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(*                                                                        *)
(*  This file is part of Frama-C.                                         *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2020                                               *)
(*    CEA   (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies            *)
(*           alternatives)                                                *)
(*    INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en         *)
(*           Automatique)                                                 *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
(*                                                                        *)


  open Logic_parser
  open Lexing
  open Logic_ptree

  type state = Normal | Test

  let state_stack = Stack.create ()

  let () = Stack.push Normal state_stack

  let get_state () = try state_stack with Stack.Empty -> Normal

  let pop_state () = try ignore (Stack.pop state_stack) with Stack.Empty -> ()

  exception Error of (int * int) * string

  let loc lexbuf = (lexeme_start lexbuf, lexeme_end lexbuf)

  let lex_error lexbuf s =
    raise (Error (loc lexbuf, "lexical error, " ^ s))

  let find_utf8 =
    let h = Hashtbl.create 97 in
    List.iter (fun (i,t) -> Hashtbl.add h i t)
      [ Utf8_logic.forall, FORALL;
        Utf8_logic.exists, EXISTS;
        Utf8_logic.eq, EQ;
        Utf8_logic.neq, NE;
        Utf8_logic.le, LE;, GE;
        Utf8_logic.iff, IFF;
        Utf8_logic.conj, AND;
        Utf8_logic.disj, OR;
        Utf8_logic.neg, NOT;
        Utf8_logic.x_or, HATHAT;
        Utf8_logic.minus, MINUS;
        Utf8_logic.boolean, BOOLEAN;
        Utf8_logic.integer, INTEGER;
        Utf8_logic.real, REAL;
        Utf8_logic.inset, IN;
        Utf8_logic.pi, PI;

    fun s -> try Hashtbl.find h s
    with Not_found -> IDENTIFIER s

  let all_digits s =
    let is_digit =
      | '0'..'9' | 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F' -> ()
      | _ -> raise Exit
    try String.iter is_digit s; true with Exit -> false

  let is_ucn s =
    if String.length s <= 2 || s.[0] <> '\\' then false else begin
      match s.[1] with
      | 'U' -> String.length s = 10 && all_digits (String.sub s 2 8)
      | 'u' -> String.length s = 6 && all_digits (String.sub s 2 4)
      | _ -> false

  let int_of_digit chr =
    match chr with
    | '0'..'9' -> (Char.code chr) - (Char.code '0')
    | 'a'..'f' -> (Char.code chr) - (Char.code 'a') + 10
    | 'A'..'F' -> (Char.code chr) - (Char.code 'A') + 10
    | _ -> assert false

  (* assumes is_ucn s *)
  let unicode_char s =
    let code = ref 0 in
    let add_digit c = code := 16 * !code + int_of_digit c in
    String.iter add_digit (String.sub s 2 (String.length s - 2));
    let c = Utf8_logic.from_unichar !code in
    find_utf8 c

