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(*                                                                        *)
(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
(*                                                                        *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Integer Arithmetics Model                                          --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

open Qed
open Qed.Logic
open Lang
open Lang.F
module FunMap = FCMap.Make(Lang.Fun)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Kernel Interface                                                   --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let is_overflow_an_error iota =
  if Ctypes.signed iota
  then Kernel.SignedOverflow.get ()
  else Kernel.UnsignedOverflow.get ()

let is_downcast_an_error iota =
  if Ctypes.signed iota
  then Kernel.SignedDowncast.get ()
  else Kernel.UnsignedDowncast.get ()

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Library Cint                                                       --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let is_cint_map = ref FunMap.empty
let to_cint_map = ref FunMap.empty

let is_cint f = FunMap.find f !is_cint_map
let to_cint f = FunMap.find f !to_cint_map

let library = "cint"

let make_fun_int op i =
  Lang.extern_f ~library ~result:Logic.Int "%s_%a" op Ctypes.pp_int i
let make_pred_int op i =
  Lang.extern_f ~library ~result:Logic.Prop "%s_%a" op Ctypes.pp_int i

(* let fun_int op = Ctypes.imemo (make_fun_int op) *) (* unused for now *)
(* let pred_int op = Ctypes.imemo (make_pred_int op) *) (* unused for now *)

(* Signature int,int -> int over Z *)
let ac = {
  associative = true ;
  commutative = true ;
  idempotent = false ;
  invertible = false ;
  neutral = E_none ;
  absorbant = E_none ;

(* Functions -> Z *)
let result = Logic.Int

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Library Cbits                                                      --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let library = "cbits"
let balance = Lang.Left

let op_lxor = { ac with neutral = E_int 0 ; invertible = true }
let op_lor  = { ac with neutral = E_int 0 ; absorbant = E_int (-1); idempotent = true }
let op_land = { ac with neutral = E_int (-1); absorbant = E_int 0 ; idempotent = true }

let f_lnot = Lang.extern_f ~library ~result "lnot"
let f_lor  = Lang.extern_f ~library ~result ~category:(Operator op_lor) ~balance "lor"
let f_land = Lang.extern_f ~library ~result ~category:(Operator op_land) ~balance "land"
let f_lxor = Lang.extern_f ~library ~result ~category:(Operator op_lxor) ~balance "lxor"
let f_lsl = Lang.extern_f ~library ~result "lsl"
let f_lsr = Lang.extern_f ~library ~result "lsr"
let f_bit = Lang.extern_p ~library ~bool:"bit_testb" ~prop:"bit_test" ()

let f_bitwised = [ f_lnot ; f_lor ; f_land ; f_lxor ; f_lsl ; f_lsr ]

let () = let open LogicBuiltins in add_builtin "\\bit_test" [Z;Z] f_bit

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Matching utilities for simplifications                             --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let is_leq a b = F.is_true (F.e_leq a b)

let match_integer t =
  match F.repr t with
  | Logic.Kint c -> c
  | _ -> raise Not_found

(* integration with qed should be improved! *)
let rec is_positive_or_null e = match F.repr e with
  | Logic.Fun( f , [e] ) when Fun.equal f f_lnot -> is_negative e
  | Logic.Fun( f , es ) when Fun.equal f f_land  -> List.exists is_positive_or_null es
  | Logic.Fun( f , es ) when Fun.equal f f_lor   -> List.for_all is_positive_or_null es
  | Logic.Fun( f , es ) when Fun.equal f f_lxor   -> (match xor_sign es with | Some b -> b | _ -> false)
  | Logic.Fun( f , es ) when Fun.equal f f_lsr || Fun.equal f f_lsl
    -> List.for_all is_positive_or_null es
  | _ -> (* try some improvement first then ask to qed *)
      let improved_is_positive_or_null e = match F.repr e with
        | Logic.Add es -> List.for_all is_positive_or_null es
        | _ -> false
      in if improved_is_positive_or_null e then true
      else match F.is_true (F.e_leq e_zero e) with
        | Logic.Yes -> true
        | Logic.No | Logic.Maybe -> false
and is_negative e = match F.repr e with
  | Logic.Fun( f , [e] ) when Fun.equal f f_lnot -> is_positive_or_null e
  | Logic.Fun( f , es ) when Fun.equal f f_lor  -> List.exists is_negative es
  | Logic.Fun( f , es ) when Fun.equal f f_land -> List.for_all is_negative es
  | Logic.Fun( f , es ) when Fun.equal f f_lxor  -> (match xor_sign es with | Some b -> (not b) | _ -> false)
  | Logic.Fun( f , [k;n] ) when Fun.equal f f_lsr || Fun.equal f f_lsl
    -> is_positive_or_null n && is_negative k
  | _ -> (* try some improvement first then ask to qed *)
      let improved_is_negative e = match F.repr e with
        | Logic.Add es -> List.for_all is_negative es
        | _ -> false
      in if improved_is_negative e then true
      else match F.is_true (F.e_lt e e_zero) with
        | Logic.Yes -> true
        | Logic.No | Logic.Maybe -> false
and xor_sign es = try
    Some (List.fold_left (fun acc e ->
        if is_positive_or_null e then acc (* as previous *)
        else if is_negative e then (not acc) (* opposite sign *)
        else raise Not_found) true es)
  with Not_found -> None

let match_positive_or_null e =
  if not (is_positive_or_null e) then raise Not_found;

