# Preliminary notes: #
# ------------------ #
# Mark "-": change with an impact for users (and possibly developers). #
# Mark "o": change with an impact for developers only. #
# Mark "+": change for Frama-C-commits audience (not in html version). #
# Mark "*": bug fixed. #
# Mark "!": change that can break compatibility with existing development. #
# '##nnn' : Public Gitlab (pub/frama-c) issue
# '#@nnn' : Gitlab frama-c/frama-c issue #
# For compatibility with old change log formats: #
# '#nnn' : BTS entry #nnn (OBSOLETE) #
# '#!nnn' : BTS private entry #nnn (OBSOLETE) #
# '#?nnn' : OLD-BTS entry #nnn #
Open Source Release <next-release>
Open Source Release 26.0 (Iron)
- Ivette [2022-10-26] After an Eva analysis with taint, the taint status of
lvalues is shown in the Inspector component and in Dive graphs.
- Eva [2022-10-25] The octagon domain can infer relations on the integer
conversion of floating-point variables.
- Ivette [2022-10-20] The installation of Frama-C provides an installation
script for Ivette: run 'ivette' once to finalize its installation.
- Kernel [2022-10-14] 'calls' ACSL extension is now registered in the
kernel and not WP
o! From [2022-10-13] Removed Db.From API: use the From API instead.
- Ivette [2022-10-13] Fixes some issues in the data dependency graphs
generated by the Dive plugin in the 'Dive Dataflow' component.
-* Eva [2022-10-10] Fixes a crash on recursive functions with an ACSL
specification without assigns clause.
- Kernel [2022-10-05] Support for ghost VLA and calls to builtins with
ghost arguments.
- Kernel [2022-10-03] -version prints a newline, -print-version does not.
o! Eva [2022-09-07] Deprecate Db.Value API: use the new Eva API instead.
- Kernel [2022-09-07] Improve error message for invalid options -D/-I/-U.
o! Configure [2022-07-28] Removed autoconf and configure
o! Makefile [2022-07-11] Removed Makefile, Frama-C is now built using Dune 3.x
o! Pdg [2022-07-01] Removed from Db. Use proper Pdg API instead.
- Ivette [2022-06-30] New component 'Eva States' that prints the internal
Eva domain states at a given statement for the selected marker.
- Ivette [2022-06-20] In the AST component, the user can fold/unfold ACSL
specifications, and preconditions are now shown at call sites.
- Eva [2022-06-17] Improved precision: arguments of calls interpreted by
- an Eva builtin or with an ACSL specification can now be reduced in
- the caller. This is especially useful on C asserts.
-* Eva [2022-06-06] Fixes a possible crash when -eva-subdivide-non-linear
and relational domains are enabled.
-! Kernel [2022-06-06] Remove journalisation.
- Eva [2022-05-11] Avoid false alarms of partially overlapping lvalue
assignments when writing a struct array from itself.
Open Source Release 25.0 (Manganese)
o Kernel [2022-05-03] Prototype of AST comparison between two versions
of the same program, via the new option -ast-diff.
- Eva [2022-05-02] Fixes stack overflow errors on very large C functions.
- Eva [2022-04-25] Improve the multidim abstract domain: it is now
more precise and more robust, it is able to infer simple array
invariants on some loops without unrolling, and has a new option
-eva-multidim-disjunctive-invariants to infer structures
disjunctive invariants.
o Kernel [2022-03-07] Known compiler builtins are no longer hardcoded in
OCaml, but defined via JSON files (in share/compliance).
o Kernel [2022-02-23] New visitor functions visitFramacFileFunctions
and visitCilFileFunctions to visit only function definitions,
for better performance.
o! Kernel [2022-02-23] Remove State_selection.Static (deprecated since
10 years, use directly State_selection instead)
-* Kernel [2022-02-22] Fix list of potential types for decimal
integer literal constants
* Kernel [2022-02-17] Reject programs using unsupported
vector_size attribute (fixes ##2573)
o Eva [2022-02-15] New API to run the analysis and access its results,
intended to replace the old API in Db.Value. It is more precise
as it uses all available domains to evaluate values and locations.
See file Eva.mli for more details.
* Kernel [2022-02-08] Reject array whose size is too big with a proper
error message instead of a crash (fixes ##2590)
o! Kernel [2022-02-19] Removed obsolete AST nodes IndexPI and Info
* Kernel [2022-02-08] Reject array whose size is too big with a proper
error message instead of a crash (fixes ##2590)
o! Kernel [2021-12-03] Remove unused AST node Dcustom_annot and field
fpadding_in_bits. Do not cache size of types in the AST but in
a dedicated table.
-* Logic [2021-11-30] Fix type of expressions whose value are functions
o! Kernel [2021-11-29] Integer.pretty does not have the optional argument
hexa anymore. Use Integer.pretty_hex or Integer.pp_hex if you
want to print integers in hexadecimal format.
Open Source Release 24.0 (Chromium)
-* Eva [2022-01-19] Always emits alarms about initialization, escaping
pointers and special floating-point values for the arguments of
calls to functions without body (or whose body is not analyzed),
even when -eva-warn-copy-indeterminate is unset.
- ACSL [2021-10-28] better type checks for volatile clauses
- Variadic [2021-10-26] translates printf/scanf calls even if formatting
string is not constant, warning that it will assume arguments
match the format.
- Kernel [2021-10-26] Support for C11's _Static_assert
- Libc [2021-10-26] Frama-C's libc #define _STDC_NO_COMPLEX as mandated by
ISO C11 for libraries without support for complex numbers
- Eva [2021-10-19] New options to allow states partitioning to survive
function returns: -eva-interprocedural-split for disjunctions
from split annotations, and -eva-interprocedural-history for
disjunctions from the -eva-partition-history option.
- Eva [2021-10-14] Supports the evaluation of ACSL set comprehension.
- Eva [2021-10-14] On a SIGINT signal (Ctrl-C), the analysis is stopped
but partial results are saved if option -save is set.
-* Eva [2021-10-12] Always checks the arguments of builtin calls for
alarms about initialization, escaping pointers and special
floating-point values, unless -eva-warn-copy-indeterminate is set.
-* Kernel [2021-10-11] Fixes crashes on C integer constants overflowing
ocaml integers.
- Eva [2021-10-06] Improves the precision of the octagon domain on
unsigned variables.
-* Eva [2021-10-06] Fixes a soundness bug in the octagon domain on
- Eva [2021-09-10] Improves the symbolic-locations domain precision.
- Kernel [2021-09-02] 0-sized flexible array members only available in
gcc_* machdeps, that now also support FAM in nested struct.
