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(*                                                                        *)
(*  This file is part of Frama-C.                                         *)
(*                                                                        *)
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(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2025                                               *)
(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
(*                                                                        *)

(* Messages longer than N characters are truncated when printed on terminal. *)
type kind = Result | Feedback | Debug | Warning | Error | Failure

[@@@ warning "-32"]

let pretty_kind fmt = function
  | Result -> Format.fprintf fmt "Result"
  | Feedback -> Format.fprintf fmt "Feedback"
  | Debug -> Format.fprintf fmt "Debug"
  | Warning -> Format.fprintf fmt "Warning"
  | Error -> Format.fprintf fmt "Error"
  | Failure -> Format.fprintf fmt "Failure"

[@@@ warning "+32"]

type event = {
  evt_kind : kind ;
  evt_plugin : string ;
  evt_category : string option;
  evt_source : Filepath.position option ;
  evt_message : string ;

let kernel_channel_name = "kernel"
let kernel_label_name = "kernel"

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Exception Management                                               --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

exception FeatureRequest of Filepath.position option * string * string
exception AbortError of string (* plug-in *)
exception AbortFatal of string (* plug-in *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Terminal Management                                                --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

open Format

type lock =
  | Ready
  | Locked
  | DelayedLock

type terminal = {
  mutable lock : lock ;
  mutable isatty : bool ;
  mutable clean : bool ;
  mutable delayed : (terminal -> unit) list ;
  mutable output : string -> int -> int -> unit ;
  (* Same as Format.make_formatter *)
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  mutable flush : unit -> unit ;
  (* Same as Format.make_formatter *)

let delayed_echo t =
  match t.lock with
  | Locked -> true
  | Ready | DelayedLock -> false

let is_locked t =
  match t.lock with
  | Locked | DelayedLock -> true
  | Ready -> false

let is_ready t =
  match t.lock with
  | Locked | DelayedLock -> false
  | Ready -> true

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let term_clean t =
  if t.isatty && not t.clean then
      let u = "\r\027[K" in
      (* TERM escape commands:
         "\r" is carriage return ;
         "\027[K" is CSI command EL 'Erase in Line' ;
      t.output u 0 (String.length u) ;
      t.clean <- true ;

let set_terminal t isatty output flush =
    (* Ensures previous terminal state is clean *)
    assert (is_ready t) ;
    term_clean t ;
    (* Now reconfigure the terminal *)
    t.isatty <- isatty ;
    t.output <- output ;
    t.flush <- flush ;
    t.clean <- true ;

let stdout = {
  lock = Ready ;
  clean = true ;
  delayed = [] ;
  isatty = Unix.isatty Unix.stdout ;
  output = output_substring stdout ;
  flush =  (fun () -> flush stdout);
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let set_output ?(isatty=false) output flush =
  set_terminal stdout isatty output flush

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Locked Formatter                                                   --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

type delayed =
  | Delayed of terminal
  | Formatter of (string -> int -> int -> unit) * (unit -> unit)

let lock_terminal t =
    if is_locked t then
      failwith "Console is already locked" ;
    term_clean t ;
    t.lock <- Locked ;
    Format.make_formatter t.output t.flush ;

let unlock_terminal t fmt =
  if is_ready t then
    failwith "Console can not be unlocked" ;
    Format.pp_print_flush fmt () ;
    t.lock <- Ready ;
      (fun job -> job t)
      (List.rev t.delayed) ;
    t.delayed <- [] ;

let print_on_output job =
  let fmt = lock_terminal stdout in
  try job fmt ; unlock_terminal stdout fmt
  with error -> unlock_terminal stdout fmt ; raise error

