extlib.ml 15.22 KiB
(* *)
(* This file is part of Frama-C. *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2007-2020 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
let nop _ = ()
external id: 'a -> 'a = "%identity"
let adapt_filename f =
let change_suffix ext =
try Filename.chop_extension f ^ ext
with Invalid_argument _ -> f ^ ext
change_suffix (if Dynlink.is_native then ".cmxs" else ".cmo")
(* [max_cpt t1 t2] returns the maximum of [t1] and [t2] wrt the total ordering
induced by tags creation. This ordering is defined as follows:
forall tags t1 t2,
t1 <= t2 iff
t1 is before t2 in the finite sequence
[0; 1; ..; max_int; min_int; min_int-1; -1] *)
let max_cpt c1 c2 = max (c1 + min_int) (c2 + min_int) - min_int
let number_to_color n =
let color = ref 0 in
let number = ref n in
for _i = 0 to 7 do
color := (!color lsl 1) +
(if !number land 1 <> 0 then 1 else 0) +
(if !number land 2 <> 0 then 256 else 0) +
(if !number land 4 <> 0 then 65536 else 0);
number := !number lsr 3
(* ************************************************************************* *)
(** {2 Function builders} *)
(* ************************************************************************* *)
exception Unregistered_function of string
let mk_labeled_fun s =
(Printf.sprintf "Function '%s' not registered yet" s))
let mk_fun s = ref (fun _ -> mk_labeled_fun s)
(* ************************************************************************* *)
(** {2 Function combinators} *)
(* ************************************************************************* *)
let ($) f g x = f (g x)
let swap f x y = f y x
let uncurry f x = f (fst x) (snd x)
let iter_uncurry2 iter f v =
iter (fun a b -> f (a, b)) v
(* ************************************************************************* *)
(** {2 Lists} *)
(* ************************************************************************* *)
let as_singleton = function
| [a] -> a
| _ -> invalid_arg "Extlib.as_singleton"
let rec last = function
| [] -> invalid_arg "Extlib.last"
| [a] -> a
| _ :: l -> last l
let filter_out f ls = List.filter (fun x -> not (f x)) ls
let replace cmp x l =
let rec aux = function
| [] -> [x]
| y::l -> if cmp x y then x::l else y :: aux l
in aux l
let filter_map filter f l =
let rec aux = function
[] -> []
| x::tl -> if filter x then f x :: aux tl else aux tl
in aux l
let filter_map' f filter l=
let rec aux = function
| [] -> []
| x::tl -> let x' = f x in if filter x' then x' :: aux tl else aux tl
in aux l
let rec filter_map_opt f = function
| [] -> []
| x::tl ->
match f x with
| None -> filter_map_opt f tl
| Some x' -> x' :: filter_map_opt f tl
let rec fold_map f acc = function
| [] -> acc, []
| x::tl ->
let (acc,x) = f acc x in
let (acc,tl) = fold_map f acc tl in
let rec fold_map_opt f acc = function
| [] -> acc, []
| x::tl ->
match f acc x with
| acc, None -> fold_map_opt f acc tl
| acc, Some x ->
let (acc,tl) = fold_map_opt f acc tl in
let product_fold f acc e1 e2 =
(fun acc e1 -> List.fold_left (fun acc e2 -> f acc e1 e2) acc e2)
acc e1
let product f e1 e2 = product_fold (fun acc e1 e2 -> f e1 e2 ::acc) [] e1 e2
let find_index f l =
let rec aux i = function
[] -> raise Not_found
| x::l -> if f x then i else aux (i+1) l
in aux 0 l
let rec list_compare cmp_elt l1 l2 =
if l1 == l2 then 0
match l1, l2 with
| [], [] -> assert false (* included in l1 == l2 above *)
| [], _ :: _ -> -1
| _ :: _, [] -> 1
| v1::r1, v2::r2 ->
let c = cmp_elt v1 v2 in
if c = 0 then list_compare cmp_elt r1 r2 else c
let list_of_opt =
| None -> []
| Some x -> [x]
let opt_of_list =
| [] -> None
| [a] -> Some a
| _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Extlib.opt_of_list")
let rec find_opt f = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| e :: q ->
match f e with
| None -> find_opt f q
| Some v -> v
let iteri f l = let i = ref 0 in List.iter (fun x -> f !i x; incr i) l
let mapi f l =
let res =
snd (List.fold_left (fun (i,acc) x -> (i+1,f i x :: acc)) (0,[]) l)
in List.rev res
let sort_unique cmp l = List.sort_uniq cmp l
let subsets k l =