  let identifier, is_acsl_keyword =
    let all_kw = Hashtbl.create 37 in
    let c_kw = Hashtbl.create 37 in
    let type_kw = Hashtbl.create 3 in
      (fun (i,t,flag) ->
         Hashtbl.add all_kw i t;
         if flag then Hashtbl.add c_kw i t
        "allocates", (fun _ -> ALLOCATES), false;
        "assert", (fun _ -> ASSERT), false;
        "assigns", (fun _ -> ASSIGNS), false;
        "assumes", (fun _ -> ASSUMES), false;
        "at", (fun _ -> EXT_AT), false;
        (* ACSL extension for external spec file *)
        "axiom", (fun _ -> AXIOM), false;
        "axiomatic", (fun _ -> AXIOMATIC), false;
        "behavior", (fun _ -> BEHAVIOR), false;
        "behaviors", (fun _ -> BEHAVIORS), false;
        "_Bool", (fun _ -> BOOL), true;
        "breaks", (fun _ -> BREAKS), false;
        "case", (fun _ -> CASE), true;
        "char", (fun _ -> CHAR), true;
        "check", (fun _ -> CHECK), false;
        "complete", (fun _ -> COMPLETE), false;
        "const", (fun _ -> CONST), true;
        "continues", (fun _ -> CONTINUES), false;
        "contract", (fun _ -> CONTRACT), false;
        (* ACSL extension for external spec file *)
        "custom", (fun _ -> CUSTOM), false;
        (* ACSL extension for custom annotations *)
        "decreases", (fun _ -> DECREASES), false;
        "disjoint", (fun _ -> DISJOINT), false;
        "double", (fun _ -> DOUBLE), true;
        "else", (fun _ -> ELSE), true;
        "ensures", (fun _ -> ENSURES), false ;
        "enum", (fun _ -> ENUM), true;
        "exits", (fun _ -> EXITS), false;
        "frees", (fun _ -> FREES), false;
        "function", (fun _ -> FUNCTION), false;
        (* ACSL extension for external spec file *)
        "float", (fun _ -> FLOAT), true;
        "for", (fun _ -> FOR), true;
        "global", (fun _ -> GLOBAL), false;
        "if", (fun _ -> IF), true;
	"impact", (fun _ -> IMPACT), false;
	"inductive", (fun _ -> INDUCTIVE), false;
	"include", (fun _ -> INCLUDE), false;
        (* ACSL extension for external spec file *)
        "int", (fun _ -> INT), true;
        "invariant", (fun _ -> INVARIANT), false;
        "label", (fun _ -> LABEL), false;
        "lemma", (fun _ -> LEMMA), false;
        "let", (fun _ -> EXT_LET), false;
        (* ACSL extension for external spec file *)
        "logic", (fun _ -> LOGIC), false;
        "long", (fun _ -> LONG), true;
        "loop", (fun _ -> LOOP), false;
        "model", (fun _ -> MODEL), false;
        (* ACSL extension for model fields *)
        "module", (fun _ -> MODULE), false;
        (* ACSL extension for external spec file *)
        "pragma", (fun _ -> PRAGMA), false;
        "predicate", (fun _ -> PREDICATE), false;
        "reads", (fun _ -> READS), true;
        (* treated specifically in the parser to
           avoid issue in volatile clause. *)
        "requires", (fun _ -> REQUIRES), false;
        "returns", (fun _ -> RETURNS), false;
        "short", (fun _ -> SHORT), true;
        "signed", (fun _ -> SIGNED), true;
        "sizeof", (fun _ -> SIZEOF), true;
        "slice", (fun _ -> SLICE), false;
        "struct", (fun _ -> STRUCT), true;
        "terminates", (fun _ -> TERMINATES), false;
        "type", (fun _ -> TYPE), false;
        "union", (fun _ -> UNION), true;
        "unsigned", (fun _ -> UNSIGNED), true;
        "variant", (fun _ -> VARIANT), false;
        "void", (fun _ -> VOID), true;
        "volatile", (fun _ -> VOLATILE), true;
        "writes", (fun _ -> WRITES), true;
        (* treated specifically in the parser to
           avoid issue in volatile clause. *)
        (fun loc ->
           let filename =
             Filepath.(Normalized.to_pretty_string (fst loc).pos_path)
           STRING_LITERAL (false,filename)),
    List.iter (fun (x, y) -> Hashtbl.add type_kw x y)
      ["integer", INTEGER; "real", REAL; "boolean", BOOLEAN; ];
        (Hashtbl.find (if Logic_utils.is_kw_c_mode () then c_kw else all_kw) s)
      with Not_found ->
        let res =
          if not (Logic_utils.is_kw_c_mode ()) then begin
            match Logic_env.extension_category s with
            | exception Not_found -> None
            | Cil_types.Ext_contract -> Some (EXT_CONTRACT s)
            | Cil_types.Ext_global -> Some (EXT_GLOBAL s)
            | Cil_types.Ext_code_annot _ -> Some (EXT_CODE_ANNOT s)
          else None
        match res with
        | None ->
        if Logic_env.typename_status s then TYPENAME s
             Hashtbl.find type_kw s
           with Not_found ->
             if Logic_utils.is_rt_type_mode () then TYPENAME s
               else IDENTIFIER s)
        | Some lex -> lex
    (fun s -> Hashtbl.mem all_kw s || Hashtbl.mem type_kw s)