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Delayed Lock until first write                                     --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let delayed_terminal terminal =
  if is_locked terminal then
    failwith "Console is already locked" ;
  terminal.lock <- DelayedLock ;
  let d = ref (Delayed terminal) in
  let d_output d text k n =
    match !d with
    | Delayed t ->
      t.lock <- Locked ;
      d := Formatter( t.output , t.flush ) ;
      t.output text k n
    | Formatter(out,_) ->
      out text k n
  let d_flush d () =
    match !d with
    | Delayed _ -> () (* nothing to flush yet ! *)
    | Formatter(_,flush) -> flush ()
  Format.make_formatter (d_output d) (d_flush d)

let print_delayed job =
  let fmt = delayed_terminal stdout in
  try job fmt ; unlock_terminal stdout fmt
  with error -> unlock_terminal stdout fmt ; raise error

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Echo Line(s)                                                       --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* whenever the first line of the event shall be printed along the prefix *)
let is_prefixed_event = function
  | { evt_category = None ; evt_source = None } -> true
  | _ -> false

let is_single_line text =
  try ignore (String.index_from text 0 '\n') ; false
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  with Not_found -> true

let echo_firstline output text p q width =
  let t = try String.index_from text p '\n' with Not_found -> succ q in
  let n = min width (t-p) in
  output text p n

let echo_newline output =
  output "\n" 0 1

(* output indentation unless the first line is along the prefix *)
let echo_line output ~prefix text k n =
  if not prefix then output "  " 0 2 ; output text k n

let rec echo_lines ?(prefix=false) output text p q =
  if p <= q then
    let t = try String.index_from text p '\n' with Not_found -> (-1) in
    if t < 0 || t > q then
        (* incomplete, last line *)
        echo_line output ~prefix text p (q+1-p) ;
        echo_newline output ;
        (* complete line *)
        echo_line output ~prefix text p (t+1-p) ;
        echo_lines output text (t+1) q ;

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Echo Event                                                         --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let add_source buffer = function
  | None -> ()
  | Some src ->
    let fmt = Format.formatter_of_buffer buffer in
    Format.fprintf fmt "%a: @?" Filepath.pp_pos src

let add_category buffer = function
  | None -> ()
  | Some a -> Buffer.add_char buffer ':' ; Buffer.add_string buffer a

let add_kind buffer = function
  | Result | Feedback | Debug -> ()
  | Error -> Buffer.add_string buffer "User Error: "
  | Warning -> Buffer.add_string buffer "Warning: "
  | Failure -> Buffer.add_string buffer "Failure: "

let echo_event evt terminal =
    term_clean terminal ;
    let buffer = Buffer.create 120 in
    Buffer.add_char buffer '[' ;
    Buffer.add_string buffer evt.evt_plugin ;
    add_category buffer evt.evt_category ;
    Buffer.add_string buffer "] " ;
    add_source buffer evt.evt_source ;
    add_kind buffer evt.evt_kind ;
    let prefix = Buffer.contents buffer in
    let header = String.length prefix in
    let text = evt.evt_message in
    let size = String.length text in
    let output = terminal.output in
    output prefix 0 header ;
    if header + size <= 80 && is_single_line text then
        output text 0 size ;
        echo_newline output ;
        let prefix = is_prefixed_event evt in
        if not prefix then echo_newline output ;
        echo_lines output ~prefix text 0 (String.length text - 1) ;
      end ;
    terminal.flush () ;

let do_echo terminal evt =
  if delayed_echo terminal then
    terminal.delayed <- echo_event evt :: terminal.delayed
    echo_event evt terminal

let do_transient terminal text p q =
  if p <= q && not (delayed_echo terminal) then
      term_clean terminal ;
      echo_firstline terminal.output text p q 80 ;
      if terminal.isatty
      then terminal.clean <- false
      else terminal.output "\n" 0 1 ;
      terminal.flush () ;

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Source                                                             --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let source ~file ~line =
  Filepath.{ pos_path = file ; pos_lnum = line ; pos_bol = 0 ; pos_cnum = 0 }

let current_loc = ref (fun () -> raise Not_found)

let set_current_source fpos = current_loc := fpos

let get_current_source () = !current_loc ()

let get_source current = function
  | None -> if current then Some (!current_loc ()) else None
  | Some _ as s -> s

