" then (cc_env, None) (* assume default CPP needs no args *)
let finder (command, _pp_opt) =
C.which configurator command |> Option.is_some
(* Note: We could add 'cl.exe' to the list, but since it requires
'/<opt>' and not '-<opt>' for its options, it will fail in every
check anyway. So the user may manually specify it if they want it,
but having it here brings no benefit.
Note: 'cpp' is NOT the POSIX way to call the preprocessor, and it
behaves VERY badly on macOS (as if using '-traditional', see
Therefore, we try `gcc -E` and `cc -E`, but not 'cpp'.
try List.find finder [("gcc", Some "-E"); ("cc", Some "-E")]
with Not_found -> C.die "Could not find a C preprocessor"
let write_file name code =
let out = open_out name in
Printf.fprintf out "%s" code ;
close_out out
let call configurator preprocessor options code =
let dir = Temp.create_dir () in
let file =
Temp.create ~dir ~suffix:".c" (fun name -> write_file name code) in
C.Process.run configurator ~dir preprocessor (options @ [ file ])
let get configurator =
let preprocessor, pp_opt = find_preprocessor configurator in
{ preprocessor ; pp_opt }
let preprocess configurator t options code =
call configurator t.preprocessor (Option.to_list t.pp_opt @ options) code
(* Frama-C specific part *)
module Cpp = struct
module GnuLike = struct
let code = {|
#define foo 0
/* foo */
int main(){}
let check configurator preprocessor =
let options = ["-dD" ; "-nostdinc"] in
(C_preprocessor.preprocess configurator preprocessor options code).exit_code = 0
module KeepComments = struct
let code =
{|/* Check whether comments are kept in output */|}
let keep_comments_option = "-C"
let check configurator preprocessor =
let result = C_preprocessor.preprocess configurator preprocessor [keep_comments_option] code in
result.exit_code = 0 && C_preprocessor.stdout_contains result.stdout "kept"
module Archs = struct
let opt_m_code value =
Format.asprintf {|/* Check if preprocessor supports option -m%s */|} value
let check configurator preprocessor arch =
let code = opt_m_code arch in
let options = [ Format.asprintf "-m%s" arch ] in
if (C_preprocessor.preprocess configurator preprocessor options code).exit_code = 0
then Some arch else None
let supported_archs configurator preprocessor archs =
let check = check configurator preprocessor in
List.map (fun s -> "-m" ^ s) @@ List.filter_map check archs
type t =
{ preprocessor : C_preprocessor.t
; default_args : string list
; is_gnu_like : bool
; keep_comments : bool
; supported_archs_opts : string list
let get configurator =
let preprocessor = C_preprocessor.get configurator in
let default_args = Option.to_list preprocessor.pp_opt @ [ "-C" ; "-I." ] in
let is_gnu_like = GnuLike.check configurator preprocessor in
let keep_comments = KeepComments.check configurator preprocessor in
let supported_archs_opts =
Archs.supported_archs configurator preprocessor [ "16" ; "32" ; "64" ] in
{ preprocessor; default_args; is_gnu_like; keep_comments; supported_archs_opts }
let pp_flags fmt =
let pp_sep fmt () = Format.fprintf fmt " " in
Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep Format.pp_print_string fmt
let pp_default_cpp fmt cpp =
Format.fprintf fmt "%s %a"
pp_flags cpp.default_args
let pp_archs fmt cpp =
let pp_arch fmt arch = Format.fprintf fmt "\"%s\"" arch in
let pp_sep fmt () = Format.fprintf fmt "; " in
Format.fprintf fmt
"%a" (Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep pp_arch) cpp.supported_archs_opts
let add_macros tbl cpp =