  let bs_identifier =
    let h = Hashtbl.create 97 in
    List.iter (fun (i,t) -> Hashtbl.add h i t)
        "\\allocation", ALLOCATION;
        "\\allocable", ALLOCABLE;
        "\\automatic", AUTOMATIC;
        "\\at", AT;
        "\\base_addr", BASE_ADDR;
        "\\block_length", BLOCK_LENGTH;
        "\\dynamic", DYNAMIC;
        "\\empty", EMPTY;
        "\\exists", EXISTS;
        "\\false", FALSE;
        "\\forall", FORALL;
        "\\freeable", FREEABLE;
        "\\fresh", FRESH;
        "\\from", FROM;
        "\\initialized", INITIALIZED;
        "\\dangling", DANGLING;
        "\\in", IN;
        "\\inter", INTER;
        "\\lambda", LAMBDA;
        "\\let", LET;
        "\\nothing", NOTHING;
        "\\null", NULL;
        "\\offset", OFFSET;
        "\\old", OLD;
        "\\pi", PI;
        "\\register", REGISTER;
        "\\result", RESULT;
        "\\separated", SEPARATED;
        "\\static", STATIC;
        "\\true", TRUE;
        "\\type", BSTYPE;
        "\\typeof", TYPEOF;
        "\\unallocated", UNALLOCATED;
        "\\union", BSUNION;
        "\\object_pointer", OBJECT_POINTER;
        "\\valid", VALID;
        "\\valid_read", VALID_READ;
        "\\valid_index", VALID_INDEX;
        "\\valid_range", VALID_RANGE;
        "\\valid_function", VALID_FUNCTION;
        "\\with", WITH;
    fun lexbuf ->
      let s = lexeme lexbuf in
      if is_ucn s then unicode_char s else begin
        try Hashtbl.find h s with Not_found ->
          if Logic_env.typename_status s then TYPENAME s
          else IDENTIFIER s

  (* Update lexer buffer. *)
  let update_line_loc lexbuf line =
    let pos = lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p in
    lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p <-
      { pos with
	Lexing.pos_lnum = line;
	Lexing.pos_bol = pos.Lexing.pos_cnum;

  let update_newline_loc lexbuf =
    update_line_loc lexbuf (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p.Lexing.pos_lnum + 1)

  let update_file_loc lexbuf file =
   let pos = lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p in
    lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p <- { pos with Lexing.pos_fname = file }

  let accept_c_comments_into_acsl_spec = ref false

  let hack_merge_tokens current next =
    match (current,next) with
    | CHECK, LOOP -> true, CHECK_LOOP
    | _ -> false, current

let space = [' ' '\t' '\012' '\r' '@' ]

let rB = ['0' '1']
let rD = ['0'-'9']
let rO = ['0'-'7']
let rL = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '_']
let rH = ['a'-'f' 'A'-'F' '0'-'9']
let rE = ['E''e']['+''-']? rD+
let rP = ['P''p']['+''-']? rD+
let rFS	= ('f'|'F'|'l'|'L'|'d'|'D')
let rIS = ('u'|'U'|'l'|'L')*
let comment_line = "//" [^'\n']*

(* Do not forget to update also the corresponding chr rule if you add
   a supported escape sequence here. *)
let escape = '\\'
   ('\'' | '"' | '?' | '\\' | 'a' | 'b' | 'f' | 'n' | 'r'
   | 't' | 'v')

let hex_escape = '\\' ['x' 'X'] rH+
let oct_escape = '\\' rO rO? rO?

let utf8_char = ['\128'-'\254']+

rule token = parse
  | space+ { token lexbuf }
  | '\n' { update_newline_loc lexbuf; token lexbuf }
  | comment_line '\n' { update_newline_loc lexbuf; token lexbuf }
  | comment_line eof { token lexbuf }
  | "*/" { lex_error lexbuf "unexpected block-comment closing" }
  | "/*" { if !accept_c_comments_into_acsl_spec
           then comment lexbuf
           else lex_error lexbuf "unexpected block-comment opening"

  | '\\' rL (rL | rD)* { bs_identifier lexbuf }
  | rL (rL | rD)*       {
      let loc = Lexing.(lexeme_start_p lexbuf, lexeme_end_p lexbuf) in
      let cabsloc = Cil_datatype.Location.of_lexing_loc loc in
      let s = lexeme lexbuf in
      let curr_tok = identifier s cabsloc in
      if curr_tok = CHECK then begin
        let next_tok =
          token { lexbuf with refill_buff = lexbuf.refill_buff }
        let (eat_next, tok) = hack_merge_tokens curr_tok next_tok in
        if eat_next then ignore (token lexbuf);
      end else curr_tok