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Channels                                                           --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

type emitter = {
  mutable listeners : (event -> unit) list ;
  mutable echo : bool ;

type ontty = [
  | `Message   (* Normal message (default) *)
  | `Feedback  (* Temporary visible on console, normal message otherwise *)
  | `Transient (* Temporary visible, only on console *)
  | `Silent    (* Not visible on console *)

let tty = ref (fun () -> false)

type channel = {
  locked_buffer : Rich_text.buffer ; (* already allocated top-level buffer *)
  mutable stack : int ;   (* number of 'stacked' buffers *)
  plugin : string ;
  emitters : emitter array ;
  terminal : terminal ;

type channelstate =
  | NotCreatedYet of emitter array
  | Created of channel

let nth_kind = function
  | Result   -> 0
  | Feedback -> 1
  | Debug    -> 2
  | Error    -> 3
  | Warning  -> 4
  | Failure  -> 5

let all_kinds = [| Result ; Feedback ; Debug ; Error ; Warning ; Failure |]

let () = Array.iteri
    (fun i k -> assert (i == nth_kind k))

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Channels                                                           --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let all_channels : (string,channelstate) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 31
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let default_emitters = (fun _ -> { listeners=[] ; echo=true })
Loïc Correnson's avatar
Loïc Correnson committed (fun e -> { listeners = e.listeners ; echo = e.echo })

let get_emitters plugin =
    match Hashtbl.find all_channels plugin with
    | NotCreatedYet e -> e
    | Created c -> c.emitters
  with Not_found ->
    let e = new_emitters () in
    Hashtbl.replace all_channels plugin (NotCreatedYet e) ; e

let new_channel plugin =
  let create_with_emitters plugin emitters =
    let c = {
      plugin = plugin ;
      stack = 0 ;
      locked_buffer = Rich_text.create () ;
      emitters = emitters ;
      terminal = stdout ;
    } in
    Hashtbl.replace all_channels plugin (Created c) ; c
    match Hashtbl.find all_channels plugin with
    | Created c -> c
    | NotCreatedYet ems -> create_with_emitters plugin ems
  with Not_found ->
    let ems = new_emitters () in
    create_with_emitters plugin ems

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Already emitted messages                                           --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let check_not_yet = ref (fun _evt -> false)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Listeners                                                          --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let do_fire e f = f e

let iter_kind ?kind f ems =
  match kind with
  | None -> Array.iter f ems
  | Some ks -> List.iter (fun k -> f ems.(nth_kind k)) ks

let iter_plugin ?plugin ?kind f =
  match plugin with
  | None ->
      (fun _ s ->
         match s with
         | Created c -> iter_kind ?kind f c.emitters
         | NotCreatedYet ems -> iter_kind ?kind f ems)
      all_channels ;
    iter_kind ?kind f default_emitters
  | Some p ->
    iter_kind ?kind f (get_emitters p)

let add_listener ?plugin ?kind demon =
  iter_plugin ?plugin ?kind (fun em -> em.listeners <- em.listeners @ [demon])

let set_echo ?plugin ?kind echo =
  iter_plugin ?plugin ?kind (fun em -> em.echo <- echo)

let notify e =
  let es = get_emitters e.evt_plugin in
  List.iter (fun f -> f e) es.(nth_kind e.evt_kind).listeners

