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Commit 0ed4d922 authored by Julien Girard-Satabin's avatar Julien Girard-Satabin
Browse files

[TRANS] Better naming for variables, added some documentation.

parent 4c114e21
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......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ exception UnsupportedOperator of string
let vars = Term.Hvs.create 100
let _lookup_vars = Term.Hvs.find_opt vars
(* import the proper theory according to the types of
(* Import the proper theory according to the types of
* variables *)
let theory_for ty_vars env =
if Ty.ty_equal ty_vars Ty.ty_real
......@@ -27,10 +27,6 @@ let create_var pfx id ty vars =
Term.Hvs.add vars vsymbol id;
let _create_fun_binop s ty =
let preid = Ident.id_fresh s in
Term.create_fsymbol preid [ ty; ty ] ty
(* Conversion from tensor float data to a constant real term *)
let term_of_data d ty =
let d_s = Printf.sprintf "%h" d in
......@@ -54,17 +50,15 @@ let term_of_data d ty =
let is_neg = Float.( <= ) d 0. in
Number.real_literal ~radix:16 ~neg:is_neg ~int ~frac ~exp
(* TODO: safe check whether the real value can be
* expressed in float. Fail if not, with an informative
* error message (eg: invalid float representation, maybe
* try this one with rounding?)*)
(Constant.real_const ~pow2:rl.rl_real.rv_pow2 ~pow5:rl.rl_real.rv_pow5
(* Declare equality between terms t1 and t2 *)
let _declare_eq t1 t2 = Term.t_equ t1 t2
(* Declare a term defining equality between variables s1 and s2 *)
let _declare_eq_s s1 s2 = Term.t_equ (Term.t_var s1) (Term.t_var s2)
(* Term describing the sum of two variables v1 and v2 with
* their proper types *)
let sum v1 v2 ty_vars env =
......@@ -89,12 +83,13 @@ let mul v1 v2 ty_vars env =
(* Bind variable v to term t in expression e *)
let bind v ~t ~e = Term.t_let_close v t e
let _register_data_env _g _env = ()
(* Create terms defining the equality between two list of variables.
* Assuming equal size between in_vars and out_vars,
* resulting terms declare the equality between in_vars[i]
* and out_vars[i]*)
(* [id_on ~in_vars ~out_vars expr] creates a binding
* between two list of variables [in_vars] and [out_vars].
* First variables of both list are binded on expression
* expr, each subsequent bindings are added on top of the
* resulting expression.
let id_on ~in_vars ~out_vars expr =
if List.length in_vars <> List.length out_vars
......@@ -107,10 +102,13 @@ let id_on ~in_vars ~out_vars expr =
(* Create terms defining the ReLU activation function
* application between two list of variables.
* Assuming equal size between in_vars and out_vars,
* resulting terms defines in_vars[i] = relu(out_vars[i])
(* [relu in_vars out_vars env expr ] creates terms defining
* the ReLU activation function application
* between two list of variables [in_vars] and
* [out_vars] on expression [expr].
* First variables of both list are binded on expression
* expr, each subsequent bindings are added on top of the
* resulting expression.
* *)
let relu ~in_vars ~out_vars env expr =
if List.length in_vars <> List.length out_vars
......@@ -125,14 +123,21 @@ let relu ~in_vars ~out_vars env expr =
let eq_term =
List.foldi ~init:expr in_vars ~f:(fun i e in_var ->
let relu_on = Term.t_app_infer relu_s [ Term.t_var in_var ] in
bind (List.nth_exn in_vars i) ~t:relu_on ~e)
bind (List.nth_exn out_vars i) ~t:relu_on ~e)
(* Create terms defining the element-wise addition between
* two list of variables and a data_node. Assuming equal size between
* in_vars and out_vars, resulting term declares out_vars[i]
* = in_vars + data[i] *)
(* [etlw_sum in_vars out_vars data_node ty_vars env expr]
* creates terms defining the element-wise addition between
* two list of variables [in_vars] and [out_vars],
* a [data_node] holding the numerical
* value to add and an expression [expr].
* First variables of both list are binded on expression
* expr, each subsequent bindings are added on top of the
* resulting expression.
