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Commit 4c114e21 authored by Julien Girard-Satabin's avatar Julien Girard-Satabin
Browse files

Added support for CVC5.

parent 98f9df48
No related branches found
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......@@ -32,6 +32,17 @@ driver = "alt_ergo"
editor = "altgr-ergo"
use_at_auto_level = 1
[ATP cvc5]
name = "CVC5"
exec = "cvc5"
version_switch = "--version 2>&1 | head -1"
version_regexp = "This is cvc5 version \\([0-9.]+\\)"
version_ok = "1.0.2"
command = "%e --stats-internal --tlimit=%t000 %f"
command_steps = "%e --stats-internal --steps-bound %S %f"
driver = "caisar_drivers/cvc5.drv"
use_at_auto_level = 1
[ATP marabou]
name = "Marabou"
exec = "Marabou"
(** Why3 driver for CVC4 >= 1.6 (with floating point support) *)
prelude "(set-info :smt-lib-version 2.6)"
import "smt-libv2.gen"
printer "smtv2.6"
import "smt-libv2-bv.gen"
import "cvc4_bv.gen"
import "smt-libv2-floats.gen"
import "discrimination.gen"
transformation "inline_trivial"
transformation "eliminate_builtin"
transformation "detect_polymorphism"
transformation "eliminate_definition_conditionally"
transformation "eliminate_inductive"
transformation "eliminate_algebraic_if_poly"
transformation "eliminate_literal"
transformation "eliminate_epsilon"
transformation "simplify_formula"
(* Prepare for counter-example query: get rid of some quantifiers
(makes it possible to query model values of the variables in
premises) and introduce counter-example projections. Note: does
nothing if meta get_counterexmp is not set *)
transformation "prepare_for_counterexmp"
transformation "discriminate_if_poly"
transformation "encoding_smt_if_poly"
(** Error messages specific to CVC4 *)
outofmemory "(error \".*out of memory\")"
outofmemory "CVC4 suffered a segfault"
outofmemory "CVC4::BVMinisat::OutOfMemoryException"
outofmemory "std::bad_alloc"
outofmemory "Cannot allocate memory"
timeout "interrupted by timeout"
steps "smt::SmtEngine::resourceUnitsUsed, \\([0-9]+.?[0-9]*\\)" 1
specific output message when CVC4 reaches its resource limit
steplimitexceeded "unknown (RESOURCEOUT)"
(** Extra theories supported by CVC4 *)
(* CVC4 division seems to be the Euclidean one, not the Computer one *)
theory int.EuclideanDivision
syntax function div "(div %1 %2)"
syntax function mod "(mod %1 %2)"
remove prop Mod_bound
remove prop Div_mod
remove prop Mod_1
remove prop Div_1
theory int.ComputerDivision
syntax function div "(div %1 %2)"
syntax function mod "(mod %1 %2)"
remove prop Mod_bound
remove prop Div_mod
remove prop Mod_1
remove prop Div_1
(* bitvector modules, is not in smt-libv2.gen since cvc4 and z3 don't
have the same name for the function to_int *)
theory bv.BV_Gen
syntax function to_uint "(bv2nat %1)"
theory bv.BV256
(* mapping of_int to int2bv is disabled because it breaks proofs
in examples/bitcount, examples/esterel,
examples/isqrt_von_neumann, examples/rightmostbittrick,
examples/bitwalker *)
(* syntax function of_int "((_ int2bv 256) %1)" *)
syntax function t'int "(bv2nat %1)"
theory bv.BV128
(* syntax function of_int "((_ int2bv 128) %1)" *)
syntax function t'int "(bv2nat %1)"
theory bv.BV64
(* syntax function of_int "((_ int2bv 64) %1)" *)
syntax function t'int "(bv2nat %1)"
theory bv.BV32
(* syntax function of_int "((_ int2bv 32) %1)" *)
syntax function t'int "(bv2nat %1)"
theory bv.BV16
(* syntax function of_int "((_ int2bv 16) %1)" *)
syntax function t'int "(bv2nat %1)"
theory bv.BV8
(* syntax function of_int "((_ int2bv 8) %1)" *)
syntax function t'int "(bv2nat %1)"
(** Why3 driver for CVC5 1.0.0 *)
prelude ";; produced by cvc5.drv ;;"
transformation "actual_net_apply"
prelude "(set-logic ALL)"
unknown "^(error \"Can't get-info :reason-unknown when the last result wasn't unknown!\")$" "(not unknown!)"