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Generic Log Routine                                                --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let open_buffer c =
  if c.stack > 0 then
    ( c.stack <- succ c.stack ; Rich_text.create () )
    ( c.stack <- 1 ; c.locked_buffer )

let close_buffer c =
  if c.stack > 1 then
    c.stack <- pred c.stack
    Rich_text.shrink c.locked_buffer

let logtransient channel text =
  let buffer = open_buffer channel in
    (fun fmt ->
         Format.pp_print_newline fmt () ;
         Format.pp_print_flush fmt () ;
         ignore (Rich_text.truncate buffer max_message_length) ;
         let p,q = Rich_text.trim buffer in
         do_transient channel.terminal (Rich_text.contents buffer) p q ;
         close_buffer channel
       with e ->
         close_buffer channel ;
         raise e
    ) buffer text

let locked_listeners = ref false

let logwithfinal finally channel
    ?(fire=true)    (* fire channel listeners *)
    ?emitwith       (* additional emitter *)
    ?(once=false)   (* log and emit only once *)
    ?(echo=true)    (* echo on terminal *)
    ?(current=false) (* use current source as default *)
    ?source (* source location *)
    ?(kind=Feedback) (* message kind *)
    ?category (* message category *)
    ?append (* additional text *)
    text =
  let buffer = open_buffer channel in
  Format.pp_open_vbox (Rich_text.formatter buffer) 0 ;
    (fun fmt ->
         (match append with None -> () | Some k -> k fmt) ;
         Format.pp_close_box fmt () ;
         Format.pp_print_newline fmt () ;
         Format.pp_print_flush fmt () ;
         let truncated =
           if channel.terminal.isatty
           then Rich_text.truncate buffer max_message_length
           else false
         let p,q = Rich_text.trim buffer in
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         let output =
           if p <= q then
             let source = get_source current source in
             let message = Rich_text.range buffer p q in
             let message =
               if truncated then "(truncated message) " ^ message else message
             let event = {
               evt_kind = kind ;
               evt_plugin = channel.plugin ;
               evt_category = category ;
               evt_message = message ;
               evt_source = source ;
             } in
             if not once || !check_not_yet event then
                 let e = channel.emitters.(nth_kind kind) in
                 if echo && e.echo then
                   do_echo channel.terminal event ;
                 Option.iter (do_fire event) emitwith;
                 if fire && not !locked_listeners then
                       locked_listeners := true ;
                       List.iter (do_fire event) e.listeners ;
                       locked_listeners := false ;
                     with exn ->
                       locked_listeners := false ;
                       raise exn
                   end ;
                 Some event
             else None
           else None
         close_buffer channel ;
         finally output
       with e ->
         close_buffer channel ;
         raise e
    ) buffer text

let finally_unit _ = ()
let finally_raise e _ = raise e
let finally_false _ = false

let cmdline_error_occurred = Extlib.mk_fun "Log.cmdline_error_occurred"
let cmdline_at_error_exit = Extlib.mk_fun "Log.at_error_exit"

type deferred_exn =
  | DNo_exn
  | DWarn_as_error of event
  | DError of event
  | DFatal of event

let deferred_exn = ref DNo_exn

let unreported_error = "##unreported-error##"

(* we keep track of at most one deferred exception, ordered by seriousness
   (internal error > user error > warning-as-error). the rationale is that
   an internal error might cause subsequent errors or warning, but the reverse
   is not true: an deferred user error must not lead to an internal error.
   Should that ever happen, at the very least the code should be modified to
   directly [abort] instead of merely logging an [error].
let update_deferred_exn exn =
  match !deferred_exn, exn with
  | DNo_exn, _ -> deferred_exn := exn
  | DWarn_as_error _, DWarn_as_error _ -> ()
  | DWarn_as_error _, _ -> deferred_exn := exn
  | DError _, (DNo_exn | DWarn_as_error _ | DError _) -> ()
  | DError _, DFatal _ -> deferred_exn := exn
  | DFatal _, _ -> ()

let warn_event_as_error event = update_deferred_exn (DWarn_as_error event)

