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(*                                                                        *)
(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2021                                               *)
(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
(*                                                                        *)

(** Build a CFG of a function keeping some information of the initial structure.

open Cil_types

let dkey = Wp_parameters.register_category "cil2cfg" (* debugging key *)

let debug fmt = Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey fmt
let debug2 fmt = Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey ~level:2 fmt

(** {2 Nodes} *)

(** Be careful that only Bstmt are real Block statements *)
type block_type =
    Bstmt of stmt | Bthen of stmt | Belse of stmt | Bloop of stmt | Bfct
  (* added to identify 2 blocks for tests, else there are mixed up because same
   * sid *)

type call_type =
  | Dynamic of exp
  | Static of kernel_function

let pp_call_type fmt = function
  | Dynamic _ -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "dynamic"
  | Static kf -> Kernel_function.pretty fmt kf

type node_type =
  | Vstart | Vend
  | VfctIn | VfctOut | VfctErr
  | VblkIn of block_type * block
  | VblkOut of block_type * block
  | Vstmt of stmt
  | Vcall of stmt * lval option * call_type * exp list
  | Vtest of bool * stmt * exp (** bool=true for In and false for Out *)
  | Vswitch of stmt * exp
  | Vloop of bool option * stmt
  (** boolean is is_natural. None means the node has not been detected
    * as a loop *)
  | Vloop2 of bool * int

type node_info = { kind : node_type ; mutable reachable : bool }

type node = node_info

let node_type n = n.kind

let bkind_stmt bk = match bk with
  | Bfct -> None
  | Bstmt s | Bthen s | Belse s | Bloop s -> Some s

let _bkind_sid bk = match bk with
  | Bfct -> 0
  | Bstmt s | Bthen s | Belse s | Bloop s -> s.sid

type node_id = int * int

(** gives a identifier to each CFG node in order to hash them *)
let node_type_id t : node_id = match t with
  | Vstart -> (0, 0)
  | VfctIn -> (0, 1)
  | VfctOut -> (0, 2)
  | VfctErr -> (0, 3)
  | Vend -> (0, 4)
  | Vstmt s | Vtest (true, s, _) | Vswitch (s,_) | Vcall (s, _, _, _) ->
      (1, s.sid)
  | Vloop (_, s) -> (2, s.sid)
  | Vloop2 (_, n) -> (3, n)
  | VblkIn (Bfct, _) -> (4, 0)
  | VblkIn (Bstmt s,_) -> (5, s.sid)
  | VblkIn (Bthen s,_) -> (6, s.sid)
  | VblkIn (Belse s,_) -> (7, s.sid)
  | VblkIn (Bloop s,_) -> (8, s.sid)
  | VblkOut (Bfct, _) -> (9, 0)
  | VblkOut (Bstmt s,_) -> (10, s.sid)
  | VblkOut (Bthen s,_) -> (11, s.sid)
  | VblkOut (Belse s,_) -> (12, s.sid)
  | VblkOut (Bloop s,_) -> (13, s.sid)
  | Vtest (false, s, _) -> (14, s.sid)

let node_id n = node_type_id (node_type n)

let pp_bkind fmt bk = match bk with
  | Bfct -> Format.fprintf fmt "fct"
  | Bstmt s -> Format.fprintf fmt "stmt:%d" s.sid
  | Bthen s  -> Format.fprintf fmt "then:%d" s.sid
  | Belse s -> Format.fprintf fmt "else:%d" s.sid
  | Bloop s -> Format.fprintf fmt "loop:%d" s.sid

let pp_node_type fmt n = match n with
  | Vstart -> Format.fprintf fmt "<start>"
  | VfctIn -> Format.fprintf fmt "<fctIn>"
  | VfctOut -> Format.fprintf fmt "<fctOut>"
  | VfctErr -> Format.fprintf fmt "<fctErr>"
  | Vend -> Format.fprintf fmt "<end>"
  | VblkIn (bk,_) -> Format.fprintf fmt "<blkIn-%a>" pp_bkind bk
  | VblkOut (bk,_) -> Format.fprintf fmt "<blkOut-%a>" pp_bkind bk
  | Vcall (s, _, _, _) -> Format.fprintf fmt "<callIn-%d>" s.sid
  | Vstmt s -> Format.fprintf fmt "<stmt-%d>" s.sid
  | Vtest (b, s, _) ->
      Format.fprintf fmt "<test%s-%d>" (if b then "In" else "Out") s.sid
  | Vswitch (s,_) -> Format.fprintf fmt "<switch-%d>" s.sid
  | Vloop (_, s) -> Format.fprintf fmt "<loop-%d>" s.sid
  | Vloop2 (_, n) -> Format.fprintf fmt "<loop-n%d>" n

let same_node v v' =
  (node_id v) = (node_id v')