  | '0'['x''X'] rH+ rIS?    { CONSTANT (IntConstant (lexeme lexbuf)) }
  | '0'['b''B'] rB+ rIS?    { CONSTANT (IntConstant (lexeme lexbuf)) }
  | '0' rD+ rIS?            { CONSTANT (IntConstant (lexeme lexbuf)) }
  | rD+                     { CONSTANT10 (lexeme lexbuf) }
  | rD+ rIS                 { CONSTANT (IntConstant (lexeme lexbuf)) }
  | ('L'? "'" as prelude) (([^ '\\' '\'' '\n']|("\\"[^ '\n']))+ as content) "'"
        let b = Buffer.create 5 in
        Buffer.add_string b prelude;
        let lbf = Lexing.from_string content in
        CONSTANT (IntConstant (chr b lbf ^ "'"))
(* floating-point literals, both decimal and hexadecimal *)
  | rD+ rE rFS?
  | rD* "." rD+ (rE)? rFS?
  | rD+ "." rD* (rE)? rFS?
  | '0'['x''X'] rH+ '.' rH* rP rFS?
  | '0'['x''X'] rH* '.' rH+ rP rFS?
  | '0'['x''X'] rH+ rP rFS?
      { CONSTANT (FloatConstant (lexeme lexbuf)) }

 (* hack to lex 0..3 as 0 .. 3 and not as 0. .3 *)
  | (rD+ as n) ".."         { lexbuf.lex_curr_pos <- lexbuf.lex_curr_pos - 2;
                              CONSTANT (IntConstant n) }

  | 'L'? '"' as prelude (([^ '\\' '"' '\n']|("\\"[^ '\n']))* as content) '"'
      { STRING_LITERAL (prelude.[0] = 'L',content) }
  | '#'                     { hash lexbuf }
  | "==>"                   { IMPLIES }
  | "<==>"                  { IFF }
  | "-->"                   { BIMPLIES }
  | "<-->"                  { BIFF }
  | "&&"                    { AND }
  | "||"                    { OR }
  | "!"                     { NOT }
  | "$"                     { DOLLAR }
  | ","                     { COMMA }
  | "->"                    { ARROW }
  | "?"                     { Stack.push Test state_stack; QUESTION }
  | ";"                     { SEMICOLON }
  | ":"                     { match get_state() with
                                  Normal  -> COLON
                                | Test -> pop_state(); COLON2
  | "::"                    { COLONCOLON }
  | "."                     { DOT }
  | ".."                    { DOTDOT }
  | "..."                   { DOTDOTDOT }
  | "-"                     { MINUS }
  | "+"                     { PLUS }
  | "*"                     { STAR }
  | "*^"                    { STARHAT }
  | "&"                     { AMP }
  | "^^"                    { HATHAT }
  | "^"                     { HAT }
  | "|"                     { PIPE }
  | "~"                     { TILDE }
  | "/"                     { SLASH }
  | "%"                     { PERCENT }
  | "<"                     { LT }
  | ">"                     { GT }
  | "<="                    { LE }
  | ">="                    { GE }
  | "=="                    { EQ }
  | "="                     { EQUAL }
  | "!="                    { NE }
  | "("                     { Stack.push Normal state_stack; LPAR }
  | ")"                     { pop_state(); RPAR }
  | "{"                     { Stack.push Normal state_stack; LBRACE }
  | "}"                     { pop_state(); RBRACE }
  | "["                     { Stack.push Normal state_stack; LSQUARE }
  | "]"                     { pop_state(); RSQUARE }
  | "[|"                    { Stack.push Normal state_stack; LSQUAREPIPE }
  | "|]"                    { pop_state(); RSQUAREPIPE }
  | "<<"                    { LTLT }
  | ">>"                    { GTGT }
  | utf8_char as c          { find_utf8 c }
  | eof                     { EOF }
  | _   { lex_error lexbuf ("illegal character " ^ lexeme lexbuf) }

and chr buffer = parse
  | hex_escape
      { let s = lexeme lexbuf in
        let real_s = String.sub s 2 (String.length s - 2) in
        let rec add_one_char s =
          let l = String.length s in
          if l = 0 then ()
          let h = int_of_digit s.[0] in
          let c,s =
            if l = 1 then (h,"")
              (16*h + int_of_digit s.[1],
               String.sub s 2 (String.length s - 2))
          Buffer.add_char buffer (Char.chr c); add_one_char s
        in add_one_char real_s; chr buffer lexbuf
  | oct_escape
      { let s = lexeme lexbuf in
        let real_s = String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1) in
        let rec value i s =
          if s = "" then i
          else value (8*i+int_of_digit s.[0])
            (String.sub s 1 (String.length s -1))
        in let c = value 0 real_s in
        Buffer.add_char buffer (Char.chr c); chr buffer lexbuf
  | escape
      { Buffer.add_char buffer
          (match (lexeme lexbuf).[1] with
               'a' -> '\007'
             | 'b' -> '\b'
             | 'f' -> '\012'
             | 'n' -> '\n'
             | 'r' -> '\r'
             | 't' -> '\t'
             | 'v' -> '\011' (* no '\v' in OCaml 😞 *)
             | '\'' -> '\''
             | '"' -> '"'
             | '?' -> '?'
             | '\\' -> '\\'
             | _ -> (* escape regex does not allow anything else *) assert false
          ); chr buffer lexbuf}
  | eof { Buffer.contents buffer }
  | _  { Buffer.add_string buffer (lexeme lexbuf); chr buffer lexbuf }