- Eva [2021-07-26] Removes the maximum limit of option -eva-ilevel.
- Eva [2021-07-26] New \tainted predicate to evaluate if the value of an
expression is tainted according to the taint domain.
-o Eva [2021-07-25] Changes the Domain_builder.Complete functor to
automatically build more abstract domain functions.
-* Eva [2021-06-24] Fixes a soundness bug of the bitwise domain with the
memexec cache.
-* Variadic [2021-06-23] Create a fallback specialisation if there is an error
while translating a variadic call so that no variadic call are
left in the AST after Variadic.
- Eva [2021-06-22] Reduction of "garbled mix" values by \valid and
\valid_read ACSL predicates.
- Eva [2021-06-15] New experimental multidim domain to improve analysis
precision on arrays of structures and multidimensional arrays.
-* Eva [2021-06-10] Fixes a crash in the octagon domain.
o Kernel [2021-06-10] New module Cil_builder, simplifies C and ACSL code
o Ptests [2021-06-03] Add new PLUGIN directive and new predefined macros.
- Eva [2021-06-01] Annotations split and dynamic_split can be applied
to logic predicates (in addition to terms).
- Eva [2021-06-01] New annotation dynamic_split, similar to split, but
separates the analysis w.r.t. the current value of an expression
instead of the value it had at the annotation point: the partition
can be changed at an assignment to ensure that the expression
always evaluates to a singleton in each analysis state.
- Eva [2021-05-20] New taint analysis via an experimental taint domain.
New annotations //@ taint … (for statements) and //@ taints … (in
function contracts) to initiate taint on lvalues.
Tainted properties can then be seen in the future GUI Ivette.
- Eva [2021-05-11] Support for ACSL predicate \is_infinite.
Open Source Release 23.1 (Vanadium)
Open Source Release 23.0 (Vanadium)
-* Kernel [2021-04-26] Do not crash on _Alignof(void): accept or properly
reject, depending on machdep. Fixes pub/frama-c#2551
- Eva [2021-04-21] Partial support for recursion:
new option -eva-unroll-recursive-calls to precisely analyze the n
first recursive calls, before using the function specification
to interpret the remaining calls.
The unsound option -eva-ignore-recursive-calls has been removed.
-! RTE [2021-04-16] -rte-initialized takes a set of functions as
parameter (defaults to none)
- RTE [2021-04-16] No more initialization warnings for full structures
and unions reads. Initialization warnings for other
types *without* trap representation. Refer to the
documentation for more details.
-* Kernel [2021-04-16] Pretty prints array formals in their original form.
Fixes pub/frama-c#392
o! Kernel [2021-04-13] Removed deprecated function Filepath.pretty
o! Kernel [2021-04-13] Filepath directories functions now return
Filepath.Normalized.t, Frama-C configuration and plugin
configuration getters updated accordingly
o! Kernel [2021-04-09] Change the type of the measure from string to
logic_info in the variant AST node.
o Ptests [2021-04-08] FILTER directive reads the standard input and can be
- Eva [2021-04-02] Improved automatic loop unroll (-eva-auto-loop-unroll
option) of loops with goto or continue statements, or assigning
constant values to loop variants.
- Libc [2021-03-31] In math.h specifications, new behaviors for cases
creating NaN or infinite values. These behaviors are allowed or
forbidden according to the -warn-special-float option.
-* Kernel [2021-03-26] Raise an error if trying to merge a tentative
definition with a proper definition during linking
o Ptests [2021-03-25] Modify MODULE directive.
o Ptests [2021-03-24] Add new EXIT directive.
- Eva [2021-03-15] Slightly more precise evaluation of ACSL quantifiers.
o! Eva [2021-03-01] New signature for builtins, that are now registered
via Eva.mli instead of Db.Value.
- Eva [2021-02-18] New "audit mode" to track file checksums, correctness
options and enabled warnings, via options -audit-prepare and
- Aorai [2021-02-09] New option for tracking last N states of the
automaton. Easier analysis of instrumented code with Eva.
o! Kernel [2021-02-08] Avoid triggering warning 16 (unerasable optional
argument). Implies changing some labeled functions' signatures.
- ACSL [2021-02-04] New admit annotations to express hypotheses to be
admitted but not verified by Frama-C.
- Eva [2021-01-28] Improved automatic widening thresholds (widen hints):
use constant modulo as threshold, and infer thresholds globally
for global variables.
- Eva [2021-01-21] Better interpretation of logical operators && and ||
(useful when option -keep-logical-operators is enabled).
o! Kernel [2021-01-15] Make cfields list optional. None means undefined,
empty struct allowed only in specific machdeps.
removed cdefined field
-* RTE [2021-01-13] Remove spurious assert when comparing function
- Kernel [2021-01-12] Set default machdep to x86_64 (was x86_32);
allow setting machdep via environment variable FRAMAC_MACHDEP.
- Kernel [2021-01-08] Allow -add-symbolic-path to survive saves/loads and
-* Eva [2020-12-05] Fixes a crash when subdividing the evaluation of
pointer expressions (via option -eva-subdivide-non-linear).
- Libc [2020-12-02] Remove obsolete attribute FRAMA_C_MODEL in the libc.
-* Logic [2020-11-30] The assigns clause can't mention const locations
o Kernel [2020-11-27] Extract builtin-related functions from module Cil
to module Cil_builtins. Code can be updated using
- Eva [2020-11-26] Allow using Eva directives Frama_C_show_each and
Frama_C_dump_each in ghost code.
- Metrics [2020-10-27] Add json output in addition to text and html.
Open Source Release 22.0 (Titanium)
- MdR [2020-10-19] Update Sarif output to 2.1.0 + prettier URI
- Dev [2020-10-20] Support for OCamlGraph 2.0.0
- ACSL [2020-10-16] Allows for axiomatic blocks-like extensions
- Variadic [2020-10-14] Don't print generated function name but print
original name and a comment with the generated name so that the
printed code is compilable.
- Aorai [2020-10-13] Ya automata can set auxiliary variables during a
transition, and use such variables in subsequent guards.
- Kernel [2020-10-09] Add option -print-config-json, to output Frama-C
configuration data in JSON format.
- Logic [2020-10-14] '\from' now accepts '&v' expressions
- Metrics [2020-10-01] Distinguish between undefined but specified functions
and functions with neither definition nor specification.
-* Eva [2020-09-28] Improved string builtins on wide strings: crash fixed,
better performance, misaligned pointers now considered invalid.
