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(*                                                                        *)
(*  This file is part of Frama-C.                                         *)
(*                                                                        *)
Patrick Baudin's avatar
Patrick Baudin committed
(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2022                                               *)
(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
(*                                                                        *)

open Cil_types
open Locations

let () = Db.Value.compute := Analysis.compute
let () = Parameters.ForceValues.set_output_dependencies [Self.state]

let main () =
  (* Value computations *)
  if Parameters.ForceValues.get () then Analysis.compute ();
  if Analysis.is_computed () then ()

let () = Db.Main.extend main

(* "access" functions before evaluation, registered in Db.Value *)
let access_value_of_lval kinstr lv =
  let state = Db.Value.get_state kinstr in
  snd (!Db.Value.eval_lval None state lv)

let access_value_of_expr kinstr e =
  let state = Db.Value.get_state kinstr in
  !Db.Value.eval_expr state e

let access_value_of_location kinstr loc =
  let state = Db.Value.get_state kinstr in
  Db.Value.find state loc

let find_deps_term_no_transitivity_state state t =
    let env = Eval_terms.env_only_here state in
    let r = Eval_terms.eval_term ~alarm_mode:Eval_terms.Ignore env t in
  with Eval_terms.LogicEvalError _ -> raise Db.From.Not_lval

let find_deps_no_transitivity stmt expr =
  Results.(before stmt |> expr_deps expr)

let find_deps_no_transitivity_state state expr =
  Results.(in_cvalue_state state |> expr_deps expr)

let eval_predicate ~pre ~here p =
  let open Eval_terms in
  let env = env_annot ~pre ~here () in
  match eval_predicate env p with
  | True -> Property_status.True
  | False -> Property_status.False_if_reachable
  | Unknown -> Property_status.Dont_know

let () =
  Db.Value.is_called := Function_calls.is_called;
  Db.Value.callers := Function_calls.callsites;
  Db.Value.use_spec_instead_of_definition :=
  Db.Value.assigns_outputs_to_zone :=
    (fun s ~result a -> Logic_inout.assigns_outputs_to_zone ~result s a);
  Db.Value.assigns_inputs_to_zone := Logic_inout.assigns_inputs_to_zone;
  Db.Value.access := access_value_of_lval;
  Db.Value.access_location := access_value_of_location;
  Db.Value.access_expr := access_value_of_expr;
  Db.Value.Logic.eval_predicate := eval_predicate;
  Db.Value.valid_behaviors := Logic_inout.valid_behaviors;
  Db.From.find_deps_term_no_transitivity_state :=
  Db.From.find_deps_no_transitivity := find_deps_no_transitivity;
  Db.From.find_deps_no_transitivity_state := find_deps_no_transitivity_state;

  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
  (*                    Register Evaluation Functions                           *)
  (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

open Eval

  let structure = Abstract.Value.Leaf (key, (module Main_values.CVal))
  include Structure.Open (Abstract.Value) (CVal)
  let reduce t = t

module Eva =

let inject_cvalue state = state, Locals_scoping.bottom ()

let bot_value = function
  | `Bottom -> Cvalue.V.bottom
  | `Value v -> v

let bot_state = function
  | `Bottom -> Cvalue.Model.bottom
  | `Value s -> s

let update valuation state =
  let domain_valuation = Eva.to_domain_valuation valuation in
  bot_state (Cvalue_domain.State.update domain_valuation state >>-: fst)
let rec eval_deps state e =
  match e.enode with
  | SizeOf _ | SizeOfE _ | SizeOfStr _ | AlignOf _ | AlignOfE _ | Const _ ->
  | Lval lv -> eval_deps_lval state lv
  | BinOp (_,e1,e2,_) ->
    Locations.Zone.join (eval_deps state e1) (eval_deps state e2)
  | CastE (_,e) | UnOp (_,e,_) ->
    eval_deps state e
  | AddrOf lv | StartOf lv -> eval_deps_addr state lv
and eval_deps_lval state lv =
  let for_writing = false in
  let deps = eval_deps_addr state lv in
  let loc =
    fst (Eva.lvaluate ~for_writing state lv)
    >>-: fun (_valuation, loc, _typ) -> loc
  match loc with
  | `Bottom -> deps
  | `Value loc ->
    let deps_lv = Precise_locs.enumerate_valid_bits Read loc in
    Locations.Zone.join deps deps_lv
and eval_deps_addr state (h, o:lval) =
  Locations.Zone.join (eval_deps_host state h) (eval_deps_offset state o)
and eval_deps_host state h = match h with
  | Var _ -> Locations.Zone.bottom
  | Mem e -> eval_deps state e
and eval_deps_offset state o = match o with
  | NoOffset -> Locations.Zone.bottom
  | Field (_, o) -> eval_deps_offset state o
  | Index (i, o) ->
    Locations.Zone.join (eval_deps state i) (eval_deps_offset state o)

let notify_opt with_alarms alarms =
  Option.iter (fun mode -> Alarmset.notify mode alarms) with_alarms

let eval_expr_with_valuation ?with_alarms deps state expr=
  let deps = match deps with
    | None -> None
    | Some deps ->
      let deps' = eval_deps state expr in
      Some (Locations.Zone.join deps' deps)
  let eval, alarms = Eva.evaluate state expr in
  notify_opt with_alarms alarms;
  match eval with
  | `Bottom -> (Cvalue.Model.bottom, deps, Cvalue.V.bottom), None
  | `Value (valuation, result) ->
    let state = update valuation state in
    (state, deps, result), Some valuation

