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(*                                                                        *)
(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
(*                                                                        *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Weakest Pre Accumulator                                            --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

open Qed.Logic
open Cil_types
open Lang
open Lang.F

let dkey_pruning = Wp_parameters.register_category "pruning"

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Category                                                           --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

type category =
  | EMPTY  (** Empty Sequence, equivalent to True, but with State. *)
  | TRUE   (** Logically equivalent to True *)
  | FALSE  (** Logically equivalent to False *)
  | MAYBE  (** Any Hypothesis *)

let c_and c1 c2 =
  match c1 , c2 with
  | FALSE , _ | _ , FALSE -> FALSE
  | MAYBE , _ | _ , MAYBE -> MAYBE
  | TRUE , _  | _ , TRUE -> TRUE

let c_or c1 c2 =
  match c1 , c2 with
  | _ -> MAYBE

let rec cfold_and a f = function
  | [] -> a | e::es -> cfold_and (c_and a (f e)) f es

let rec cfold_or a f = function
  | [] -> a | e::es -> cfold_or (c_or a (f e)) f es

let c_conj f es = cfold_and EMPTY f es
let c_disj f = function [] -> FALSE | e::es -> cfold_or (f e) f es

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Datatypes                                                          --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

type step = {
  mutable id : int ; (* step identifier *)
  size : int ; (* number of conditions *)
  vars : Vars.t ;
  stmt : stmt option ;
  descr : string option ;
  deps : Property.t list ;
  warn : Warning.Set.t ;
  condition : condition ;
and sequence = {
  seq_size : int ;
  seq_vars : Vars.t ;
  seq_core : Pset.t ;
  seq_catg : category ;
  seq_list : step list ;
and condition =
  | Type of pred
  | Have of pred
  | When of pred
  | Core of pred
  | Init of pred
  | Branch of pred * sequence * sequence
  | Either of sequence list
  | State of Mstate.state

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Variable Utilities                                                 --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let vars_seqs w = List.fold_left (fun xs s -> Vars.union xs s.seq_vars) Vars.empty w
let vars_list s = List.fold_left (fun xs s -> Vars.union xs s.vars) Vars.empty s
let size_list s = List.fold_left (fun n s -> n + s.size) 0 s
let vars_cond = function
  | Type q | When q | Have q | Core q | Init q -> F.varsp q
  | Branch(p,sa,sb) -> Vars.union (F.varsp p) (Vars.union sa.seq_vars sb.seq_vars)
  | Either cases -> vars_seqs cases
  | State _ -> Vars.empty
let size_cond = function
  | Type _ | When _ | Have _ | Core _ | Init _ | State _ -> 1
  | Branch(_,sa,sb) -> 1 + sa.seq_size + sb.seq_size
  | Either cases -> List.fold_left (fun n s -> n + s.seq_size) 1 cases
let vars_hyp hs = hs.seq_vars
let vars_seq (hs,g) = Vars.union (F.varsp g) hs.seq_vars

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Core Utilities                                                     --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let is_core p = match F.e_expr p with
  (*  | Qed.Logic.Eq (a,b) -> is_def a && is_def b *)
  | Qed.Logic.Eq _ -> true
  | _ -> false

let rec add_core s p = match F.p_expr p with
  | Qed.Logic.And ps -> List.fold_left add_core Pset.empty ps
  | _ -> if is_core p then Pset.add p s else s

let core_cond = function
  | Type _ | State _ -> Pset.empty
  | Have p | When p | Core p | Init p -> add_core Pset.empty p
  | Branch(_,sa,sb) -> Pset.inter sa.seq_core sb.seq_core
  | Either [] -> Pset.empty
  | Either (c::cs) ->
      List.fold_left (fun w s -> Pset.inter w s.seq_core) c.seq_core cs

let add_core_step ps s = Pset.union ps (core_cond s.condition)

let core_list s = List.fold_left add_core_step Pset.empty s

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Category                                                           --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let catg_seq s = s.seq_catg
let catg_cond = function
  | State _ -> TRUE
  | Have p | Type p | When p | Core p | Init p ->
        match F.is_ptrue p with
        | No -> FALSE
        | Maybe -> MAYBE
        | Yes -> EMPTY
  | Either cs -> c_disj catg_seq cs
  | Branch(_,a,b) -> c_or a.seq_catg b.seq_catg
let catg_step s = catg_cond s.condition
let catg_list l = c_conj catg_step l