let deferred_raise ~fatal event msg =
  (* reset deferred flag. *)
  let () = deferred_exn := DNo_exn in
  let channel = new_channel event.evt_plugin in
  let pp_pos fmt pos = Format.fprintf fmt "%a: " Filepath.pp_pos pos in
  let pp_pos_opt = Pretty_utils.pp_opt pp_pos in
  let print_event fmt =
    Format.fprintf fmt "@\n%a%s" pp_pos_opt event.evt_source event.evt_message
  let append = Some print_event in
  let exn =
    if fatal then AbortFatal event.evt_plugin
    else AbortError event.evt_plugin
  let finally = finally_raise exn in
  (* change the kind to avoid re-appending 'Error' to the message *)
  logwithfinal finally channel ?append ~kind:Result msg
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  match !deferred_exn with
  | DNo_exn -> ()
  | DWarn_as_error event ->
    let wkey =
      match event.evt_category with
      | None -> ""
      | Some s when s = unreported_error -> ""
      | Some s -> s
    deferred_raise ~fatal:false { event with evt_kind = Error }
      "Deferred error: warning as error %s:" wkey
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  | DError event ->
    deferred_raise ~fatal:false event
      "Deferred error message was emitted during execution:"
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  | DFatal event ->
    deferred_raise ~fatal:true event
      "Deferred internal error message was emitted during execution:"

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Messages Interface                                                 --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

type 'a pretty_printer =
  ?current:bool -> ?source:Filepath.position ->
  ?emitwith:(event -> unit) -> ?echo:bool -> ?once:bool ->
  ?append:(Format.formatter -> unit) ->
  ('a,formatter,unit) format -> 'a

type ('a,'b) pretty_aborter =
  ?current:bool -> ?source:Filepath.position -> ?echo:bool ->
  ?append:(Format.formatter -> unit) ->
  ('a,formatter,unit,'b) format4 -> 'a

let log_channel channel
    ?current ?source
    ?emitwith ?echo ?once
    text =
  logwithfinal finally_unit channel ?once ?echo ?emitwith ?current ?source
    ~kind ?append text

let echo e =
    match Hashtbl.find all_channels e.evt_plugin with
    | NotCreatedYet _ -> raise Not_found
    | Created c -> do_echo c.terminal e
  with Not_found ->
    let msg =
      Format.sprintf "[unknown channel %s]:%s"
        e.evt_plugin e.evt_message
    in failwith msg

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Plug-in Interface                                                 --- *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

module Category_trie =
  (* No Datatype at this level for dependencies reasons *)
  module String_map = Map.Make(String)

  type 'a t =
    | Node of 'a option * 'a t String_map.t

  let empty = Node (None, String_map.empty)

  let rec add_structure l t =
    match l with
    | [] -> t
    | x :: l ->
      let Node (info, map) = t in
      let binding =
        try String_map.find x map
        with Not_found -> Node (info, String_map.empty)
      let res = add_structure l binding in
      Node (info, String_map.add x res map)

  let rec add_info l ?merge info (Node (old_info, map)) =
    match l with
    | [] ->
      let rec aux map =
          (function Node(old_info, map) ->
             let new_info =
               match old_info, merge with
               | None, _ | _, None -> Some info
               | Some old_info, Some merge -> Some (merge old_info info)
             Node (new_info, aux map)) map
      Node (Some info, aux map)
    | x :: l ->
      let binding = String_map.find x map in
      let res = add_info l info binding in
      Node (old_info, String_map.add x res map)

  let rec get l (Node(info, map)) =
    match l with
    | [] -> info
    | x :: l ->
      let binding = String_map.find x map in
      get l binding

  let fold f map acc =
    let rec aux suf (Node(info, map)) acc =
      let acc = f (List.rev suf) info acc in
      String_map.fold (fun s t acc -> aux (s::suf) t acc) map acc
    in aux [] map acc

  let suffixes l trie =
    let rec aux res suf l (Node(_,map)) =
      match l with
      | [] ->
        let res = (List.rev suf) :: res in
        String_map.fold (fun s t res -> aux res (s::suf) [] t) map res
      | x::l ->
        let t = String_map.find x map in
        aux res (x::suf) l t
    (* Provide results in lexicographic order. *)
    List.rev (aux [] [] l trie)

let rec split_joker = function
  | [] -> []
  | ["*"] -> []
  | ""::w -> split_joker w
  | a::w -> a::split_joker w

let split_category s = split_joker (String.split_on_char ':' s)

let evt_category = function
  | { evt_category = None } -> []
  | { evt_category = Some s } -> split_category s