(* Compatibility layer between the old API of eval_exprs and the new evaluation
   scheme. *)
module Eval = struct

  let eval_expr ?with_alarms state expr =
    let eval, alarms = Eva.evaluate ~reduction:false state expr in
    notify_opt with_alarms alarms;
    bot_value (eval >>-: snd)

  let eval_lval ?with_alarms deps state lval =
    let expr = Eva_utils.lval_to_exp lval in
    let res, valuation = eval_expr_with_valuation ?with_alarms deps state expr in
    let typ = match valuation with
      | None -> Cil.typeOfLval lval
      | Some valuation -> match Eva.Valuation.find_loc valuation lval with
        | `Value record -> record.typ
        | `Top -> Cil.typeOfLval lval
    let state, deps, v = res in
    state, deps, v, typ

  let eval_expr_with_deps_state ?with_alarms deps state expr =
    fst (eval_expr_with_valuation ?with_alarms deps state expr)

  let reduce_by_cond state expr positive =
    let eval, _alarms =
      Eva.reduce state expr positive
    bot_state (eval >>-: fun valuation -> update valuation state)

  let lval_to_precise_loc_deps_state ?with_alarms ~deps state ~reduce_valid_index:(_:bool) lval =
    if not (Cvalue.Model.is_reachable state)
    then state, deps, Precise_locs.loc_bottom, (Cil.typeOfLval lval)
      let deps = match deps with
        | None -> None
        | Some deps ->
          let deps' = eval_deps_addr state lval in
          Some (Locations.Zone.join deps' deps)
      let eval, alarms =
        Eva.lvaluate ~for_writing:false state lval
      notify_opt with_alarms alarms;
      match eval with
      | `Bottom -> Cvalue.Model.bottom, deps, Precise_locs.loc_bottom, (Cil.typeOfLval lval)
      | `Value (valuation, loc, typ) -> update valuation state, deps, loc, typ

  let lval_to_loc_deps_state ?with_alarms ~deps state ~reduce_valid_index lv =
    let state, deps, pl, typ =
        ?with_alarms ~deps state ~reduce_valid_index lv
    state, deps, Precise_locs.imprecise_location pl, typ

  let lval_to_precise_loc_state ?with_alarms state lv =
    let state, _, r, typ =
        ?with_alarms ~deps:None ~reduce_valid_index:(Kernel.SafeArrays.get ())
        state lv
    state, r, typ

  and lval_to_loc_state ?with_alarms state lv =
    let state, _, r, typ =
        ?with_alarms ~deps:None ~reduce_valid_index:(Kernel.SafeArrays.get ())
        state lv
    state, r, typ

  let lval_to_precise_loc ?with_alarms state lv =
    let _, r, _typ = lval_to_precise_loc_state ?with_alarms state lv in

  let lval_to_loc ?with_alarms state lv =
    let _, r, _typ = lval_to_loc_state ?with_alarms state lv in

  let resolv_func_vinfo ?with_alarms deps state funcexp =
    let open Cil_types in
    let deps = match funcexp.enode with
      | Lval (Var _, NoOffset) -> deps
      | Lval (Mem v, _) ->
        begin match deps with
          | None -> None
          | Some deps ->
            let deps' = eval_deps state v in
            Some (Locations.Zone.join deps' deps)
      | _ -> assert false
    let kfs, alarms = Eva.eval_function_exp funcexp state in
    notify_opt with_alarms alarms;
    let kfs = match kfs with
      | `Bottom -> Kernel_function.Hptset.empty
      | `Value kfs ->
          (fun acc (kf, _) -> Kernel_function.Hptset.add kf acc)
          Kernel_function.Hptset.empty kfs
    kfs, deps


module type Eval = module type of Eval

(* Functions to register in Db.Value that depend on evaluation functions. *)
module Export (Eval : Eval) = struct

  open Eval

  let lval_to_loc_with_deps_state ?with_alarms state ~deps lv =
    let _state, deps, r, _ =
        ~deps:(Some deps)
        ~reduce_valid_index:(Kernel.SafeArrays.get ())
    Option.value ~default:Locations.Zone.bottom deps, r

  let lval_to_loc_with_deps kinstr ?with_alarms ~deps lv =
    let state = Db.Value.noassert_get_state kinstr in
    lval_to_loc_with_deps_state ?with_alarms  state ~deps lv

  let lval_to_loc_kinstr kinstr ?with_alarms lv =
    let state = Db.Value.noassert_get_state kinstr in
    lval_to_loc ?with_alarms state lv