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Sequence Constructor                                               --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let sequence l = {
  seq_size = size_list l ;
  seq_vars = vars_list l ;
  seq_core = core_list l ;
  seq_catg = catg_list l ;
  seq_list = l ;

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Sequence Comparator                                                --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let rec equal_cond ca cb =
  match ca,cb with
  | State _ , State _ -> true
  | Type p , Type q
  | Have p , Have q
  | When p , When q
  | Core p , Core q
  | Init p , Init q
    -> p == q
  | Branch(p,a,b) , Branch(q,a',b') ->
      p == q && equal_seq a a' && equal_seq b b'
  | Either u, Either v ->
      Qed.Hcons.equal_list equal_seq u v
  | State _ , _ | _ , State _
  | Type _ , _ | _ , Type _
  | Have _ , _ | _ , Have _
  | When _ , _ | _ , When _
  | Core _ , _ | _ , Core _
  | Init _ , _ | _ , Init _
  | Branch _ , _ | _ , Branch _
    -> false

and equal_step a b =
  equal_cond a.condition b.condition

and equal_list sa sb =
  Qed.Hcons.equal_list equal_step sa sb

and equal_seq sa sb =
  equal_list sa.seq_list sb.seq_list

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Core Inference                                                     --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

module Core =

  let rec fpred core p = match F.p_expr p with
    | Qed.Logic.And ps -> F.p_conj ( (fpred core) ps)
    | _ -> if Pset.mem p core then p_true else p

  let fcond core = function
    | Core p -> Core (fpred core p)
    | Have p -> Have (fpred core p)
    | When p -> When (fpred core p)
    | Init p -> Init (fpred core p)
    | (Type _ | Branch _ | Either _ | State _) as cond -> cond

  let fstep core step =
    let condition = fcond core step.condition in
    let vars = vars_cond condition in
    { step with condition ; vars }

  let factorize a b =
    if Wp_parameters.Core.get () then
      let core = Pset.inter a.seq_core b.seq_core in
      if Pset.is_empty core then None else
        let ca = (fstep core) a.seq_list in
        let cb = (fstep core) b.seq_list in
        Some (F.p_conj (Pset.elements core) , sequence ca , sequence cb)
    else None


(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Bundle (non-simplified conditions)                                 --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

module Bundle :
  type t
  val empty : t
  val vars : t -> Vars.t
  val is_empty : t -> bool
  val category : t -> category
  val add : step -> t -> t
  val factorize : t -> t -> t * t * t
  val big_inter : t list -> t
  val diff : t -> t -> t
  val head : t -> Mstate.state option
  val freeze: ?join:step -> t -> sequence
  val map : (condition -> 'a) -> t -> 'a list
end =
  module SEQ = Qed.Listset.Make
        type t = int * step
        let equal (k1,_) (k2,_) = k1 = k2
        let compare (k1,s1) (k2,s2) =
          let rank = function
            | Type _ -> 0
            | When _ -> 1
            | _ -> 2
          let r = rank s1.condition - rank s2.condition in
          if r = 0 then k2 k1 else r

  type t = Vars.t * SEQ.t

  let vars = fst
  let cid = ref 0
  let fresh () = incr cid ; assert (!cid > 0) ; !cid

  let add s (xs,t) = Vars.union xs s.vars , SEQ.add (fresh (),s) t

  let empty = Vars.empty , []
  let is_empty = function (_,[]) -> true | _ -> false

  let head = function _,(_,{ condition = State s }) :: _ -> Some s | _ -> None

  let build seq =
    let xs = List.fold_left
        (fun xs (_,s) -> Vars.union xs s.vars) Vars.empty seq in
    xs , seq

  let factorize (_,a) (_,b) =
    let l,m,r = SEQ.factorize a b in
    build l , build m , build r

