Allan Blanchard authored
- A1 A2 ... : prove A1 -> hyp A1 -> prove A2 -> hyp A2 ... - Move smoke tests to the end of code assertions
Allan Blanchard authored- A1 A2 ... : prove A1 -> hyp A1 -> prove A2 -> hyp A2 ... - Move smoke tests to the end of code assertions
cfgAnnot.ml 24.21 KiB
(* *)
(* This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C. *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2007-2021 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
open Cil_types
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Smoke Tests --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let smoke kf ~id ?doomed ?unreachable () =
WpPropId.mk_smoke kf ~id ?doomed ?unreachable () , Logic_const.pfalse
let get_unreachable kf stmt =
WpPropId.mk_smoke kf ~id:"unreachabled" ~unreachable:stmt ()
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Memoization --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module CodeKey =
type t = kernel_function * stmt
let compare (a:t) (b:t) = Stdlib.compare (snd a).sid (snd b).sid
let pretty fmt (a:t) = Format.fprintf fmt "s%d" (snd a).sid
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Property Accessors : Behaviors --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type behavior = {
bhv_assumes: WpPropId.pred_info list ;
bhv_requires: WpPropId.pred_info list ;
bhv_smokes: WpPropId.pred_info list ;
bhv_ensures: WpPropId.pred_info list ;
bhv_exits: WpPropId.pred_info list ;
bhv_post_assigns: WpPropId.assigns_full_info ;
bhv_exit_assigns: WpPropId.assigns_full_info ;
let normalize_assumes h =
let module L = NormAtLabels in
let labels = L.labels_fct_pre in
L.preproc_annot labels h
let implies ?assumes p =
match assumes with None -> p | Some h -> Logic_const.pimplies (h,p)
let filter ~goal ip =
if goal
then Logic_utils.verify_predicate ip.ip_content.tp_kind
else Logic_utils.use_predicate ip.ip_content.tp_kind
let normalize_pre ~goal kf bhv ?assumes ip =
if filter ~goal ip then
let module L = NormAtLabels in
let labels = L.labels_fct_pre in
let id = WpPropId.mk_pre_id kf Kglobal bhv ip in
let pre = ip.ip_content.tp_statement in
let assumes = Option.map normalize_assumes assumes in
Some (id, L.preproc_annot labels @@ implies ?assumes pre)
else None
let normalize_post ~goal kf bhv tk ?assumes (itk,ip) =
if tk = itk && filter ~goal ip then
let module L = NormAtLabels in
let at_pre e = Logic_const.pat (e, BuiltinLabel Pre) in
let assumes = Option.map (fun p -> normalize_assumes @@ at_pre p) assumes in
let labels = L.labels_fct_post ~exit:(tk=Exits) in
let id = WpPropId.mk_post_id kf Kglobal bhv (tk,ip) in
let p = L.preproc_annot labels ip.ip_content.tp_statement in
Some (id , implies ?assumes p)
else None
let normalize_froms tk froms =
let module L = NormAtLabels in
let labels = L.labels_fct_assigns ~exit:(tk=Exits) in
L.preproc_assigns labels froms
let normalize_fct_assigns kf ~exits bhv = function
| WritesAny ->
WpPropId.empty_assigns_info, WpPropId.empty_assigns_info
| Writes froms ->
let make tk =
match WpPropId.mk_fct_assigns_id kf exits bhv tk froms with
| None -> WpPropId.empty_assigns_info
| Some id ->
let assigns = normalize_froms tk froms in
let desc = WpPropId.mk_kf_assigns_desc assigns in
WpPropId.mk_assigns_info id desc
make Normal,
if exits then make Exits else WpPropId.empty_assigns_info
let get_behavior_goals kf ?(smoking=false) ?(exits=false) bhv =
let pre_cond = normalize_pre ~goal:false kf bhv in
let post_cond = normalize_post ~goal:true kf bhv in
let p_asgn, e_asgn = normalize_fct_assigns kf ~exits bhv bhv.b_assigns in
let smokes =
let do_assumes =
Wp_parameters.SmokeDeadassumes.get() && bhv.b_assumes <> [] in
if smoking && (bhv.b_requires <> [] || do_assumes) then
let bname =
if Cil.is_default_behavior bhv then "default" else bhv.b_name in