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Loïc Correnson committed
let match_power2, _match_power2_minus1 =
  let highest_bit_number =
    let hsb p = if p land 2 = 0 then 0 else 1
    in let hsb p = let n = p lsr 2 in if n = 0 then hsb p else 2 + hsb n
    in let hsb p = let n = p lsr 4 in if n = 0 then hsb p else 4 + hsb n
    in let hsb = Array.init 256 hsb
    in let hsb p = let n = p lsr 8 in if n = 0 then hsb.(p) else 8 + hsb.(n)
    in let hsb p =
         let n = Integer.shift_right p Integer.sixteen in
         Integer.of_int (if Integer.is_zero n
                         then hsb (Integer.to_int p)
                         else 16 + hsb (Integer.to_int n))
    in let rec hsb_aux p =
         let n = Integer.shift_right p Integer.thirtytwo in
         if Integer.is_zero n then hsb p
         else Integer.add Integer.thirtytwo (hsb_aux n)
    in hsb_aux
  in let is_power2 k = (* exists n such that k == 2**n? *)
       ( k &&
       (Integer.equal k (Integer.logand k (Integer.neg k)))
  in let rec match_power2 e = match F.repr e with
      | Logic.Kint z
        when is_power2 z -> e_zint (highest_bit_number z)
      | Logic.Fun( f , [n;k] )
        when Fun.equal f f_lsl && is_positive_or_null k ->
          e_add k (match_power2 n)
      | _ -> raise Not_found
  in let match_power2_minus1 e = match F.repr e with
      | Logic.Kint z when is_power2 (Integer.succ z) ->
          e_zint (highest_bit_number (Integer.succ z))
      | _ -> raise Not_found
  in match_power2, match_power2_minus1

let match_fun op t =
  match F.repr t with
  | Logic.Fun( f , es ) when Fun.equal f op -> es
  | _ -> raise Not_found

let match_ufun uop t =
  match F.repr t with
  | Logic.Fun( f , e::[] ) when Fun.equal f uop -> e
  | _ -> raise Not_found

let match_positive_or_null_integer t =
  match F.repr t with
  | Logic.Kint c when Integer.le c -> c
  | _ -> raise Not_found

let match_binop_arg1 match_f = function (* for binop *)
  | [e1;e2] -> (match_f e1),e2
  | _ -> raise Not_found

let match_binop_arg2 match_f = function (* for binop *)
  | [e1;e2] -> e1,(match_f  e2)
  | _ -> raise Not_found

let match_list_head match_f = function
  | [] -> raise Not_found
  | e::es -> (match_f e), es

let match_list_extraction match_f =
  let match_f_opt n = try Some (match_f n) with Not_found -> None in
  let rec aux rs = function
    | [] -> raise Not_found
    | e::es ->
        match match_f_opt e with
        | Some k -> k, e, List.rev_append rs es
        | None -> aux (e::rs) es
  in aux []

let match_integer_arg1 = match_binop_arg1 match_integer

let match_positive_or_null_arg2 = match_binop_arg2 match_positive_or_null
let match_positive_or_null_integer_arg2 =
  match_binop_arg2 match_positive_or_null_integer

let match_integer_extraction = match_list_head match_integer

let match_power2_extraction = match_list_extraction match_power2

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Conversion Symbols                                                 --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* rule A: to_a(to_b x) = to_b x when domain(b) is all included in domain(a) *)
(* rule B: to_a(to_b x) = to_a x when size(b) is a multiple of size(a) *)

(* to_iota(e) where e = to_iota'(e') *)
let simplify_f_to_conv f iota e conv e' =
  let iota' = to_cint conv in
  let size' = Ctypes.i_bits iota' in
  let size = Ctypes.i_bits iota in
  if size <= size'
  then e_fun f [e']
  (* rule B:
     iota' is multiple of iota -> keep iota(e') *)
  if ((Ctypes.signed iota) || not (Ctypes.signed iota'))
  then e
  (* rule A:
     have iota > iota' check sign to apply rule.
     unsigned iota -> iota' must be unsigned
     signed iota -> iota' can have any sign *)
  else raise Not_found

let simplify_f_to_bounds iota e =
  (* min(ctypes)<=y<=max(ctypes) ==> to_ctypes(y)=y *)
  let lower,upper = Ctypes.bounds iota in
  if (F.decide (F.e_leq e (e_zint upper))) &&
     (F.decide (F.e_leq (e_zint lower) e))
  then e
  else raise Not_found

