Loïc Correnson authoredLoïc Correnson authored
LogicCompiler.ml 31.26 KiB
(* *)
(* This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C. *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2007-2019 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Compilation of ACSL Logic-Info --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open LogicUsage
open LogicBuiltins
open Cil_types
open Cil_datatype
open Clabels
open Ctypes
open Lang
open Lang.F
open Sigs
open Definitions
let dkey_lemma = Wp_parameters.register_category "lemma"
type polarity = [ `Positive | `Negative | `NoPolarity ]
module Make( M : Sigs.Model ) =
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Definitions --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open M
type value = M.loc Sigs.value
type logic = M.loc Sigs.logic
type result = loc Sigs.result
type sigma = M.Sigma.t
type chunk = M.Chunk.t
type signature =
| CST of Integer.t
| SIG of sig_param list
and sig_param =
| Sig_value of logic_var (* to be replaced by the value *)
| Sig_chunk of chunk * c_label (* to be replaced by the chunk variable *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Utilities --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec wrap_lvar xs vs =
match xs , vs with
| x::xs , v::vs -> Logic_var.Map.add x v (wrap_lvar xs vs)
| _ -> Logic_var.Map.empty
let rec wrap_var xs vs =
match xs , vs with
| x::xs , v::vs -> Varinfo.Map.add x v (wrap_var xs vs)
| _ -> Varinfo.Map.empty
let rec wrap_mem = function
| (label,mem) :: m -> LabelMap.add label mem (wrap_mem m)
| [] -> LabelMap.empty
let fresh_lvar ?basename ltyp =
let tau = Lang.tau_of_ltype ltyp in
let x = Lang.freshvar ?basename tau in
let p = Cvalues.has_ltype ltyp (e_var x) in
Lang.assume p ; x
let fresh_cvar ?basename typ =
fresh_lvar ?basename (Ctype typ)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Logic Frame --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type call = {
kf : kernel_function ;
formals : value Varinfo.Map.t ;
mutable result : M.loc Sigs.result option ;
mutable status : var option ;
type frame = {
descr : string ;
pool : pool ;
gamma : gamma ;
call : call option ;
types : string list ;
mutable triggers : trigger list ;
mutable labels : sigma LabelMap.t ;
let pp_frame fmt f =
Format.fprintf fmt "Frame '%s':@\n" f.descr ;
(fun l m ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 4>Label '%a': %a@]@\n"
Clabels.pretty l Sigma.pretty m
) f.labels ;
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Frames Builders --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let logic_frame a types =
descr = a ;
pool = Lang.new_pool () ;
gamma = Lang.new_gamma () ;
types = types ;
triggers = [] ;
call = None ;
labels = LabelMap.empty ;
let call0 ?result ?status ?(formals=Varinfo.Map.empty) kf =
{ kf ; formals ; result ; status }
let call ?result kf vs =
let formals = wrap_var (Kernel_function.get_formals kf) vs in
let result = match result with None -> None | Some l -> Some (R_loc l) in
{ kf ; formals ; result ; status = None }
let local ~descr = {
descr ;
types = [] ;
pool = Lang.get_pool () ;
gamma = Lang.get_gamma () ;
triggers = [] ;
call = None ;
labels = LabelMap.empty ;
let frame kf =
descr = Kernel_function.get_name kf ;
types = [] ;
pool = Lang.new_pool () ;
gamma = Lang.new_gamma () ;
triggers = [] ;
call = Some (call0 kf) ;
labels = LabelMap.empty ;
let call_pre init call mem =
descr = "Pre " ^ Kernel_function.get_name call.kf ;
types = [] ;
pool = Lang.get_pool () ;
gamma = Lang.get_gamma () ;
triggers = [] ;
call = Some call ;
labels = wrap_mem [ Clabels.init , init ; Clabels.pre , mem ] ;
let call_post init call seq =
descr = "Post " ^ Kernel_function.get_name call.kf ;
types = [] ;
pool = Lang.get_pool () ;
gamma = Lang.get_gamma () ;
triggers = [] ;