- Kernel [2020-09-22] New option -autocomplete p1, ..., pn that list the
options of plug-ins p1, ..., pn in a format suitable for
autocompletion scripts.
- Kernel [2020-09-21] Option -permissive now allows non-existent option
- Logic [2020-09-11] Introduce check-only annotations for
requires, ensures, loop invariant and lemmas
- Kernel [2020-09-08] Add option -print-cpp-commands, to print the
preprocessing commands used by Frama-C.
- Eva [2020-09-07] Deprecates legacy options aliases -val-* in favor
of option names -eva-*.
-* Slicing [2020-09-07] Better handling of invalid command line options.
- Eva [2020-07-27] Improved automatic loop unroll (-eva-auto-loop-unroll
option) on loops with several exit conditions, conditions using
equality operators, temporary variables introduced by the Frama-C
normalization or goto statements.
-! Kernel [2020-07-21] OCaml version greater than or equal to 4.08.1 required.
- Eva [2020-05-29] New builtins for trigonometric functions acos, asin
and atan (and their single-precision version acosf, asinf, atanf).
- Kernel [2020-05-28] Support for C11's _Thread_local storage specifier
- Kernel [2020-05-26] New option -explain, which provides help messages
for options used on the command line.
- Eva [2020-05-25] New annotation eva_allocate to configure the behavior
of an allocation builtin for a call, overriding the global option.
- Eva [2020-05-25] New option -eva-alloc-builtin to configure uniformly
the behavior of allocation builtins, instead of providing several
builtins with different behaviors for malloc/calloc/realloc.
- Eva [2020-05-20] Supports the ACSL mathematical operator \abs
- Kernel [2020-05-18] Support for C11's _Noreturn function specifier
Open Source Release 21.1 (Scandium)
Open Source Release 21.0 (Scandium)
-* Doc [2020-05-07] Fixes internal refs in generated pdfs (fixes #2505)
-* Kernel [2020-05-04] Accept UCN-encoded unicode char in ACSL (fixes #@849)
o Kernel [2020-04-27] Plug-ins specific dirs now use Filepath instead of
- Eva [2020-04-10] Fixes the Memexec cache on functions with logical
annotations about variables unused in the C body of the function.
- Eva [2020-04-06] New option -eva-domains-function to enable domains
only on given functions. Argument <d:f> enables the domain [d]
on function [f], while <d:f+> also enables it on all functions
called from [f]. <d:f-> disables [d] from function [f].
- Eva [2020-04-03] New experimental builtins for dynamic allocation
Frama_C_*alloc_imprecise: faster convergence, but very imprecise.
- Kernel [2020-04-01] Report user errors when keys are not bound to a
value for command-line options that require pairs of key:value
as arguments. Such keys were silently ignored.
*! Kernel [2020-03-30] Reject labels at end of blocks.
- RTE [2020-03-30] Emits alarm on invalid pointers when option is on
- Eva [2020-03-30] Emits alarm on invalid pointers when option is on
- Kernel [2020-03-30] New option -warn-invalid-pointer (disabled by
default) to warn on invalid pointer arithmetics resulting in a
pointer that does not point to an object or one past an object.
- RTE [2020-03-27] Emits alarm on pointer downcast when option is on
- Eva [2020-03-27] Emits alarm on pointer downcast when option is on
- Kernel [2020-03-27] New option -warn-pointer-downcast (activated by
default), to warn when a conversion between pointer and integer
might provoke a loss of precision.
- Kernel [2020-03-20] Add option -cpp-extra-args-per-file
-* Kernel [2020-03-18] Fixes #@823 (-load-module/-load-script now accept
-* Kernel [2020-03-18] Fixes #@818 (term generated for downcast alarms)
- Eva [2020-03-17] Supports the ACSL extended quantifiers \min and \max.
- Eva [2020-03-17] deprecate options -eva-*-domain in favor of
- ACSL [2020-03-04] Make conversion from C ptr to logic array explicit
- Eva [2020-03-03] Evaluates the logic predicate memchr_off, used in
- Eva [2020-03-03] Slightly better heuristics for the subdivision of
- Instantiate [2020-03-02] New plug-in Instantiate, to create function
specializations for specific plug-ins and functions (e.g. malloc,
memcpy, memset), to overcome limitations due to their
- Kernel [2020-02-25] support for ghost else blocks
- Kernel [2020-02-18] checks that ghost code does not modify the normal
-* Kernel [2020-02-17] fixes issue that could prevent loading plug-ins on
- Kernel [2020-02-14] -constfold now takes into account value
o ACSL [2020-02-13] Add possibility for ACSL extensions to alter the
sequence of untyped terms they receive from the parser. Make also
possible to customize the short pretty printer of extensions.
o Kernel [2020-02-13] Deprecated:
- Logic_typing.register_*_extension
- Cil_printer.register_*_extension
- Cil.register_behavior_extension
Use Acsl_extension.register_* instead
- Eva [2020-02-12] New option "-eva-domains <d1>,<d2>,..." to enable
several domains at once. The list of available domains is given
in the help message of the option.
o! Eva [2020-02-12] Simplifies abstract domain signature by removing the
-* Eva [2020-02-12] Fixes the evaluation of logic predicates involving
- Eva [2020-02-07] Supports the logic evaluation of quantifiers
introducing mathematical variables (integer or real).
o! Kernel [2020-02-04] Removed FCBuffer, FCMap and FCSet. Use directly
OCaml stdlib modules Buffer, Map and Set instead.
- Eva [2020-02-04] Renamed option -eva-malloc-functions into
-eva-alloc-functions. Also contains calloc and realloc by default.
-* GUI [2020-01-24] Fix order of globals in the source panel.
- Eva [2020-01-23] Adds consistency checks on return and parameters
types between a builtin and the replaced C function.
- Eva [2020-01-23] Subdivisions can now be enabled locally:
- through the new option -eva-subdivide-non-linear-function that
overrides the global option for the given functions;
- via /*@ subdivide N; */ annotations on specific statements.
- Eva [2019-11-25] In the summary, fixes the number of alarms by
category when the RTE plugin is used, and do not count logical
properties in dead code as proven.
-! Kernel [2019-10-31] More stringent verifications on the use of ghost
- MdR [2019-10-31] New plug-in Markdown-Report (MdR) for markdown and
- Eva [2019-10-23] In the summary, fixes the total number of functions
- Eva [2019-10-23] New option -eva-auto-loop-unroll N to unroll all
loops whose number of iterations can be easily bounded by <N>.