(** the CFG nodes *)
module VL =
  type t = node

  let hash v = let (a,b) = (node_id v) in b*17 + a

  let equal v v' = same_node v v'

  let compare v v' = Extlib.compare_basic (node_id v) (node_id v')

  let pretty fmt v = pp_node_type fmt (node_type v)

let pp_node fmt v = VL.pretty fmt v

let start_stmt_of_node v = match node_type v with
  | Vstart | Vtest (false, _, _) | VblkOut _
  | VfctIn | VfctOut | VfctErr | Vend | Vloop2 _ -> None
  | VblkIn (bk, _) -> bkind_stmt bk
  | Vstmt s | Vtest (true, s, _) | Vloop (_, s) | Vswitch (s,_)
  | Vcall (s, _, _, _)
    -> Some s

let node_stmt_opt v = match node_type v with
  | Vstart | Vtest (false, _, _)
  | VfctIn | VfctOut | VfctErr | Vend | Vloop2 _ -> None
  | VblkIn (bk, _) | VblkOut (bk, _) -> bkind_stmt bk
  | Vstmt s | Vtest (true, s, _) | Vloop (_, s) | Vswitch (s,_)
  | Vcall (s, _, _, _)
    -> Some s

let node_stmt_exn v =
  match node_stmt_opt v with None -> raise Not_found | Some s -> s

(** {2 Edge labels} *)

type edge_type =
  | Enone  (** normal edge *)
  | Ethen  (** then branch : edge source is a Vtest *)
  | Eelse  (** else branch : edge source is a Vtest *)
  | Eback  (** back edge to a loop : the edge destination is a Vloop *)
  | EbackThen  (** Eback + Ethen *)
  | EbackElse  (** Eback + Eelse *)
  | Ecase of (exp list) (** switch branch : edge source is a Vswitch.
                              Ecase [] for default case *)
  | Enext (** not really a edge : gives the next node of a complex stmt *)

(** the CFG edges *)
module EL = struct

  let compare_edge_type e1 e2 =
    if e1 == e2 then 0
    else match e1, e2 with
      | Enone, Enone | Ethen, Ethen | Eelse, Eelse | Eback, Eback
      | EbackThen, EbackThen | EbackElse, EbackElse | Enext, Enext -> 0

      | Ecase l1, Ecase l2 -> Extlib.list_compare l1 l2

      | Enone, (Ethen | Eelse | Eback | EbackThen | EbackElse | Ecase _ | Enext)
      | Ethen, (Eelse | Eback | EbackThen | EbackElse | Ecase _ | Enext)
      | Eelse, (Eback | EbackThen | EbackElse | Ecase _ | Enext)
      | Eback, (EbackThen | EbackElse | Ecase _ | Enext)
      | EbackThen, (EbackElse | Ecase _ | Enext)
      | EbackElse, (Ecase _ | Enext)
      | Ecase _, Enext
        -> -1

      | Enext, (Ecase _ | EbackElse | EbackThen | Eback | Eelse | Ethen | Enone)
      | Ecase _, (EbackElse | EbackThen | Eback | Eelse | Ethen | Enone)
      | EbackElse, (EbackThen | Eback | Eelse | Ethen | Enone)
      | EbackThen, (Eback | Eelse | Ethen | Enone)
      | Eback, (Eelse | Ethen | Enone)
      | Eelse, (Ethen | Enone)
      | Ethen, Enone -> 1

  type t = edge_type ref

  let compare (e1 : t) (e2 : t) = compare_edge_type !e1 !e2
  let default = ref Enone
  let pretty fmt e =
    let txt = match e with
      | Enone -> "----" | Ethen -> "then" | Eelse -> "else"
      | Eback -> "back" | EbackThen -> "then-back" | EbackElse -> "else-back"
      | Ecase [] -> "default"
      | Ecase l -> Format.asprintf "case(%a)"
                     (Pretty_utils.pp_list ~sep:", " Printer.pp_exp) l
      | Enext -> "(next)"
    in Format.fprintf fmt "%s" txt

