Allan Blanchard authoredAllan Blanchard authored
Cfloat.ml 16.60 KiB
(* *)
(* This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C. *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2007-2022 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Floats Arithmetic Model --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open Ctypes
open Qed
open Lang
open Lang.F
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Library --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let library = "cfloat"
let f32 = datatype ~library "f32"
let f64 = datatype ~library "f64"
let t32 = Lang.(t_datatype f32 [])
let t64 = Lang.(t_datatype f64 [])
let ftau = function
| Float32 -> t32
| Float64 -> t64
let ft_suffix = function Float32 -> "f32" | Float64 -> "f64"
let pp_suffix fmt ft = Format.pp_print_string fmt (ft_suffix ft)
let link phi = Qed.Engine.F_call phi
(* Qed exact representations, linked to f32/f64 *)
let fq32 = extern_f ~library ~result:t32 ~link:(link "to_f32") "q32"
let fq64 = extern_f ~library ~result:t64 ~link:(link "to_f64") "q64"
let f_model ft = extern_f ~library ~result:(ftau ft) "model_%a" pp_suffix ft
let f_delta ft = extern_f ~library ~result:(ftau ft) "delta_%a" pp_suffix ft
let f_epsilon ft = extern_f ~library ~result:(ftau ft) "epsilon_%a" pp_suffix ft
let f_sqrt ft = extern_f ~library ~result:(ftau ft) "sqrt_%a" pp_suffix ft
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Model Setting --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type model = Real | Float
let model = Context.create ~default:Float "Cfloat.model"
let tau_of_float f =
match Context.get model with
| Real -> Logic.Real
| Float -> ftau f
let float_name = function
| Float32 -> "float"
| Float64 -> "double"
let model_name = function
| Float -> "Float"
| Real -> "Real"
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Operators --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type op =
| LT
| EQ
| LE
| NE
[@@@ warning "-32"]
let op_name = function
| LT -> "lt"
| EQ -> "eq"
| LE -> "le"
| NE -> "ne"
| NEG -> "neg"
| ADD -> "add"
| SUB -> "sub"
| MUL -> "mul"
| DIV -> "div"
| REAL -> "of"
| ROUND -> "to"
| EXACT -> "exact"
[@@@ warning "+32"]
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Registry --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module REGISTRY = WpContext.Static
type key = lfun
type data = op * c_float
let name = "Wp.Cfloat.REGISTRY"
include Lang.Fun
let find = REGISTRY.find
let () = Context.register
begin fun () ->
REGISTRY.define fq32 (EXACT,Float32) ;
REGISTRY.define fq64 (EXACT,Float64) ;
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Literals --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rfloat = Floating_point.round_to_single_precision_float
let fmake ulp value = match ulp with
| Float32 -> F.e_fun ~result:t32 fq32 [F.e_float (rfloat value)]
| Float64 -> F.e_fun ~result:t64 fq64 [F.e_float value]
let qmake ulp q = fmake ulp (Q.to_float q)
let re_mantissa = "\\([-+]?[0-9]*\\)"
let re_comma = "\\(.\\(\\(0*[1-9]\\)*\\)0*\\)?"
let re_exponent = "\\([eE]\\([-+]?[0-9]*\\)\\)?"
let re_suffix = "\\([flFL]\\)?"
let re_real =
Str.regexp (re_mantissa ^ re_comma ^ re_exponent ^ re_suffix ^ "$")
let parse_literal ~model v r =
if Str.string_match re_real r 0 then
let has_suffix =
try ignore (Str.matched_group 7 r) ; true
with Not_found -> false in
if has_suffix && model = Float then
Q.of_float v
let ma = Str.matched_group 1 r in
let mb = try Str.matched_group 3 r with Not_found -> "" in
let me = try Str.matched_group 6 r with Not_found -> "0" in
let n = int_of_string me - String.length mb in
let d n =
let s = Bytes.make (succ n) '0' in
Bytes.set s 0 '1' ; Q.of_string (Bytes.to_string s) in
let m = Q.of_string (ma ^ mb) in
if n < 0 then Q.div m (d (-n)) else
if n > 0 then Q.mul m (d n) else m
else Q.of_float v
with Failure _ ->
Warning.error "Unexpected constant literal %S" r
let acsl_lit l =
let open Cil_types in
F.e_real (parse_literal ~model:(Context.get model) l.r_nearest l.r_literal)
let code_lit ulp value original =
match Context.get model , ulp , original with
| Float , Float32 , _ -> F.e_fun ~result:t32 fq32 [F.e_float value]