- Eva [2019-10-21] New octagon domain inferring relations of the form
l ≤ ±X±Y ≤ e between pairs of integer variables X and Y. Enabled
with option -eva-octagon-domain. Only infers relations between
pairs of scalar variables occuring in a same instruction.
Intra-procedural by default; octagons can be propagated through
function calls with option -eva-octagon-through-calls.
- ACSL [2019-10-04] Support for ghost parameters
- Eva [2019-10-04] Evaluates ACSL predicates \is_plus_infinity and
- Kernel [2019-10-04] Supports macro INFINITY and NAN.
o Config [2019-09-27] ocp-indent 1.7.0 is now used for indentation
o Eva [2019-09-16] Dynamic registration of abstract values and domains:
developers of new domains no longer need to modify Eva's engine.
-* Kernel [2019-09-13] Fixes Hptmap on keys with id greater than 2^28.
-* Makefile [2019-09-12] Fixes #2378 - bytecode only compilation (patch
contributed by madroach) and use -thread where needed.
-* Eva [2019-08-21] Fixes the reduction by the negation of \initialized
and \dangling predicates on imprecise lvalues.
-* Kernel [2019-08-20] Fixes a rare but critical bug which occured when
Frama-C internally switched the current project in presence of >2
projects and destroyed the old current project at about the same
time: the Frama-C internal state became inconsistent and lead to
unsound computations and crashes. It may be revealed to the
end-user when using a long sequence of -then-replace (at least 3
of them).
-* Kernel [2019-08-20] Fixed sequence of -removed-projects and -then
o Ptests [2019-08-05] Add new MODULE directive for compiling and loading
an auxiliary OCaml module for a test
- Kernel [2019-08-05] Add -keep-unused-types normalization option
- Libc [2019-08-05] Remove obsolete (and forcing cpp error) builtins.h
o! Kernel [2019-08-02] Functions over visitor's behaviors have been moved
from Cil into a new module Visitor_behavior. Apply the migration
script to update your plug-ins automatically.
o! Sparecode [2019-07-26] Removed from Db. Use proper Sparecode API instead.
-! Kernel [2019-07-24] OCaml version greater than or equal to 4.05.0 required.
- Kernel [2019-07-24] Improve placeholders handling in -cpp-command
o! Kernel [2019-07-23] Types in Properties are now records and not tuples
- Eva [2019-07-09] Supports ACSL floating-point comparison operators
eq_float, le_float, eq_double, le_double, etc.
o! Kernel [2019-06-28] removes AST constructors TCoerce, TCoerceE,
-* Kernel [2019-06-20] fixes dangling ref when removing unused static local
Open Source Release 19.0 (Potassium)
-* RTE [2019-05-24] fixes a crash when visiting variable declarations
- Eva [2019-04-19] The new annotation /*@ split exp; */ enumerates the
possible values of an expression and continues the analysis
for each of these value separately, until a /*@ merge exp; */
is encountered. It is also possible to maintain this partitioning
at all times with the option -eva-partition-value exp.
- Eva [2019-04-19] New option -eva-partition-history N to delay the join
of abstract states for up to N merging points, thus keeping these
states separate longer. Useful when a reasoning depends on the
path taken to reach a control point, but can increase the analysis
time exponentially in N.
- Eva [2019-04-19] Loop unroll annotations now accept non-constant but
bounded expressions as the maximum number of unrollings to perform.
-* Kernel [2019-04-09] Avoid crashing on one-letter attributes. Fixes #2432
-* Obfuscator [2019-04-09] Also obfuscate formals in function pointer types.
- Eva [2019-04-05] Prints an analysis summary at the end, outlining the
analysis coverage and the number of errors, warnings and emitted
alarms. It can be disabled with the option -eva-msg-key=-summary
- Eva [2019-04-03] New option -eva-precision to globally configure the
analysis from 0 (fast but imprecise) to 11 (accurate but slow).
A precision of 5 is often a reasonable trade-off. This meta-option
automatically sets up other options that can also be overriden.
- Inout [2019-04-01] Fix performance issue when initializing large arrays.
- ACSL [2019-03-08] Add check annotation, similar to assert except that
it does not introduce additional hypotheses on the program state
-* Makefile [2019-03-07] Do not attempt to install .cmx on bytecode-only
architectures. Patch by M. Dogguy backported from Debian package
- Libc [2019-03-05] Better specs and removal of half-implemented ifdef
that tried to take various POSIX versions into account
-* Kernel [2019-03-05] Better detection of invalid goto in presence of VLA
- GUI [2019-03-04] Compatibility with lablgtk3 and improved handling of
- ACSL [2019-03-01] Clarifies which C variables are in scope under a
- Libc [2019-02-26] Ask clang not to warn about unknown FRAMA_C_MODEL
attribute when pre-processing frama-c's libc
-* Obfuscator [2019-02-26] Obfuscate logic types and logic constructors.
-* Inout [2019-02-21] Fixes operational input on const local initialization
o RTE [2019-02-21] RTE has a static API
o Kernel [2019-02-18] When registering extended ACSL annotations, one
must now indicate whether they should have a status.
o Kernel [2019-02-05] Integer API moving closer to Zarith
- Eva [2019-01-19] New warning category for detecting loops without
- Eva [2019-01-31] Ignore annotations with "no_eva" tag
-* ACSL [2019-01-19] Accept C identifiers that happen to be ACSL keywords
- Eva [2019-01-10] Improved precision on nested loops (by postponing
the widening on inner loops according to -eva-widening-period).
-* Aorai [2019-01-04] Fixes #@586: avoid removing the initial state
- Kernel [2019-01-03] Add attributes for loop statements to allow
-! Kernel [2019-01-03] Add statement attributes (sattr) to the AST. They
are not printed by default, use -kernel-msg-key printer:attrs
-! Kernel [2019-01-03] Improved precision of integer abstract bitwise
-* Eva [2018-12-17] Fixes -eva-split-return on uninitialized or escaping
function returns when -eva-warn-copy-indeterminate is disabled.
o Kernel [2018-12-11] New functions for retrieving major and minor version
-* Kernel [2018-12-04] Fixes AST integrity check wrt volatile accesses
-* Kernel [2018-11-21] Fixes #@553 - pretty-printing of basic asm template
Open Source Release 18.0 (Argon)
-! Kernel [2018-10-24] Log.error and Log.failure will eventually make
Frama-C exit with a non-zero status. Fixes #@552
- Kernel [2018-10-24] More ergonomic command-line options for governing
warning categories statuses.
- Eva [2018-10-24] Enable the memexec cache by default. It can be
disabled by option -eva-no-memexec.
- Eva [2018-10-22] Improved performances when the symbolic locations
domain and the memexec cache are enabled.