call = Some call ;
labels = wrap_mem [
Clabels.init , init ;
Clabels.pre , seq.pre ;
Clabels.post , seq.post ;
] ;
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Current Frame --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let cframe : frame Context.value = Context.create "LogicSemantics.frame"
let get_frame () = Context.get cframe
let in_frame f cc =
Context.bind Lang.poly f.types
(Context.bind cframe f
(Lang.local ~pool:f.pool ~gamma:f.gamma cc))
let mk_frame
?kf ?result ?status ?formals
?(labels=LabelMap.empty) ?descr () =
let call =
match kf with
| None -> None
| Some kf -> Some (call0 ?result ?status ?formals kf)
let descr = match descr , kf with
| Some descr , _ -> descr
| None , None -> "<frame>"
| None , Some kf -> Kernel_function.get_name kf
descr ; labels ;
call = call;
pool = Lang.get_pool () ;
gamma = Lang.get_gamma () ;
triggers = [];
types = [];
let mem_at_frame frame label =
assert (not (Clabels.is_here label));
try LabelMap.find label frame.labels
with Not_found ->
let s = M.Sigma.create () in
frame.labels <- LabelMap.add label s frame.labels ; s
let set_at_frame frame label sigma =
assert (not (Clabels.is_here label));
assert (not (LabelMap.mem label frame.labels));
frame.labels <- LabelMap.add label sigma frame.labels
let mem_frame label = mem_at_frame (Context.get cframe) label
let get_call = function
| { call = Some call } -> call
| { descr } ->
"Frame '%s' has is outside a function definition" descr
let formal x =
let f = get_call (Context.get cframe) in
Some (Varinfo.Map.find x f.formals)
with Not_found -> None
let return_type kf =
if Kernel_function.returns_void kf then
"Function '%s' has no result" (Kernel_function.get_name kf) ;
Kernel_function.get_return_type kf
let return () =
return_type (get_call (Context.get cframe)).kf
let result () =
let f = get_call (Context.get cframe) in
match f.result with
| Some r -> r
| None ->
let tr = return_type f.kf in
let basename = Kernel_function.get_name f.kf in
let x = fresh_cvar ~basename tr in
let r = R_var x in
f.result <- Some r ; r
let status () =
let f = get_call (Context.get cframe) in
match f.status with
| Some x -> x
| None ->
let x = fresh_cvar ~basename:"status" Cil.intType in
f.status <- Some x ; x
let trigger tg =
if tg <> Qed.Engine.TgAny then
let f = Context.get cframe in
f.triggers <- tg :: f.triggers
let guards f = Lang.hypotheses f.gamma
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Environments --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type env = {
vars : logic Logic_var.Map.t ; (* pure : not cvar *)
lhere : sigma option ;
current : sigma option ;
let mk_env ?here ?(lvars=[]) () =
let lvars = List.fold_left
(fun lvars lv ->
let x = fresh_lvar ~basename:lv.lv_name lv.lv_type in
let v = Vexp(e_var x) in
Logic_var.Map.add lv v lvars)
Logic_var.Map.empty lvars in
{ lhere = here ; current = here ; vars = lvars }
let getsigma = function Some s -> s | None ->
Warning.error "No current memory (missing \\at)"
let current e = getsigma e.current
let move_at env s = { env with lhere = Some s ; current = Some s }
let env_at env label =
let s = if Clabels.is_here label then env.lhere else Some(mem_frame label)
in { env with current = s }
let mem_at env label =
if Clabels.is_here label
then getsigma env.lhere
else mem_frame label
let env_let env x v = { env with vars = Logic_var.Map.add x v env.vars }
let env_letp env x p = env_let env x (Vexp (F.e_prop p))
let env_letval env x = function
| Loc l -> env_let env x (Vloc l)
| Val e -> env_let env x (Cvalues.plain x.lv_type e)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Signature Generators --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let param_of_lv lv =
let t = Lang.tau_of_ltype lv.lv_type in
freshvar ~basename:lv.lv_name t
let profile_sig lvs =