  let big_inter cs = build (SEQ.big_inter ( snd cs))
  let diff (_,a) (_,b) = build (SEQ.diff a b)
  let freeze ?join (seq_vars,bundle) =
    let seq = snd bundle in
    let seq_list = match join with None -> seq | Some s -> seq @ [s] in
    let seq_size = size_list seq in
    let seq_catg = catg_list seq in
    { seq_size ; seq_vars ; seq_core = Pset.empty ; seq_catg ; seq_list }
  let map f b = (fun (_,s) -> f s.condition) (snd b)
  let category (_,bundle) = c_conj (fun (_,s) -> catg_step s) bundle

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Hypotheses                                                         --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

type bundle = Bundle.t
type sequent = sequence * F.pred

let pretty = ref (fun _fmt _seq -> ())

let is_true = function { seq_catg = TRUE | EMPTY } -> true | _ -> false
let is_empty = function { seq_catg = EMPTY } -> true | _ -> false

let is_absurd_h h = match h.condition with
  | (Core p | When p | Have p) -> p == F.p_false
  | _ -> false

let is_trivial_h h = match h.condition with
  | State _ -> false
  | (Type p | Core p | When p | Have p | Init p) -> p == F.p_true
  | Branch(_,a,b) -> is_true a && is_true b
  | Either w -> List.for_all is_true w

let is_trivial_hs_p hs p = p == F.p_true || List.exists is_absurd_h hs
let is_trivial_hsp (hs,p) = is_trivial_hs_p hs p
let is_trivial (s:sequent) = is_trivial_hs_p (fst s).seq_list (snd s)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Extraction                                                         --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let rec pred_cond = function
  | State _ -> F.p_true
  | When p | Type p | Have p | Core p | Init p -> p
  | Branch(p,a,b) -> F.p_if p (pred_seq a) (pred_seq b)
  | Either cases -> F.p_any pred_seq cases
and pred_seq seq = F.p_all (fun s -> pred_cond s.condition) seq.seq_list
let extract bundle = pred_cond bundle
let bundle = Bundle.freeze ?join:None

let intersect p bundle = Vars.intersect (F.varsp p) (Bundle.vars bundle)
let occurs x bundle = Vars.mem x (Bundle.vars bundle)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Constructors                                                       --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let nil = Bundle.empty
let noid = (-1)

let step ?descr ?stmt ?(deps=[]) ?(warn=Warning.Set.empty) cond =
    id = noid ;
    size = size_cond cond ;
    vars = vars_cond cond ;
    stmt = stmt ;
    descr = descr ;
    warn = warn ;
    deps = deps ;
    condition = cond ;

let update_cond ?descr ?(deps=[]) ?(warn=Warning.Set.empty) h c =
  let descr = match h.descr, descr  with
    | None, _ -> descr ;
    | Some _, None -> h.descr ;
    | Some decr1, Some descr2 -> Some (decr1 ^ "-" ^ descr2)
  in {
    id = noid ;
    condition = c ;
    stmt = h.stmt ;
    size = size_cond c ;
    vars = vars_cond c ;
    descr = descr ;
    deps = deps@h.deps ;
    warn = Warning.Set.union h.warn warn ;

type 'a disjunction = D_TRUE | D_FALSE | D_EITHER of 'a list

let disjunction phi es =
  let positives = ref false in (* TRUE or EMPTY items *)
  let remains = List.filter
      (fun e ->
         match phi e with
         | TRUE | EMPTY -> positives := true ; false
         | MAYBE -> true
         | FALSE -> false
      ) es in
  match remains with
  | [] -> if !positives then D_TRUE else D_FALSE
  | cs -> D_EITHER cs