| Float , Float64 , _ -> F.e_fun ~result:t64 fq64 [F.e_float value]
| Real , _ , None -> F.e_float value
| Real , _ , Some r -> F.e_real (parse_literal ~model:Real value r)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Literal Output --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let printers = [
Printf.sprintf "%.0g" ;
Printf.sprintf "%.1g" ;
Printf.sprintf "%.2g" ;
Printf.sprintf "%.3g" ;
Printf.sprintf "%.4g" ;
Printf.sprintf "%.5g" ;
Printf.sprintf "%.6g" ;
Printf.sprintf "%.9g" ;
Printf.sprintf "%.12g" ;
Printf.sprintf "%.15g" ;
Printf.sprintf "%.18g" ;
Printf.sprintf "%.21g" ;
Printf.sprintf "%.32g" ;
Printf.sprintf "%.64g" ;
let re_int_float = Str.regexp "\\(-?[0-9]+\\)\\(e[+-]?[0-9]+\\)?$"
let force_float r =
if Str.string_match re_int_float r 0
let group n r = try Str.matched_group n r with Not_found -> ""
in group 1 r ^ ".0" ^ group 2 r
else r
let float_lit ulp (q : Q.t) =
let v = match ulp with
| Float32 -> rfloat @@ Q.to_float q
| Float64 -> Q.to_float q in
let reparse ulp r =
match ulp with
| Float32 -> rfloat @@ float_of_string r
| Float64 -> float_of_string r
let rec lookup ulp v = function
| [] -> Pretty_utils.to_string Floating_point.pretty v
| pp::pps ->
let r = force_float @@ pp v in
if reparse ulp r = v then r else
lookup ulp v pps
in lookup ulp v printers
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Finites --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let fclass value _args =
match Context.get model with
| Real -> F.e_bool value
| Float -> raise Not_found
let () = Context.register
begin fun () ->
LogicBuiltins.hack "\\is_finite" (fclass true) ;
LogicBuiltins.hack "\\is_NaN" (fclass false) ;
LogicBuiltins.hack "\\is_infinite" (fclass false) ;
LogicBuiltins.hack "\\is_plus_infinity" (fclass false) ;
LogicBuiltins.hack "\\is_minus_infinity" (fclass false) ;
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Computations --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec exact e =
match F.repr e with
| Qed.Logic.Kreal r -> r
| Qed.Logic.Kint z -> Q.of_bigint z
| Qed.Logic.Fun( f , [ q ] ) when f == fq32 || f == fq64 -> exact q
| _ -> raise Not_found
let round ulp e =
match F.repr e with
| Qed.Logic.Fun( f , [ b ] ) ->
match find f with
| REAL , ulp2 when ulp2 = ulp -> b
| _ -> qmake ulp (exact e )
| _ -> qmake ulp (exact e)
let compute_float op ulp xs =
match op , xs with
| NEG , [ x ] -> qmake ulp (Q.neg (exact x))
| ADD , [ x ; y ] -> qmake ulp (Q.add (exact x) (exact y))
| SUB , [ x ; y ] -> qmake ulp (Q.sub (exact x) (exact y))
| MUL , [ x ; y ] -> qmake ulp (Q.mul (exact x) (exact y))
| DIV , [ x ; y ] ->
let res = match Q.div (exact x) (exact y) with
| x when Q.classify x = Q.NZERO -> x
| _ -> raise Not_found (* let Why3 take care of the division*)
in qmake ulp res
| ROUND , [ x ] -> round ulp x
| REAL , [ x ] -> F.e_real (exact x)
| LE , [ x ; y ] -> F.e_bool (Q.leq (exact x) (exact y))
| LT , [ x ; y ] -> F.e_bool (Q.lt (exact x) (exact y))
| EQ , [ x ; y ] -> F.e_bool (Q.equal (exact x) (exact y))
| NE , [ x ; y ] -> F.e_bool (not (Q.equal (exact x) (exact y)))
| _ -> raise Not_found
let compute_real op xs =
match op , xs with
| NEG , [ x ] -> F.e_opp x
| ADD , [ x ; y ] -> F.e_add x y
| SUB , [ x ; y ] -> F.e_sub x y
| MUL , [ x ; y ] -> F.e_mul x y
| DIV , [ x ; y ] -> F.e_div x y
| (ROUND|REAL) , [ x ] -> x
| LE , [ x ; y ] -> F.e_leq x y
| LT , [ x ; y ] -> F.e_lt x y
| EQ , [ x ; y ] -> F.e_eq x y
| NE , [ x ; y ] -> F.e_neq x y
| _ -> raise Not_found
let return_type ft = function
| REAL -> Logic.Real
| _ -> ftau ft
module Compute = WpContext.StaticGenerator
type t = model * c_float * op
let compare = Stdlib.compare
let pretty fmt (m, ft, op) =
Format.fprintf fmt "%s_%a_%s" (model_name m) pp_suffix ft (op_name op)
let name = "Wp.Cfloat.Compute"
type key = model * c_float * op
type data = lfun * (term list -> term)
let compile (m, ft, op) =
let impl = match m with
| Real -> compute_real op
| Float -> compute_float op ft
let name = op_name op in
let phi = match op with
| LT | EQ | LE | NE ->
let prop = Format.asprintf "%s_%a" name pp_suffix ft in