List.map param_of_lv lvs ,
List.map (fun lv -> Sig_value lv) lvs
let profile_mem l vars =
let signature = profile_sig l.l_profile in
if vars = [] then signature
let heap = List.fold_left
(fun m x ->
let obj = object_of x.vtype in
M.Sigma.Chunk.Set.union m (M.domain obj (M.cvar x))
) M.Sigma.Chunk.Set.empty vars
in List.fold_left
(fun acc l ->
let label = Clabels.of_logic l in
let sigma = Sigma.create () in
(fun chunk (parm,sigm) ->
let x = Sigma.get sigma chunk in
let s = Sig_chunk (chunk,label) in
( x::parm , s :: sigm )
) heap acc
) signature l.l_labels
let rec profile_env vars domain sigv = function
| [] -> { vars=vars ; lhere=None ; current=None } , domain , List.rev sigv
| lv :: profile ->
let x = param_of_lv lv in
let h = Cvalues.has_ltype lv.lv_type (e_var x) in
let v = Cvalues.plain lv.lv_type (e_var x) in
(Logic_var.Map.add lv v vars)
let default_label env = function
| [l] -> move_at env (mem_frame (Clabels.of_logic l))
| _ -> env
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Generic Compiler --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let occurs_pvars f p = Vars.exists f (F.varsp p)
let occurs_ps x ps = List.exists (F.occursp x) ps
let compile_step
(types:string list)
(profile:logic_var list)
(labels:logic_label list)
(cc : env -> 'a -> 'b)
(filter : 'b -> var -> bool)
(data : 'a)
: var list * trigger list * pred list * 'b * sig_param list =
let frame = logic_frame name types in
in_frame frame
begin fun () ->
let env,domain,sigv = profile_env Logic_var.Map.empty [] [] profile in
let env = default_label env labels in
let result = cc env data in
let used_domain p = occurs_pvars (filter result) p in
let domain = List.filter used_domain domain in
let used_var (_,x) = filter result x || occurs_ps x domain in
let used = List.filter used_var sigv in
let parp = List.map snd used in
let sigp = List.map (fun (lv,_) -> Sig_value lv) used in
let (parm,sigm) =
(fun label sigma acc ->
(fun chunk acc ->
if filter result (Sigma.get sigma chunk) then
let (parm,sigm) = acc in
let x = Sigma.get sigma chunk in
let s = Sig_chunk(chunk,label) in
( x::parm , s::sigm )
else acc)
(Sigma.domain sigma) acc)
frame.labels (parp,sigp)
parm , frame.triggers , domain , result , sigm
end ()
let cc_term : (env -> Cil_types.term -> term) ref
= ref (fun _ _ -> assert false)
let cc_pred : (polarity -> env -> predicate -> pred) ref
= ref (fun _ _ -> assert false)
let cc_logic : (env -> Cil_types.term -> logic) ref
= ref (fun _ _ -> assert false)
let cc_region
: (env -> unfold:bool -> Cil_types.term -> loc Sigs.region) ref
= ref (fun _ ~unfold _ -> ignore unfold ; assert false)
let term env t = !cc_term env t
let pred polarity env t = !cc_pred polarity env t
let logic env t = !cc_logic env t
let region env ~unfold t = !cc_region env ~unfold t
let reads env ts = List.iter (fun t -> ignore (logic env t.it_content)) ts
let bootstrap_term cc = cc_term := cc
let bootstrap_pred cc = cc_pred := cc
let bootstrap_logic cc = cc_logic := cc
let bootstrap_region cc = cc_region := cc
let in_term t x = F.occurs x t
let in_pred p x = F.occursp x p
let in_reads _ _ = true
let is_recursive l =
if LogicUsage.is_recursive l then Rec else Def
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Registering User-Defined Signatures --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Typedefs = WpContext.Index
type key = logic_type_info
type data = unit
let name = "LogicCompiler." ^ M.datatype ^ ".Typedefs"
let compare = Logic_type_info.compare
let pretty = Logic_type_info.pretty
module Signature = WpContext.Index
type key = logic_info
type data = signature
let name = "LogicCompiler." ^ M.datatype ^ ".Signature"
let compare = Logic_info.compare
let pretty fmt l = Logic_var.pretty fmt l.l_var_info