(* a is a sub-category of b *)
let rec is_subcategory a b = match a,b with
  | _,[] -> true
  | [],_ -> false
  | a1::aw , b1::bw -> a1 = b1 && is_subcategory aw bw

let merge_category l =
  match l with
  | [] -> "*"
  | [ s ] -> s
  | hd :: tl ->
    let b = Buffer.create 15 in
    Buffer.add_string b hd;
    List.iter (fun s -> Buffer.add_char b ':'; Buffer.add_string b s) tl;
    Buffer.contents b

type warn_status =
  | Winactive
  | Wfeedback_once
  | Wfeedback
  | Wonce
  | Wactive
  | Werror_once
  | Werror
  | Wabort

let pp_warn_status fmt s =
  let s =
    match s with
    | Winactive -> "inactive"
    | Wfeedback_once -> "feedback,once"
    | Wfeedback -> "feedback"
    | Wonce -> "once"
    | Wactive ->   "active"
    | Werror_once -> "error,once"
    | Werror -> "error"
    | Wabort -> "abort"
  Format.pp_print_string fmt s

let merge_status old_status new_status =
  match old_status, new_status with
  | Winactive, Wactive -> Wactive
  | Winactive, Wonce -> Wonce
  | Winactive, _ -> Winactive
  | _ -> new_status

module type Messages =

  type category

  type warn_category

  val verbose_atleast: int -> bool
  val debug_atleast: int -> bool

  val printf : ?level:int -> ?dkey:category ->
    ?current:bool -> ?source:Filepath.position ->
    ?append:(Format.formatter -> unit) ->
    ?header:(Format.formatter -> unit) ->
    ('a,formatter,unit) format -> 'a

  val result  : ?level:int -> ?dkey:category -> 'a pretty_printer
  val has_tty : unit -> bool
  val feedback: ?ontty:ontty -> ?level:int -> ?dkey:category -> 'a pretty_printer
  val debug   : ?level:int -> ?dkey:category -> 'a pretty_printer
  val warning : ?wkey: warn_category -> 'a pretty_printer
  val error   : 'a pretty_printer
  val abort   : ('a,'b) pretty_aborter
  val failure : 'a pretty_printer
  val fatal   : ('a,'b) pretty_aborter
  val verify  : bool -> ('a,bool) pretty_aborter

  val not_yet_implemented : ?current:bool -> ?source:Filepath.position ->
    ('a,formatter,unit,'b) format4 -> 'a
  val deprecated : string -> now:string -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b

  val with_result  : (event option -> 'b) -> ('a,'b) pretty_aborter
  val with_warning : (event option -> 'b) -> ('a,'b) pretty_aborter
  val with_error   : (event option -> 'b) -> ('a,'b) pretty_aborter
  val with_failure : (event option -> 'b) -> ('a,'b) pretty_aborter

  val log : ?kind:kind -> ?verbose:int -> ?debug:int -> 'a pretty_printer
  val logwith : (event option -> 'b) ->
    ?wkey: warn_category -> ?emitwith:(event -> unit) -> ?once:bool -> ('a,'b) pretty_aborter

  val register : kind -> (event -> unit) -> unit (** Very local listener. *)
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  val register_tag_handlers : (string -> string) * (string -> string) -> unit

  val register_category: ?help:string -> string -> category

  val pp_category: Format.formatter -> category -> unit

  val pp_all_categories: unit -> unit

  val dkey_name: category -> string

  val is_registered_category: string -> bool

  val get_category: string -> category option
  val get_all_categories: unit -> category list

  val add_debug_keys: category -> unit
  val del_debug_keys: category -> unit
  val get_debug_keys: unit -> category list

