Loïc Correnson authored
(blind make headers from specifications)
Loïc Correnson authored(blind make headers from specifications)
Cfloat.ml 9.28 KiB
(* *)
(* This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C. *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2007-2019 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Floats Arithmetic Model --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open Ctypes
open Qed
open Lang
open Lang.F
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Library --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let library = "cfloat"
let result = Logic.Real
let params = [Logic.Sreal;Logic.Sreal] (* We can provide more parameters *)
let link f = Lang.infoprover (Qed.Engine.F_call f)
let make_fun_float name f =
extern_f ~library ~result ~params "%s_%a" name Ctypes.pp_float f
let make_pred_float name f =
extern_f ~library ~result:Logic.Prop ~params "%s_%a" name Ctypes.pp_float f
let f_model =
extern_f ~library ~result ~params ~link:(link "model") "\\model"
let f_delta =
extern_f ~library ~result ~params ~link:(link "delta") "\\delta"
let f_epsilon =
extern_f ~library ~result ~params ~link:(link "epsilon") "\\epsilon"
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Model Setting --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type model = Real | Float
let model = Context.create ~default:Real "Cfloat.model"
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Literals --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let code_lit = F.e_float
let mantissa = "\\([-+]?[0-9]*\\)"
let comma = "\\(.\\(\\(0*[1-9]\\)*\\)0*\\)?"
let exponent = "\\([eE]\\([-+]?[0-9]*\\)\\)?"
let real = Str.regexp (mantissa ^ comma ^ exponent ^ "$")
let parse_literal l =
let open Cil_types in
let r = l.r_literal in
if Str.string_match real r 0 then
let ma = Str.matched_group 1 r in
let mb = try Str.matched_group 3 r with Not_found -> "" in
let me = try Str.matched_group 6 r with Not_found -> "0" in
let n = int_of_string me - String.length mb in
let d n =
let s = Bytes.make (succ n) '0' in
Bytes.set s 0 '1' ; Q.of_string (Bytes.to_string s) in
let m = Q.of_string (ma ^ mb) in
if n < 0 then Q.div m (d (-n)) else
if n > 0 then Q.mul m (d n) else m
else Q.of_float l.r_nearest
with Failure _ ->
Warning.error ~source:"acsl" "Unexpected real literal %S" r
let acsl_lit l = F.e_real (parse_literal l)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Operators --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let flt_rnd = Ctypes.f_memo (make_fun_float "to")
let flt_add = Ctypes.f_memo (make_fun_float "add")
let flt_mul = Ctypes.f_memo (make_fun_float "mul")
let flt_div = Ctypes.f_memo (make_fun_float "div")
let () =
let open LogicBuiltins in
add_builtin "\\model" [F Float32] f_model ;
add_builtin "\\model" [F Float64] f_model ;
add_builtin "\\delta" [F Float32] f_delta ;
add_builtin "\\delta" [F Float64] f_delta ;
add_builtin "\\epsilon" [F Float32] f_epsilon ;
add_builtin "\\epsilon" [F Float64] f_epsilon ;
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Floating Point Predicate --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let fle _ = F.p_leq
let flt _ = F.p_lt
let feq _ = F.p_equal
let fneq _ = F.p_neq
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Precision --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module OP = Model.Static
type key = Lang.lfun
type data = (term list -> term)
let name = "Wp.Cfloat.OP"
let compare = Lang.Fun.compare
let pretty = Lang.Fun.pretty
let define_fmodel_of fop op =
OP.define (fop Float32) op ;
OP.define (fop Float64) op ;
let builtin_model = function
| [e] ->
let open Qed.Logic in
begin match F.repr e with
| Fun(f,_) when f == f_model -> e
| Fun(f,_) when f == f_delta -> e_zero_real
| Fun(f,_) when f == f_epsilon -> e_zero_real
| Fun(op,xs) ->
let phi = OP.find op in
(* find phi before computing arguments *)
phi (List.map (fun e -> e_fun f_model [e]) xs)
| Kreal _ -> e
| _ -> raise Not_found
| _ -> raise Not_found
let builtin_round ulp = function
| [e] ->
let open Qed.Logic in
begin match F.repr e with
| Div(x,y) -> e_fun (flt_div ulp) [x;y]
| Add ([_;_] as xs) -> e_fun (flt_add ulp) xs
| Mul ([_;_] as xs) -> e_fun (flt_mul ulp) xs
| Kreal r when Q.equal r Q.zero -> e
| Kreal r when Q.equal r Q.one -> e
| Kreal r ->
let flt = Transitioning.Q.to_float r in
let rnd =
match ulp with
| Float32 -> Floating_point.round_to_single_precision_float flt
| Float64 -> flt
in F.e_float rnd
| _ -> raise Not_found
| _ -> raise Not_found
let builtin_error = function
| [e] ->
let open Qed.Logic in
begin match F.repr e with
| Fun(f,_) when f == f_model -> e_zero_real
| _ -> raise Not_found
| _ -> raise Not_found
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Conversion Symbols --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let float_of_real f a =
match Context.get model with
| Real -> a
| Float -> e_fun (flt_rnd f) [a]
let float_of_int f a = float_of_real f (Cmath.real_of_int a)
let real_of_float _f a = a
let range =
let is_float = Ctypes.f_memo (make_pred_float "is") in
fun f a -> p_call (is_float f) [a]
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Float Arithmetics --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let fbinop rop fop f x y =
match Context.get model with
| Real -> rop x y
| Float -> e_fun (fop f) [x;y]
let fadd = fbinop e_add flt_add
let fmul = fbinop e_mul flt_mul
let fdiv = fbinop e_div flt_div
let fopp _ = e_opp (* sign change is exact in floats *)
let fsub f x y = fadd f x (e_opp y)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Registry --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let () = Context.register
begin fun () ->
F.set_builtin f_model builtin_model ;
F.set_builtin f_delta builtin_error ;
F.set_builtin f_epsilon builtin_error ;
F.set_builtin (flt_rnd Float32) (builtin_round Float32) ;
F.set_builtin (flt_rnd Float64) (builtin_round Float64) ;
define_fmodel_of flt_rnd (function [x] -> x | _ -> raise Not_found) ;
define_fmodel_of flt_add e_sum ; (* only 2 params in flt_add *)
define_fmodel_of flt_mul e_prod ; (* only 2 params in flt_mul *)
define_fmodel_of flt_div (function [x;y] -> e_div x y | _ -> raise Not_found) ;
let configure m = Context.set model m
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)