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Compiling Lemmas --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec strip_forall xs p = match p.pred_content with
| Pforall(qs,q) -> strip_forall (xs @ qs) q
| _ -> xs , p
let compile_lemma cluster name ~assumed types labels lemma =
let qs,prop = strip_forall [] lemma in
let xs,tgs,domain,prop,_ =
let cc_pred = pred `Positive in
compile_step name types qs labels cc_pred in_pred prop in
l_name = name ;
l_types = List.length types ;
l_assumed = assumed ;
l_triggers = [tgs] ;
l_forall = xs ;
l_cluster = cluster ;
l_lemma = F.p_hyps domain prop ;
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Type Signature of Logic Function --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let type_for_signature l ldef sigp =
match l.l_type with
| None -> ()
| Some tr ->
match Cvalues.ldomain tr with
| None -> ()
| Some p ->
let name = "T" ^ Lang.logic_id l in
let vs = List.map e_var ldef.d_params in
let rec conditions vs sigp =
match vs , sigp with
| v::vs , Sig_value lv :: sigp ->
let cond = Cvalues.has_ltype lv.lv_type v in
cond :: conditions vs sigp
| _ -> [] in
let result = F.e_fun ldef.d_lfun vs in
let lemma = p_hyps (conditions vs sigp) (p result) in
let trigger = Trigger.of_term result in
Definitions.define_lemma {
l_name = name ;
l_assumed = true ;
l_types = ldef.d_types ;
l_forall = ldef.d_params ;
l_triggers = [[trigger]] ;
l_cluster = ldef.d_cluster ;
l_lemma = lemma ;
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Compiling Pure Logic Function --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let compile_lbpure cluster l =
let lfun = ACSL l in
let tau = Lang.tau_of_return l in
let parp,sigp = Lang.local profile_sig l.l_profile in
let ldef = {
d_lfun = lfun ;
d_types = List.length l.l_tparams ;
d_params = parp ;
d_cluster = cluster ;
d_definition = Logic tau ;
} in
Definitions.update_symbol ldef ;
Signature.update l (SIG sigp) ;
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Compiling Abstract Logic Function (in axiomatic with no reads) --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let compile_lbnone cluster l vars =
let lfun = ACSL l in
let tau = Lang.tau_of_return l in
let parm,sigm = Lang.local (profile_mem l) vars in
let ldef = {
d_lfun = lfun ;
d_types = List.length l.l_tparams ;
d_params = parm ;
d_cluster = cluster ;
d_definition = Logic tau ;
} in
Definitions.define_symbol ldef ;
type_for_signature l ldef sigm ; SIG sigm
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Compiling Logic Function with Reads --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let compile_lbreads cluster l ts =
let lfun = ACSL l in
let name = l.l_var_info.lv_name in
let tau = Lang.tau_of_return l in
let xs,_,_,(),s =
compile_step name l.l_tparams l.l_profile l.l_labels
reads in_reads ts
let ldef = {
d_lfun = lfun ;
d_types = List.length l.l_tparams ;
d_params = xs ;
d_cluster = cluster ;
d_definition = Logic tau ;
} in
Definitions.define_symbol ldef ;
type_for_signature l ldef s ; SIG s
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Compiling Recursive Logic Body --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let compile_rec name l cc filter data =
let types = l.l_tparams in
let profile = l.l_profile in
let labels = l.l_labels in
let result = compile_step name types profile labels cc filter data in
if LogicUsage.is_recursive l then
let (_,_,_,_,s) = result in
Signature.update l (SIG s) ;
compile_step name types profile labels cc filter data
else result
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Compiling Logic Function with Definition --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let compile_lbterm cluster l t =
let name = l.l_var_info.lv_name in
let tau = Lang.tau_of_return l in
let xs,_,_,r,s = compile_rec name l term in_term t in
match F.repr r with
| Qed.Logic.Kint c -> CST c
