(* *)
(* This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C. *)
(* *)
(* CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies *)
(* alternatives) *)
(* *)
(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
(* *)
(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
(* *)
open LogicUsage
open Cil_types
open Lang
open Lang.F
type cluster
val cluster : id:string -> ?title:string -> ?position:Filepath.position -> unit -> cluster
val axiomatic : axiomatic -> cluster
val section : logic_section -> cluster
val compinfo : compinfo -> cluster
val cluster_id : cluster -> string (** Unique *)
val cluster_title : cluster -> string
val cluster_position : cluster -> Filepath.position option
val cluster_age : cluster -> int
val cluster_compare : cluster -> cluster -> int
val pp_cluster : Format.formatter -> cluster -> unit
val iter : (cluster -> unit) -> unit
type trigger = (var,lfun) Qed.Engine.ftrigger
type typedef = (tau,field,lfun) Qed.Engine.ftypedef
type dlemma = {
l_name : string ;
l_cluster : cluster ;
l_types : int ;
l_forall : var list ;
l_triggers : trigger list list ; (** OR of AND-triggers *)
l_lemma : pred ;
type definition =
| Logic of tau
| Function of tau * recursion * term
| Predicate of recursion * pred
| Inductive of dlemma list
and recursion = Def | Rec
type dfun = {
d_lfun : lfun ;
d_cluster : cluster ;
d_types : int ;
d_params : var list ;
d_definition : definition ;
module Trigger :
val of_term : term -> trigger
val of_pred : pred -> trigger
val vars : trigger -> Vars.t
val find_symbol : lfun -> dfun
(** @raise Not_found if symbol is not compiled (yet) *)
val define_symbol : dfun -> unit
val update_symbol : dfun -> unit
val find_name : string -> dlemma
val find_lemma : logic_lemma -> dlemma
(** @raise Not_found if lemma is not compiled (yet) *)
val compile_lemma : (logic_lemma -> dlemma) -> logic_lemma -> unit
val define_lemma : dlemma -> unit
val define_type : cluster -> logic_type_info -> unit
val call_fun : result:tau -> lfun -> (lfun -> dfun) -> term list -> term
val call_pred : lfun -> (lfun -> dfun) -> term list -> pred
type axioms = cluster * logic_lemma list
class virtual visitor : cluster ->
(** {2 Locality} *)
method set_local : cluster -> unit
method do_local : cluster -> bool
(** {2 Visiting items} *)
method vadt : ADT.t -> unit
method vtype : logic_type_info -> unit
method vcomp : compinfo -> unit
method vicomp : compinfo -> unit
method vfield : Field.t -> unit
method vtau : tau -> unit
method vparam : var -> unit
method vterm : term -> unit
method vpred : pred -> unit
method vsymbol : lfun -> unit
method vlemma : logic_lemma -> unit
method vcluster : cluster -> unit
method vlibrary : string -> unit
method vgoal : axioms option -> F.pred -> unit
method vtypes : unit
(** Visit all typedefs *)
method vsymbols : unit
(** Visit all definitions *)
method vlemmas : unit
(** Visit all lemmas *)
method vself : unit
(** Visit all records, types, defs and lemmas *)
(** {2 Visited definitions} *)
method virtual section : string -> unit
(** Comment *)
method virtual on_library : string -> unit
(** External library to import *)
method virtual on_cluster : cluster -> unit
(** Outer cluster to import *)
method virtual on_type : logic_type_info -> typedef -> unit
(** This local type must be defined *)
method virtual on_comp : compinfo -> (field * tau) list option -> unit
(** This local compinfo must be defined *)
method virtual on_icomp : compinfo -> (field * tau) list option -> unit
(** This local compinfo initialization must be defined *)
method virtual on_dlemma : dlemma -> unit
(** This local lemma must be defined *)
method virtual on_dfun : dfun -> unit
(** This local function must be defined *)