  val is_debug_key_enabled: category -> bool

  val register_warn_category: ?help:string -> string -> warn_category

  val is_warn_category: string -> bool

  val pp_warn_category: Format.formatter -> warn_category -> unit

  val pp_all_warn_categories_status: unit -> unit

  val wkey_name: warn_category -> string

  val get_warn_category: string -> warn_category option

  val get_all_warn_categories: unit -> warn_category list

  val get_all_warn_categories_status: unit -> (warn_category * warn_status) list

  val set_warn_status: warn_category -> warn_status -> unit

  val get_warn_status: warn_category -> warn_status


module Register
    (P : sig
       val channel : string
       val label : string
       val verbose_atleast : int -> bool
       val debug_atleast : int -> bool
     end) =

  include P

  type category = string

  type warn_category = string

  let categories = ref Category_trie.empty
  let categories_help : ((string, string) Hashtbl.t) = Hashtbl.create 5
  let () = Hashtbl.add categories_help "*" "All categories"

  let register_category ?(help="No description provided") (s:string) =
    let l = split_category s in
    categories := Category_trie.add_structure l !categories;
    Hashtbl.replace categories_help s help;

  let pp_category fmt (cat: category) = Format.pp_print_string fmt cat

  let get_category_help (cat: category) =
    match Hashtbl.find_opt categories_help cat with
    | None -> "Not registered directly (see subcategory descriptions)"
    | Some help -> help

  let get_all_categories () = merge_category (Category_trie.suffixes [] !categories)

  let is_registered_category s =
    List.mem (split_category s) (Category_trie.suffixes [] !categories)

  let get_category s =
    if is_registered_category s then Some s else None

  let not_registered s =
    failwith (s ^ " is not a registered category for " ^ label)

  let dkey_name s = s

  let wkey_name s = s

  let add_debug_keys s =
      categories := Category_trie.add_info (split_category s) true !categories
    with Not_found -> not_registered s

  let del_debug_keys s =
      categories := Category_trie.add_info (split_category s) false !categories
    with Not_found -> not_registered s

  let get_debug_keys () =
    let f cat info acc =
      match info with
      | None | Some false -> acc
      | Some true -> (merge_category cat) :: acc
    Category_trie.fold f !categories []

  let is_debug_key_enabled (c:category) =
    let s = (c:>string) in
    match Category_trie.get (split_category s) !categories with
    | None -> false
    | Some flag -> flag
    | exception Not_found -> not_registered s

  let has_debug_key = function
    | None -> true (* No key means to be displayed each time *)
    | Some c -> is_debug_key_enabled c

  let warn_categories = ref Category_trie.empty
  let warn_categories_help : ((string, string) Hashtbl.t) = Hashtbl.create 5
  let () = Hashtbl.add warn_categories_help "*" "All warning categories"

  let register_warn_category ?(help="No description provided") s =
    let l = split_category s in
    warn_categories := Category_trie.add_structure l !warn_categories;
    Hashtbl.replace warn_categories_help s help;
  let get_warn_category_help (cat: category) =
    match Hashtbl.find_opt warn_categories_help cat with
    | None -> "Not registered directly (see subcategory descriptions)"
    | Some help -> help

  let get_all_warn_categories () = merge_category (Category_trie.suffixes [] !warn_categories)

  let get_all_warn_categories_status () =
         (fun cat status l  ->
            (merge_category cat, Option.value ~default:Wactive status) :: l)
         !warn_categories [])

  let is_warn_category s =
    List.mem (split_category s) (Category_trie.suffixes [] !warn_categories)

  let pp_warn_category fmt s = Format.pp_print_string fmt s

  let get_warn_category s = if is_warn_category s then Some s else None

  let wnot_registered s =
    failwith (s ^ " is not a registered warning category for " ^ label)

  let set_warn_status s status =
      warn_categories :=
          (split_category s) ~merge:merge_status status !warn_categories
    with Not_found -> wnot_registered s

  let get_warn_status s =
    match Category_trie.get (split_category s) !warn_categories with
    | Some s -> s