- Eva [2018-10-22] The memexec cache is now fully compatible with all
abstract domains provided by Eva. However, the binding to the
Apron domains disable memexec.
- Eva [2018-10-18] New experimental domain "numerors" inferring absolute
and relative errors of floating-point computations. Enabled by the
option -eva-numerors-domain. Does not handle loops for now.
-* Kernel [2018-10-18] Fixes parsing of compound initializers with anonymous
fields. Fixes #2384
-* Kernel [2018-10-16] Consider that asm can change content of pointers
used as inputs when generating assigns clauses. Fixes #@458
- Eva [2018-10-12] Remove option -obviously-terminates.
- Kernel [2018-10-05] New option -warn-invalid-bool, to warn when reading
trap representations of type _Bool.
- Eva [2018-10-04] ACSL predicates with a "no_eva" tag are now ignored.
- Eva [2018-10-03] Warn about currently unsupported specifications
of some libc functions.
- Eva [2018-10-02] Fix the gauges domain on weak bases.
- Eva [2018-10-02] Some fixes and improvements of the equality domain.
-* Kernel [2018-10-02] Rejects sizeof of an incomplete type. Fixes #@560.
-* Kernel [2018-09-26] Add attribute to allow writing into const lvals in
specific (aka C++ constructors and mutable fields) circumstances.
Fixes #2395.
- Kernel [2018-09-14] New warning (disabled by default) when multiple side
effects are unsequenced (CERT-EXP10-C recommandation).
Fixes #@492
- Eva [2018-09-13] Remove option -val-warn-left-shift-negative, and
comply with kernel option -warn-[left|right]-shift-negative.
- Kernel [2018-09-13] New options -warn-left-shift-negative (enabled by
default) and -warn-right-shift-negative (disabled by default),
to control the emission of alarms on shifts on negative integers.
o! Constant Propagation [2018-09-12] Removing Db API for Constant Propagation
plug-in. Calls to !Db.Constant_Propagation should be replaced by
calls to Constant_Propagation.Api.
- Eva [2018-09-12] Reduction of values leading to division by zero
alarms, when possible.
- Eva [2018-09-11] Better reduction of floating-point values cast into
integer types when an alarm is emitted.
- Metrics [2018-09-06] Add option -metrics-used-files, to help identify
unnecessary files given in the command line
- RTE [2018-09-05] Remove option -rte-precond.
- Eva [2018-08-31] Supports the ACSL functions \min and \max.
- Eva [2018-08-30] Fixes the alarms on subtractions and comparisons of
pointers on weak bases (created by allocations in loops).
-! ACSL [2018-08-28] Introduce extensions to global annotations and
better characterization of each extension kind.
See development guide for more information
- Eva [2018-08-28] All options of Eva start with -eva. Aliases to
previous option names preserve backward compatibility.
-! Eva [2018-08-28] Rename plug-in shortname from 'value' to 'eva'. Eva
is now properly named Eva in all logs, in the GUI, and as the
emitter of the alarms.
-! Kernel [2018-08-23] Introduce Filepath dataype for more consistent
normalization of filenames
-* Kernel [2018-08-23] Do not allow compound assignments to const variables
Fixes #@384
-! Kernel [2018-08-23] Remove option -const-writable: const globals are
unconditionally constants
-* Eva [2018-08-02] Deprecate option -val-warn-builtin-override in favor
of warning category builtins:override.
- Kernel [2018-07-26] Fix compilation on OpenBSD
patch contributed by madroach. Fixes #2379
- Kernel [2018-07-26] New option -remove-inlined to remove function(s)
after -inline-calls, add category @inline to refer to all
functions with inline attribute (for both options).
- Eva [2018-07-23] The debug category "garbled-mix" becomes a warning
category. Better track of garbled mix created by specification.
-* ACSL [2018-07-23] Avoid removing cast of void ptr used as
argument of function expecting a ptr with known size. Fixes #@432
o! Kernel [2018-07-23] Remove completely outdated module Dataflow.
Deprecated since 3+ years. Use Dataflow2 instead.
-* RTE [2018-07-23] Stop generating spurious \initialized alarms.
-* Kernel [2018-07-06] Respect relative order of labels and ACSL annots.
Fixes #@524
o* Ptests [2018-07-02] Do not keep oracles for empty stderr. Fixes #@402
-*! ACSL [2018-07-02] introduce ACSL operators \le_double, \ge_double, ...
in addition to \le_float, \ge_float, ... Remove overloading of
\le_float that made it accept double as arguments. Fixes #@502
- Eva [2018-06-28] New option -eva-report-red-statuses listing in
a csv file the properties invalid for some states of the analysis
(as in the "Red Alarms" panel of the GUI).
- Eva [2018-06-25] Release all builtins, including memset and memcpy,
as open-source.
- Eva [2018-06-15] When a cvalue builtin is used, other domains use the
frama-c libc specification to interpret the call without losing
too much information.
- Eva [2018-06-14] The variables from the frama-c libc are no longer
shown in the initial state print.
- Eva [2018-06-11] Improved precision of string builtins for strlen,
strchr and memchr.
- Eva [2018-04-25] Renamed option -wlevel into -eva-widening-delay. New
option -eva-widening-period to control the number of iterations
between two widenings.
- Eva [2018-04-25] New propagation strategy that allows unrolling loops
even when the slevel has been exceeded. Unroll the N first loop
iterations via the global option -eva-min-loop-unrolling N or via
specific code annotations /*@ loop unroll N; */. The new strategy
may affect analyses even without loop unrolling.
Open Source Release 17.1 (Chlorine-20180502)
- Libc [2018-07-05] Fix C++ compatibility for Frama-Clang plug-in
Open Source Release 17.0 (Chlorine-20180501)
- Eva [2018-04-25] Added scripts and templates to help automate case
studies (in $FRAMAC_SHARE/analysis-scripts)
-* Typing [2018-04-23] Stronger checks w.r.t. implicit conversions in
function pointers (must have compatible types) and assignments
(modifiable lvalues). Fixes #@479
- Kernel [2018-04-23] Added option -inline-calls for syntactic inlining
-* Kernel [2018-04-19] Avoid crash when re-declaring a function with
formals after it has been called without any. Fixes #@454
- Kernel [2018-04-13] Deprecate option -warn-decimal-float in favor of
warning category parser:decimal-float
- Kernel [2018-04-13] More possible statuses for warning categories.