outofmemory "cvc5 suffered a segfault"
outofmemory "cvc5::internal::Minisat::OutOfMemoryException"
steps "resource::resourceUnitsUsed = \\([0-9]+\\)" 1
import "cvc4_16.gen"
theory BuiltIn
meta "supports_smt_get_info_unknown_reason" ""
theory BuiltIn
meta "select_inst_default" "local"
meta "select_lskept_default" "local"
meta "select_lsinst_default" "local"
meta "select_kept_default" "all"
(* Why3 driver for SMT-LIB2, common part of bit-vector theories *)
prelude ";;; SMT-LIB2 driver: bit-vectors, common part"
theory bv.BV_Gen
remove prop size_pos
remove prop nth_out_of_bound
remove prop Nth_zeros
remove prop Nth_ones
syntax function bw_and "(bvand %1 %2)"
syntax function bw_or "(bvor %1 %2)"
syntax function bw_xor "(bvxor %1 %2)"
syntax function bw_not "(bvnot %1)"
(* Warning: we should NOT remove all the axioms using "allprops" *)
remove prop Nth_bw_and
remove prop Nth_bw_or
remove prop Nth_bw_xor
remove prop Nth_bw_not
(** Shift operators *)
remove prop Lsr_nth_low
remove prop Lsr_nth_high
remove prop lsr_zeros
remove prop Asr_nth_low
remove prop Asr_nth_high
remove prop asr_zeros
remove prop Lsl_nth_low
remove prop Lsl_nth_high
remove prop lsl_zeros
remove prop Nth_rotate_left
remove prop Nth_rotate_right
(* Conversions from/to integers *)
remove prop two_power_size_val
remove prop max_int_val
(* function to_int - solver specific *)
(* function to_uint - solver specific *)
(* function of_int - solver specific *)
remove prop to_uint_extensionality
remove prop to_int_extensionality
remove prop to_uint_bounds
(*remove prop to_uint_of_int*)
remove prop to_uint_size_bv
remove prop to_uint_zeros
remove prop to_uint_ones
remove prop to_uint_one
(* comparison operators *)
syntax predicate ult "(bvult %1 %2)"
syntax predicate ule "(bvule %1 %2)"
syntax predicate ugt "(bvugt %1 %2)"
syntax predicate uge "(bvuge %1 %2)"
syntax predicate slt "(bvslt %1 %2)"
syntax predicate sle "(bvsle %1 %2)"
syntax predicate sgt "(bvsgt %1 %2)"
syntax predicate sge "(bvsge %1 %2)"
(** Arithmetic operators *)
syntax function add "(bvadd %1 %2)"
remove prop to_uint_add
remove prop to_uint_add_bounded
syntax function sub "(bvsub %1 %2)"
remove prop to_uint_sub
remove prop to_uint_sub_bounded
syntax function neg "(bvneg %1)"
remove prop to_uint_neg
syntax function mul "(bvmul %1 %2)"
remove prop to_uint_mul
remove prop to_uint_mul_bounded
syntax function udiv "(bvudiv %1 %2)"
remove prop to_uint_udiv
syntax function urem "(bvurem %1 %2)"
remove prop to_uint_urem
syntax function sdiv "(bvsdiv %1 %2)"
(*remove prop to_int_sdiv*)
syntax function srem "(bvsrem %1 %2)"
(*remove prop to_int_srem*)
(** Bitvector alternatives for shifts, rotations and nth *)
syntax function lsr_bv "(bvlshr %1 %2)"
(* remove prop lsr_bv_is_lsr *)
remove prop to_uint_lsr
syntax function asr_bv "(bvashr %1 %2)"
(* remove prop asr_bv_is_asr *)
syntax function lsl_bv "(bvshl %1 %2)"
(* remove prop lsl_bv_is_lsl *)
remove prop to_uint_lsl
(** rotations *)
(* remove prop rotate_left_bv_is_rotate_left *)
(* remove prop rotate_right_bv_is_rotate_right *)
(** nth_bv *)
(* remove prop nth_bv_def *)