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Prenex-Form Introduction                                           --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let prenex_intro p =
    let open Qed.Logic in
    (* invariant: xs <> []; result <-> forall xs, hs -> p *)
    let rec walk hs xs p =
      match F.p_expr p with
      | Imply(h,p) -> walk (h::hs) xs p
      | Bind(Forall,_,_) -> bind hs xs p
      | _ ->
          if hs = [] then raise Exit ;
          F.p_forall (List.rev xs) (F.p_hyps (List.concat hs) p)
    (* invariant: result <-> forall hs xs (\tau.bind) *)
    and bind hs xs p =
      let pool = Lang.get_pool () in
      let ctx,t = e_open ~pool ~forall:true
          ~exists:false ~lambda:false (e_prop p) in
      let xs = List.fold_left (fun xs (_,x) -> x::xs) xs (List.rev ctx) in
      walk hs xs (F.p_bool t)
    (* invariant: result <-> p *)
    and crawl p =
      match F.p_expr p with
      | Imply(h,p) -> F.p_hyps h (crawl p)
      | Bind(Forall,_,_) -> bind [] [] p
      | _ -> raise Exit
    in crawl p
  with Exit -> p

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Existential Introduction                                           --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let rec exist_intro p =
  let open Qed.Logic in
  match F.p_expr p with
  | And ps -> F.p_all exist_intro ps
  | Bind(Exists,_,_) ->
      let pool = Lang.get_pool () in
      let _,t = e_open ~pool ~exists:true
          ~forall:false ~lambda:false (e_prop p) in
      exist_intro (F.p_bool t)
  | _ ->
      if Wp_parameters.Prenex.get ()
      then prenex_intro p
      else p

let rec exist_intros = function
  | [] -> []
  | p::hs -> begin
      let open Qed.Logic in
      match F.p_expr p with
      | And ps -> exist_intros (ps@hs)
      | Bind(Exists,_,_) ->
          let pool = Lang.get_pool () in
          let _,t = F.QED.e_open ~pool ~exists:true
              ~forall:false ~lambda:false (e_prop p) in
          exist_intros ((F.p_bool t)::hs)
      | _ -> p::(exist_intros hs)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Universal Introduction                                            --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let rec forall_intro p =
  let open Qed.Logic in
  match F.p_expr p with
  | Bind(Forall,_,_) ->
      let pool = Lang.get_pool () in
      let _,t = F.QED.e_open ~pool ~forall:true
          ~exists:false ~lambda:false (e_prop p) in
      forall_intro (F.p_bool t)
  | Imply(hs,p) ->
      let hs = exist_intros hs in
      let hp,p = forall_intro p in
      hs @ hp , p
  | Or qs -> (* analogy with Imply *)
      let hps,ps = List.fold_left (fun (hs,ps) q ->
          let hp,p = forall_intro q in (* q <==> (hp ==> p) *)
          (hp @ hs), (p::ps)) ([],[]) qs
      in (* ORs qs  <==> ORs (hps ==> ps)
                    <==> ((ANDs hps) ==> ORs ps) *)
      hps, (p_disj ps)
488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971
  | _ -> [] , p

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Constructors                                                       --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

type 'a attributed =
  ( ?descr:string ->
    ?stmt:stmt ->
    ?deps:Property.t list ->
    ?warn:Warning.Set.t ->
    'a )

let domain ps hs =
  if ps = [] then hs else
    Bundle.add (step (Type (p_conj ps))) hs

let intros ps hs =
  if ps = [] then hs else
    let p = F.p_all exist_intro ps in
    Bundle.add (step ~descr:"Goal" (When p)) hs

let state ?descr ?stmt state hs =
  let cond = State state in
  let s = step ?descr ?stmt cond in
  Bundle.add s hs

let assume ?descr ?stmt ?deps ?warn ?(init=false) p hs =
  match F.is_ptrue p with
  | Yes -> hs
  | No ->
      let cond = if init then Init p else Have p in
      let s = step ?descr ?stmt ?deps ?warn cond in
      Bundle.add s Bundle.empty
  | Maybe ->
        match Bundle.category hs with
        | MAYBE | TRUE | EMPTY ->
            let p = exist_intro p in
            let cond = if init then Init p else Have p in
            let s = step ?descr ?stmt ?deps ?warn cond in
            Bundle.add s hs
        | FALSE -> hs

let join = function None -> None | Some s -> Some (step (State s))