let id, doomed =
if bhv.b_requires <> []
bname ^ "_requires",
Property.ip_requires_of_behavior kf Kglobal bhv
bname ^ "_assumes",
Property.ip_assumes_of_behavior kf Kglobal bhv
[smoke kf ~id ~doomed ()]
else []
bhv_assumes = List.filter_map pre_cond bhv.b_assumes;
bhv_requires = List.filter_map pre_cond bhv.b_requires;
bhv_ensures = List.filter_map (post_cond Normal) bhv.b_post_cond ;
bhv_exits = List.filter_map (post_cond Exits) bhv.b_post_cond ;
bhv_post_assigns = p_asgn ;
bhv_exit_assigns = e_asgn ;
bhv_smokes = smokes;
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Side Behavior Requires --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let get_requires ~goal kf bhv =
List.filter_map (normalize_pre ~goal kf bhv) bhv.b_requires
let get_preconditions ~goal kf =
let module L = NormAtLabels in
let mk_pre = L.preproc_annot L.labels_fct_pre in
(fun bhv ->
let p = Ast_info.behavior_precondition ~goal bhv in
let ip = Logic_const.new_predicate p in
WpPropId.mk_pre_id kf Kglobal bhv ip, mk_pre p
) (Annotations.behaviors kf)
let get_complete_behaviors kf =
let spec = Annotations.funspec kf in
let module L = NormAtLabels in
(fun bs ->
WpPropId.mk_compl_bhv_id (kf,Kglobal,[],bs) ,
L.preproc_annot L.labels_fct_pre @@ Ast_info.complete_behaviors spec bs
) spec.spec_complete_behaviors
let get_disjoint_behaviors kf =
let spec = Annotations.funspec kf in
let module L = NormAtLabels in
(fun bs ->
WpPropId.mk_disj_bhv_id (kf,Kglobal,[],bs) ,
L.preproc_annot L.labels_fct_pre @@ Ast_info.disjoint_behaviors spec bs
) spec.spec_disjoint_behaviors
let normalize_terminates p =
let module L = NormAtLabels in
L.preproc_annot L.labels_fct_pre @@
Logic_const.pat (p.ip_content.tp_statement, BuiltinLabel Pre)
let wp_populate_terminates =
"Populate terminates"
~correctness:[] (* TBC *)
~tuning:[] (* TBC *)
type terminates_clause =
| Defined of WpPropId.prop_id * predicate
| Assumed of predicate
let get_terminates_clause kf =
(* Note:
* - user-defined terminates always returns Defined
* - generated "terminates \true" are:
* - first handled in a None case and returns Defined
* - then handled in a Some case (as user defined) and returns Defined *)
let defined p =
Defined (WpPropId.mk_terminates_id kf Kglobal p, normalize_terminates p) in
let populate_true ?(silence=false) () =
let p = Logic_const.new_predicate @@ Logic_const.ptrue in
if not silence then
~source:(fst @@ Kernel_function.get_location kf) ~once:true
"Missing terminates clause for %a, populates 'terminates \\true'"
Kernel_function.pretty kf ;
Annotations.add_terminates wp_populate_terminates kf p ;
defined p
let kf_vi = Kernel_function.get_vi kf in
let kf_name = Kernel_function.get_name kf in
match Annotations.terminates kf with
| None
when Cil_builtins.is_builtin kf_vi
|| Cil_builtins.is_special_builtin kf_name ->
populate_true ~silence:true ()
| None when Kernel_function.is_in_libc kf ->
if not @@ Wp_parameters.TerminatesStdlibDeclarations.get ()
then Assumed Logic_const.pfalse
else populate_true ()
| None when Kernel_function.is_definition kf ->
if not @@ Wp_parameters.TerminatesDefinitions.get ()
then Assumed Logic_const.pfalse
else populate_true ()
| None ->
if not @@ Wp_parameters.TerminatesExtDeclarations.get ()
then Assumed Logic_const.pfalse
else populate_true ()
| Some p ->
defined p
let get_terminates_goal kf =
match get_terminates_clause kf with
| Assumed _ -> None
| Defined (id, p) -> Some (id, p)
let get_terminates_hyp kf =
match get_terminates_clause kf with
| Defined (_, p) -> false, p
| Assumed p -> true, p
let check_variant_relation = function
| (_, None) -> ()
| (_, Some rel) ->
Wp_parameters.hypothesis ~once:true
"'%a' relation must be well-founded" Cil_printer.pp_logic_info rel
let get_decreases_goal kf =