Fixes #@486
o Kernel [2018-04-13] Change Cil.typeHasAttributeDeep into
Cil.typeHasAttributeMemoryBlock. Fixes #@489
o* Logic [2018-04-11] properly reset logic environment in case of typing
errors. Fixes #@326
- Eva [2018-04-10] Interpret the logic constants \pi and \e.
- Eva [2018-04-06] Initialization of volatile pointers now keeps the
base addresses of the pointer (with arbitrary offsets).
- Eva [2018-04-06] Fix the initialization of local volatile variables,
which can always have any value.
- Eva [2018-04-06] In the logic, interpret the ACSL function \sign and
the constructors \Positive and \Negative.
- Metrics [2018-04-05] When the value coverage is computed, also shows the
total number of statements by function in the filetree of the Gui.
- Gui [2018-04-04] Added Preferences menu (shortcut: Ctrl+P) to set
themes for property bullets and external source editor
o Lib [2018-03-30] New Rich_text module to create message with tags
o! Kernel [2018-03-30] Never or rarely used Log functions have been
removed or deprecated
- Eva [2018-03-15] Avoid enumeration on values with too many bases —
fixes a performance issue.
- Gui [2018-03-07] The preconditions of a function call can now be
displayed before the call statement itself (click on status
bullets with '+' or '-' to unfold/fold them)
- Typing [2018-03-02] Support for CERT EXP46-C
- Eva [2018-03-01] Fix a soundness bug in the equality domain: do not
infer incorrect equalities between incomparable pointers,
or between -0. and +0.
- Eva [2018-02-26] deprecate option -val-warn-on-alarms in favor of
warning category alarm
- Kernel [2018-02-26] deprecate option -continue-annot-error in favor of
warning category annot-error
-! Kernel [2018-02-26] introduce warning categories, with various
possible behaviors. Refactor management of debug categories
-* RTE [2018-02-23] Do not emit spurious 'idx < 0' assert
on gcc-style FAM. Fixes #@393
-* Kernel [2018-02-23] Handle anonymous struct/union init. Fixes #@376
- Eva [2018-02-22] Equalities can be propagated through function calls.
New options -eva-equality-through-calls[-function] to decide
(globally or by function) which ones are kept from the caller.
- Eva [2018-02-21] When an lvalue lv is assigned or leaves the scope,
the equality domain tries to replace lv by an equal term (if any)
in the expressions depending on lv (instead of removing them).
o! Occurrence [2018-02-20] Removing Db API for Occurrence plug-in. Calls to
!Db.Occurrence should be replaced by calls to Occurrence.Register.
o! Impact [2018-02-20] Removing Db API for Impact plug-in. Calls to
!Db.Impact should be replaced by calls to Impact.Register.
o! Users [2018-02-20] Removing Db API for Users plug-in. Calls to
!Db.Users should be replaced by calls to Users.Users_register.
- Eva [2018-02-13] Removed *_alloced_return base created for functions
without body that return pointers. Such bases were imprecise
and could be unsound in corner cases.
- Eva [2018-02-08] Shifts of addresses now create garbled mixes (as any
other arithmetic operation).
- Logic [2018-02-07] Ghost code now supports /@ ... @/ annotations
- Eva [2018-02-06] By default, do not emit pointer_comparable alarms for
non pointer operations. Always compute {0;1} for non pointer
comparisons involving incomparable addresses.
- Eva [2018-02-01] Warn about unsupported allocates clauses.
- Eva [2018-01-30] The subdivision of evaluations (through the option
-val-subdivide-non-linear) can subdivide the values of several
lvalues simultaneously (on expressions such as x*x - 2*x*y + y*y).
- Kernel [2018-01-24] Better renaming of variables in case of name
o! Kernel [2018-01-24] Keep information about syntactic scope of local
static variables. Accessed through
-! Eva [2018-01-24] Renamed option -val-malloc-returns-null to
-val-alloc-returns-null, which also applies to realloc builtins.
- Kernel [2018-01-16] Added option -json-compilation-database to help with
preprocessing. Requires yojson during Frama-C compilation.
- Eva [2018-01-15] New function post_analysis in abstract domains,
called at the end of the analysis.
- Eva [2018-01-11] The Simple_memory functor lets builtins interpret C
functions from the value of arguments to the result value.
- Eva [2018-01-11] Evaluate the preconditions of the functions for which
a builtin is used; builtins do not emit alarms anymore.
-! Kernel [2018-01-11] Alarms Logic_memory_access and Valid_string, that
were only emitted by Eva builtins, are removed.
-* ACSL [2017-12-14] Reinforce rejection of void* pointer types in the
arguments of ACSL built-in constructs related to memory blocks
and pointer dereferencing.
-* ACSL [2017-12-14] Reinforce rejection of implicit casts from array
types to pointer types in the arguments of ACSL built-in
constructs related to memory blocks and pointer dereferencing.
-* Kernel [2017-12-13] Clean up typechecking environment when dropping
side-effects (in sizeof et al.). Fixes #@430
o! Kernel [2017-12-13] Old Cil.isCharType renamed as Cil.isAnyCharType.
New Cil.isCharType is now only true for plain char, neither signed
nor unsigned. Derived functions (isCharPtr et al.) also updated
- Eva [2017-12-12] Fix a crash when using -val-stop-at-nth-alarm.
- Eva [2017-12-07] Eva complies with option -warn-special-float, and
propagates or warns on NaN and infinite values accordingly.
-! Kernel [2017-12-07] Option -warn-not-finite-float renamed into
-warn-special-float and extended (accepts non-finite/nan/none).
- Kernel [2017-12-07] Make some typechecking warnings controllable with
-kernel-msg-key keys.
- Eva [2017-12-07] New option -val-skip-stdlib-specs, set by default.
When analyzing the body of a function from Frama-C's standard
library, specifications will be skipped.
- Eva [2017-11-28] New builtins for the single-precision mathematical
functions fmodf, cosf, sinf and atan2f.
-! Eva [2017-11-16] In the log, messages on preconditions are now
reported with the location of the call site.
o! Eva [2017-11-09] The Fval module now supports NaN and infinite values.
Major API changes in Fval, Ival and Cvalue.V (regarding casts,
-o Eva [2017-11-09] Option -all-rounding-modes has been removed
-* Eva [2017-11-09] Fix bugs in builtins for cos and sin. The results
may be less precise than previously
- Eva [2017-11-09] Various improvements in the handling of
floating-point variables: evaluation of \is_finite, computation
of the bits of a floating-point range, etc
- Eva [2017-11-09] New panel "Red alarms" in the GUI that shows all red
statuses emitted for some states during the analysis. They are not
completely invalid, but should often be investigated first.