let f_to_int = Ctypes.i_memo (fun iota -> make_fun_int "to" iota)

let configure_to_int iota =
  let f = f_to_int iota in
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  let simplify e =
      try match F.repr e with
        | Logic.Kint value ->
            let size = Integer.of_int (Ctypes.i_bits iota) in
            let signed = Ctypes.signed iota in
            F.e_zint (Integer.cast ~size ~signed ~value)
        | Logic.Fun( fland , es )
          when Fun.equal fland f_land &&
               not (Ctypes.signed iota) &&
               List.exists is_positive_or_null es ->
            (* to_uintN(a) == a & (2^N-1) when a >= 0 *)
            let m = F.e_zint (snd (Ctypes.bounds iota)) in
            F.e_fun f_land (m :: es)
        | Logic.Fun( flor , es ) when (Fun.equal flor f_lor)
                                   && not (Ctypes.signed iota) ->
            (* to_uintN(a|b) == (to_uintN(a) | to_uintN(b)) *)
            F.e_fun f_lor ( (fun e' -> e_fun f [e']) es)
        | Logic.Fun( flnot , [ e ] ) when (Fun.equal flnot f_lnot)
                                       && not (Ctypes.signed iota) ->
              match F.repr e with
              | Logic.Fun( f' , w ) when f' == f ->
                  e_fun f [ e_fun f_lnot w ]
              | _ -> raise Not_found
        | Logic.Fun( conv , [e'] ) -> (* unary op *)
            simplify_f_to_conv f iota e conv e'
        | _ -> raise Not_found
      with Not_found ->
        simplify_f_to_bounds iota e
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  F.set_builtin_1 f simplify ;

  let simplify_leq x y =
    let lower,upper = Ctypes.bounds iota in
    match F.repr y with
    | Logic.Fun( conv , [_] )
      when (Fun.equal conv f) &&
           (F.decide (F.e_leq x (e_zint lower))) ->
        (* x<=min(ctypes) ==> x<=to_ctypes(y) *)
    | _ ->
          match F.repr x with
          | Logic.Fun( conv , [_] )
            when (Fun.equal conv f) &&
                 (F.decide (F.e_leq (e_zint upper) y)) ->
              (* max(ctypes)<=y ==> to_ctypes(y)<=y *)
          | _ -> raise Not_found
  F.set_builtin_leq f simplify_leq ;
  to_cint_map := FunMap.add f iota !to_cint_map

let simplify_p_is_bounds iota e =
  let bounds = Ctypes.bounds iota in
  (* min(ctypes)<=y<=max(ctypes) <==> is_ctypes(y) *)
  match F.is_true (F.e_and
                     [F.e_leq (e_zint (fst bounds)) e;
                      F.e_leq e (e_zint (snd bounds))]) with
  | Logic.Yes -> e_true
  | Logic.No  -> e_false
  | _  -> raise Not_found

(* is_<cint> : int -> prop *)
let p_is_int = Ctypes.i_memo (fun iota -> make_pred_int "is" iota)

let configure_is_int iota =
  let f = p_is_int iota in
  let simplify = function
    | [e] ->
          match F.repr e with
          | Logic.Kint k ->
              let vmin,vmax = Ctypes.bounds iota in
              F.e_bool (Z.leq vmin k && Z.leq k vmax)
          | Logic.Fun( flor , es ) when (Fun.equal flor f_lor)
                                     && not (Ctypes.signed iota) ->
              (* is_uintN(a|b) == is_uintN(a) && is_uintN(b) *)
              F.e_and ( (fun e' -> e_fun f [e']) es)
          | _ -> simplify_p_is_bounds iota e
    | _ -> raise Not_found
  F.set_builtin f simplify;
  is_cint_map := FunMap.add f iota !is_cint_map

let convert i a = e_fun (f_to_int i) [a]

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

type model =
  | Natural (** Integer arithmetics with no upper-bound *)
  | Machine (** Integer/Module wrt Kernel options on RTE *)

let () =
    begin fun () ->
      Ctypes.i_iter configure_to_int;
      Ctypes.i_iter configure_is_int;

let model = Context.create "Cint.model"
let current () = Context.get model
let configure = Context.set model

let to_integer a = a
let of_integer i a = convert i a
let of_real i a = convert i (Cmath.int_of_real a)

let range i a =
  match Context.get model with
  | Natural ->
      if Ctypes.signed i
      then F.p_true
      else F.p_leq F.e_zero a
  | Machine -> p_call (p_is_int i) [a]

let ensures warn i a =
  if warn i
    (if Lang.has_gamma () && Wp_parameters.get_overflows ()
     then Lang.assume (range i a) ;
  else e_fun (f_to_int i) [a]

let downcast = ensures is_downcast_an_error
let overflow = ensures is_overflow_an_error