(** {2 Graph} *)

module PMAP(X: Graph.Sig.COMPARABLE) = struct

  module M = Map.Make(X)
  type 'a t = 'a M.t ref
  type key = X.t
  type 'a return = unit

  let empty = ()
  (* never called and not visible for the user thanks to signature
     constraints *)

  let create ?size () = ignore size ; ref M.empty

  let create_from h = ignore h ; ref M.empty

  let is_empty h = M.is_empty !h

  let clear h = h := M.empty

  let add k v h = h := M.add k v !h ; h
  let remove k h = h := M.remove k !h ; h
  let find k h = M.find k !h
  let mem k h = M.mem k !h

  let find_and_raise k t s = try find k t with Not_found -> invalid_arg s

  let fold f h init = M.fold f !h init

  let map f h =
    ref (M.fold (fun k v m -> let (k,v) = f k v in M.add k v m) !h M.empty)

  let iter f h = M.iter f !h

  let copy h = ref !h


(** the CFG is an ocamlgraph, but be careful to use it through the cfg function
 * because some edges don't have the same meaning as some others... *)
module MyGraph = Graph.Blocks.Make(PMAP)
module CFG:
  with type V.t = VL.t
   and  type V.label = VL.t
   and  type E.t = VL.t * EL.t * VL.t
   and  type E.label = EL.t
  include MyGraph.Digraph.ConcreteBidirectionalLabeled(VL)(EL)
  let add_vertex g v = ignore (add_vertex g v)
  let add_edge g v1 v2 = ignore (add_edge g v1 v2)
  let remove_edge g v1 v2 = ignore (remove_edge g v1 v2)
  let remove_edge_e g e = ignore (remove_edge_e g e)
  let add_edge_e g e = ignore (add_edge_e g e)
  let remove_vertex g v =
    if HM.mem v g then begin
      ignore (HM.remove v g);
      let remove v = S.filter (fun (v2,_) -> not (V.equal v v2)) in
      HM.iter (fun k (s1, s2) ->
          ignore (HM.add k (remove v s1, remove v s2) g)) g

(** Set of edges. *)

(** Hashtbl of node *)
module Ntbl = Hashtbl.Make (CFG.V)

(** The final CFG is composed of the graph, but also :
  * the function that it represents,
  * an hashtable to find a CFG node knowing its hashcode *)
type t = {
  kernel_function : kernel_function;
  graph : CFG.t;
  spec_only : bool;
  stmt_node : ((int*int), CFG.V.t) Hashtbl.t;
  unreachables : node_type list;
  loop_nodes : (node list) option;
  mutable loop_cpt : int;
  mutable node_break : node option;
  mutable node_continue : node option;

let new_cfg_env spec_only kf = {
  kernel_function = kf;
  spec_only = spec_only ;
  graph = CFG.create ();
  stmt_node = Hashtbl.create 97;
  unreachables = [];
  loop_nodes = None;
  loop_cpt = 0;
  node_break = None;
  node_continue = None;

let cfg_kf cfg = cfg.kernel_function
let cfg_graph cfg = cfg.graph
let cfg_spec_only cfg = cfg.spec_only

let unreachable_nodes cfg = cfg.unreachables

(** {2 CFG edges} *)

type edge = CFG.E.t

let edge_type e = !(CFG.E.label e)
let edge_src e = CFG.E.src e
let edge_dst e = CFG.E.dst e

let pp_edge fmt e =
  Format.fprintf fmt "%a -%a-> %a"
    pp_node (CFG.E.src e) EL.pretty (edge_type e) pp_node (CFG.E.dst e)

let is_back_edge e = match (edge_type e) with
  | Eback | EbackThen | EbackElse -> true
  | Enone | Ethen | Eelse | Ecase _ | Enext -> false

let is_next_edge e = match (edge_type e) with
  | Enext -> true
  | Eback | EbackThen | EbackElse | Enone | Ethen | Eelse | Ecase _ -> false

let pred_e cfg n =
    let edges = CFG.pred_e cfg.graph n in
    List.filter (fun e -> not (is_next_edge e)) edges
  with Invalid_argument _ ->
    (Wp_parameters.warning "[cfg.pred_e] pb with node %a" pp_node n; [])

let succ_e cfg n =
    let edges = CFG.succ_e cfg.graph n in
    List.filter (fun e -> not (is_next_edge e)) edges
  with Invalid_argument _ ->
    (Wp_parameters.warning "[cfg.succ_e] pb with node %a" pp_node n; [])

type edge_key = int * int * int * int

let edge_key e : edge_key =
  let a,b = node_id (edge_src e) in
  let c,d = node_id (edge_dst e) in

let same_edge e1 e2 = (edge_key e1 = edge_key e2)