(* remove prop Nth_bv_is_nth *)
(* remove prop Nth_bv_is_nth2 *)
remove prop Extensionality
theory bv.BV256
meta "literal:keep" type t
syntax literal t "#x%64x"
syntax type t "(_ BitVec 256)"
syntax function zeros "#x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
syntax function one "#x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"
syntax function size_bv "(_ bv256 256)"
syntax predicate is_signed_positive "(bvsge %1 (_ bv0 256))"
syntax function rotate_left_bv "(bvor (bvshl %1 (bvurem %2 (_ bv256 256))) (bvlshr %1 (bvsub (_ bv256 256) (bvurem %2 (_ bv256 256)))))"
syntax function rotate_right_bv "(bvor (bvlshr %1 (bvurem %2 (_ bv256 256))) (bvshl %1 (bvsub (_ bv256 256) (bvurem %2 (_ bv256 256)))))"
theory bv.BV128
meta "literal:keep" type t
syntax literal t "#x%32x"
syntax type t "(_ BitVec 128)"
syntax function zeros "#x00000000000000000000000000000000"
syntax function one "#x00000000000000000000000000000001"
syntax function size_bv "(_ bv128 128)"
syntax predicate is_signed_positive "(bvsge %1 (_ bv0 128))"
syntax function rotate_left_bv "(bvor (bvshl %1 (bvurem %2 (_ bv128 128))) (bvlshr %1 (bvsub (_ bv128 128) (bvurem %2 (_ bv128 128)))))"
syntax function rotate_right_bv "(bvor (bvlshr %1 (bvurem %2 (_ bv128 128))) (bvshl %1 (bvsub (_ bv128 128) (bvurem %2 (_ bv128 128)))))"
theory bv.BV64
meta "literal:keep" type t
syntax literal t "#x%16x"
syntax type t "(_ BitVec 64)"
syntax function zeros "#x0000000000000000"
syntax function one "#x0000000000000001"
syntax function ones "#xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"
syntax function size_bv "(_ bv64 64)"
syntax predicate is_signed_positive "(bvsge %1 (_ bv0 64))"
syntax function rotate_left_bv "(bvor (bvshl %1 (bvurem %2 (_ bv64 64))) (bvlshr %1 (bvsub (_ bv64 64) (bvurem %2 (_ bv64 64)))))"
syntax function rotate_right_bv "(bvor (bvlshr %1 (bvurem %2 (_ bv64 64))) (bvshl %1 (bvsub (_ bv64 64) (bvurem %2 (_ bv64 64)))))"
theory bv.BV32
meta "literal:keep" type t
syntax literal t "#x%8x"
syntax type t "(_ BitVec 32)"
syntax function zeros "#x00000000"
syntax function one "#x00000001"
syntax function ones "#xFFFFFFFF"
syntax function size_bv "(_ bv32 32)"
syntax predicate is_signed_positive "(bvsge %1 (_ bv0 32))"
syntax function rotate_left_bv "(bvor (bvshl %1 (bvurem %2 (_ bv32 32))) (bvlshr %1 (bvsub (_ bv32 32) (bvurem %2 (_ bv32 32)))))"
syntax function rotate_right_bv "(bvor (bvlshr %1 (bvurem %2 (_ bv32 32))) (bvshl %1 (bvsub (_ bv32 32) (bvurem %2 (_ bv32 32)))))"
theory bv.BV16
meta "literal:keep" type t
syntax literal t "#x%4x"
syntax type t "(_ BitVec 16)"
syntax function zeros "#x0000"
syntax function one "#x0001"
syntax function ones "#xFFFF"
syntax function size_bv "(_ bv16 16)"
syntax predicate is_signed_positive "(bvsge %1 (_ bv0 16))"
syntax function rotate_left_bv "(bvor (bvshl %1 (bvurem %2 (_ bv16 16))) (bvlshr %1 (bvsub (_ bv16 16) (bvurem %2 (_ bv16 16)))))"
syntax function rotate_right_bv "(bvor (bvlshr %1 (bvurem %2 (_ bv16 16))) (bvshl %1 (bvsub (_ bv16 16) (bvurem %2 (_ bv16 16)))))"
theory bv.BV8
meta "literal:keep" type t
syntax literal t (* "#b%8b" *) "#x%2x"