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Arithmetics                                                        --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let binop f i x y  = overflow i (f x y)
let unop f i x = overflow i (f x)

(* C Code Semantics *)
let iopp = unop e_opp
let iadd = binop e_add
let isub = binop e_sub
let imul = binop e_mul
let idiv = binop e_div
let imod = binop e_mod

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Bits                                                               --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* smp functions raise Not_found when simplification isn't possible *)

let smp1 zf =  (* f(c1) ~> zf(c1) *)
  | [e] -> begin match F.repr e with
      | Logic.Kint c1 -> e_zint (zf c1)
      | _ -> raise Not_found
  | _ -> raise Not_found

let smp2 f zf = (* f(c1,c2) ~> zf(c1,c2),  f(c1,c2,...) ~> f(zf(c1,c2),...) *)
  | e1::e2::others -> begin match (F.repr e1), (F.repr e2) with
      (* integers should be at the beginning of the list *)
      | Logic.Kint c1, Logic.Kint c2 ->
          let z12 = ref (zf c1 c2) in
          let rec smp2 = function (* look at the other integers *)
            | [] -> []
            | (e::r) as l -> begin match F.repr e with
                | Logic.Kint c -> z12 := zf !z12 c; smp2 r
                | _ -> l
          in let others = smp2 others
          in let c12 = e_zint !z12 in
          if others = [] || F.is_absorbant f c12
          then c12
          else if F.is_neutral f c12
          then e_fun f others
          else e_fun f (c12::others)
      | _ -> raise Not_found
  | _ -> raise Not_found

let bitk_positive k e = e_fun f_bit [e;k]
let smp_bitk_positive = function
  | [ a ; k ] -> (* requires k>=0 *)
        try e_eq (match_power2 a) k
        with Not_found ->
        match F.repr a with
        | Logic.Kint za ->
            let zk = match_integer k (* simplifies constants *)
            in if Integer.is_zero (Integer.logand za
                                     (Integer.shift_left zk))
            then e_false else e_true
        | Logic.Fun( f , [e;n] ) when Fun.equal f f_lsr && is_positive_or_null n ->
            bitk_positive (e_add k n) e
        | Logic.Fun( f , [e;n] ) when Fun.equal f f_lsl && is_positive_or_null n ->
            begin match is_leq n k with
              | Logic.Yes -> bitk_positive (e_sub k n) e
              | Logic.No  -> e_false
              | Logic.Maybe -> raise Not_found
        | Logic.Fun( f , es ) when Fun.equal f f_land ->
            F.e_and ( (bitk_positive k) es)
        | Logic.Fun( f , es ) when Fun.equal f f_lor ->
            F.e_or ( (bitk_positive k) es)
        | Logic.Fun( f , [a;b] ) when Fun.equal f f_lxor ->
            F.e_neq (bitk_positive k a) (bitk_positive k b)
        | Logic.Fun( f , [a] ) when Fun.equal f f_lnot ->
            F.e_not (bitk_positive k a)
        | Logic.Fun( conv , [a] ) (* when is_to_c_int conv *) ->
            let iota = to_cint conv in
            let size = Ctypes.i_bits iota in
            let signed = Ctypes.signed iota in
            if signed then (* beware of sign-bit *)
              begin match is_leq k (e_int (size-2)) with
                | Logic.Yes -> bitk_positive k a
                | Logic.No | Logic.Maybe -> raise Not_found
            else begin match is_leq (e_int size) k with
              | Logic.Yes -> e_false
              | Logic.No -> bitk_positive k a
              | Logic.Maybe -> raise Not_found
        | _ -> raise Not_found
  | _ -> raise Not_found

let introduction_bit_test_positive es b =
  (* introduces bit_test(n,k) only when k>=0 *)
  let k,_,es = match_power2_extraction es in
  let es' = (bitk_positive k) es in
  if b == e_zero then e_not (e_and es')
    try let k' = match_power2 b in e_and ( e_eq k k' :: es' )
    with Not_found ->
      let bs = match_fun f_land b in
      let k',_,bs = match_power2_extraction bs in
      let bs' = (bitk_positive k') bs in
      match F.is_true (F.e_eq k k') with
      | Logic.Yes -> e_eq (e_and es') (e_and bs')
      | Logic.No  -> e_and [e_not (e_and es'); e_not (e_and bs')]
      | Logic.Maybe -> raise Not_found

let smp_land es =
  let introduction_bit_test_positive_from_land es =
    if true then raise Not_found; (* [PB] true: until alt-ergo 0.95.2 trouble *)
    let k,e,es = match_power2_extraction es in
    let t = match es with
      | x::[] -> x
      | _ -> e_fun f_land es
    in e_if (bitk_positive k t) e e_zero
  try let r = smp2 f_land Integer.logand es in
    try match F.repr r with
      | Logic.Fun( f , es ) when Fun.equal f f_land ->
          introduction_bit_test_positive_from_land es
      | _ -> r
    with Not_found -> r
  with Not_found -> introduction_bit_test_positive_from_land es

