Virgile Prevosto authoredVirgile Prevosto authored
userman.tex 2.36 KiB
% rubber: depend ../../VERSION
\coverpage{User Manual}
\title{Frama-C User Manual}{Release \framacversion}
\author{Loïc Correnson, Pascal Cuoq, Florent Kirchner, André
Maroneze, Virgile Prevosto, Armand Puccetti, Julien Signoles and Boris
\textcopyright 2009-2021 CEA LIST
This is the user manual of \FramaC\footnote{\url{http://frama-c.com}}. The
content of this document corresponds to the version \framacversion, on \today, of
We gratefully thank all the people who contributed to this document: Patrick
Baudin, Mickaël Delahaye, Philippe Hermann, Benjamin Monate and Dillon Pariente.