syntax type t "(_ BitVec 8)"
syntax function zeros "#x00"
syntax function one "#x01"
syntax function ones "#xFF"
syntax function size_bv "(_ bv8 8)"
syntax predicate is_signed_positive "(bvsge %1 (_ bv0 8))"
syntax function rotate_left_bv "(bvor (bvshl %1 (bvurem %2 (_ bv8 8))) (bvlshr %1 (bvsub (_ bv8 8) (bvurem %2 (_ bv8 8)))))"
syntax function rotate_right_bv "(bvor (bvlshr %1 (bvurem %2 (_ bv8 8))) (bvshl %1 (bvsub (_ bv8 8) (bvurem %2 (_ bv8 8)))))"
theory bv.BVConverter_Gen
remove allprops
theory bv.BVConverter_128_256
syntax function toBig "((_ zero_extend 128) %1)"
syntax function stoBig "((_ sign_extend 128) %1)"
syntax function toSmall "((_ extract 127 0) %1)"
theory bv.BVConverter_64_128
syntax function toBig "((_ zero_extend 64) %1)"
syntax function stoBig "((_ sign_extend 64) %1)"
syntax function toSmall "((_ extract 63 0) %1)"
theory bv.BVConverter_32_128
syntax function toBig "((_ zero_extend 96) %1)"
syntax function stoBig "((_ sign_extend 96) %1)"
syntax function toSmall "((_ extract 31 0) %1)"
theory bv.BVConverter_16_128
syntax function toBig "((_ zero_extend 112) %1)"
syntax function stoBig "((_ sign_extend 112) %1)"
syntax function toSmall "((_ extract 15 0) %1)"
theory bv.BVConverter_8_128
syntax function toBig "((_ zero_extend 120) %1)"
syntax function stoBig "((_ sign_extend 120) %1)"
syntax function toSmall "((_ extract 7 0) %1)"
theory bv.BVConverter_32_64
syntax function toBig "((_ zero_extend 32) %1)"
syntax function stoBig "((_ sign_extend 32) %1)"
syntax function toSmall "((_ extract 31 0) %1)"
theory bv.BVConverter_16_64
syntax function toBig "((_ zero_extend 48) %1)"
syntax function stoBig "((_ sign_extend 48) %1)"
syntax function toSmall "((_ extract 15 0) %1)"
theory bv.BVConverter_8_64
syntax function toBig "((_ zero_extend 56) %1)"
syntax function stoBig "((_ sign_extend 56) %1)"
syntax function toSmall "((_ extract 7 0) %1)"
theory bv.BVConverter_16_32
syntax function toBig "((_ zero_extend 16) %1)"
syntax function stoBig "((_ sign_extend 16) %1)"
syntax function toSmall "((_ extract 15 0) %1)"
theory bv.BVConverter_8_32
syntax function toBig "((_ zero_extend 24) %1)"
syntax function stoBig "((_ sign_extend 24) %1)"
syntax function toSmall "((_ extract 7 0) %1)"
theory bv.BVConverter_8_16
syntax function toBig "((_ zero_extend 8) %1)"
syntax function stoBig "((_ sign_extend 8) %1)"
syntax function toSmall "((_ extract 7 0) %1)"
theory bv.Pow2int
remove allprops
theory ieee_float.RoundingMode
syntax type mode "RoundingMode"
syntax function RNE "RNE"
syntax function RNA "RNA"
syntax function RTP "RTP"
syntax function RTN "RTN"
syntax function RTZ "RTZ"
syntax predicate to_nearest "(or (= %1 RNE) (= %1 RNA))"
theory ieee_float.GenericFloat
(* Part I *)
syntax function abs "(fp.abs %1)"
syntax function neg "(fp.neg %1)"
syntax function add "(fp.add %1 %2 %3)"
syntax function sub "(fp.sub %1 %2 %3)"
syntax function mul "(fp.mul %1 %2 %3)"
syntax function div "(fp.div %1 %2 %3)"
syntax function fma "(fp.fma %1 %2 %3 %4)"
syntax function sqrt "(fp.sqrt %1 %2)"
syntax function roundToIntegral "(fp.roundToIntegral %1 %2)"
