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(*  This file is part of Frama-C.                                         *)
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Virgile Prevosto committed
(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2017                                               *)
(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
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Julien Signoles committed
(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
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(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
(*                                                                        *)

open Cil_types
open Cil_datatype

(* ************************************************************************** *)
(** {2 Handling the E-ACSL's C-libraries, part I} *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)

    (fun d -> Options.Share.file ~error:true d)
    [ "e_acsl_gmp_api.h";
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Kostyantyn Vorobyov committed
      "e_acsl_mmodel_api.h" ]
let normalized_library_files =
  lazy ( Filepath.normalize (library_files ()))

let is_library_loc (loc, _) =
  List.mem loc.Lexing.pos_fname (Lazy.force normalized_library_files)
let library_functions = Datatype.String.Hashtbl.create 17
let register_library_function vi =
  Datatype.String.Hashtbl.add library_functions vi.vname vi
let reset () = Datatype.String.Hashtbl.clear library_functions
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(** {2 Builders} *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)

exception Unregistered_library_function of string
let mk_call ~loc ?result fname args =
  let vi =
    try Datatype.String.Hashtbl.find library_functions fname
    with Not_found ->
      try Builtins.find fname
      with Not_found ->
        (* could not happen in normal mode, but coud be raised when E-ACSL is
           used as a library *)
        raise (Unregistered_library_function fname)
  let f = Cil.evar ~loc vi in
  vi.vreferenced <- true;
  let make_args args ty_params =
      (fun (_, ty, _) arg ->
        let e =
          match ty, Cil.unrollType (Cil.typeOf arg), arg.enode with
          | TPtr _, TArray _, Lval lv -> Cil.new_exp ~loc (StartOf lv)
          | TPtr _, TArray _, _ -> assert false
          | _, _, _ -> arg
        Cil.mkCast ~force:false ~newt:ty ~e)
  let args = match vi.vtype with
    | TFun(_, Some params, _, _) -> make_args args params
    | TFun(_, None, _, _) -> []
    | _ -> assert false
  Cil.mkStmtOneInstr ~valid_sid:true (Call(result, f, args, loc))
let mk_deref ~loc lv =
  Cil.new_exp ~loc (Lval(Mem(lv), NoOffset))

type annotation_kind =
  | Assertion
  | Precondition
  | Postcondition
  | Invariant
  | RTE
let kind_to_string loc k =
    (match k with
    | Assertion -> "Assertion"
    | Precondition -> "Precondition"
    | Postcondition -> "Postcondition"
(* prefix of functions belonging to the public API of E-ACSL *)
let e_acsl_api_prefix = "__e_acsl_"

(* prefix of functions generated by E-ACSL *)
let e_acsl_gen_prefix = "__gen_e_acsl_"

(* return true if the string s starts with prefix p and false otherwise *)
let startswith p s =
  let lp = String.length p in
  if lp <= String.length s then
    p = String.sub s 0 lp

(* if string s is prefixed with string p, then return s without p, otherwise
 * return s as is *)
let strip_prefix p s =
  let lp = String.length p in
    String.sub s lp (String.length s - lp)
  startswith e_acsl_gen_prefix vi.vname
let is_generated_literal_string_varinfo vi =
  startswith (e_acsl_gen_prefix ^ "literal_string") vi.vname

let is_library_name name =
  startswith e_acsl_api_prefix name

let is_generated_kf kf =
  let name = Kernel_function.get_vi kf in
  is_generated_varinfo name
let get_orig_name kf =
  let name = Kernel_function.get_name kf in
let mk_api_name fname =
  e_acsl_api_prefix ^ fname

let mk_gen_name name =
  e_acsl_gen_prefix ^ name
(* Build a C conditional doing a runtime assertion check. *)
let mk_e_acsl_guard ?(reverse=false) kind kf e p =
  let loc = p.pred_loc in
      (Format.asprintf "%a@?" Printer.pp_predicate) p
  let line = (fst loc).Lexing.pos_lnum in
  let e =
    if reverse then e else Cil.new_exp ~loc:e.eloc (UnOp(LNot, e, Cil.intType))
    [ e;
      kind_to_string loc kind;
      Cil.mkString ~loc (get_orig_name kf);
      Cil.mkString ~loc msg;
      Cil.integer loc line ]
let mk_block prj stmt b =
  let mk b = match b.bstmts with
      (match stmt.skind with
      | Instr(Skip _) -> stmt
      | _ -> assert false)
    |  _ :: _ -> Cil.mkStmt ~valid_sid:true (Block b)
  Project.on prj mk b