| _ ->
let ldef = {
d_lfun = ACSL l ;
d_types = List.length l.l_tparams ;
d_params = xs ;
d_cluster = cluster ;
d_definition = Function(tau,is_recursive l,r) ;
} in
Definitions.define_symbol ldef ;
type_for_signature l ldef s ; SIG s
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Compiling Logic Predicate with Definition --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let compile_lbpred cluster l p =
let lfun = ACSL l in
let name = l.l_var_info.lv_name in
let cc_pred = pred `Positive in
let xs,_,_,r,s = compile_rec name l cc_pred in_pred p in
let ldef = {
d_lfun = lfun ;
d_types = List.length l.l_tparams ;
d_params = xs ;
d_cluster = cluster ;
d_definition = Predicate(is_recursive l,r) ;
} in
Definitions.define_symbol ldef ; SIG s
let heap_case labels_used support = function
| Sig_value _ -> support
| Sig_chunk(chk,l_case) ->
let l_ind =
try LabelMap.find l_case labels_used
with Not_found -> LabelSet.empty
let l_chk =
try Heap.Map.find chk support
with Not_found -> LabelSet.empty
Heap.Map.add chk (LabelSet.union l_chk l_ind) support
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Compiling Inductive Logic --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let compile_lbinduction cluster l cases = (* unused *)
(* Temporarily defines l to reads only its formals *)
let parp,sigp = compile_lbpure cluster l in
(* Compile cases with default definition and collect used chunks *)
let support = List.fold_left
(fun support (case,labels,types,lemma) ->
let _,_,_,_,s =
let cc_pred = pred `Positive in
compile_step case types [] labels cc_pred in_pred lemma in
let labels_used = LogicUsage.get_induction_labels l case in
List.fold_left (heap_case labels_used) support s)
Heap.Map.empty cases in
(* Make signature with collected chunks *)
let (parm,sigm) =
let frame = logic_frame l.l_var_info.lv_name l.l_tparams in
in_frame frame
(fun () ->
(fun chunk labels acc ->
let basename = Chunk.basename_of_chunk chunk in
let tau = Chunk.tau_of_chunk chunk in
(fun label (parm,sigm) ->
let x = Lang.freshvar ~basename tau in
x :: parm , Sig_chunk(chunk,label) :: sigm
) labels acc)
support (parp,sigp)
) () in
(* Set global Signature *)
let lfun = ACSL l in
let ldef = {
d_lfun = lfun ;
d_types = List.length l.l_tparams ;
d_params = parm ;
d_cluster = cluster ;
d_definition = Logic Qed.Logic.Prop ;
} in
Definitions.update_symbol ldef ;
Signature.update l (SIG sigm) ;
(* Re-compile final cases *)
let cases = List.map
(fun (case,labels,types,lemma) ->
compile_lemma cluster ~assumed:true case types labels lemma)
cases in
Definitions.update_symbol { ldef with d_definition = Inductive cases } ;
type_for_signature l ldef sigp (* sufficient *) ; SIG sigm
let compile_logic cluster section l =
let s_rec = List.map (fun x -> Sig_value x) l.l_profile in
Signature.update l (SIG s_rec) ;
match l.l_body with
| LBnone ->
let vars = match section with
| Toplevel _ -> []
| Axiomatic a -> Varinfo.Set.elements a.ax_reads
in if l.l_labels <> [] && vars = [] then
Wp_parameters.warning ~once:true ~current:false
"No definition for '%s' interpreted as reads nothing"
l.l_var_info.lv_name ;
compile_lbnone cluster l vars
| LBterm t -> compile_lbterm cluster l t
| LBpred p -> compile_lbpred cluster l p
| LBreads ts -> compile_lbreads cluster l ts
| LBinductive cases -> compile_lbinduction cluster l cases
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Retrieving Signature --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let define_type c t =
Typedefs.update t () ;
Definitions.define_type c t
let define_logic c a = Signature.compile (compile_logic c a)
let define_lemma c l =
if l.lem_labels <> [] && Wp_parameters.has_dkey dkey_lemma then
Wp_parameters.warning ~source:l.lem_position
"Lemma '%s' has labels, consider using global invariant instead."