Hashtbl.replace tbl "@FRAMAC_DEFAULT_CPP@"
(Format.asprintf "%a" pp_default_cpp cpp);
Hashtbl.replace tbl "@FRAMAC_DEFAULT_CPP_ARGS@"
(Format.asprintf "%a" pp_flags cpp.default_args);
Hashtbl.replace tbl "@FRAMAC_GNU_CPP@" (string_of_bool cpp.is_gnu_like);
Hashtbl.replace tbl "@DEFAULT_CPP_KEEP_COMMENTS@"
(string_of_bool cpp.keep_comments);
Hashtbl.replace tbl "@DEFAULT_CPP_KEEP_COMMENTS@"
(string_of_bool cpp.keep_comments);
(Format.asprintf "%a" pp_archs cpp);
module Fc_version = struct
type t =
{ major: string
; minor: string
; ext: string
; name: string
let head1 file = (* output first line from file, without '\n' *)
let ic = open_in file in
let s = input_line ic in
close_in ic;
with _exc ->
C.die "Can't read %s." file
let get () =
let out_VERSION = head1 "VERSION" in
let re_version =
Str.regexp {|\([1-9][0-9]\)\.\([0-9]\)\(.*\)|}
let major, minor, ext =
if Str.string_match re_version out_VERSION 0 then
Str.matched_group 1 out_VERSION,
Str.matched_group 2 out_VERSION,
try Str.matched_group 3 out_VERSION with Not_found -> ""
C.die "Invalid VERSION contents."
let name = head1 "VERSION_CODENAME" in
{ major; minor; ext; name }
let add_macros tbl version =
Hashtbl.replace tbl "@VERSION@"
(Format.asprintf "%s.%s%s" version.major version.minor version.ext);
Hashtbl.replace tbl "@VERSION_CODENAME@" version.name;
Hashtbl.replace tbl "@MAJOR_VERSION@" version.major;
Hashtbl.replace tbl "@MINOR_VERSION@" version.minor
module OS = struct
type t = Windows | MacOS | OtherUnix
let get configurator =
match C.ocaml_config_var_exn configurator "os_type" with
| "Win32" -> Windows
| _ ->
match C.ocaml_config_var_exn configurator "system" with
| "macosx" -> MacOS
| _ -> OtherUnix
let add_macros tbl t =
let module_dirs = match t with
| Windows -> "Win_dirs"
| MacOS -> "Macos_dirs"
| OtherUnix -> "Unix_dirs"
Hashtbl.replace tbl "@FRAMAC_TARGET_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INCLUDE@" module_dirs
let python_available configurator =
let result = C.Process.run configurator "python3" ["--version"] in
if result.exit_code <> 0 then false
let out = result.stdout in
let re_version =
Str.regexp {|.* \([0-9]\)\.\([0-9]+\).[0-9]+|}
let maj, med =
if Str.string_match re_version out 0 then
int_of_string @@ Str.matched_group 1 out,
int_of_string @@ Str.matched_group 2 out
else raise Not_found
if maj <> 3 || med < 7 then raise Not_found ;
with Not_found | Failure _ -> false
let re_macro = Str.regexp "@[A-Za-z0-9_]+@"
let expand macros line =
let line = ref line in
while true do
ignore (Str.search_forward re_macro !line 0);
let key = Str.matched_string !line in
match Hashtbl.find_opt macros key with
| None -> C.die "Unknown macro: %s" key
| Some v ->
line := Str.global_replace (Str.regexp_string key) v !line
assert false
with Not_found ->
let configure configurator =
let version = Fc_version.get () in
let cpp = Cpp.get configurator in
let os = OS.get configurator in
let macros = Hashtbl.create 10 in
Fc_version.add_macros macros version;
Cpp.add_macros macros cpp;
OS.add_macros macros os;
let ic = open_in "src/kernel_internals/runtime/system_config.ml.in" in
let oc = open_out "system_config.ml" in
while true; do
let line = expand macros (input_line ic) in
output_string oc line;
output_char oc '\n';
with End_of_file ->
close_in ic;
close_out oc;
let python = open_out "python-3.7-available" in
Printf.fprintf python "%b" (python_available configurator);
close_out python
let () =
C.main ~name:"frama_c_config" configure