let defined t = WpPropId.mk_decrease_id kf Kglobal t, t in
match Annotations.decreases ~populate:false kf with
| None -> None
| Some v -> check_variant_relation v ; Some (defined v)
let get_decreases_hyp kf =
Annotations.decreases ~populate:false kf
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Contracts --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type contract = {
contract_cond : WpPropId.pred_info list ;
contract_hpre : WpPropId.pred_info list ;
contract_post : WpPropId.pred_info list ;
contract_exit : WpPropId.pred_info list ;
contract_smoke : WpPropId.pred_info list ;
contract_assigns : Cil_types.assigns ;
contract_terminates : bool * Cil_types.predicate ;
contract_decreases : Cil_types.variant option ;
let assigns_upper_bound behaviors =
let collect_assigns (def, assigns) bhv =
(* Default behavior prevails *)
if Cil.is_default_behavior bhv then Some bhv.b_assigns, None
else if Option.is_some def then def, None
else begin
(* Note that here, def is None *)
match assigns, bhv.b_assigns with
| None, a -> None, Some a
| Some WritesAny, _ | Some _, WritesAny -> None, Some WritesAny
| Some (Writes a), Writes b -> None, Some (Writes (a @ b))
match List.fold_left collect_assigns (None, None) behaviors with
| Some a, _ -> a (* default behavior first *)
| _, Some a -> a (* else combined behaviors *)
| _ -> WritesAny
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Call Contracts --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*TODO: put it in Status_by_call ? *)
module AllPrecondStatus =
let name = "Wp.CfgAnnot.AllPrecondStatus"
let dependencies = [Ast.self]
let size = 32
let setup_preconditions kf =
if not (AllPrecondStatus.mem kf) then
AllPrecondStatus.add kf () ;
Statuses_by_call.setup_all_preconditions_proxies kf ;
let get_precond_at kf stmt (id,p) =
let pi = WpPropId.property_of_id id in
let pi_at = Statuses_by_call.precondition_at_call kf pi stmt in
let id_at = WpPropId.mk_call_pre_id kf stmt pi pi_at in
id_at , p
module CallContract = WpContext.StaticGenerator(Kernel_function)
type key = kernel_function
type data = contract
let name = "Wp.CfgAnnot.CallContract"
let compile kf =
let wcond : WpPropId.pred_info list ref = ref [] in
let whpre : WpPropId.pred_info list ref = ref [] in
let wpost : WpPropId.pred_info list ref = ref [] in
let wexit : WpPropId.pred_info list ref = ref [] in
let add w f x = match f x with Some y -> w := y :: !w | None -> () in
let behaviors = Annotations.behaviors kf in
setup_preconditions kf ;
begin fun bhv ->
(* Normalization of assumes is specific to each case *)
let assumes = Ast_info.behavior_assumes bhv in
let mk_cond = normalize_pre ~goal:true kf bhv ~assumes in
let mk_hpre = normalize_pre ~goal:false kf bhv ~assumes in
let mk_post = normalize_post ~goal:false kf bhv ~assumes in
List.iter (add wcond @@ mk_cond) bhv.b_requires ;
List.iter (add whpre @@ mk_hpre) bhv.b_requires ;
List.iter (add wpost @@ mk_post Normal) bhv.b_post_cond ;
List.iter (add wexit @@ mk_post Exits) bhv.b_post_cond ;
end behaviors ;
let assigns = match assigns_upper_bound behaviors with
| WritesAny -> WritesAny
| Writes froms -> Writes (normalize_froms Normal froms)
let terminates = get_terminates_hyp kf in
let decreases = get_decreases_hyp kf in
contract_cond = List.rev !wcond ;
contract_hpre = List.rev !whpre ;
contract_post = List.rev !wpost ;
contract_exit = List.rev !wexit ;
contract_smoke = [] ;
contract_assigns = assigns ;
contract_terminates = terminates ;
contract_decreases = decreases ;
let get_call_contract ?smoking kf stmt =
let cc = CallContract.get kf in
let preconds = List.map (get_precond_at kf stmt) cc.contract_cond in
match smoking with
| None ->
{ cc with contract_cond = preconds }
| Some s ->
let g = smoke kf ~id:"dead_call" ~unreachable:s () in