l.lem_name ;
(compile_lemma c ~assumed:l.lem_axiom
l.lem_name l.lem_types l.lem_labels l.lem_property)
let define_axiomatic cluster ax =
List.iter (define_type cluster) ax.ax_types ;
List.iter (define_logic cluster (Axiomatic ax)) ax.ax_logics ;
List.iter (define_lemma cluster) ax.ax_lemmas ;
let lemma l =
try Definitions.find_lemma l
with Not_found ->
let section = LogicUsage.section_of_lemma l.lem_name in
let cluster = Definitions.section section in
match section with
| Toplevel _ -> define_lemma cluster l
| Axiomatic ax -> define_axiomatic cluster ax
end ;
Definitions.find_lemma l
let signature phi =
try Signature.find phi
with Not_found ->
let section = LogicUsage.section_of_logic phi in
let cluster = Definitions.section section in
match section with
| Toplevel _ ->
Signature.memoize (compile_logic cluster section) phi
| Axiomatic ax ->
(* force compilation of entire axiomatics *)
define_axiomatic cluster ax ;
try Signature.find phi
with Not_found ->
Wp_parameters.fatal ~current:true
"Axiomatic '%s' compiled, but '%a' not"
ax.ax_name Printer.pp_logic_var phi.l_var_info
let rec logic_type t =
match Logic_utils.unroll_type ~unroll_typedef:false t with
| Ctype _ -> ()
| Linteger | Lreal | Lvar _ | Larrow _ -> ()
| Ltype(lt,ps) ->
List.iter logic_type ps ;
if not (Typedefs.mem lt) then
Typedefs.update lt () ;
if not (Lang.is_builtin lt) &&
not (Logic_const.is_boolean_type t)
let section = LogicUsage.section_of_type lt in
let cluster = Definitions.section section in
match section with
| Toplevel _ ->
define_type cluster lt
| Axiomatic ax ->
(* force compilation of entire axiomatics *)
define_axiomatic cluster ax
let logic_profile phi =
List.iter (fun x -> logic_type x.lv_type) phi.l_profile ;
Extlib.may logic_type phi.l_type ;
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Binding Formal with Actual w.r.t Signature --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec bind_labels env phi_labels labels : M.Sigma.t LabelMap.t =
match phi_labels, labels with
| [], [] -> LabelMap.empty
| l1 :: phi_labels, l2 :: labels ->
let l1 = Clabels.of_logic l1 in
let l2 = Clabels.of_logic l2 in
LabelMap.add l1 (mem_at env l2) (bind_labels env phi_labels labels)
| _ -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Incorrect by AST typing"
let call_params env
(labels:logic_label list)
(sparam : sig_param list)
(parameters:F.term list)
: F.term list =
logic_profile phi ;
let mparams = wrap_lvar phi.l_profile parameters in
let mlabels = bind_labels env phi.l_labels labels in
| Sig_value lv -> Logic_var.Map.find lv mparams
| Sig_chunk(c,l) ->
let sigma =
try LabelMap.find l mlabels
with Not_found ->
Wp_parameters.fatal "*** Label %a not-found@." Clabels.pretty l
M.Sigma.value sigma c
) sparam
let call_fun env
(labels:logic_label list)
(parameters:F.term list) : F.term =
match signature phi with
| CST c -> e_zint c
| SIG sparam ->
let es = call_params env phi labels sparam parameters in
F.e_fun ~result (ACSL phi) es
let call_pred env
(labels:logic_label list)
(parameters:F.term list) : F.pred =
match signature phi with
| CST _ -> assert false
| SIG sparam ->
let es = call_params env phi labels sparam parameters in
F.p_call (ACSL phi) es
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Variable Bindings --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let logic_var env x =
try Logic_var.Map.find x env.vars
with Not_found ->
(** It is here because currently the application of a function
of arity 0 are represented in the AST as a variable not
as an application of the function with no arguments *)
let cst = Logic_env.find_logic_cons x in
let result = Lang.tau_of_ltype x.lv_type in
let v =
match LogicBuiltins.logic cst with
| ACSLDEF -> call_fun env result cst [] []
| HACK phi -> phi []
| LFUN phi -> e_fun ~result phi []
in Cvalues.plain x.lv_type v
with Not_found ->
if Logic_env.is_logic_function x.lv_name then
Warning.error "Lambda-functions not yet implemented (at '%s')"
Wp_parameters.fatal "Name '%a' has no definition in term"
Printer.pp_logic_var x
let logic_info env f =
match Logic_var.Map.find f.l_var_info env.vars with
| Vexp p -> Some (F.p_bool p)
| _ -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Variable '%a' is not a predicate"
Logic_info.pretty f
with Not_found -> None