let branch ?descr ?stmt ?deps ?warn p ha hb =
  match F.is_ptrue p with
  | Yes -> ha
  | No -> hb
  | Maybe ->
      match Bundle.category ha , Bundle.category hb with
      | TRUE , TRUE -> Bundle.empty
      | _ , FALSE -> assume ?descr ?stmt ?deps ?warn p ha
      | FALSE , _ -> assume ?descr ?stmt ?deps ?warn (p_not p) hb
      | _ ->
          let ha,hs,hb = Bundle.factorize ha hb in
          if Bundle.is_empty ha && Bundle.is_empty hb then hs else
            let join = join (Bundle.head hs) in
            let a = Bundle.freeze ?join ha in
            let b = Bundle.freeze ?join hb in
            let s = step ?descr ?stmt ?deps ?warn (Branch(p,a,b)) in
            Bundle.add s hs

let either ?descr ?stmt ?deps ?warn cases =
  match disjunction Bundle.category cases with
  | D_TRUE -> Bundle.empty
  | D_FALSE ->
      let s = step ?descr ?stmt ?deps ?warn (Have p_false) in
      Bundle.add s Bundle.empty
  | D_EITHER cases ->
      let trunk = Bundle.big_inter cases in
      let cases = (fun case -> Bundle.diff case trunk) cases in
      match disjunction Bundle.category cases with
      | D_TRUE -> trunk
      | D_FALSE ->
          let s = step ?descr ?stmt ?deps ?warn (Have p_false) in
          Bundle.add s Bundle.empty
      | D_EITHER cases ->
          let cases = Bundle.freeze cases in
          let s = step ?descr ?stmt ?deps ?warn (Either cases) in
          Bundle.add s trunk

let merge cases = either ~descr:"Merge" cases

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Flattening                                                         --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let rec flat_catg = function
  | [] -> EMPTY
  | s::cs ->
      match catg_step s with
      | EMPTY -> flat_catg cs
      | r -> r

let flat_cons step tail =
  match flat_catg tail with
  | FALSE -> tail
  | _ -> step :: tail

let flat_concat head tail =
  match flat_catg head with
  | EMPTY -> tail
  | FALSE -> head
      match flat_catg tail with
      | EMPTY -> head
      | FALSE -> tail
      | MAYBE|TRUE -> head @ tail

let core_residual step core = {
  id = noid ;
  size = 1 ;
  vars = F.varsp core ;
  condition = Core core ;
  descr = None ;
  warn = Warning.Set.empty ;
  deps = [] ;
  stmt = step.stmt ;

let core_branch step p a b =
  let condition =
    match a.seq_catg , b.seq_catg with
    | (TRUE | EMPTY) , (TRUE|EMPTY) -> Have p_true
    | _ -> Branch(p,a,b)
  in update_cond step condition

let rec flatten_sequence m = function
  | [] -> []
  | step :: seq ->
      match step.condition with
      | State _ -> flat_cons step (flatten_sequence m seq)
      | Have p | Type p | When p | Core p | Init p ->
            match F.is_ptrue p with
            | Yes -> m := true ; flatten_sequence m seq
            | No -> (* FALSE context *) if seq <> [] then m := true ; [step]
            | Maybe -> flat_cons step (flatten_sequence m seq)
      | Branch(p,a,b) ->
            match F.is_ptrue p with
            | Yes -> m := true ; flat_concat a.seq_list (flatten_sequence m seq)
            | No -> m := true ; flat_concat b.seq_list (flatten_sequence m seq)
            | Maybe ->
                let sa = a.seq_list in
                let sb = b.seq_list in
                match a.seq_catg , b.seq_catg with
                | (TRUE|EMPTY) , (TRUE|EMPTY) ->
                    m := true ; flatten_sequence m seq
                | _ , FALSE ->
                    m := true ;
                    let step = update_cond step (Have p) in
                    step :: sa @ flatten_sequence m seq
                | FALSE , _ ->
                    m := true ;
                    let step = update_cond step (Have (p_not p)) in
                    step :: sb @ flatten_sequence m seq
                | _ ->
                      match Core.factorize a b with
                      | None -> step :: flatten_sequence m seq
                      | Some( core , a , b ) ->
                          m := true ;
                          let score = core_residual step core in
                          let scond = core_branch step p a b in
                          score :: scond :: flatten_sequence m seq
      | Either [] -> (* FALSE context *) if seq <> [] then m := true ; [step]
      | Either cases ->
          match disjunction catg_seq cases with
          | D_TRUE -> m := true ; flatten_sequence m seq
          | D_FALSE -> m := true ; [ update_cond step (Have p_false) ]
          | D_EITHER [hc] ->
              m := true ; flat_concat hc.seq_list (flatten_sequence m seq)
          | D_EITHER cs ->
              let step = update_cond step (Either cs) in
              flat_cons step (flatten_sequence m seq)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Mapping                                                            --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let lift f e = F.e_prop (f (F.p_bool e))