let rec aux k l len =
if k = 0 then [[]]
else if len < k then []
else if len = k then [l]
match l with
| h :: t ->
let l1 = List.map (fun sl -> h :: sl) (aux (k-1) t (len-1)) in
let l2 = aux k t (len-1)
in l1 @ l2
| [] -> assert false
in aux k l (List.length l)
let list_first_n n l =
let rec aux acc n = function
| h :: t when n > 0 -> aux (h :: acc) (n-1) t
| _ -> acc
List.rev (aux [] n l)
let rec list_remove_first_n n = function
| _h :: t when n > 0 -> list_remove_first_n (n-1) t
| l -> l
let list_slice ?(first = 0) ?last l =
let len = lazy (List.length l) in
let normalize i =
(* normalize negative values *)
if i >= 0
then i
let n = Lazy.force len in
if i + n >= 0 then i + n else 0
(* Remove first elements *)
let first = normalize first in
let l = list_remove_first_n first l in
(* Remove last elements *)
match last with
| None -> l
| Some n -> list_first_n (normalize n - first) l
(* ************************************************************************* *)
(** {2 Arrays} *)
(* ************************************************************************* *)
let array_exists f a =
for i = 0 to Array.length a - 1 do
if f a.(i) then raise Exit
with Exit -> true
let array_existsi f a =
for i = 0 to Array.length a - 1 do
if f i a.(i) then raise Exit
with Exit -> true
(* ************************************************************************* *)
(** {2 Options} *)
(* ************************************************************************* *)
let has_some = function None -> false | Some _ -> true
let may f = function
| None -> ()
| Some x -> f x
(** [may_map f ?dft x] applies [f] to the value of [x] if exists. Otherwise
returns the default value [dft].
Assume that either [x] or [dft] is defined. *)
let may_map f ?dft x =
match x, dft with
| None, None -> assert false
| None, Some dft -> dft
| Some x, _ -> f x
let opt_map f = function
| None -> None
| Some x -> Some (f x)
let opt_conv default = function
| None -> default
| Some x -> x
let opt_if b v = if b then None else Some v
let opt_fold f o b =
match o with
| None -> b
| Some a -> f a b
let merge_opt f k o1 o2 =
match o1,o2 with
| None, None -> None
| Some x, None | None, Some x -> Some x
| Some x1, Some x2 -> Some (f k x1 x2)
let opt_bind f = function
| None -> None
| Some x -> f x
let opt_filter f = function
| None -> None
| (Some x) as o -> if f x then o else None
let the ?exn = function
| None ->
begin match exn with
| None -> invalid_arg "Extlib.the"
| Some exn -> raise exn
| Some x -> x
let find_or_none f v = try Some(f v) with Not_found -> None
let opt_equal f v1 v2 = match v1, v2 with
| None, None -> true
| Some _, None | None, Some _ -> false
| Some v1, Some v2 -> f v1 v2
let opt_compare f v1 v2 = match v1, v2 with
| None, None -> 0
| Some _, None -> 1
| None, Some _ -> -1
| Some v1, Some v2 -> f v1 v2
let opt_hash hash v = match v with
| None -> 31179
| Some v -> hash v
(* ************************************************************************* *)
(** Booleans *)
(* ************************************************************************* *)
let xor x y = if x then not y else y
(* ************************************************************************* *)
(** {2 Performance} *)
(* ************************************************************************* *)
(* replace "noalloc" with [@@noalloc] for OCaml version >= 4.03.0 *)
[@@@ warning "-3"]
external address_of_value: 'a -> int = "address_of_value" "noalloc"
[@@@ warning "+3"]
(* ************************************************************************* *)
(** {2 Exception catcher} *)
(* ************************************************************************* *)
let try_finally ~finally f x =
let r = try f x with e -> finally () ; raise e in
finally () ; r
(* ************************************************************************* *)
(** System commands *)
(* ************************************************************************* *)
(*[LC] due to Unix.exec calls, at_exit might be cloned into child process
and executed when they are canceled early.