let bool = Format.asprintf "%s_%ab" name pp_suffix ft in
extern_p ~library ~bool ~prop ()
| _ ->
let result = return_type ft op in
extern_f ~library ~result "%s_%a" name pp_suffix ft
Lang.F.set_builtin phi impl ;
REGISTRY.define phi (op, ft) ;
(phi, impl)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Operations --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let flt_eq ft = Compute.get (Context.get model, ft, EQ) |> fst
let flt_neq ft = Compute.get (Context.get model, ft, NE) |> fst
let flt_le ft = Compute.get (Context.get model, ft, LE) |> fst
let flt_lt ft = Compute.get (Context.get model, ft, LT) |> fst
let flt_neg ft = Compute.get (Context.get model, ft, NEG) |> fst
let flt_add ft = Compute.get (Context.get model, ft, ADD) |> fst
let flt_sub ft = Compute.get (Context.get model, ft, SUB) |> fst
let flt_mul ft = Compute.get (Context.get model, ft, MUL) |> fst
let flt_div ft = Compute.get (Context.get model, ft, DIV) |> fst
let flt_of_real ft = Compute.get (Context.get model, ft, ROUND) |> fst
let real_of_flt ft = Compute.get (Context.get model, ft, REAL) |> fst
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Builtins --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let builtin kind ft op xs =
let phi, impl = Compute.get ((Context.get model), ft, op) in
let xs = (if kind=`ReV then List.rev xs else xs) in
try impl xs with Not_found ->
let result = match kind with
| `Binop | `Unop -> ftau ft
| `Rel | `ReV -> Logic.Bool
in F.e_fun ~result phi xs
let register_builtins ft =
let suffix = float_name ft in
let register (prefix,kind,op) =
(Printf.sprintf "\\%s_%s" prefix suffix)
(builtin kind ft op)
in List.iter register [
"eq",`Rel,EQ ;
"ne",`Rel,NE ;
"lt",`Rel,LT ;
"gt",`ReV,LT ;
"le",`Rel,LE ;
"ge",`ReV,LE ;
"neg",`Unop,NEG ;
"add",`Binop,ADD ;
"sub",`Binop,SUB ;
"mul",`Binop,MUL ;
"div",`Binop,DIV ;
] ;
let () = Context.register
begin fun () ->
register_builtins Float32 ;
register_builtins Float64 ;
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Models --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let hack_sqrt_builtin ft =
let choose xs =
match Context.get model with
| Real -> F.e_fun ~result:t_real Cmath.f_sqrt xs
| Float -> F.e_fun ~result:(ftau ft) (f_sqrt ft) xs
let name = match ft with
| Float32 -> "sqrtf"
| Float64 -> "sqrt"
LogicBuiltins.hack name choose
let () =
let open LogicBuiltins in
let register_builtin ft =
add_builtin "\\model" [F ft] (f_model ft) ;
add_builtin "\\delta" [F ft] (f_delta ft) ;
add_builtin "\\epsilon" [F ft] (f_epsilon ft) ;
hack_sqrt_builtin ft
register_builtin Float32 ;
register_builtin Float64
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Conversion Symbols --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let real_of_float f a =
match Context.get model with
| Real -> a
| Float -> e_fun ~result:Logic.Real (real_of_flt f) [a]
let float_of_real f a =
match Context.get model with
| Real -> a
| Float -> e_fun ~result:(ftau f) (flt_of_real f) [a]
let float_of_int f a = float_of_real f (Cmath.real_of_int a)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Float Arithmetics --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let fbinop rop fop f x y =
match Context.get model with
| Real -> rop x y
| Float -> e_fun ~result:(ftau f) (fop f) [x;y]
let fcmp rop fop f x y =
match Context.get model with
| Real -> rop x y
| Float -> p_call (fop f) [x;y]
let fadd = fbinop e_add flt_add
let fsub = fbinop e_sub flt_sub
let fmul = fbinop e_mul flt_mul
let fdiv = fbinop e_div flt_div
let fopp f x =
match Context.get model with
| Real -> e_opp x
| Float -> e_fun ~result:(ftau f) (flt_neg f) [x]
let flt = fcmp p_lt flt_lt
let fle = fcmp p_leq flt_le
let feq = fcmp p_equal flt_eq
let fneq = fcmp p_neq flt_neq
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Registry --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let configure m =
let orig_model = Context.push model m in
let orig_floats = Context.push Lang.floats tau_of_float in
let rollback () =
Context.pop model orig_model ;
Context.pop Lang.floats orig_floats
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)