syntax function min "(fp.min %1 %2)"
syntax function max "(fp.max %1 %2)"
syntax predicate le "(fp.leq %1 %2)"
syntax predicate lt "( %1 %2)"
syntax predicate ge "(fp.geq %1 %2)"
syntax predicate gt "( %1 %2)"
syntax predicate eq "(fp.eq %1 %2)"
syntax predicate is_normal "(fp.isNormal %1)"
syntax predicate is_subnormal "(fp.isSubnormal %1)"
syntax predicate is_zero "(fp.isZero %1)"
syntax predicate is_infinite "(fp.isInfinite %1)"
syntax predicate is_nan "(fp.isNaN %1)"
syntax predicate is_positive "(fp.isPositive %1)"
syntax predicate is_negative "(fp.isNegative %1)"
(* We could do this here, but we get slightly slimmer VCs and avoid
issues with Z3 if we do specialised versions of this for Float32 and
Float64 *)
(* The proposed fp.isFinite would fix all this. *)
(* syntax predicate is_finite "(not (or (fp.isInfinite %1) (fp.isNaN %1)))" *)
syntax predicate is_not_nan "(not (fp.isNaN %1))"
syntax function to_real "(fp.to_real %1)"
syntax predicate overflow_value "true"
syntax predicate sign_zero_result "true"
(* Part II *)
remove allprops
theory ieee_float.Float32
(* Part I *)
syntax type t "Float32"
meta "literal:keep" type t
syntax literal t "(fp #b%s1b #b%e8b #b%m23b)"
syntax function zeroF "((_ to_fp 8 24) #x00000000)"
prelude "(define-fun fp.isFinite32 ((x Float32)) Bool (not (or (fp.isInfinite x) (fp.isNaN x))))"
prelude "(define-fun fp.isIntegral32 ((x Float32)) Bool (or (fp.isZero x) (and (fp.isNormal x) (= x (fp.roundToIntegral RNE x)))))"
syntax predicate t'isFinite "(fp.isFinite32 %1)"
syntax predicate is_int "(fp.isIntegral32 %1)"
(* Faithful translations of the axiomatisation, mainly to remove this crud
from the smtlib output of SPARK. *)
syntax function round "(fp.to_real ((_ to_fp 8 24) %1 %2))"
syntax predicate in_range "\
(and (<= (fp.to_real (fp #b1 #b11111110 #b11111111111111111111111)) %1) \
(<= %1 (fp.to_real (fp #b0 #b11111110 #b11111111111111111111111))))"
syntax predicate no_overflow "\
(and (<= (fp.to_real (fp #b1 #b11111110 #b11111111111111111111111)) \
(fp.to_real ((_ to_fp 8 24) %1 %2))) \
(<= (fp.to_real ((_ to_fp 8 24) %1 %2)) \
(fp.to_real (fp #b0 #b11111110 #b11111111111111111111111))))"
remove allprops
theory ieee_float.Float64
(* Part I *)
syntax type t "Float64"
meta "literal:keep" type t
syntax literal t "(fp #b%s1b #b%e11b #b%m52b)"
syntax function zeroF "((_ to_fp 11 53) #x0000000000000000)"
prelude "(define-fun fp.isFinite64 ((x Float64)) Bool (not (or (fp.isInfinite x) (fp.isNaN x))))"
prelude "(define-fun fp.isIntegral64 ((x Float64)) Bool (or (fp.isZero x) (and (fp.isNormal x) (= x (fp.roundToIntegral RNE x)))))"
syntax predicate t'isFinite "(fp.isFinite64 %1)"
syntax predicate is_int "(fp.isIntegral64 %1)"
(* Faithful translations of the axiomatisation, mainly to remove this crud
from the smtlib output of SPARK. *)
syntax function round "(fp.to_real ((_ to_fp 11 53) %1 %2))"
syntax predicate in_range "\
(and \
(<= \
(fp.to_real (fp #b1 #b11111111110 #b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111)) \
%1) \
(<= %1 \
(fp.to_real (fp #b0 #b11111111110 #b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111))))"