let smp_shift zf = (* f(e1,0)~>e1, c2>0==>f(c1,c2)~>zf(c1,c2), c2>0==>f(0,c2)~>0 *)
  | [e1;e2] -> begin match (F.repr e1), (F.repr e2) with
      | _, Logic.Kint c2 when Z.equal c2 -> e1
      | Logic.Kint c1, Logic.Kint c2 when Z.leq c2 ->
          (* undefined when c2 is negative *)
          e_zint (zf c1 c2)
      | Logic.Kint c1, _ when Z.equal c1 && is_positive_or_null e2 ->
          (* undefined when c2 is negative *)
      | _ -> raise Not_found
  | _ -> raise Not_found

let smp_leq_with_land a b =
  let es = match_fun f_land a in
  let a1,_ = match_list_head match_positive_or_null_integer es in
  if F.decide (F.e_leq (e_zint a1) b)
  then e_true
  else raise Not_found

let smp_eq_with_land a b =
  let es = match_fun f_land a in
    let b1 = match_integer b in
    try (* (b1&~a2)!=0 ==> (b1==(a2&e) <=> false) *)
      let a2,_ = match_integer_extraction es in
      if Integer.is_zero (Integer.logand b1 (Integer.lognot a2))
      then raise Not_found ;
    with Not_found when b == e_minus_one ->
      (* -1==(a1&a2) <=> (-1==a1 && -1==a2) *)
      F.e_and ( (e_eq b) es)
  with Not_found -> introduction_bit_test_positive es b

let smp_eq_with_lor a b =
  let b1 = match_integer b in
  let es = match_fun f_lor a in
  try (* b1==(a2|t22) <==> (b1^a2)==(~a2&e) *)
    let a2,es = match_integer_extraction es in
    let k1 = Integer.logxor b1 a2 in
    let k2 = Integer.lognot a2 in
    e_eq (e_zint k1) (e_fun f_land ((e_zint k2)::es))
  with Not_found when b == e_zero ->
    (* 0==(a1|a2) <=> (0==a1 && 0==a2) *)
    F.e_and ( (e_eq b) es)

let smp_eq_with_lxor a b = (* b1==(a2^e) <==> (b1^a2)==e *)
  let b1 = match_integer b in
  let es = match_fun f_lxor a in
  try (* b1==(a2^e) <==> (b1^a2)==e *)
    let a2,es = match_integer_extraction es in
    let k1 = Integer.logxor b1 a2 in
    e_eq (e_zint k1) (e_fun f_lxor es)
  with Not_found when b == e_zero  ->
    (* 0==(a1^a2) <=> (a1==a2) *)
    (match es with
     | e1::e2::[] -> e_eq e1 e2
     | e1::((_::_) as e22) -> e_eq e1 (e_fun f_lxor e22)
     | _ -> raise Not_found)
     | Not_found when b == e_minus_one ->
         (* -1==(a1^a2) <=> (a1==~a2) *)
         (match es with
          | e1::e2::[] -> e_eq e1 (e_fun f_lnot [e2])
          | e1::((_::_) as e22) -> e_eq e1 (e_fun f_lnot [e_fun f_lxor e22])
          | _ -> raise Not_found)

let smp_eq_with_lnot a b = (* b1==~e <==> ~b1==e *)
  let b1 = match_integer b in
  let e = match_ufun f_lnot a in
  let k1 = Integer.lognot b1 in
  e_eq (e_zint k1) e

let two_power_k_minus1 k =
  try Integer.pred (Integer.two_power k)
  with Z.Overflow -> raise Not_found
613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000

let smp_eq_with_lsl_cst a0 b0 =
  let b1 = match_integer b0 in
  let es = match_fun f_lsl a0 in
  try (* looks at the sd arg of a0 *)
    let e,a2= match_positive_or_null_integer_arg2 es in
    if not (Integer.is_zero (Integer.logand b1 (two_power_k_minus1 a2)))
      (* a2>=0 && 0!=(b1 & ((2**a2)-1)) ==> ( (e<<a2)==b1 <==> false ) *)
      (* a2>=0 && 0==(b1 & ((2**a2)-1)) ==> ( (e<<a2)==b1 <==> e==(b1>>a2) ) *)
      e_eq e (e_zint (Integer.shift_right b1 a2))
  with Not_found -> (* looks at the fistt arg of a0 *)
    let a1,e= match_integer_arg1 es in
    if is_negative e then raise Not_found ;
    (* [PB] can be generalized to any term for a1 *)
    if Integer.le a1 && b1 a1 then
      (* e>=0 && 0<=a1 && b1<a1 ==> ( (a1<<e)==b1 <==> false ) *)
    else if a1 && b1 a1 then
      (* e>=0 && 0>=a1 && b1>a1 ==> ( (a1<<e)==b1 <==> false ) *)
    else raise Not_found