(** {2 Iterators} ignoring the [Enext] edges *)

let iter_nodes f cfg = CFG.iter_vertex f (cfg.graph)
let fold_nodes f cfg acc = CFG.fold_vertex f (cfg.graph) acc

let iter_edges f cfg =
  let f e = if is_next_edge e then () else f e in
  CFG.iter_edges_e f (cfg.graph)

let iter_succ f cfg n =
  let f e = if is_next_edge e then () else f (CFG.E.dst e)
  in try CFG.iter_succ_e f (cfg.graph) n
  with Invalid_argument _ ->
    (Wp_parameters.warning "[cfg.iter_succ] pb with node %a" pp_node n)

let fold_succ f cfg n acc =
  let f e acc = if is_next_edge e then acc else f (CFG.E.dst e) acc
  in try CFG.fold_succ_e f (cfg.graph) n acc
  with Invalid_argument _ ->
    (Wp_parameters.warning "[cfg.fold_succ] pb with node %a" pp_node n; acc)

let fold_pred f cfg n acc =
  let f e acc = if is_next_edge e then acc else f (CFG.E.src e) acc in
  try CFG.fold_pred_e f (cfg.graph) n acc
  with Invalid_argument s ->
    (Wp_parameters.warning "[cfg.fold_pred] pb with node %a: %s" pp_node n s; acc)

let _iter_succ_e f cfg n =
  let f e = if is_next_edge e then () else f e
  in try CFG.iter_succ_e f (cfg.graph) n
  with Invalid_argument _ ->
    (Wp_parameters.warning "[cfg.iter_succ_e] pb with node %a" pp_node n)

let iter_pred_e f cfg n =
  let f e = if is_next_edge e then () else f e
  in try CFG.iter_pred_e f (cfg.graph) n
  with Invalid_argument _ ->
    (Wp_parameters.warning "[cfg.iter_pred_e] pb with node %a" pp_node n)

let fold_pred_e f cfg n acc =
  let f e acc = if is_next_edge e then acc else f e acc
  in try CFG.fold_pred_e f (cfg.graph) n acc
  with Invalid_argument _ ->
    (Wp_parameters.warning "[cfg.fold_pred_e] pb with node %a" pp_node n; acc)

let fold_succ_e f cfg n acc =
  let f e acc = if is_next_edge e then acc else f e acc
  in try CFG.fold_succ_e f (cfg.graph) n acc
  with Invalid_argument _ ->
    (Wp_parameters.warning "[cfg.fold_succ_e] pb with node %a" pp_node n; acc)

(** {2 Getting information} *)

let cfg_start cfg = Hashtbl.find cfg.stmt_node (node_type_id Vstart)

let start_edge cfg = match succ_e cfg (cfg_start cfg) with [e] -> e
                                                         | _ -> Wp_parameters.fatal "[cfg] should have exactly ONE starting edge !"

exception Found of node
let _find_stmt_node cfg stmt =
  let find n = match node_stmt_opt n with None -> ()
                                        | Some s -> if s.sid = stmt.sid then raise (Found n)
  try (iter_nodes find cfg; raise Not_found)
  with Found n -> n

(** Get the edges going out a test node with the then branch first *)
let get_test_edges cfg v =
  match succ_e cfg v with
  | [e1; e2] ->
      begin match (edge_type e1), (edge_type e2) with
        | (Ethen|EbackThen), (Eelse|EbackElse) -> e1, e2
        | (Eelse|EbackElse), (Ethen|EbackThen) -> e2, e1
        | _, (Eelse|EbackElse) ->
            Wp_parameters.fatal "[cfg] test node with invalid edges %a"
              pp_edge e1
        | _, _ ->
            Wp_parameters.fatal "[cfg] test node with invalid edges %a"
              pp_edge e2
  | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "[cfg:get_test_edges] not a test")

let get_switch_edges cfg v =
  match node_type v with
  | Vswitch _ ->
        let get_case (cl, dl) e = match (edge_type e) with
          | Ecase [] -> cl, e::dl
          | Ecase c -> (c, e)::cl, dl
          | _ ->  Wp_parameters.fatal ("[cfg] switch node with invalid edges")
        in match List.fold_left get_case ([],[]) (succ_e cfg v) with
        | cl, [d] -> cl, d
        | _ ->
            Wp_parameters.fatal ("[cfg] switch node with several 'default' ?")
  | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "[cfg:get_switch_edges] not a switch")

let get_call_out_edges cfg v =
  let e1, e2 = match succ_e cfg v with
    | [e1;e2] -> e1, e2
    |  _ -> assert false
  let en, ee = match node_type (edge_dst e1) ,
                     node_type (edge_dst e2) with
  | _,  VfctErr -> e1, e2
  | VfctErr, _  -> e2, e1
  | _, _ -> assert false
  in en, ee

let get_edge_stmt e =
  match node_type (edge_dst e) with
  | Vstart | VfctIn | VfctOut | VfctErr -> None
  | VblkIn (Bstmt s, _) | Vstmt s
  | Vcall (s,_,_,_) | Vtest (true, s, _) | Vswitch (s,_) -> Some s
  | Vloop (_,s) -> if is_back_edge e then None else Some s
  | Vtest _ | VblkIn _ | VblkOut _ | Vend | Vloop2 _ -> None