The alternative, such as registering an daemon that raises an exception,
hence interrupting the process, might not work: child processes still need to
run some daemons, such as [flush_all] which is registered by default. *)
let rec mkdir ?(parents=false) name perm =
try Unix.mkdir name perm
| Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT,_,_) when parents ->
let parent_name = Filename.dirname name in
if name <> parent_name then
mkdir ~parents parent_name perm;
Unix.mkdir name perm
| e -> raise e
let pid = Unix.getpid ()
let safe_at_exit f =
begin fun () ->
let child = Unix.getpid () in
if child = pid then f ()
let safe_remove f = try Unix.unlink f with Unix.Unix_error _ -> ()
let rec safe_remove_dir d =
(fun a ->
let f = Printf.sprintf "%s/%s" d a in
if Sys.is_directory f then safe_remove_dir f else safe_remove f
) (Sys.readdir d) ;
Unix.rmdir d
with Unix.Unix_error _ | Sys_error _ -> ()
let cleanup_at_exit f = safe_at_exit (fun () -> safe_remove f)
exception Temp_file_error of string
let temp_file_cleanup_at_exit ?(debug=false) s1 s2 =
let file, out =
try Filename.open_temp_file s1 s2
with Sys_error s -> raise (Temp_file_error s)
(try close_out out with Unix.Unix_error _ -> ());
begin fun () ->
if debug then
if Sys.file_exists file then
"[extlib] Debug: not removing file %s@." file;
safe_remove file
end ;
let temp_dir_cleanup_at_exit ?(debug=false) base =
let rec try_dir_cleanup_at_exit limit base =
let file = Filename.temp_file base ".tmp" in
let dir = Filename.chop_extension file ^ ".dir" in
safe_remove file;
Unix.mkdir dir 0o700 ;
begin fun () ->
if debug then
if Sys.file_exists dir then
"[extlib] Debug: not removing dir %s@." dir;
safe_remove_dir dir
end ;
with Unix.Unix_error(err,_,_) ->
if limit < 0 then
raise (Temp_file_error (Unix.error_message err))
try_dir_cleanup_at_exit (pred limit) base
try_dir_cleanup_at_exit 10 base
(* replace "noalloc" with [@@noalloc] for OCaml version >= 4.03.0 *)
[@@@ warning "-3"]
external usleep: int -> unit = "ml_usleep" "noalloc"
(* In ../utils/c_bindings.c ; man usleep for details. *)
(* ************************************************************************* *)
(** Strings *)
(* ************************************************************************* *)
external compare_strings: string -> string -> int -> bool = "compare_strings" "noalloc"
[@@@ warning "+3"]
let string_prefix ?(strict=false) prefix s =
let add = if strict then 1 else 0 in
String.length s >= String.length prefix + add
&& compare_strings prefix s (String.length prefix)
let string_del_prefix ?(strict=false) prefix s =
if string_prefix ~strict prefix s then
(String.sub s
(String.length prefix) (String.length s - String.length prefix))
else None
let string_suffix ?(strict=false) suffix s =
let len = String.length s in
let suf_len = String.length suffix in
let strict_len = if strict then suf_len + 1 else suf_len in
len >= strict_len &&
compare_strings suffix (String.sub s (len - suf_len) suf_len) suf_len
let string_del_suffix ?(strict=false) suffix s =
if string_suffix ~strict suffix s then
(String.sub s 0 (String.length s - String.length suffix))
else None
let string_split s i =
let s1 = String.sub s 0 i in
let s2 = String.sub s (i+1) (String.length s - i -1) in
let make_unique_name mem ?(sep=" ") ?(start=2) from =
let rec build base id =
let fullname = base ^ sep ^ string_of_int id in
if mem fullname then build base (succ id) else id,fullname
if mem from then build from start else (0,from)
let strip_underscore s =
let l = String.length s in
let rec start i =
if i >= l then l
else if s.[i] = '_' then start (i + 1) else i
let st = start 0 in
if st = l then ""
else begin
let rec finish i =
(* We know that we will stop at >= st >= 0 *)
if s.[i] = '_' then finish (i - 1) else i
let fin = finish (l - 1) in
String.sub s st (fin - st + 1)
let html_escape s =
let buf = Buffer.create (String.length s) in
| '<' -> Buffer.add_string buf "<"
| '>' -> Buffer.add_string buf ">"
| '&' -> Buffer.add_string buf "&"
| c -> Buffer.add_char buf c
) s ;
Buffer.contents buf
(* ************************************************************************* *)
(** Comparison functions *)
(* ************************************************************************* *)
external compare_basic: 'a -> 'a -> int = "%compare"
let compare_ignore_case s1 s2 =
(String.lowercase_ascii s1)
(String.lowercase_ascii s2)
Local Variables:
compile-command: "make -C ../../.."