and hash = parse
  '\n'		{ update_newline_loc lexbuf; token lexbuf}
| [' ''\t']		{ hash lexbuf}
| rD+	        { (* We are seeing a line number. This is the number for the
                   * next line *)
                 let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
                 let lineno =
                     int_of_string s
                   with Failure _ ->
                     (* the int is too big. *)
                       ~source:(Cil_datatype.Position.of_lexing_pos lexbuf.lex_start_p)
                       "Bad line number in preprocessed file: %s"  s;
                 update_line_loc lexbuf (lineno - 1);
                  (* A file name may follow *)
		  file lexbuf }
| "line"        { hash lexbuf } (* MSVC line number info *)
| _	        { endline lexbuf}

and file =  parse
        '\n'		        { update_newline_loc lexbuf; token lexbuf}
|	[' ''\t''\r']			{ file lexbuf}
|	'"' ([^ '\012' '\t' '"']|"\\\"")* '"' {
    let n = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
    let n1 = String.sub n 1
        ((String.length n) - 2) in
    let unescape = Str.regexp_string "\\\"" in
    let n1 = Str.global_replace unescape "\"" n1 in
    update_file_loc lexbuf n1;
    endline lexbuf

|	_			{ endline lexbuf}

and endline = parse
        '\n' 			{ update_newline_loc lexbuf; token lexbuf}
|   eof                         { EOF }
|	_			{ endline lexbuf}

and comment = parse
    '\n' { update_newline_loc lexbuf; comment lexbuf}
  | "*/" { token lexbuf}
  | eof  { lex_error lexbuf "non-terminating block-comment" }
  | _    { comment lexbuf}

  let set_initial_location dest_lexbuf src_loc =
        { src_loc with
          pos_bol = src_loc.pos_bol - src_loc.pos_cnum;
          pos_cnum = 0; };

  let parse_from_location f (loc, s : Filepath.position * string) =
    let finally _ = Logic_utils.exit_kw_c_mode () in
    let output = Kernel.logwith finally ~wkey:Kernel.wkey_annot_error
    let lb = from_string s in
    set_initial_location lb (Cil_datatype.Position.to_lexing_pos loc);
      let res = f token lb in
      Some (Cil_datatype.Position.of_lexing_pos lb.Lexing.lex_curr_p, res)
      | Failure s -> (* raised by the lexer itself, through [f] *)
          output ~source:(Cil_datatype.Position.of_lexing_pos lb.lex_curr_p) "lexing error: %s" s; None
      | Parsing.Parse_error ->
        output ~source:(Cil_datatype.Position.of_lexing_pos lb.lex_curr_p) "unexpected token '%s'" (Lexing.lexeme lb);
      | Error (_, m) -> output ~source:(Cil_datatype.Position.of_lexing_pos lb.lex_curr_p) "%s" m; None
      | Logic_utils.Not_well_formed (loc, m) ->
        output ~source:(fst loc) "%s" m;
      | Log.FeatureRequest(_,msg) ->
        output ~source:(Cil_datatype.Position.of_lexing_pos lb.lex_curr_p) "unimplemented ACSL feature: %s" msg; None
      | exn ->
        Kernel.fatal ~source:(Cil_datatype.Position.of_lexing_pos lb.lex_curr_p) "Unknown error (%s)"
          (Printexc.to_string exn)

  let lexpr = parse_from_location Logic_parser.lexpr_eof

  let annot = parse_from_location Logic_parser.annot

  let spec = parse_from_location Logic_parser.spec

  let ext_spec lexbuf = try
      accept_c_comments_into_acsl_spec := true ;
      let r = Logic_parser.ext_spec token lexbuf in
      accept_c_comments_into_acsl_spec := false ;
    with exn ->
      accept_c_comments_into_acsl_spec := false ;
      raise exn

  type 'a parse = Filepath.position * string -> (Filepath.position * 'a) option

  let chr lexbuf =
    let buf = Buffer.create 16 in
    chr buf lexbuf

Local Variables:
compile-command: "make -C ../../.. byte"