let rec map_condition f = function
  | State s -> State (Mstate.apply (lift f) s)
  | Have p -> Have (f p)
  | Type p -> Type (f p)
  | When p -> When (f p)
  | Core p -> Core (f p)
  | Init p -> Init (f p)
  | Branch(p,a,b) -> Branch(f p,map_sequence f a,map_sequence f b)
  | Either cs -> Either ( (map_sequence f) cs)

and map_step f h = update_cond h (map_condition f h.condition)

and map_steplist f = function
  | [] -> []
  | h::hs ->
      let h = map_step f h in
      let hs = map_steplist f hs in
      if is_trivial_h h then hs else h :: hs

and map_sequence f s =
  sequence (map_steplist f s.seq_list)

and map_sequent f (hs,g) = map_sequence f hs , f g

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Ground Simplifier                                                  --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

module Ground = Letify.Ground

let rec ground_flow ~fwd env h =
  match h.condition with
  | State s ->
      let s = Mstate.apply (Ground.e_apply env) s in
      update_cond h (State s)
  | Type _ | Have _ | When _ | Core _ | Init _ ->
      let phi = if fwd then Ground.forward else Ground.backward in
      let cond = map_condition (phi env) h.condition in
      update_cond h cond
  | Branch(p,a,b) ->
      let p,wa,wb = Ground.branch env p in
      let a = ground_flowseq ~fwd wa a in
      let b = ground_flowseq ~fwd wb b in
      update_cond h (Branch(p,a,b))
  | Either ws ->
      let ws =
          (fun w -> ground_flowseq ~fwd (Ground.copy env) w) ws in
      update_cond h (Either ws)

and ground_flowseq ~fwd env hs =
  sequence (ground_flowlist ~fwd env hs.seq_list)

and ground_flowlist ~fwd env hs =
  if fwd
  then ground_flowdir ~fwd env hs
  else List.rev (ground_flowdir ~fwd env (List.rev hs))

and ground_flowdir ~fwd env = function
  | [] -> []
  | h::hs ->
      let h = ground_flow ~fwd env h in
      let hs = ground_flowdir ~fwd env hs in
      if is_trivial_h h then hs else h :: hs

let ground (hs,g) =
  let hs = ground_flowlist ~fwd:true ( ()) hs in
  let hs = ground_flowlist ~fwd:false ( ()) hs in
  let env = () in
  let hs = ground_flowlist ~fwd:true env hs in
  hs , Ground.p_apply env g

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Letify                                                             --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

module Sigma = Letify.Sigma
module Defs = Letify.Defs

let used_of_dseq ds =
  Array.fold_left (fun ys (_,step) -> Vars.union ys step.vars) Vars.empty ds

let bind_dseq target (di,_) sigma =
  Letify.bind (Letify.bind sigma di target) di (Defs.domain di)

let locals sigma ~target ~required ?(step=Vars.empty) k dseq =
  (* returns ( target , export ) *)
  let t = ref target in
  let e = ref (Vars.union required step) in
    (fun i (_,step) ->
       if i > k then t := Vars.union !t step.vars ;
       if i <> k then e := Vars.union !e step.vars ;
    ) dseq ;
  Vars.diff !t (Sigma.domain sigma) , !e

let dseq_of_step sigma step =
  let defs =
    match step.condition with
    | Init p | Have p | When p | Core p -> Defs.extract (Sigma.p_apply sigma p)
    | Type _ | Branch _ | Either _ | State _ -> Defs.empty
  in defs , step

let letify_assume sref (_,step) =
  let current = !sref in
    match step.condition with
    | Type _ | Branch _ | Either _ | State _ -> ()
    | Init p | Have p | When p | Core p ->
        if Wp_parameters.Simpl.get () then
          sref := Sigma.assume current p
  end ; current