* Assuming equal size between
* in_vars and out_vars, resulting term declares
* let out_vars[i] = in_vars + data[i] in ... *)
let eltw_sum ~in_vars ~out_vars data_node ty_vars env expr =
let data =
match IR.Node.get_tensor data_node with Some t -> t | None -> assert false
......@@ -156,12 +161,20 @@ let eltw_sum ~in_vars ~out_vars data_node ty_vars env expr =
* C = AB
* C[i,j] = sum_k A[i;k] * B[k;j]
* Create terms defining the matrix multiplication between
* two list of variables a_vars, c_vars and a data_node.
* b_vars is built using datas stored in data_node.
* [matmul in_vars out_vars data_node in_shape out_shape ty_vars env expr]
* creates terms defining the matrix multiplication between
* two list of variables in_vars, out_vars and a data_node.
* This function relies on the following assumptions:
* * in_vars represents the cells of matrix A (a_vars)
* * data stored in data_node is used to build the cells of matrix B (b_vars)
* * out_vars represents the cells of matrix C (c_vars)
* a_vars are the input variables
* b_vars the data variables
* c_vars the output variables
* c_vars[i,j] = sum_k a_vars[i,k] * b_vars[k,j] *)
* c_vars[i,j] = sum_k a_vars[i,k] * b_vars[k,j]
* First variables of both list are binded on expression
* expr, each subsequent bindings are added on top of the
* resulting expression.*)
let matmul ~in_vars ~out_vars data_node ~in_shape ~out_shape ty_vars env expr =
let data =
match IR.Node.get_tensor data_node with Some t -> t | None -> assert false
......@@ -176,8 +189,8 @@ let matmul ~in_vars ~out_vars data_node ~in_shape ~out_shape ty_vars env expr =
| [] -> (i, j, t)
| x :: y ->
(* c[i,j] = sum_k a[i,k]*b[k,j]*)
(*a_var_range: all line of a *)
(*b_var_range: all column of b *)
(* a_var_range: all line of a *)
(* b_var_range: all column of b *)
(* TODO: be sure that the common dimension is indeed
* b_shape[0] *)
let k_dim = Array.get b_shape 0 in
......@@ -219,88 +232,86 @@ let matmul ~in_vars ~out_vars data_node ~in_shape ~out_shape ty_vars env expr =
let terms_of_nier g ty_inputs env ~output_vars ~input_vars =
let terms_of_nier g ty_inputs env ~net_output_vars ~net_input_vars =
IR.out_cfg_graph g;
(* Current NIER generation build the data nodes after the
* output variables, so we drop those since we will access
* those anyway later. *)
let vs =
let l = G.vertex_list g in
List.drop_while ~f:(fun n -> not (IR.Node.is_output_node n)) l
let _, expr =
(* folding goes by decreasing id order, backward.
* Only accumulate new terms while going through the
* control flow; once the input node has been reached,
* only return the terms. *)
(* Folding goes by decreasing id order, backward.*)
List.fold vs
( (output_vars, IR.Node.get_shape @@ List.nth_exn vs 0, false),
Term.t_tuple @@ ~f:Term.t_var output_vars )
~f:(fun ((out_vars, out_shape, is_finished), expr) n ->
if is_finished
then (([], [||], true), expr)
let open IR in
let in_shape =
match Node.get_shape n with
| [||] -> G.infer_shape g n out_shape ~on_backward:true
| a -> a
let node_id = in
let node_vs_in =
~f:(fun i ->
create_var ("in_id_" ^ Int.to_string node_id) i ty_inputs vars)
(List.length (Tensor.all_coords in_shape))
let node_compute_term =
(* TODO: axiomatize the resulting term using
* let d = Decl.create_prop_decl Paxiom ps t *)
match IR.Node.get_op n with
| Node.Matmul -> (
match G.data_node_of n g with
| Some d_n ->
matmul ~in_vars:node_vs_in ~out_vars d_n ~in_shape ~out_shape
ty_inputs env expr
| None -> failwith "Error, Matmul operator lacks a data node")
| Node.Add -> (
match G.data_node_of n g with
| Some d_n ->
eltw_sum ~out_vars ~in_vars:node_vs_in d_n ty_inputs env expr
| None -> failwith "Error, Add operator lacks a data node")
| Node.NO_OP ->
(* If it is the input node, build variables
* using neuron input node *)
if Node.is_input_node n
id_on ~out_vars:input_vars ~in_vars:node_vs_in expr
(* If it is the output node, the resulting
* term is the tuple of the output variables
* of the net;
* backpropagate those to the previous layer*)
else if Node.is_output_node n
id_on ~out_vars:output_vars ~in_vars:node_vs_in
(Term.t_tuple @@ ~f:Term.t_var output_vars)
else expr
| IR.Node.ReLu -> relu ~out_vars ~in_vars:node_vs_in env expr
| op ->
"Operator %s is not implemented for actual_net_apply."