{ cc with contract_cond = preconds ; contract_smoke = [ g ] }
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Assembly Code --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let is_assembly stmt =
match stmt.skind with
| Instr (Asm _) -> true
| _ -> false
let get_stmt_assigns kf stmt =
let asgn =
begin fun _emitter ca l ->
match ca.annot_content with
| AStmtSpec(fors,s) ->
(fun l bhv ->
match bhv.b_assigns with
| WritesAny -> l
| Writes froms ->
let module L = NormAtLabels in
let labels = L.labels_stmt_assigns ~kf stmt in
WpPropId.mk_stmt_assigns_id kf stmt fors bhv froms
| None -> l
| Some id ->
let froms = L.preproc_assigns labels froms in
let desc = WpPropId.mk_stmt_assigns_desc stmt froms in
WpPropId.mk_assigns_info id desc :: l
) l s.spec_behavior
| _ -> l
end stmt []
in if asgn = [] then [WpPropId.mk_stmt_any_assigns_info stmt] else asgn
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Code Assertions --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type code_assertion = {
code_admitted: WpPropId.pred_info option ;
code_verified: WpPropId.pred_info option ;
(* Note: generated in REVERSE order *)
module CodeAssertions = WpContext.StaticGenerator(CodeKey)
type key = CodeKey.t
type data = code_assertion list
let name = "Wp.CfgAnnot.CodeAssertions"
let compile (kf,stmt) =
let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_assert ~kf stmt in
let normalize_pred p = NormAtLabels.preproc_annot labels p in
begin fun _emitter ca l ->
match ca.annot_content with
| AStmtSpec _ when not @@ is_assembly stmt ->
let source = fst (Cil_datatype.Stmt.loc stmt) in
Wp_parameters.warning ~once:true ~source
"Statement specifications not yet supported (skipped)." ; l
| AInvariant(_,false,_) ->
let source = fst (Cil_datatype.Stmt.loc stmt) in
Wp_parameters.warning ~once:true ~source
"Generalized invariant not yet supported (skipped)." ; l
| AAssert(_,a) ->
let p =
WpPropId.mk_assert_id kf stmt ca ,
normalize_pred a.tp_statement in
let admit = Logic_utils.use_predicate a.tp_kind in
let verif = Logic_utils.verify_predicate a.tp_kind in
let use flag p = if flag then Some p else None in
code_admitted = use admit p ;
code_verified = use verif p ;
} :: l
| _ -> l
end stmt []
let get_code_assertions ?(smoking=false) kf stmt =
let ca = CodeAssertions.get (kf,stmt) in
(* Make sur that smoke tests are in the end so that it can see surely false
assertions associated to this statement, in particular RTE assertions. *)
List.rev @@
if smoking then
let s = smoke kf ~id:"dead_code" ~unreachable:stmt () in
{ code_admitted = None ; code_verified = Some s } :: ca
else ca
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Loop Invariants --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let mk_variant_properties kf s ca v =
let vpos_id = WpPropId.mk_var_pos_id kf s ca in
let vdecr_id = WpPropId.mk_var_decr_id kf s ca in
let loc = v.term_loc in
let lcurr = Clabels.to_logic (Clabels.loop_current s) in
let vcurr = Logic_const.tat ~loc (v, lcurr) in
let zero = Cil.lzero ~loc () in
let vpos = Logic_const.prel ~loc (Rle, zero, vcurr) in
let vdecr = Logic_const.prel ~loc (Rlt, v, vcurr) in
(vpos_id, vpos), (vdecr_id, vdecr)
let mk_variant_relation_property kf s ca v li =
check_variant_relation (v, Some li) ;
let vid = WpPropId.mk_var_id kf s ca in
let loc = v.term_loc in
let lcurr = Clabels.to_logic (Clabels.loop_current s) in
let vcurr = Logic_const.tat ~loc (v, lcurr) in
let variant = Logic_const.papp ~loc (li,[],[vcurr ; v]) in
(vid, variant)
type loop_hypothesis =
| NoHyp
| Check of WpPropId.prop_id
| Always of WpPropId.prop_id
type loop_invariant = {
loop_hyp : loop_hypothesis ;
loop_est : WpPropId.prop_id option ;
loop_ind : WpPropId.prop_id option ;
loop_pred : Cil_types.predicate ;
type loop_contract = {