[@@@ warning "-32"]
let rec letify_type sigma used p = match F.p_expr p with
  | And ps -> p_all (letify_type sigma used) ps
  | _ ->
      let p = Sigma.p_apply sigma p in
      if Vars.intersect used (F.varsp p) then p else F.p_true
[@@@ warning "+32"]

let rec letify_seq sigma0 ~target ~export (seq : step list) =
  let dseq = (dseq_of_step sigma0) (Array.of_list seq) in
  let sigma1 = Array.fold_right (bind_dseq target) dseq sigma0 in
  let sref = ref sigma1 in (* with definitions *)
  let dsigma = (letify_assume sref) dseq in
  let sigma2 = !sref in (* with assumptions *)
  let outside = Vars.union export target in
  let inside = used_of_dseq dseq in
  let used = Vars.diff (Vars.union outside inside) (Sigma.domain sigma2) in
  let required = Vars.union outside (Sigma.codomain sigma2) in
  let sequence =
    Array.mapi (letify_step dseq dsigma ~used ~required ~target) dseq in
  let modified = ref (not (Sigma.equal sigma0 sigma1)) in
  let sequence =
    if Wp_parameters.Ground.get () then fst (ground_hrp sequence)
    else sequence in
  let sequence = flatten_sequence modified (Array.to_list sequence) in
  !modified , sigma1 , sigma2 , sequence

and letify_step dseq dsigma ~required ~target ~used i (d,s) =
  let sigma = dsigma.(i) in
  let cond = match s.condition with
    | State s -> State (Mstate.apply (Sigma.e_apply sigma) s)
    | Init p ->
        let p = Sigma.p_apply sigma p in
        let ps = Letify.add_definitions sigma d required [p] in
        Init (p_conj ps)
    | Have p ->
        let p = Sigma.p_apply sigma p in
        let ps = Letify.add_definitions sigma d required [p] in
        Have (p_conj ps)
    | Core p ->
        let p = Sigma.p_apply sigma p in
        let ps = Letify.add_definitions sigma d required [p] in
        Core (p_conj ps)
    | When p ->
        let p = Sigma.p_apply sigma p in
        let ps = Letify.add_definitions sigma d required [p] in
        When (p_conj ps)
    | Type p ->
        Type (letify_type sigma used p)
    | Branch(p,a,b) ->
        let p = Sigma.p_apply sigma p in
        let step = F.varsp p in
        let (target,export) = locals sigma ~target ~required ~step i dseq in
        let sa = Sigma.assume sigma p in
        let sb = Sigma.assume sigma (p_not p) in
        let a = letify_case sa ~target ~export a in
        let b = letify_case sb ~target ~export b in
    | Either cases ->
        let (target,export) = locals sigma ~target ~required i dseq in
        Either ( (letify_case sigma ~target ~export) cases)
  in update_cond s cond

and letify_case sigma ~target ~export seq =
  let (_,_,_,s) = letify_seq sigma ~target ~export seq.seq_list
  in sequence s