let smp_cmp_with_lsl cmp a0 b0 =
  if a0 == e_zero then
    let b,_ = match_fun f_lsl b0 |> match_positive_or_null_arg2 in
    cmp e_zero b (* q>=0 ==> ( (0 cmp(b<<q)) <==> (0 cmp b) ) *)
  else if b0 == e_zero then
    let a,_ = match_fun f_lsl a0 |> match_positive_or_null_arg2 in
    cmp a e_zero (* p>=0 ==> ( ((a<<p) cmp 0) <==> (a cmp 0) ) *)
    let a,p = match_fun f_lsl a0 |> match_positive_or_null_arg2 in
    let b,q = match_fun f_lsl b0 |> match_positive_or_null_arg2 in
    if p == q then
      (* p>=0 && q>=0 && p==q ==> ( ((a<<p)cmp(b<<q)) <==> (a cmp b) ) *)
      cmp a b
    else if a == b && (cmp==e_eq || is_positive_or_null a) then
      (* p>=0 && q>=0 && a==b && a>=0 ==> ( ((a<<p)cmp(b<<q)) <==> (p cmp q) ) *)
      cmp p q
    else if a == b && is_negative a then
      (* p>=0 && q>=0 && a==b && a<0 ==> ( ((a<<p)<=(b<<q)) <==> (q cmp p) ) *)
      cmp q p
      let p = match_integer p in
      let q = match_integer q in
      if p q then
        (* p>=0 && q>=0 && p>q ==> ( ((a<<p)cmp(b<<q)) <==> (a cmp(b<<(q-p))) ) *)
        cmp a (e_fun f_lsl [b;e_zint (Z.sub q p)])
      else if q p then
        (* p>=0 && q>=0 && p<q ==> ( ((a<<p)cmp(b<<q)) <==> ((a<<(p-q)) cmp b) ) *)
        cmp (e_fun f_lsl [a;e_zint (Z.sub p q)]) b
        (* p>=0 && q>=0 && p==q ==> ( ((a<<p)cmp(b<<q)) <==> (a cmp b) ) *)
        cmp a b

let smp_eq_with_lsl a b =
  try smp_eq_with_lsl_cst a b
  with Not_found -> smp_cmp_with_lsl e_eq a b

let smp_leq_with_lsl a0 b0 = smp_cmp_with_lsl e_leq a0 b0

let mk_cmp_with_lsr_cst cmp e x2 x1 =
  (* build (e&~((2**x2)-1)) cmp (x1<<x2) *)
    (e_zint (Integer.shift_left x1 x2))
    (e_fun f_land [e_zint (Integer.lognot (two_power_k_minus1 x2));e])

let smp_cmp_with_lsr cmp a0 b0 =
    let b1 = match_integer b0 in
    let e,a2 = match_fun f_lsr a0 |> match_positive_or_null_integer_arg2 in
    (* (e>>a2) cmp b1 <==> (e&~((2**a2)-1)) cmp (b1<<a2)
       That rule is similar to
       e/A2 cmp b2 <==> (e/A2)*A2 cmp b2*A2) with A2==2**a2
       So, A2>0 and (e/A2)*A2 == e&~((2**a2)-1)
    mk_cmp_with_lsr_cst e_eq e a2 b1
  with Not_found ->
    (* This rule takes into acount several cases.
       One of them is
       (a>>p) cmp (b>>(n+p)) <==> (a&~((2**p)-1)) cmp (b>>n)&~((2**p)-1)
       That rule is similar to
       (a/P)cmp(b/(N*P)) <==> (a/P)*P cmp ((b/N)/P)*P
       with P==2**p, N=2**n, q=p+n.
       So, (a/P)*P==a&~((2**p)-1), b/N==b>>n,  ((b/N)/P)*P==(b>>n)&~((2**p)-1)  *)
    let a,p = match_fun f_lsr a0 |> match_positive_or_null_integer_arg2 in
    let b,q = match_fun f_lsr b0 |> match_positive_or_null_integer_arg2 in
    let n = Integer.min p q in
    let a = if n p then e_fun f_lsr [a;e_zint (Z.sub p n)] else a in
    let b = if n q then e_fun f_lsr [b;e_zint (Z.sub q n)] else b in
    let m = F.e_zint (Integer.lognot (two_power_k_minus1 n)) in
    cmp (e_fun f_land [a;m]) (e_fun f_land [b;m])

let smp_eq_with_lsr a0 b0 =
  smp_cmp_with_lsr e_eq a0 b0

let smp_leq_with_lsr a0 b0 =
    let bs = match_fun f_lsr b0 in
    if a0 == e_zero then
      let e,_ = match_positive_or_null_arg2 bs in
      (* b2>= 0 ==> (0<=(e>>b2) <==> 0<=e) (note: invalid for `e_eq`) *)
      e_leq e_zero e
      let a1 = match_integer a0 in
      let e,b2 = match_positive_or_null_integer_arg2 bs in
      (* a1 <= (e>>b2) <==> (e&~((2**b2)-1)) >= (a1<<b2) *)
      mk_cmp_with_lsr_cst (fun a b -> e_leq b a) e b2 a1
  with Not_found ->
    if b0 == e_zero then
      let e,_ = match_fun f_lsr a0 |> match_positive_or_null_arg2 in
      (* a2>= 0 ==> ((e>>a2)<=0 <==> e<=0) (note: invalid for `e_eq`) *)
      e_leq e e_zero
      smp_cmp_with_lsr e_leq a0 b0