syntax predicate no_overflow "\
(and \
(<= \
(fp.to_real (fp #b1 #b11111111110 #b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111)) \
(fp.to_real ((_ to_fp 11 53) %1 %2))) \
(<= \
(fp.to_real ((_ to_fp 11 53) %1 %2)) \
(fp.to_real (fp #b0 #b11111111110 #b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111))))"
remove allprops
theory ieee_float.FloatConverter
(* Part I *)
syntax function to_float32 "((_ to_fp 8 24) %1 %2)"
syntax function to_float64 "((_ to_fp 11 53) %1 %2)"
remove allprops
theory ieee_float.Float_BV_Converter
(* Part I *)
syntax function to_ubv8 "((_ fp.to_ubv 8) %1 %2)"
syntax function to_ubv16 "((_ fp.to_ubv 16) %1 %2)"
syntax function to_ubv32 "((_ fp.to_ubv 32) %1 %2)"
syntax function to_ubv64 "((_ fp.to_ubv 64) %1 %2)"
remove allprops
theory ieee_float.Float32_BV_Converter
(* Part I *)
syntax function of_ubv8 "((_ to_fp_unsigned 8 24) %1 %2)"
syntax function of_ubv16 "((_ to_fp_unsigned 8 24) %1 %2)"
syntax function of_ubv32 "((_ to_fp_unsigned 8 24) %1 %2)"
syntax function of_ubv64 "((_ to_fp_unsigned 8 24) %1 %2)"
remove allprops
theory ieee_float.Float64_BV_Converter
(* Part I *)
syntax function of_ubv8 "((_ to_fp_unsigned 11 53) %1 %2)"
syntax function of_ubv16 "((_ to_fp_unsigned 11 53) %1 %2)"
syntax function of_ubv32 "((_ to_fp_unsigned 11 53) %1 %2)"
syntax function of_ubv64 "((_ to_fp_unsigned 11 53) %1 %2)"
remove allprops
(* Why3 driver for SMT-LIB2 syntax, excluding bit-vectors *)
prelude ";;; generated by SMT-LIB2 driver"
Note: we do not insert any command "set-logic" because its
interpretation is specific to provers
prelude "(set-logic AUFNIRA)"
A : Array
UF : Uninterpreted Function
DT : Datatypes (not needed at the end ...)
NIRA : NonLinear Integer Reals Arithmetic
filename "%f-%t-%g.smt2"
unknown "^\\(unknown\\|sat\\|Fail\\)$" "\\1"
unknown "^(:reason-unknown \\([^)]*\\))$" "\\1"
time "why3cpulimit time : %s s"
valid "^unsat$"
theory BuiltIn
syntax type int "Int"
syntax type real "Real"
syntax predicate (=) "(= %1 %2)"
meta "encoding:kept" type int
meta "encoding:ignore_polymorphism_ls" predicate (=)
theory int.Int
prelude ";;; SMT-LIB2: integer arithmetic"
syntax function zero "0"
syntax function one "1"
syntax function (+) "(+ %1 %2)"
syntax function (-) "(- %1 %2)"
syntax function (*) "(* %1 %2)"
syntax function (-_) "(- %1)"
syntax predicate (<=) "(<= %1 %2)"
syntax predicate (<) "(< %1 %2)"
syntax predicate (>=) "(>= %1 %2)"
syntax predicate (>) "(> %1 %2)"
remove prop MulComm.Comm
remove prop MulAssoc.Assoc
remove prop Unit_def_l
remove prop Unit_def_r
remove prop Inv_def_l
remove prop Inv_def_r
remove prop Assoc
remove prop Mul_distr_l
remove prop Mul_distr_r
remove prop Comm
remove prop Unitary
remove prop Refl
remove prop Trans
remove prop Antisymm
remove prop Total
remove prop NonTrivialRing
remove prop CompatOrderAdd
remove prop ZeroLessOne
theory real.Real
prelude ";;; SMT-LIB2: real arithmetic"
syntax function zero "0.0"
syntax function one "1.0"
syntax function (+) "(+ %1 %2)"
syntax function (-) "(- %1 %2)"
syntax function (*) "(* %1 %2)"
syntax function (/) "(/ %1 %2)"