-* Eva [2017-10-27] Fix bug in the handling of non-explicitly volatile
fields inside volatile structs or unions
Open Source Release 16.0 (Sulfur-20171101)
-* Eva [2017-10-27] Fix bugs when evaluating \ìnitialized, \dangling
and \separated on addresses of bitfields
-* Eva [2017-10-27] Fix bug in the handling of non-explicitly volatile
fields inside volatile structs or unions
- RTE [2017-10-27] add option -rte-initialized to generate assertions
over read accesses to potentially uninitialized locations.
-* RTE [2017-10-16] Fix bounds of alarms emitted when downcasting to
bitfields (issue #?2314)
o Makefile [2017-10-13] add gui-byte target to only build bytecode GUI
o Kernel [2017-10-11] sizeof() and alignof() applied to a function can now
be rejected when the compiler does not support this construct,
depending on the fields sizeof_fun and alignof_fun of the machdep
-* Kernel [2017-10-11] More thorough checks on l-values with function type.
Non-sensical expressions are now rejected at parsing type.
- Eva [2017-10-10] Uses assigns clauses to over-approximate the effects
of assembly statements. Warns if no assigns clause is provided.
-* Eva [2017-10-10] Fixes a performance issue in offsetmaps, that occured
when reading or copying values smaller than cells in large arrays.
- Eva [2017-10-10] The backward propagation tries to reduce integer
values by considering separately the bounds of their intervals.
-* Eva [2017-10-10] Fixes an optimization issue where the reduction by a
loop invariant just after widenings could impede the convergence.
-* Eva [2017-10-10] Fixes a soundness bug where a loop invariant could be
wrongly proved correct in some marginal cases.
+ Slicing [2017-10-05] File slicing_types/*.ml moved into slicing subdir.
- Gui [2017-09-13] In the filetree, the filter menu appears on a right
click on the header, while a left click sorts the tree.
- Metrics [2017-09-13] In the Gui, shows the percentage and the number of
dead statements (when computed) for each function of the filetree.
-! Callgraph [2017-09-01] Option -cg-init-roots replaced by -cg-service-roots
(almost equivalent); new options -cg-function-pointers (ignore
function pointers; unsound) and -cg-roots (compute subgraphs).
o! Eva [2017-09-01] In abstract domains, compute_using_specification is
replaced by logic_assign, that interprets one \assigns clause.
Complete specification are now interpreted through successive
calls to evaluate_predicate, reduce_by_predicate and logic_assign.
- Eva [2017-09-01] Various precision improvements in the interpretation
of the behaviors of a specification.
-* Kernel [2017-08-31] Fixes configure script on bytecode only architecture.
Initial version of the patch by Debian. Fixes #2325
-* Kernel [2017-08-31] Fix various typos in source code and user messages.
Patch by Debian. Fixes #2323
-! Sparecode [2017-08-31] Rename option -rm-unused-globals to
o! ACSL [2017-08-24] Refactor handling of logic labels in AST
-! Eva [2017-08-03] Fix soundness (resp. precision) bug on big-endian
(resp. little-endian) architectures. This bug triggered on
low-level code, typically when using bitfields
-* Kernel [2017-08-03] Strip bitfield attribute when performing integral
promotions on bitfields of size short or char. Fixes incorrect
attributes on the resulting expression.
-! ACSL [2017-08-03] Explicitely disallow /* and */ in ACSL annotations.
Allows to re-use logic parser for parsing annotations in external
files that can use /* ... */ as comments. As a consequence,
expressions like y/*p are thus rejected, but this was already the
case when -pp-annot is activated (default for .c files) and can
be fixed easily in y / *p (as it is pretty-printed)
-* Kernel [2017-07-29] Fix unmarshalling of save files that contain more
than 4Gb of uncompressed data. Patch from TIS-interpreter.
-* Eva [2017-07-27] Fix performance issue with the equality domain.
-! Kernel [2017-08-28] Fix invalid eids on code generated through loop
-! Slicing [2017-08-28] Fix invalid eids on code generated through option
-slicing-level >= 2
-! Eva [2017-07-28] Fixed memory leak with option
o! Slicing [2017-08-01] Removing Db API for Slicing plug-in. Calls to
!Db.Slicing should be replaced by calls to Slicing.Api.
-o! Slicing [2017-07-27] Removing deprecated '-slice-option' and related
!Db.Slicing.Projet.print_exported_project. Minor changes into
o! Scope [2017-07-27] Removing Db API for Scope plug-in. Calls to
!Db.Scope should be replaced by calls to Scope.
o! Report [2017-07-24] Removing Db API for Report plug-in. Calls to
!Db.Report.print should be replaced by calls to
- RTE [2017-07-17] Emits overflow alarms on unsigned left shift when
-warn-unsigned-overflow is enabled.
- Eva [2017-07-17] Emits overflow alarms on unsigned left shift when
-warn-unsigned-overflow is enabled.
- Kernel [2017-07-10] Composite types are now required to have equal tags
as per the C standard; no more support for isomorphic structs.
- Eva [2017-07-01] In the GUI, the "Values" panel displays the values
computed by using the properties inferred by all enabled domains.
-! Eva [2017-06-30] Better handling of function alloca(), via builtin
-* Eva [2017-06-28] The cvalue states saved after each statement are now
properly deleted when an Eva parameter is changed in the GUI.
o Eva [2017-06-26] New functor in domains/ to build a
complete domain from a value abstraction. The abstract states link
each scalar variable of a program to an abstract value.
- Eva [2017-06-26] New sign domain for demonstration purposes only.
-* Kernel [2017-06-09] Parser now handle mixed concatenation of
string and wstring. Fixes #@1467
- Eva [2017-06-07] The subdivision of the evaluation of non-linear
expressions (through the -val-subdivide-non-linear option) also
applies to the new evaluations requested by the equality domain.
-* Eva [2017-06-14] Fix a crash when downcasting pointer values with
the option -val-warn-signed-converted-downcast enabled.
-* Eva [2017-06-14] Fix missing alarms when downcasting pointer values.
-o Eva [2017-05-24] The argument ~with_alarms for functions of Db.Value
is now optional, and will be removed in a later version.
* Eva [2017-05-24] Fix soundness bug in string builtins where some
invalid offsets did not generate alarms.
- Eva [2017-05-22] Removes all effects of the special functions
Frama_C_[dump|show]_each on the analyses: no alarms are emitted
and the states are never reduced on these calls.
- Eva [2017-05-22] Frama_C_dump_each prints the state of each available
domain whose log category is enabled.