loop_terminates: predicate option;
loop_invariants : loop_invariant list ;
(* to be proved after loop invariants *)
loop_smoke: WpPropId.pred_info list;
(* assigned by loop body *)
loop_assigns: WpPropId.assigns_full_info list;
let default_assigns stmt l =
{ l with
loop_assigns =
if l.loop_assigns <> [] then l.loop_assigns
else [WpPropId.mk_loop_any_assigns_info stmt] }
module LoopContract = WpContext.StaticGenerator(CodeKey)
type key = CodeKey.t
type data = loop_contract
let name = "Wp.CfgAnnot.LoopContract"
let compile (kf,stmt) =
let labels = NormAtLabels.labels_loop stmt in
let normalize_pred p = NormAtLabels.preproc_annot labels p in
let normalize_annot (i,p) = i, normalize_pred p in
let normalize_assigns w = NormAtLabels.preproc_assigns labels w in
let intro_terminates_variant ~loc (pid, v) =
let t = snd @@ get_terminates_hyp kf in
if Wp_parameters.TerminatesVariantHyp.get () then begin
if Logic_utils.is_same_predicate t Logic_const.pfalse then
~source:(fst loc) ~once:true
"Loop variant is always trivially verified \
(terminates \\false)" ;
Logic_const.pimplies (t, v)
end else v
let variant_as_inv ~loc (i, p) =
let i, p = intro_terminates_variant ~loc @@ normalize_annot (i, p) in
{ loop_pred = p ;
loop_hyp = NoHyp ; loop_est = None ; loop_ind = Some i }
default_assigns stmt @@
begin fun _emitter ca l ->
match ca.annot_content with
| AInvariant(_,true,inv) ->
let g_hyp = WpPropId.mk_inv_hyp_id kf stmt ca in
let g_est, g_ind = WpPropId.mk_loop_inv kf stmt ca in
let admit = Logic_utils.use_predicate inv.tp_kind in
let verif = Logic_utils.verify_predicate inv.tp_kind in
let loop_hyp = if admit then Always g_hyp else Check g_hyp in
let use flag id = if flag then Some id else None in
let inv =
{ loop_pred = normalize_pred inv.tp_statement ;
loop_hyp ;
loop_est = use verif g_est ;
loop_ind = use verif g_ind ; }
{ l with
loop_invariants = inv :: l.loop_invariants ; }
| AVariant(term, None) ->
let vpos , vdec = mk_variant_properties kf stmt ca term in
let vpos = variant_as_inv ~loc:term.term_loc vpos in
let vdec = variant_as_inv ~loc:term.term_loc vdec in
{ l with loop_terminates = None ;
loop_invariants = vdec :: vpos :: l.loop_invariants }
| AVariant(term, Some rel) ->
let vrel = mk_variant_relation_property kf stmt ca term rel in
let vrel = variant_as_inv ~loc:term.term_loc vrel in
{ l with loop_invariants = vrel :: l.loop_invariants }
| AAssigns(_,WritesAny) ->
let asgn = WpPropId.mk_loop_any_assigns_info stmt in
{ l with loop_assigns = asgn :: l.loop_assigns }
| AAssigns(_,Writes w) ->
begin match WpPropId.mk_loop_assigns_id kf stmt ca w with
| None -> l (* shall not occur *)
| Some id ->
let w = normalize_assigns w in
let a = WpPropId.mk_loop_assigns_desc stmt w in
let asgn = WpPropId.mk_assigns_info id a in
{ l with loop_assigns = asgn :: l.loop_assigns }
| _ -> l
end stmt {
loop_terminates = Some Logic_const.pfalse ;
loop_invariants = [] ;
loop_smoke = [] ;
loop_assigns = [] ;
let get_loop_contract ?(smoking=false) ?terminates kf stmt =
let lc = LoopContract.get (kf,stmt) in
let lc_smoke = if smoking && not (WpReached.is_dead_code stmt) then
let g = smoke kf ~id:"dead_loop" ~unreachable:stmt () in
{ lc with loop_smoke = g :: lc.loop_smoke }
else lc
match lc_smoke.loop_terminates, terminates with
| None, _ ->
| Some _, None ->
{ lc_smoke with loop_terminates = None }
| Some loop_terminates, Some terminates ->
let prop = Logic_const.pimplies(terminates, loop_terminates) in
{ lc_smoke with loop_terminates = Some prop }
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Clear Tablesnts --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let clear () =
CallContract.clear () ;
LoopContract.clear () ;
CodeAssertions.clear ()
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)