(IR.Node.str_op op)))
((node_vs_in, out_shape, false), node_compute_term))
( (net_output_vars, IR.Node.get_shape @@ List.nth_exn vs 0),
Term.t_tuple @@ ~f:Term.t_var net_output_vars )
~f:(fun ((v_out_vars, out_shape), expr) v ->
let open IR in
let in_shape =
match Node.get_shape v with
| [||] -> G.infer_shape g v out_shape ~on_backward:true
| a -> a
let v_id = in
let v_in_vars =
~f:(fun i ->
create_var ("n_id_" ^ Int.to_string v_id ^ "_") i ty_inputs vars)
(List.length (Tensor.all_coords in_shape))
let v_term =
(* TODO: axiomatize the resulting term using
* let d = Decl.create_prop_decl Paxiom ps t *)
match IR.Node.get_op v with
| Node.Matmul -> (
match G.data_node_of v g with
| Some d_n ->
matmul ~in_vars:v_in_vars ~out_vars:v_out_vars d_n ~in_shape
~out_shape ty_inputs env expr
| None -> failwith "Error, Matmul operator lacks a data node")
| Node.Add -> (
match G.data_node_of v g with
| Some d_n ->
eltw_sum ~out_vars:v_out_vars ~in_vars:v_in_vars d_n ty_inputs env
| None -> failwith "Error, Add operator lacks a data node")
| Node.NO_OP ->
(* If it is the input vertex, bind neural network
* input variables to the vertex output node. *)
if Node.is_input_node v
id_on ~out_vars:v_out_vars ~in_vars:net_input_vars expr
(* If it is the output vertex, the resulting
* term is the tuple of the output variables
* of the net;
* backpropagate those to the previous layer. *)
else if Node.is_output_node v
id_on ~out_vars:net_output_vars ~in_vars:v_in_vars
(Term.t_tuple @@ ~f:Term.t_var net_output_vars)
else expr
| IR.Node.ReLu ->
relu ~out_vars:v_out_vars ~in_vars:v_in_vars env expr
| op ->
(Fmt.str "Operator %s is not implemented for actual_net_apply."
(IR.Node.str_op op)))
((v_in_vars, out_shape), v_term))
(* Create logic symbols for input variables and replace
* nnet_apply by control flow terms. *)
let actual_nn_flow env =
let rec aux (term : Term.term) =
let rec substitute_net_apply (term : Term.term) =
match term.t_node with
| Term.Tapp (ls, _args) -> (
| Term.Tapp (ls, args) -> (
match Language.lookup_loaded_nets ls with
| None -> Term.t_map aux term
| None -> Term.t_map substitute_net_apply term
| Some nn ->
let g =
match nn.nier with
......@@ -308,24 +319,25 @@ let actual_nn_flow env =
| None -> failwith "Error, call this transform only on an ONNX NN."
let ty_inputs = nn.ty_data in
let net_input_vars = args ~f:(fun x ->
(*net_apply should always be followed by a
* non-empty list of arguments*)
match x.Term.t_node with Tvar ts -> ts | _ -> assert false)
let cfg_term =
terms_of_nier g ty_inputs env
terms_of_nier g ty_inputs env (* TODO: how to get those? *)
create_var "y" 1 ty_inputs vars; create_var "y" 2 ty_inputs vars;
create_var "x" 1 ty_inputs vars;
create_var "x" 2 ty_inputs vars;
create_var "x" 3 ty_inputs vars;
Stdio.printf "\nObtained term: \n%!";
Pretty.print_term Fmt.stdout cfg_term;
Stdio.printf "\n%!";
| _ -> Term.t_map aux term
| _ -> Term.t_map substitute_net_apply term
(fun task_hd task ->
......@@ -335,7 +347,7 @@ let actual_nn_flow env =
let decl =
(fun term ->
let term = aux term in
let term = substitute_net_apply term in
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