let get_edge_labels e =
  let v_after = edge_dst e in
  let l = match node_type v_after with
    | Vstart -> assert false
    | VfctIn -> []
    | VfctErr | VfctOut -> []
    | VblkIn (Bstmt s, _)
    | Vcall (s,_,_,_) | Vstmt s | Vtest (true, s, _) | Vswitch (s,_) ->
        [Clabels.stmt s]
    | Vloop (_,s) ->
        if is_back_edge e then []
        else [Clabels.stmt s]
    | Vtest (false, _, _) | VblkIn _ | VblkOut _ | Vend -> []
    | Vloop2 _ -> []
  let v_before =  edge_src e in
  match node_type v_before with
  | VfctIn -> Clabels.pre::l
  | Vloop (_, s) -> (Clabels.loop_current s)::l
  | _ -> l

let next_edge cfg n =
  let edges = match node_type n with
    | VblkIn _ | Vswitch _ | Vtest _ | Vloop _ ->
        let edges = CFG.succ_e cfg.graph n in
        List.filter is_next_edge edges
    | Vcall _ ->
        let en, _ee = get_call_out_edges cfg n in [en]
    | Vstmt _ ->
        let edges = match CFG.succ_e cfg.graph n with
          | (([] | _::[]) as edges) -> edges
          | edges -> (* this case may happen in case of a loop
                        which is not really a loop : it is then a Vstmt,
                        and the Enext is not the succ_e. *)
              List.filter is_next_edge edges
        in edges
    | _ ->
        debug "[next_edge] not found for %a@." pp_node n;
        raise Not_found (* No Enext information on this node *)
  match edges with
  | [] -> (* can append when nodes have been removed *) raise Not_found
  | [e] -> e
  | _ -> Wp_parameters.fatal "several (%d) Enext edges to node %a"
           (List.length edges) pp_node n

(** Find the node that follows the input node statement.
 * The statement postcondition can then be stored to the edges before that node.
 * @raise Not_found when the node after has been removed (unreachable) *)
let node_after cfg n = edge_dst (next_edge cfg n)

let get_pre_edges cfg n = pred_e cfg n

let get_post_edges cfg v =
  try let v' = node_after cfg v in pred_e cfg v'
  with Not_found -> []

let get_exit_edges cfg src =
  debug "[get_exit_edges] of %a@." pp_node src;
  let do_node n acc =
    debug "[get_exit_edges] look at %a@." pp_node n;
    let add_exit e acc =
      let dst = edge_dst e in
      match node_type dst with
      | VfctErr ->
            "[get_exit_edges] add %a@." pp_edge e;
          (* (succ_e cfg dst) @ acc *)
          e :: acc
      | _ -> acc
    in match node_type n with
    | Vstart -> (* In it is a problem a domination which is not solved here *)
        Wp_parameters.warning "[cfg] Forget exits clause of node %a" pp_node src;
        raise Exit
    | _ -> fold_succ_e add_exit cfg n acc
  let rec do_node_and_preds n (seen, edges as acc) =
    if Nset.mem n seen then acc (* Don't loop over the same node. *)
    else begin
      let edges = do_node n edges in
      if src n = 0 then (seen, edges)
      else do_preds n (Nset.add n seen, edges)
  and do_preds n acc =
    fold_pred do_node_and_preds cfg n acc
  let edges =
      let edge = next_edge cfg src in
      if is_next_edge edge then
        (* needs to look at all node between the next node and the source *)
        snd (do_preds (edge_dst edge) (Nset.empty, []))
      else do_node src []
    with Exit | Not_found -> []
  if edges = [] then
    debug "[get_exit_edges] -> empty";

let add_edges_before cfg src set e_after =
  let rec add_preds set e =
    let e_src = edge_src e in
    if src e_src = 0 then set
      let add_edge_and_preds e set =
        if Eset.mem e set then set
        else add_preds (Eset.add e set) e
      in fold_pred_e add_edge_and_preds cfg e_src set
  in add_preds set e_after

let get_internal_edges cfg n =
  let edges = try pred_e cfg (node_after cfg n) with Not_found -> [] in
  let set = Eset.empty in
  let set = List.fold_left (add_edges_before cfg n) set edges in
  edges, set

let rec get_edge_next_stmt cfg e =
  let v_after = edge_dst e in
  let get_next v = match succ_e cfg v with
    | [e] -> get_edge_next_stmt cfg e
    | [] | _ :: _ -> None (* nodes without statement should have one succ,
                             except the last one *)
  match node_type v_after with
  | VblkOut _ | VblkIn ((Bthen _|Belse _|Bloop _|Bfct),_) -> get_next v_after
  | _ ->
      match node_stmt_opt v_after with
      | Some s -> Some s
      | None -> get_next v_after

