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(*                                                                        *)
(*  This file is part of Frama-C.                                         *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2017                                               *)
(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
(*                                                                        *)

open Cil_types

(* ************************************************************************** *)
(* Misc functions *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)
(* return true if the string s starts with prefix p and false otherwise *)
let startswith p s =
  let lp = String.length p in
  if lp <= String.length s then
    p = String.sub s 0 lp

(* if string s is prefixed with string p, then return s without p, otherwise
 * return s as is *)
let strip_prefix p s =
  let lp = String.length p in
  if startswith p s then
    String.sub s lp (String.length s - lp)

(* True if a named function has a definition and false otherwise *)
let has_fundef exp = match exp.enode with
  | Lval(Var vi, _) ->
    let kf =
      try Globals.Functions.get vi
      with Not_found -> Options.fatal "[has_fundef] not a function"
    Kernel_function.is_definition kf
  | Lval _ (* function pointer *) ->
  | _ ->
    Options.fatal "[has_fundef] not a left-value: '%a'" Printer.pp_exp exp

(* ************************************************************************** *)
(* RTL functions *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)

  (* prefix of all functions/variables from the public E-ACSL API *)
  let e_acsl_api_prefix = "__e_acsl_"

  (* prefix of temporal analysis functions of the public E-ACSL API *)
  let e_acsl_temporal_prefix = e_acsl_api_prefix ^ "temporal_"

  (* prefix of all builtin functions/variables from the public E-ACSL API,
     Builtin functions replace original calls in programs. *)
  let e_acsl_builtin_prefix =  e_acsl_api_prefix ^ "builtin_"

  (* prefix of functions/variables generated by E-ACSL *)
  let e_acsl_gen_prefix = "__gen_e_acsl_"

  (* prefix of literal strings generated by E-ACSL *)
  let e_acsl_lit_string_prefix = e_acsl_gen_prefix ^ "literal_string"

  let mk_api_name fname = e_acsl_api_prefix ^ fname

  let mk_temporal_name fname = e_acsl_temporal_prefix ^ fname

  let mk_gen_name name = e_acsl_gen_prefix ^ name

  let get_original_name kf =
    strip_prefix e_acsl_gen_prefix (Kernel_function.get_name kf)

  let is_generated_name name = startswith e_acsl_gen_prefix name

  let is_generated_kf kf =
    is_generated_name (Kernel_function.get_name kf)

  let is_rtl_name name = startswith e_acsl_api_prefix name

  let is_generated_literal_string_name name =
    startswith e_acsl_lit_string_prefix name

  let get_rtl_replacement_name fn = e_acsl_builtin_prefix ^ fn

  let has_rtl_replacement = function
    | "strcpy"  | "strncpy" | "strlen" | "strcat" | "strncat" | "strcmp"
    | "strncmp" | "memcpy"  | "memset" | "memcmp" | "memmove" -> true
    | _ -> false

(* ************************************************************************** *)
(* Libc functions *)
(* ************************************************************************** *)

  let is_dyn_alloc_name name =
    name = "malloc" || name = "realloc" || name = "calloc"

  let is_dyn_free_name name = name = "free" || name = "cfree"

  let is_vla_alloc_name name = name = "__fc_vla_alloc"
  let is_vla_free_name name = name = "__fc_vla_free"

  let actual_alloca = "__builtin_alloca"
  let is_alloca_name name = name = "alloca" || name = actual_alloca

  let is_memcpy_name name = name = "memcpy"
  let is_memset_name name = name = "memset"

  let apply_fn f exp = match exp.enode with
    | Lval(Var vi, _) -> f vi.vname
    | Lval _  (* function pointer *) -> false
    | _ -> Options.fatal "[Functions.Rtl.apply_fn] not a left-value"
  let is_dyn_alloc exp = apply_fn is_dyn_alloc_name exp
  let is_dyn_free exp = apply_fn is_dyn_free_name exp
  let is_vla_alloc exp = apply_fn is_vla_alloc_name exp
  let is_vla_free exp = apply_fn is_vla_free_name exp
  let is_alloca exp = apply_fn is_alloca_name exp
  let is_memcpy exp = apply_fn is_memcpy_name exp
  let is_memset exp = apply_fn is_memset_name exp

  let printf_fmt_position = function
    | "printf" -> 1
    | "syslog" | "dprintf" | "fprintf" | "sprintf" -> 2
    | "snprintf" -> 3
    | _ -> 0

  let is_printf_name name = printf_fmt_position name <> 0
  let is_printf exp = apply_fn is_printf_name exp

  let get_printf_argument_str ~loc fn args =
    assert (is_printf_name fn);
    (* drop first n elements from a list *)
    let rec drop n l =
      assert (n >= 0);
      if n > 0 then
        let l = match l with _ :: e -> e | [] -> [] in
        drop (n-1) l
    (* get a character representing an integer type *)
    let get_ikind_str = function
      | IInt -> "d" (* [int] *)
      | IUInt -> "D" (* [unsigned int] *)
      | ILong -> "l" (* [long] *)
      | IULong -> "L" (* [unsigned long] *)
      | ILongLong -> "r" (* [long long] *)
      | IULongLong -> "R" (* [unsigned long long] *)
      (* _Bool, char and short (either signed or unsigned are promoted to
         int) *)
      | IBool | IChar | ISChar | IUChar | IShort | IUShort -> "d"
    (* get a character representing a floating point type *)
    let get_fkind_str = function
      (* Format-based functions expect only double-precision floats.
         Single-precision floating points are promoted to doubles so
         this case should never happen in fact. *)
      | FFloat -> assert false (* "f" *) (* [float] *)
      | FDouble  -> "e" (* [float/double] *)
      | FLongDouble -> "E" (* [long double] *)
    (* get a character representing a pointer type *)
    let get_pkind_str ty = match ty with
      | TInt(IChar,_) | TInt(ISChar,_) -> "s" (* [char*] *)
      | TInt(IUChar,_) -> "S" (* [unsigned char*] *)
      | TInt(IShort,_) -> "q" (* [short*] *)
      | TInt(IUShort,_) -> "Q" (* [unsigned short*] *)
      | TInt(IInt,_) -> "i" (* [int*] *)
      | TInt(IUInt,_) -> "I" (* [unsigned int*] *)
      | TInt(ILong,_) -> "z" (* [long int*] *)
      | TInt(IULong,_) -> "Z" (* [unsigned long int*] *)
      | TInt(ILongLong,_) -> "w" (* [long int*] *)
      | TInt(IULongLong,_) -> "W" (* [unsigned long int*] *)
      | TVoid _ -> "p" (* [void*] *)
      | _ ->
        Options.fatal "Unexpected argument type in printf: %a @."
          Printer.pp_typ ty
    let exps = drop (printf_fmt_position fn) args in
    let param_str =
        (fun exp acc -> match Cil.unrollType (Cil.typeOf exp) with
        | TInt(k, _) -> get_ikind_str k ^ acc
        | TFloat(k, _) -> get_fkind_str k ^ acc
        | TPtr(ty, _) -> get_pkind_str (Cil.unrollType ty) ^ acc
        | TVoid _ | TArray _ | TFun _ | TNamed _ | TComp _ | TEnum _
        | TBuiltin_va_list _ -> assert false)