(* ************************************************************************** *)
(** {2 Handling \result} *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)

  let stmt =
    try Kernel_function.find_return kf
    with Kernel_function.No_Statement -> assert false
  match stmt.skind with
  | Return(Some { enode = Lval (lhost, NoOffset) }, _) -> lhost
  | _ -> assert false

let result_vi kf = match result_lhost kf with
  | Var vi -> vi
  | Mem _ -> assert false

(* ************************************************************************** *)
(** {2 Handling the E-ACSL's C-libraries, part II} *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)

let mk_full_init_stmt ?(addr=true) vi =
  let loc = vi.vdecl in
  match addr, Cil.unrollType vi.vtype with
    | _, TArray(_,Some _, _, _) | false, _ ->
      mk_call ~loc (mk_api_name "full_init") [ Cil.evar ~loc vi ]
    | _ -> mk_call ~loc (mk_api_name "full_init") [ Cil.mkAddrOfVi vi ]

let mk_initialize ~loc (host, offset as lv) = match host, offset with
  | Var _, NoOffset -> mk_call ~loc
    (mk_api_name "full_init")
    let typ = Cil.typeOfLval lv in
      [ Cil.mkAddrOf ~loc lv; Cil.new_exp loc (SizeOf typ) ]

let mk_named_store_stmt name ?str_size vi =
  let ty = Cil.unrollType vi.vtype in
  let loc = vi.vdecl in
  let store = mk_call ~loc (mk_api_name name) in
  match ty, str_size with
    | TArray(_, Some _,_,_), None ->
      store [ Cil.evar ~loc vi ; Cil.sizeOf ~loc ty ]
    | TPtr(TInt(IChar, _), _), Some size -> store [ Cil.evar ~loc vi ; size ]
    | _, None -> store [ Cil.mkAddrOfVi vi ; Cil.sizeOf ~loc ty ]
    | _, Some _ -> assert false
let mk_store_stmt ?str_size vi =
  mk_named_store_stmt "store_block" ?str_size vi

let mk_duplicate_store_stmt ?str_size vi =
  mk_named_store_stmt "store_block_duplicate" ?str_size vi
let mk_delete_stmt vi =
  let loc = vi.vdecl in
  match Cil.unrollType vi.vtype with
    | TArray(_, Some _, _, _) ->
      mk_call ~loc (mk_api_name "delete_block") [ Cil.evar ~loc vi ]
    | _ -> mk_call ~loc (mk_api_name "delete_block") [ Cil.mkAddrOfVi vi ]
  mk_call ~loc (mk_api_name "mark_readonly") [ Cil.evar ~loc vi ]
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(** {2 Other stuff} *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)

let term_addr_of ~loc tlv ty =
  Logic_const.taddrof ~loc tlv (Ctype (TPtr(ty, [])))

let reorder_ast () =
  let ast = Ast.get() in
  let is_from_library = function
    | GType(ti, _) when ti.tname = "size_t" || is_library_name ti.tname -> true
    | GCompTag (ci, _) when is_library_name ci.cname -> true
    | GFunDecl(_, _, loc) | GVarDecl(_, loc) when is_library_loc loc -> true
    | _ -> false in
  let rtl, other = List.partition is_from_library ast.globals in
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let cty = function
  | Ctype ty -> ty
  | lty -> Options.fatal "Expecting a C type. Got %a" Printer.pp_logic_type lty

let rec ptr_index ?(loc=Location.unknown) ?(index=( loc)) exp =
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  let arith_op = function
    | MinusPI -> MinusA
    | PlusPI -> PlusA
    | IndexPI -> PlusA
    | _ -> assert false in
  match exp.enode with
  | BinOp(op, lhs, rhs, _) ->
    (match op with
    (* Pointer arithmetic: split pointer and integer parts *)
    | MinusPI | PlusPI | IndexPI ->
      let index = Cil.mkBinOp exp.eloc (arith_op op) index rhs in
    (* Other arithmetic: treat the whole expression as pointer address *)
    | MinusPP | PlusA | MinusA | Mult | Div | Mod
    | BAnd | BXor | BOr | Shiftlt | Shiftrt
    | Lt | Gt | Le | Ge | Eq | Ne | LAnd | LOr -> (exp, index))
  | CastE _ -> ptr_index ~loc ~index (Cil.stripCasts exp)
  | Info (exp, _) -> ptr_index ~loc ~index exp
  | Const _ | StartOf _ | AddrOf _ | Lval _ | UnOp _ -> (exp, index)
  | SizeOf _ | SizeOfE _ | SizeOfStr _ | AlignOf _ | AlignOfE _
    -> assert false

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compile-command: "make"