let get_post_label cfg v =
  match get_post_edges cfg v with
  | [] -> None
  | e::_ -> (* TODO: is this ok to consider only one edge ? *)
      match get_edge_next_stmt cfg e with
      | None -> None
      | Some s -> Some (Clabels.stmt s)

type block_scope = { b_opened : block list ; b_closed : block list }

let no_scope = { b_opened = [] ; b_closed = [] }

let block_scope s s' =
      b_opened = Kernel_function.blocks_opened_by_edge s s' ;
      b_closed = Kernel_function.blocks_closed_by_edge s s' ;
  with Not_found | Invalid_argument _ ->
    debug "[blocks_closed_by_edge] not found sid:%d -> sid:%d@." s.sid s'.sid;

let block_scope_for_edge cfg e =
  debug "[blocks_closed_by_edge] for %a...@." pp_edge e;
  let v_before = edge_src e in
  match node_type v_before with
  | Vstmt s | Vtest (true, s, _) | Vloop (_, s) | Vswitch (s,_) ->
      begin match s.succs with
        | [s'] -> block_scope s s'
        | [] | _ :: _ ->
            let s' = get_edge_next_stmt cfg e in
            match s' with
            | None -> no_scope
            | Some s' -> block_scope s s'
  | VblkIn(Bstmt _,b) -> { b_opened=[b] ; b_closed=[] }
  | Vcall _
  | VblkIn _ | VblkOut _ | Vtest(false,_,_)
  | VfctIn | VfctOut | VfctErr | Vstart | Vend | Vloop2 _ ->
    let node = Hashtbl.find cfg.stmt_node (node_type_id VfctErr) in
    match pred_e cfg node with
    | [] -> false
    | _ -> true
  with Not_found | Invalid_argument _ -> false

(** {2 Generic table to store things on edges} *)

module type HEsig = sig
  type ti
  type t
  val create : int -> t
  val find : t -> edge -> ti
  val find_all : t -> edge -> ti list
  val add : t -> edge -> ti -> unit
  val replace : t -> edge -> ti -> unit
  val remove : t -> edge -> unit
  val clear : t -> unit

module HE (I : sig type t end) = struct
  type ti = I.t
  type t = (edge_key, ti) Hashtbl.t
  let create n = Hashtbl.create n
  let find info e = Hashtbl.find info (edge_key e)
  let find_all info e = Hashtbl.find_all info (edge_key e)
  let add info e i = Hashtbl.add info (edge_key e) i
  let replace info e i = Hashtbl.replace info (edge_key e) i
  let remove info e = Hashtbl.remove info (edge_key e)
  let clear info = Hashtbl.clear info

(** {2 Building the CFG} *)

let add_node env t =
  let id = node_type_id t in
  let n = {kind = t ; reachable = false } in
  debug "add node : %a@." VL.pretty n;
  let n = CFG.V.create n in
  Hashtbl.add env.stmt_node id n;

let change_node_kind env n t =
  let id = node_id n in
  let id' = node_type_id t in
  let n' = { n with kind = t } in
  debug "change node kind from %a to %a" VL.pretty n VL.pretty n';
  let n' = CFG.V.create n' in
  Hashtbl.remove env.stmt_node id;
  Hashtbl.add env.stmt_node id' n';
  let preds = CFG.fold_pred_e (fun e acc -> e::acc) env.graph n [] in
  let succs = CFG.fold_succ_e (fun e acc -> e::acc) env.graph n [] in
  CFG.remove_vertex env.graph n;
    (fun e ->
       let e' = CFG.E.create (CFG.E.src e) (CFG.E.label e) n' in
       debug "replace edge %a %a %a"
         VL.pretty (CFG.E.src e) EL.pretty !(CFG.E.label e) VL.pretty n';
       CFG.add_edge_e env.graph e') preds;
    (fun e ->
       let e' = CFG.E.create n' (CFG.E.label e) (CFG.E.dst e) in
       debug "replace edge %a %a %a"
         VL.pretty n' EL.pretty !(CFG.E.label e) VL.pretty (CFG.E.dst e) ;
       CFG.add_edge_e env.graph e') succs;

let add_edge env n1 edge_type n2 =
  let e = CFG.E.create n1 (ref edge_type) n2 in
  debug "add edge : %a@." pp_edge e;
  CFG.add_edge_e env.graph e

let remove_edge env e =
  debug "remove edge : %a@." pp_edge e;
  CFG.remove_edge_e env.graph e