syntax function (-_) "(- %1)"
syntax function inv "(/ 1.0 %1)"
syntax predicate (<=) "(<= %1 %2)"
syntax predicate (<) "(< %1 %2)"
syntax predicate (>=) "(>= %1 %2)"
syntax predicate (>) "(> %1 %2)"
remove prop MulComm.Comm
remove prop MulAssoc.Assoc
remove prop Unit_def_l
remove prop Unit_def_r
remove prop Inv_def_l
remove prop Inv_def_r
remove prop Assoc
remove prop Mul_distr_l
remove prop Mul_distr_r
remove prop Comm
remove prop Unitary
remove prop Inverse
remove prop Refl
remove prop Trans
remove prop Antisymm
remove prop Total
remove prop NonTrivialRing
remove prop CompatOrderAdd
remove prop ZeroLessOne
meta "encoding:kept" type real
theory real.Abs
syntax function abs "(ite (>= %1 0.0) %1 (- %1))"
remove allprops
theory real.MinMax
remove allprops
theory real.FromInt
syntax function from_int "(to_real %1)"
remove allprops
theory real.Truncate
syntax function truncate "(ite (>= %1 0.0) \
(to_int %1) \
(- (to_int (- %1))))"
syntax function floor "(to_int %1)"
syntax function ceil "(- (to_int (- %1)))"
remove allprops
theory Bool
syntax type bool "Bool"
syntax function True "true"
syntax function False "false"
meta "encoding:kept" type bool
theory bool.Bool
syntax function andb "(and %1 %2)"
syntax function orb "(or %1 %2)"
syntax function xorb "(xor %1 %2)"
syntax function notb "(not %1)"
syntax function implb "(=> %1 %2)"
theory bool.Ite
syntax function ite "(ite %1 %2 %3)"
meta "encoding:lskept" function ite
meta "encoding:ignore_polymorphism_ls" function ite
(* not uniformly interpreted by provers
theory real.Truncate
syntax function floor "(to_int %1)"
remove prop Floor_down
remove prop Floor_monotonic
theory HighOrd
syntax type (->) "(Array %1 %2)"
syntax function (@) "(select %1 %2)"
meta "encoding:lskept" function (@)
meta "encoding:ignore_polymorphism_ts" type (->)
meta "encoding:ignore_polymorphism_ls" function (@)
theory map.Map
syntax function get "(select %1 %2)"
syntax function set "(store %1 %2 %3)"
meta "encoding:lskept" function get
meta "encoding:lskept" function set
meta "encoding:ignore_polymorphism_ls" function get
meta "encoding:ignore_polymorphism_ls" function ([])
meta "encoding:ignore_polymorphism_ls" function set
meta "encoding:ignore_polymorphism_ls" function ([<-])
theory map.Const
meta "encoding:lskept" function const
(* syntax function const "(const[%t0] %1)" *)
......@@ -6,5 +6,13 @@
(drivers/pyrat.drv as drivers/pyrat.drv)
(drivers/marabou.drv as drivers/marabou.drv)
(drivers/saver.drv as drivers/saver.drv))
(drivers/saver.drv as drivers/saver.drv)
(drivers/cvc5.drv as drivers/cvc5.drv)
(drivers/cvc4_16.gen as drivers/cvc4_16.gen)
(drivers/cvc4_bv.gen as drivers/cvc4_bv.gen)
(drivers/smt-libv2-bv.gen as drivers/smt-libv2-bv.gen)
(drivers/smt-libv2-floats.gen as drivers/smt-libv2-floats.gen)
(drivers/smt-libv2.gen as drivers/smt-libv2.gen)
(drivers/discrimination.gen as drivers/discrimination.gen)
(package caisar))
......@@ -27,9 +27,8 @@ let caisar = "caisar"
let () =
Native_nn_prover.init ();
Vars_on_lhs.init ();
Actual_net_apply.init ()
Actual_net_apply.init ();
Vars_on_lhs.init ()
let () =
Pyrat.init ();