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- External Simplifier                                                --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let simplify_exp solvers e =
  List.fold_left (fun e s -> s#simplify_exp e) e solvers
let simplify_goal solvers p =
  List.fold_left (fun p s -> s#simplify_goal p) p solvers
let simplify_hyp solvers p =
  List.fold_left (fun p s -> s#simplify_hyp p) p solvers
let simplify_branch solvers p =
  List.fold_left (fun p s -> s#simplify_branch p) p solvers

let apply_hyp modified solvers h =
  let simple p =
    let p' = simplify_hyp solvers p in
    if not (Lang.F.eqp p p') then modified := true;
    List.iter (fun s -> s#assume p') solvers; p'
  match h.condition with
  | State s -> update_cond h (State (Mstate.apply (simplify_exp solvers) s))
  | Init p -> update_cond h (Init (simple p))
  | Type p -> update_cond h (Type (simple p))
  | Have p -> update_cond h (Have (simple p))
  | When p -> update_cond h (When (simple p))
  | Core p -> update_cond h (Core (simple p))
  | Branch(p,_,_) -> List.iter (fun s -> s#target p) solvers; h
  | Either _ -> h

let decide_branch modified solvers h =
  match h.condition with
  | Branch(p,a,b) ->
      let q = simplify_branch solvers p in
      if q != p then
        ( modified := true ; update_cond h (Branch(q,a,b)) )
      else h
  | _ -> h

let add_infer modified s hs =
  let p = p_conj s#infer in
  if p != p_true then
    ( modified := true ; step ~descr:s#name (Have p) :: hs )

type outcome =
  | NoSimplification
  | Simplified of hsp
  | Trivial

and hsp = step list * pred

let apply_simplifiers (solvers : simplifier list) (hs,g) =
  if solvers = [] then NoSimplification
      let modified = ref false in
      let solvers = (fun s -> s#copy) solvers in
      let hs = (apply_hyp modified solvers) hs in
      List.iter (fun s -> s#target g) solvers ;
      List.iter (fun s -> s#fixpoint) solvers ;
      let hs = (decide_branch modified solvers) hs in
      let hs = List.fold_right (add_infer modified) solvers hs in
      let p = simplify_goal solvers g in
      if p != g || !modified then
        Simplified (hs,p)
    with Contradiction ->

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Sequence Builder                                                   --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let empty = {
  seq_size = 0 ;
  seq_vars = Vars.empty ;
  seq_core = Pset.empty ;
  seq_catg = EMPTY ;
  seq_list = [] ;

let trivial = empty , F.p_true

let append sa sb =
  if sa.seq_size = 0 then sb else
  if sb.seq_size = 0 then sa else
    let seq_size = sa.seq_size + sb.seq_size in
    let seq_vars = Vars.union sa.seq_vars sb.seq_vars in
    let seq_core = Pset.union sa.seq_core sb.seq_core in
    let seq_list = sa.seq_list @ sb.seq_list in
    let seq_catg = c_and sa.seq_catg sb.seq_catg in
    { seq_size ; seq_vars ; seq_core ; seq_catg ; seq_list }

let concat slist =
  if slist = [] then empty else
    let seq_size = List.fold_left (fun n s -> n + s.seq_size) 0 slist in
    let seq_list = List.concat ( (fun s -> s.seq_list) slist) in
    let seq_vars = List.fold_left (fun w s -> Vars.union w s.seq_vars)
        Vars.empty slist in
    let seq_core = List.fold_left (fun w s -> Pset.union w s.seq_core)
        Pset.empty slist in
    let seq_catg = c_conj catg_seq slist in
    { seq_size ; seq_vars ; seq_core ; seq_catg ; seq_list }

let seq_branch ?stmt p sa sb =
  sequence [step ?stmt (Branch(p,sa,sb))]

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Introduction Utilities                                             --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let lemma g =
  let cc g =
    let hs,p = forall_intro g in
    let hs = (fun p -> step (Have p)) hs in
    sequence hs , p
  in Lang.local ~vars:(F.varsp g) cc g

let introduction (hs,g) =
  let flag = ref false in
  let intro p = let q = exist_intro p in if q != p then flag := true ; q in
  let hj = (map_step intro) hs.seq_list in
  let hi,p = forall_intro g in
  let hi = (fun p -> step (Have p)) hi in
  if not !flag && hi == [] then
    if p == g then None else Some (hs , p)
    Some (sequence (hi @ hj) , p)

let introduction_eq s = match introduction s with
  | Some s' -> s'
  | None -> s

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Constant Folder                                                    --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

module ConstantFolder =

  open Qed