let insert_loop_node env loop_head loop_kind =
  let n_loop = add_node env loop_kind in
  let mv_pred_edge e =
    add_edge env (edge_src e) (edge_type e) n_loop;
    remove_edge env e
  in iter_pred_e mv_pred_edge env loop_head;
  add_edge env n_loop Enone loop_head;

let init_cfg spec_only kf =
  let env = new_cfg_env spec_only kf in
  let start =  add_node env (Vstart) in
  let fct_in =  add_node env (VfctIn) in
  let _ = add_edge env start Enone fct_in in
  let fct_out =  add_node env (VfctOut) in
  let fct_err =  add_node env (VfctErr) in
  let nend =  add_node env (Vend) in
  let _ = add_edge env fct_out Enone nend in
  let _ = add_edge env fct_err Enone nend in
  env, fct_in, fct_out

let get_node env t =
  let id = node_type_id t in
  debug "get_node: %a --> id:%d,%d"
    pp_node_type t (fst id) (snd id);
  try Hashtbl.find env.stmt_node id
  with Not_found -> add_node env t

(** Setup the preconditions at all the call points of [e_kf], when possible *)
let setup_preconditions_proxies e_kf =
  match e_kf.enode with
  | Lval (Var vkf, NoOffset) ->
      let kf = Globals.Functions.get vkf in
      Statuses_by_call.setup_all_preconditions_proxies kf
  | _ -> () (* call through function pointer *)

let get_call_type fct =
  match Kernel_function.get_called fct with
  | None -> Dynamic fct
  | Some kf -> Static kf

(** In some cases (goto for instance) we have to create a node before having
 * processed if through [cfg_stmt]. It is important that the created node
 * is the same than while the 'normal' processing ! That is why
 * this pattern matching might seem redundant with the other one. *)
let get_stmt_node env s =
  let do_call res fct args _loc =
    get_node env (Vcall (s, res, get_call_type fct, args))
  match s.skind with
  | Instr (Call (res, fct, args, loc)) -> do_call res fct args loc
  | Instr (Local_init (v, ConsInit(f, args, kind), loc)) ->
      Cil.treat_constructor_as_func do_call v f args kind loc
  | Block b -> get_node env (VblkIn (Bstmt s,b))
  | UnspecifiedSequence seq ->
      let b = Cil.block_from_unspecified_sequence seq in
      get_node env (VblkIn (Bstmt s,b))
  | If (e, _, _, _) -> get_node env (Vtest (true, s, e))
  | Loop _ ->  get_node env (Vloop (None, s))
  | Break _ | Continue _ | Goto _
  | Instr _  | Return _ ->  get_node env (Vstmt s)
  | Switch (e, _, _, _) -> get_node env (Vswitch (s, e))
  | TryExcept _ | TryFinally _ | Throw _ | TryCatch _ ->
        ~source:(fst (Cil_datatype.Stmt.loc s)) "[cfg] exception handling"
let cfg_stmt_goto env s next =
  let node = get_node env (Vstmt s) in
  add_edge env node Enone next ; node

let get_succ env s =
  begin match s.succs with
    | [s'] -> get_stmt_node env s'
    | _ -> Wp_parameters.fatal "[cfg] jump with more than one successor ?"

(** build the nodes for the [stmts], connect the last one with [next],
 * and return the node of the first stmt. *)
let rec cfg_stmts env stmts next = match stmts with
  | [] -> next
  | [s] -> cfg_stmt env s next
  | s::tl ->
      let next = cfg_stmts env tl next in
      let ns = cfg_stmt env s next in

and cfg_block env bkind b next =
  let in_blk = get_node env (VblkIn (bkind, b)) in
  let out_blk = get_node env (VblkOut (bkind, b)) in
  let _ = add_edge env in_blk Enext out_blk in
  let _ = add_edge env out_blk Enone next in
  let first_in_blk = cfg_stmts env b.bstmts out_blk in
  let _ = add_edge env in_blk Enone first_in_blk in

and cfg_switch env switch_stmt switch_exp blk case_stmts next =
  let n_switch = get_node env (Vswitch (switch_stmt, switch_exp)) in
  add_edge env n_switch Enext next;
    let s_break = env.node_break in
      env.node_break <- Some next ;
      let _first = cfg_stmts env blk.bstmts next in
      env.node_break <- s_break ;
    with e ->
      env.node_break <- s_break ;
      raise e
  end ;
  let branch with_def s =
    let n = get_stmt_node env s in
    let rec find_case l = match l with
      | [] -> false, []
      | Case (e, _)::tl ->
          let r = match find_case tl with
            | true, [] -> true, []
            | true, _ -> assert false
            | false, l -> false, e::l
          in r
      | Default _ :: _ ->
          (* we don't check if we have several Default because it is impossible:
           * CIL gives an error *)
          true, []
      | _::tl -> find_case tl
    let def, case = find_case s.labels in
    if case = [] && not def then
      Wp_parameters.fatal "[cfg] switch branch without label";
    add_edge env n_switch (Ecase case) n;
    if def then true else with_def
  let with_def = List.fold_left branch false case_stmts in
  let _ = if not with_def then add_edge env n_switch (Ecase []) next in