- Eva [2017-05-22] New directive Frama_C_domain_show_each prints the
internal properties about the arguments inferred by each available
domain whose log category is enabled.
o! Eva [2017-05-22] Abstract domains have to provide a log category and
a function show_expr that prints the internal properties inferred
about an expression.
- Kernel [2017-05-18] Added option -print-return to inline gotos to return
- RTE [2017-05-12] add -warn-not-finite-float for checking
that infinite and NaN floats are not produced.
-! Kernel [2017-05-17] qualifiers are dropped from the return type of
functions, as they make no real sense
-* Kernel [2017-04-27] stop removing const attribute on local variables.
Fixes #@301
o! Kernel [2017-04-27] Remove needless repetition of declared logic labels
in Tapp and Papp nodes. Fixes #@274
o! Kernel [2017-04-27] Completely separate types between Cil_types and
Logic_ptree, removing needless polymorphism
- Eva [2017-04-06] More precise evaluation of \initialized and
\dangling predicates.
Open Source Release 15.0 (Phosphorus-20170501)
-* Eva [2017-05-08] Fix widening in the gauges domain, in particular with
nested loops and pointers that change base address through
-* Eva [2017-04-25] Perform widening in the symbolic locations domain.
-* Eva [2017-04-24] Fixes a crash when backward-propagating an imprecise
value on a 32-bits floating point addition. A non-single precision
value was erroneously returned.
-* Eva [2017-04-05] Fixes a crash with the -val-subdivide-non-linear
option, on subdivisions of evaluations involving pointer values.
-! Eva [2017-03-31] Renamed dynamic allocation builtins for
improved consistency. In particular, Frama_C_alloc_size
becomes Frama_C_malloc_fresh.
- Eva [2017-03-31] New option -val-builtins-list
-* Scope [2017-03-31] Fix bug in the functions of Db.Scope in presence of
alarms refering to volatile memory locations, or to variables
that leave scope. Also impacts Eva option -remove-redundant-alarms
- Eva [2017-03-31] Activate option -remove-redundant-alarms by default.
- Inout [2017-03-28] Option -inout-callwise is now always active, and will
be removed in a later version
-* Inout [2017-03-28] Prevent formal variables of functions with only a
specification from leaking into results
- Kernel [2017-03-28] Dynlink is now mandatory, no degraded static mode.
o! Eva [2017-03-17] Incompatible API changes in module Cvalue.Model.
Functions named 'unspecified' have been renamed into
'indeterminate', and some arguments have been removed.
o! Gui [2017-03-10] Signature change for constructor
-! Kernel [2017-03-10] Explicit AST nodes to mark local variables
-! Kernel [2017-03-10] Better handling of VLA (use explicit function calls
to mark deallocation of VLA at appropriate program points)
-* Callgraph [2017-03-10] Fixes inverted callers/callee in indirect calls
-! Eva [2017-03-09] Option -val-show-progress is now unset by default
-* Eva [2017-03-08] Fix bug #2277. The initial state of the analysis
now depends on all relevant options, including kernel options
-! Variadic [2017-03-08] Change of command line argument names for the
plugin Variadic. The new names are more expressive and avoid
confusions with the plugin Value. Use -variadic-translation or
-variadic-no-translation instead of -va or -no-va.
-! Value [2017-03-07] Support for the legacy value analysis has been
abandoned, Eva is now always active. Option -no-eva has been
-* Eva [2017-03-07] Unsound support for recursion, through option
-val-ignore-recursive-calls. The support of recursion through
the use of 'assigns' clauses, previously available in Value,
was unsound and has been removed
-! Kernel [2017-03-01] Zarith library is now required
-* Kernel [2017-02-24] Fix crash when loading a saved file without a plug-in
which has previously emitted a status with a tuning parameter.
- Eva [2017-02-06] New (internal) mechanism to handle C functions'
return values. Messages now mention \result<foo> for the
value returned by 'foo'.
- Variadic [2017-02-08] The plugin is now enabled by default. Use the
option -variadic-no-translation to keep the original behaviour.
The specification generated for the fprintf function family is
now more accurate.
- Kernel [2017-01-26] New option -print-libc, to expand include directives
for files in the Frama-C stdlib (no longer expanded by default).
-* Obfuscator [2017-01-19] Fix typo in help message (bts #2269).
- Kernel [2017-01-09] Bash completion for Frama-C options. See #@154.
-* Kernel [2016-12-09] Fixes oneret normalization in presence of
statement contract and absence of return. See #@255 and #2235.
- Kernel [2016-12-06] New option -print-machdep (help group).
- Rte [2016-11-25] Remove option -rte-all.
-* Cil [2016-11-20] Pointer subtractions with arguments of incompatible
types are now refused. The resulting expression is typed as
ptrdiff_t instead of int.
- Value [2016-11-18] Widen hints directives @widen_hints now accept
arbitrary l-values (evaluated at analysis time) in place of
-* Kernel [2016-11-17] Fixed some issues with #pragma pack() behavior,
in both GCC and MSVC machdeps. Also fixed some related issues
with __aligned__ and __packed__ attributes (including bts #2249).
-o Kernel [2016-11-17] Utility API for checking volatile attribute in Cil.
- Metrics [2016-11-17] Programmatic API for some functions via Metrics.mli.
- Kernel [2016-11-07] New option -no-autoload-plugins (equivalent to old
-no-dynlink); mostly for internal use.
-! Kernel [2016-10-19] Stricter verification for extern, static and inline
specifiers (support for CERT DCL-36-C coding rule)
o* Eva [2016-10-22] Functions Db.Value.fun_set_args and
Db.Value.globals_set_initial_state are now compatible with Eva.
Open Source Release 14.0 (Silicon-20161101)
-*! Eva [2016-10-29] Fix soundness bug on statements with RTE or
programmatically-added user assertions (bts #2258). This
leads to minor changes in the way states are propagated when
all slevel has been consumed. Also, consolidated states now
return the abstraction before any reduction by assertions or
-* Eva [2016-10-20] Fix bug in the bitwise domain, on some applications
of the & and | operators
- Value [2016-10-20] New (experimental) option -val-builtins-auto, to
automatically replace known C functions by builtins. Will
be set by default in Phosphorus.
-* Value [2016-10-19] Frama_C_cos and Frama_C_sin builtins are now
precise by default. The former Frama_C_cos / Frama_Csin_precise
have been removed
-* Kernel [2016-10-18] Fix bug when pretty printing an ACSL term
"divisor / *p" (bts #2250).
- Eva [2016-10-18] New experimental Gauges domain, that relates
integer variable to loop counters.