David Bühler authoredDavid Bühler authored
Matrix.ml 5.88 KiB
(* *)
(* This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C. *)
(* *)
(* Copyright (C) 2007-2018 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Array Dimensions --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open Ctypes
open Lang.F
type dim = int option
type matrix = c_object * dim list
let of_array = Ctypes.array_dimensions
module KEY(E : sig val compare : c_object -> c_object -> int end) =
type t = matrix
let compare_dim d1 d2 = match d1 , d2 with
| None,None -> 0
| Some _,None -> (-1)
| None,Some _ -> 1
| Some _,Some _ -> 0
let compare (e1,ds1) (e2,ds2) =
let cmp = E.compare e1 e2 in
if cmp = 0 then Qed.Hcons.compare_list compare_dim ds1 ds2 else cmp
let pretty fmt (obj,ds) =
Ctypes.pretty fmt obj ;
| None -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "[]"
| Some d -> Format.fprintf fmt "[%d]" d
) ds
module COBJ =
let compare e1 e2 = match e1 , e2 with
| C_int _ , C_int _ -> 0
| C_int _ , _ -> (-1)
| _ , C_int _ -> 1
| C_float _ , C_float _ -> 0
| C_float _ , _ -> (-1)
| _ , C_float _ -> 1
| C_pointer _ , C_pointer _ -> 0
| C_pointer _ , _ -> (-1)
| _ , C_pointer _ -> 1
| C_comp a , C_comp b -> Cil_datatype.Compinfo.compare a b
| C_comp _ , _ -> (-1)
| _ , C_comp _ -> 1
| C_array _ , C_array _ -> assert false
module MACHINE = KEY(Ctypes)
let natural_id = function
| C_int _ -> "int"
| C_float _ -> "float"
| C_pointer _ -> "pointer"
| C_array _ -> "array"
| C_comp c -> Lang.comp_id c
let add_rank buffer k = if k > 0 then Buffer.add_string buffer (string_of_int k)
let add_dim buffer rank = function
| None -> add_rank buffer rank ; Buffer.add_string buffer "w" ; 0
| Some _ -> succ rank
let id ds =
let buffer = Buffer.create 8 in
add_rank buffer (List.fold_left (add_dim buffer) 0 ds) ;
Buffer.contents buffer
type denv = {
size_var : var list ; (* size variables *)
size_val : term list ; (* size values *)
index_var : var list ; (* index variables *)
index_val : term list ; (* index values *)
index_range : pred list ; (* indices are in range of size variables *)
index_offset : term list ; (* polynomial of indices *)
monotonic : bool ;
let rec collect rank = function
| [] ->
size_var = [] ;
size_val = [] ;
index_var = [] ;
index_val = [] ;
index_range = [] ;
index_offset = [] ;
monotonic = true ;
| d::ds ->
let denv = collect (succ rank) ds in
let k_base = match rank with 0 -> "i" | 1 -> "j" | _ -> "k" in
let k_var = Lang.freshvar ~basename:k_base Qed.Logic.Int in
let k_val = e_var k_var in
let k_ofs = e_prod (k_val :: denv.size_val) in
match d with
| None ->
{ denv with
index_var = k_var :: denv.index_var ;
index_val = k_val :: denv.index_val ;
index_offset = k_ofs :: denv.index_offset ;
monotonic = false ;
| Some _ ->
let n_base = match rank with 0 -> "n" | 1 -> "m" | _ -> "d" in
let n_var = Lang.freshvar ~basename:n_base Qed.Logic.Int in
let n_val = e_var n_var in
let k_inf = p_leq e_zero k_val in
let k_sup = p_lt k_val n_val in
size_var = n_var :: denv.size_var ;
size_val = n_val :: denv.size_val ;
index_var = k_var :: denv.index_var ;
index_val = k_val :: denv.index_val ;
index_offset = k_ofs :: denv.index_offset ;
index_range = k_inf :: k_sup :: denv.index_range ;
monotonic = denv.monotonic ;
let denv = collect 0
let rec dval = function
| [] -> []
| None :: ds -> dval ds
| Some n :: ds -> e_int n :: dval ds
let size (_,ds) = dval ds
let rec tau obj = function
| [] -> Lang.tau_of_object obj
| _ :: ds -> Qed.Logic.Array( Qed.Logic.Int , tau obj ds )
let rec do_merge ds1 ds2 =
match ds1 , ds2 with
| [] , [] -> []
| [] , _ | _ , [] -> raise Exit
| d1::ds1 , d2::ds2 ->
let d = match d1 , d2 with
| None , _ | _ , None -> None
| Some n1 , Some n2 -> if n1=n2 then d1 else raise Exit
in d :: do_merge ds1 ds2
let merge ds1 ds2 =
try Some(do_merge ds1 ds2)
with Exit -> None