(* ACSL Semantics *)
type l_builtin = {
  f: lfun ;
  eq: (term -> term -> term) option ;
  leq: (term -> term -> term) option ;
  smp: term list -> term ;

let () =
    begin fun () ->
      if Wp_parameters.Bits.get () then
          let mk_builtin n f ?eq ?leq smp = n, { f ; eq; leq; smp } in

          let bi_lbit = mk_builtin "f_bit" f_bit smp_bitk_positive in
          let bi_lnot = mk_builtin "f_lnot" f_lnot ~eq:smp_eq_with_lnot
              (smp1 Integer.lognot) in
          let bi_lxor = mk_builtin "f_lxor" f_lxor ~eq:smp_eq_with_lxor
              (smp2 f_lxor Integer.logxor) in
          let bi_lor  = mk_builtin "f_lor" f_lor  ~eq:smp_eq_with_lor
              (smp2 f_lor  Integer.logor) in
          let bi_land = mk_builtin "f_land" f_land ~eq:smp_eq_with_land ~leq:smp_leq_with_land
              smp_land in
          let bi_lsl  = mk_builtin "f_lsl" f_lsl ~eq:smp_eq_with_lsl ~leq:smp_leq_with_lsl
              (smp_shift Integer.shift_left) in
          let bi_lsr  = mk_builtin "f_lsr" f_lsr ~eq:smp_eq_with_lsr ~leq:smp_leq_with_lsr
              (smp_shift Integer.shift_right) in

            begin fun (_name, { f; eq; leq; smp }) ->
              F.set_builtin f smp ;
              (match eq with
               | None -> ()
               | Some eq -> F.set_builtin_eq f eq);
              (match leq with
               | None -> ()
               | Some leq -> F.set_builtin_leq f leq)
            [bi_lbit; bi_lnot; bi_lxor; bi_lor; bi_land; bi_lsl; bi_lsr]


(* ACSL Semantics *)
let l_not a   = e_fun f_lnot [a]
let l_xor a b = e_fun f_lxor [a;b]
let l_or  a b = e_fun f_lor  [a;b]
let l_and a b = e_fun f_land [a;b]
let l_lsl a b = e_fun f_lsl [a;b]
let l_lsr a b = e_fun f_lsr [a;b]

(* C Code Semantics *)

(* we need a (forced) conversion to properly encode
   the semantics of C in terms of the semantics in Z(ACSL).
   Typically, lnot(128) becomes (-129), which must be converted
   to obtain an unsigned. *)

let mask_unsigned i m =
  if Ctypes.signed i then m else convert i m

let bnot i x   = mask_unsigned i (l_not x)
let bxor i x y = mask_unsigned i (l_xor x y)

let bor _i  = l_or  (* no needs of range conversion *)
let band _i = l_and (* no needs of range conversion *)
let blsl i x y = overflow i (l_lsl x y) (* mult. by 2^y *)
let blsr _i = l_lsr (* div. by 2^y, never overflow *)

(** Simplifiers *)
let c_int_bounds_ival f  =
  let (umin,umax) = Ctypes.bounds f in
  Ival.inject_range (Some umin) (Some umax)

let max_reduce_quantifiers = 1000

let reduce_bound v dom t : term =
  let module Exc = struct
    exception True
    exception False
    exception Unknown of Integer.t
  end in
    let red i () =
      match repr (QED.e_subst_var v (e_zint i) t) with
      | True -> ()
      | False -> raise Exc.False
      | _ -> raise (Exc.Unknown i) in
    let min_bound = try
        Ival.fold_int red dom (); raise Exc.True
      with Exc.Unknown i -> i in
    let max_bound = try
        Ival.fold_int(*_decrease*) red dom (); raise Exc.True
      with Exc.Unknown i -> i in
    let dom_red = Ival.inject_range (Some min_bound) (Some max_bound) in
    if not (Ival.equal dom_red dom) && Ival.is_included dom_red dom
    then t
      e_bind Forall v
        (e_imply [e_leq (e_zint min_bound) (e_var v);
                  e_leq (e_var v) (e_zint max_bound)]
  | Exc.True -> e_true
  | Exc.False -> e_false

let is_cint_simplifier = object (self)