and cfg_stmt env s next =
  Db.yield ();
  match s.skind with
  | Instr (Call (_, f, _, _)) ->
      setup_preconditions_proxies f;
      let in_call = get_stmt_node env s in
      add_edge env in_call Enone next;
      let exit_node = get_node env VfctErr in
      add_edge env in_call Enone exit_node;
  | Instr (Local_init(_,ConsInit (f, _, _), _)) ->
      let kf = Globals.Functions.get f in
      Statuses_by_call.setup_all_preconditions_proxies kf;
      let in_call = get_stmt_node env s in
      add_edge env in_call Enone next;
      let exit_node = get_node env VfctErr in
      add_edge env in_call Enone exit_node;
  | Instr _  | Return _ ->
      let n = get_stmt_node env s in
      add_edge env n Enone next;
  | Block b ->
      cfg_block env (Bstmt s) b next
  | UnspecifiedSequence seq ->
      let b = Cil.block_from_unspecified_sequence seq in
      cfg_block env (Bstmt s) b next
  | If (e, b1, b2, _) ->
        let n_in = get_stmt_node env s (*get_node env (Vtest (true, s, e))*) in
        let n_out = get_node env (Vtest (false, s, e)) in
        (* this node is to ensure that there is only one edge before
         * the [next] node of a if to put post properties about the IF. *)
        add_edge env n_out Enone next;
        let in_b1 = cfg_block env (Bthen s) b1 n_out in
        let in_b2 = cfg_block env (Belse s) b2 n_out in
        add_edge env n_in Ethen in_b1;
        add_edge env n_in Eelse in_b2;
        add_edge env n_in Enext next;
  | Loop(_, b, _, _, _) ->
      let s_loop = get_stmt_node env s in
      let b_loop = Bloop s in
      let s_out = get_node env (VblkOut(b_loop,b)) in
      let b_in = cfg_block_with
          env b_loop b s_loop in
      add_edge env s_loop Enext next;
      add_edge env s_loop Enone b_in;
  | Break _ ->
      begin match env.node_break with
        | None -> Wp_parameters.fatal "[cfg] missing break successor"
        | Some brk -> cfg_stmt_goto env s brk
  | Continue _ ->
      begin match env.node_continue with
        | None -> Wp_parameters.fatal "[cfg] missing continue successor"
        | Some cnt -> cfg_stmt_goto env s cnt
  | Goto _ -> cfg_stmt_goto env s (get_succ env s)
  | Switch (e, b, lstmts, _) ->
      cfg_switch env s e b lstmts next
  | TryExcept _ | TryFinally _ | Throw _ | TryCatch _ ->
        ~source:(fst (Cil_datatype.Stmt.loc s)) "[cfg] exception handling"
and cfg_block_with ?continue ?break env bkind block next =
  let s_continue = env.node_continue in
  let s_break = env.node_break in
    if continue <> None then env.node_continue <- continue ;
    if break <> None then env.node_break <- break ;
    let head = cfg_block env bkind block next in
    env.node_continue <- s_continue ;
    env.node_break <- s_break ;
  with e ->
    env.node_continue <- s_continue ;
    env.node_break <- s_break ;
    raise e

(** {3 Cleaning} remove node and edges that are unreachable *)

let clean_graph cfg =
  let graph = cfg_graph cfg in
  let rec reach n =
    if n.reachable then ()
    else (n.reachable <- true; iter_succ reach cfg n)
  in reach (cfg_start cfg);
  let clean n acc =
    if n.reachable then acc
    else begin
      debug "remove unreachable node %a@." VL.pretty n;
      let v = node_type n in
      CFG.remove_vertex graph n;
      Hashtbl.remove cfg.stmt_node (node_type_id v);
  let unreach = fold_nodes clean cfg [] in
  { cfg with unreachables = unreach }

(** {3 About loops}
 * Let's first remind some definitions about loops :
 * - {b back edge} : edge n->h such that h dominates n.
 * - {b natural loop} : defined by a back edge n->h
 *   * h is called the {b loop header},
 *   * the body of the loop is the set of nodes n that are "between" h and n,
 *     ie all n predecessors until h.
 *   Because h dominates n, every backward path from n go through h.
 *   Notice that each node in the loop body is dominated by h.
 * A loop is not a natural loop if it has several entries (no loop header),
 * or if it has some irreducible region (no back edge).