......@@ -231,3 +230,4 @@ let () =
|> Cmd.eval ~catch:false |> Caml.exit
with exn when not (log_level_is_debug ()) ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "@[%a@]" Why3.Exn_printer.exn_printer exn)
......@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
(* *)
type t = Marabou | Pyrat | Saver
type t = Marabou | Pyrat | Saver | CVC5
let list_available () = [ Marabou; Pyrat; Saver ]
let list_available () = [ Marabou; Pyrat; Saver ; CVC5]
let of_string prover =
let prover = String.lowercase_ascii prover in
......@@ -30,9 +30,11 @@ let of_string prover =
| "marabou" -> Some Marabou
| "pyrat" -> Some Pyrat
| "saver" -> Some Saver
| "cvc5" -> Some CVC5
| _ -> None
let to_string = function
| Marabou -> "Marabou"
| Pyrat -> "PyRAT"
| Saver -> "SAVer"
| CVC5 -> "CVC5"
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Test autodetect
> echo "2.4.0"
$ chmod u+x bin/alt-ergo bin/ bin/Marabou bin/saver
$ chmod u+x bin/alt-ergo bin/ bin/Marabou bin/saver bin/cvc5
$ bin/alt-ergo
......@@ -18,11 +18,15 @@ Test autodetect
$ bin/saver --version
$ bin/cvc5 --version
This is cvc5 version 1.0.2 [git tag 1.0.2 branch HEAD]
$ PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH
$ caisar config -d -vv 2>&1 | ./
[caisar][DEBUG] Command `config'
[caisar][DEBUG] Automatic detection
<autodetect>Run: ($TESTCASE_ROOT/bin/cvc5 --version 2>&1 | head -1) > $TMPFILE 2>&1
<autodetect>Run: ($TESTCASE_ROOT/bin/ --version) > $TMPFILE 2>&1
<autodetect>Run: ($TESTCASE_ROOT/bin/saver --version 2>&1 | head -n1 && (which saver > /dev/null 2>&1)) > $TMPFILE 2>&1
<autodetect>Run: ($TESTCASE_ROOT/bin/alt-ergo --version) > $TMPFILE 2>&1
......@@ -30,11 +34,13 @@ Test autodetect
<autodetect>0 prover(s) added
<autodetect>Generating strategies:
<autodetect>Found prover Alt-Ergo version 2.4.0, OK.
<autodetect>Found prover CVC5 version 1.0.2, OK.
<autodetect>Found prover Marabou version 1.0.+, OK.
<autodetect>Found prover PyRAT version 1.1, OK.
<autodetect>Found prover SAVer version v1.0, OK.
<autodetect>4 prover(s) added
<autodetect>5 prover(s) added
[caisar] Alt-Ergo 2.4.0
CVC5 1.0.2
Marabou 1.0.+
PyRAT 1.1
SAVer v1.0
#!/bin/sh -e
case $1 in
echo "This is cvc5 version 1.0.2 [git tag 1.0.2 branch HEAD]"
echo "PWD: $(pwd)"
echo "NN: $1"
test -e $1 || (echo "Cannot find the NN file" && exit 1)
echo "Goal:"
cat $2
echo "Unknown"
......@@ -7,5 +7,6 @@
(package caisar))
Test verify
$ cat - > bin/alt-ergo << EOF
> #!/bin/sh
> echo "2.4.0"
$ chmod u+x bin/alt-ergo bin/ bin/Marabou bin/saver bin/cvc5
$ bin/alt-ergo
$ bin/ --version
PyRAT 1.1
$ bin/Marabou --version
$ bin/saver --version
$ PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH
$ caisar verify -L . --format whyml --prover=CVC5 - 2>&1 <<EOF | sed 's/\/tmp\/[a-z0-9_./]*/$TMPFILE/'
> theory T
> use TestNetworkONNX.NNasTuple
> use ieee_float.Float64
> use caisar.NN
> goal G: forall x1 x2 x3.
> (0.0:t) .< x1 .< (0.5:t) ->
> let (y1,y2) = net_apply x1 x2 x3 in
> (0.0:t) .< y1 .< (0.5:t) /\ (0.0:t) .< y2 .< (1.0:t)
> end
[caisar] Goal G: High failure
0% Loading or .
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