  val mutable domain : Ival.t Tmap.t = Tmap.empty

  method private print fmt =
    Tmap.iter (fun k v ->
        Format.fprintf fmt "%a: %a,@ " Lang.F.pp_term k Ival.pretty v)

  method name = "Remove redundant is_cint"
  method copy = {< domain = domain >}

  method private narrow_dom t v =
    domain <-
      Tmap.change (fun _ p ->
          | None -> Some p
          | Some old -> Some (Ival.narrow p old))
        t v domain

  method assume p =
    let rec aux i t =
      match Lang.F.repr t with
      | _ when not (is_prop t) -> ()
      | Fun(g,[a]) ->
          begin try
              let ubound = c_int_bounds_ival (is_cint g) in
              self#narrow_dom a ubound
            with Not_found -> ()
      | And _ -> Lang.F.QED.f_iter aux i t
      | _ -> ()
    aux 0 (Lang.F.e_prop p)

  method target _ = ()
  method fixpoint = ()

  method private simplify ~is_goal p =
    let pool = Lang.F.pool () in

    let reduce op var_domain base =
      let dom =
        match Lang.F.repr base with
        | Kint z -> Ival.inject_singleton z
        | _ ->
            try Tmap.find base domain
            with Not_found ->
      var_domain := Ival.backward_comp_int_left op !var_domain dom
    let rec reduce_on_neg var var_domain t =
      match Lang.F.repr t with
      | _ when not (is_prop t) -> ()
      | Leq(a,b) when Lang.F.equal a var ->
          reduce Abstract_interp.Comp.Le var_domain b
      | Leq(b,a) when Lang.F.equal a var ->
          reduce Abstract_interp.Comp.Ge var_domain b
      | Lt(a,b) when Lang.F.equal a var ->
          reduce Abstract_interp.Comp.Lt var_domain b
      | Lt(b,a) when Lang.F.equal a var ->
          reduce Abstract_interp.Comp.Gt var_domain b
      | And l -> List.iter (reduce_on_neg var var_domain) l
      | _ -> ()
    let reduce_on_pos var var_domain t =
      match Lang.F.repr t with
      | Imply (l,_) -> List.iter (reduce_on_neg var var_domain) l
      | _ -> ()
    let rec walk ~is_goal t =
      match repr t with
      | _ when not (is_prop t) -> t
      | Bind(Forall|Exists as quant,(Int as ty),bind) ->
          let var = fresh pool ~basename:"simpl" ty in
          let t = QED.lc_open var bind in
          let tvar = (e_var var) in
          let var_domain = ref in
          if quant = Forall
          then reduce_on_pos tvar var_domain t
          else reduce_on_neg tvar var_domain t;
          domain <- Tmap.add tvar !var_domain domain;
          let t = walk ~is_goal t in
          domain <- Tmap.remove tvar domain;
          let t = if quant = Forall &&
                     is_goal &&
                     Ival.cardinal_is_less_than !var_domain max_reduce_quantifiers
            then reduce_bound var !var_domain t
            else t in
          e_bind quant var t
      | Fun(g,[a]) ->
          begin try
              let ubound = c_int_bounds_ival (is_cint g) in
              let dom = (Tmap.find a domain) in
              if Ival.is_included dom ubound
              then e_true
              else t
            with Not_found -> t
      | Imply (l1,l2) -> e_imply ( (walk ~is_goal:false) l1) (walk ~is_goal l2)
      | _ -> Lang.F.QED.e_map pool (walk ~is_goal) t in
    Lang.F.p_bool (walk ~is_goal (Lang.F.e_prop p))

  method simplify_exp (e : term) = e

  method simplify_hyp p = self#simplify ~is_goal:false p

  method simplify_goal p = self#simplify ~is_goal:true p

  method simplify_branch p = p

  method infer = []

let mask_simplifier =

    (** Must be 2^n-1 *)
    val mutable magnitude : Integer.t Tmap.t = Tmap.empty

    method name = "Rewrite unsigned masks"
    method copy = {< magnitude = magnitude >}

    method private update x m =
      let better =
        try m (Tmap.find x magnitude)
        with Not_found -> true in
      if better then magnitude <- Tmap.add x m magnitude

    method private collect d x =
        let m = Tmap.find x magnitude in
        match d with
        | None -> Some m
        | Some m0 -> if m m0 then Some m else d
      with Not_found -> d

    method private reduce m x =
      match F.repr x with
      | Kint v -> F.e_zint (Integer.logand m v)
      | _ -> x

    method private rewrite e =
      match F.repr e with
      | Fun(f,es) when f == f_land ->
            match List.fold_left self#collect None es with
            | None -> raise Not_found
            | Some m -> F.e_fun f_land ( (self#reduce m) es)
      | _ -> raise Not_found

    method target _ = ()
    method infer = []
    method fixpoint = ()

    method assume p =
      let rec walk e = match F.repr e with
        | And es -> List.iter walk es
        | Fun(f,[x]) ->