  let lval_to_precise_loc_with_deps_state_alarm ?with_alarms state ~deps lv =
    let _state, deps, ploc, _ =
      lval_to_precise_loc_deps_state ?with_alarms
        ~deps ~reduce_valid_index:(Kernel.SafeArrays.get ()) state lv
    let deps = Option.value ~default:Locations.Zone.bottom deps in
    deps, ploc

  let lval_to_precise_loc_with_deps_state =
    lval_to_precise_loc_with_deps_state_alarm ?with_alarms:None

  let lval_to_zone kinstr ?with_alarms lv =
    let state_to_joined_zone state acc =
      let _, r =
        lval_to_precise_loc_with_deps_state_alarm ?with_alarms state ~deps:None lv
      let zone = Precise_locs.enumerate_valid_bits Read r in
      Locations.Zone.join acc zone
      state_to_joined_zone Locations.Zone.bottom ~after:false kinstr

  let lval_to_zone_state state lv =
    let _, r = lval_to_precise_loc_with_deps_state state ~deps:None lv in
    Precise_locs.enumerate_valid_bits Read r

  let lval_to_zone_with_deps_state state ~for_writing ~deps lv =
    let deps, r = lval_to_precise_loc_with_deps_state state ~deps lv in
    let r = (* No write effect if [lv] is const *)
      if for_writing && (Eva_utils.is_const_write_invalid (Cil.typeOfLval lv))
      then Precise_locs.loc_bottom
      else r
    let access = if for_writing then Write else Read in
    let zone = Precise_locs.enumerate_valid_bits access r in
    let exact = Precise_locs.valid_cardinal_zero_or_one ~for_writing r in
    deps, zone, exact

  let lval_to_offsetmap_aux ?with_alarms state lv =
    let loc =
      Locations.valid_part Read
        (lval_to_loc ?with_alarms state lv)
    match loc.Locations.size with
    | Int_Base.Top -> None
    | Int_Base.Value size ->
      match Cvalue.Model.copy_offsetmap loc.Locations.loc size state with
      | `Bottom -> None
      | `Value m -> Some m

  let lval_to_offsetmap kinstr ?with_alarms lv =
    let state = Db.Value.noassert_get_state kinstr in
    lval_to_offsetmap_aux ?with_alarms state lv

  let lval_to_offsetmap_state state lv =
    lval_to_offsetmap_aux state lv

  let expr_to_kernel_function_state ?with_alarms state ~deps exp =
    let r, deps = resolv_func_vinfo ?with_alarms deps state exp in
    Option.value ~default:Locations.Zone.bottom deps, r

  let expr_to_kernel_function kinstr ?with_alarms ~deps exp =
    let state_to_joined_kernel_function state (z_acc, kf_acc) =
      let z, kf =
        expr_to_kernel_function_state ?with_alarms state ~deps exp
      Locations.Zone.join z z_acc,
      Kernel_function.Hptset.union kf kf_acc
      ((match deps with None -> Locations.Zone.bottom | Some z -> z),
      ~after:false kinstr

  let expr_to_kernel_function_state =
    expr_to_kernel_function_state ?with_alarms:None

module type Export = module type of (Export (Eval))

let register (module Eval: Eval) (module Export: Export) =
  let open Export in
  Db.Value.eval_expr := Eval.eval_expr;
  Db.Value.eval_expr_with_state :=
    (fun ?with_alarms state expr ->
       let (s, _, v) =
         Eval.eval_expr_with_deps_state ?with_alarms None state expr
       s, v);
  Db.Value.reduce_by_cond := Eval.reduce_by_cond;
  Db.Value.eval_lval :=
    (fun ?with_alarms deps state lval ->
       let _, deps, r, _ = Eval.eval_lval ?with_alarms deps state lval in
       deps, r);
  Db.Value.lval_to_loc_with_deps := lval_to_loc_with_deps;
  Db.Value.lval_to_loc_with_deps_state :=
    lval_to_loc_with_deps_state ?with_alarms:None;
  Db.Value.lval_to_loc := lval_to_loc_kinstr;
  Db.Value.lval_to_loc_state := Eval.lval_to_loc ?with_alarms:None;
  Db.Value.lval_to_zone_state := lval_to_zone_state;
  Db.Value.lval_to_zone := lval_to_zone;
  Db.Value.lval_to_zone_with_deps_state := lval_to_zone_with_deps_state;
  Db.Value.lval_to_precise_loc_state := Eval.lval_to_precise_loc_state;
  Db.Value.lval_to_precise_loc_with_deps_state :=
  Db.Value.lval_to_offsetmap := lval_to_offsetmap;
  Db.Value.lval_to_offsetmap_state := lval_to_offsetmap_state;
  Db.Value.expr_to_kernel_function := expr_to_kernel_function;
  Db.Value.expr_to_kernel_function_state := expr_to_kernel_function_state;

let () = Db.Value.initial_state_only_globals := Analysis.cvalue_initial_state

let () = Db.Value.verify_assigns_froms := Logic_inout.verify_assigns

let () =
  let eval = (module Eval : Eval) in
  let export = (module Export ((val eval : Eval)) : Export) in
  register eval export;;

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