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AnnotationComment.h 8.01 KiB
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/* This file is part of Frama-Clang */
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/* CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies */
/* alternatives) */
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/* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU */
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// Description:
// Definition of virtual annotation comments.
#ifndef Annotation_CommentH
#define Annotation_CommentH
#include "Clang_utils.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
namespace clang {
class DeclContext;
class ASTContext;
class Sema;
class Scope;
class RTTITable;
/*! @class AnnotationComment
* @brief An AnnotationComment object is stored each time the preprocessor
* encounters a comment that is valid (see the method isValid) as an
* annotation comment. This comment is then visited by the
* FramaCIRGenAction::Visitor and it is parsed at that time to produce valid
* annotations in the CIL AST.
* clang provides a method <tt>clang::Preprocessor::addCommentHandler</tt>
* to register an instance of FramaCIRGenAction::AnnotationCommentHandler
* that carries the Annotation comment detection mechanism. This
* FramaCIRGenAction::AnnotationCommentHandler also attaches the comment to
* the global context, the next declaration context, the between two
* instructions context, depending on the first words of the annotation. The
* location _range enables to precisely locate the annotation. \n
* When the visitor FramaCIRGenAction::Visitor looks at a declaration or at
* an instruction, it looks if there exist annotations between this
* declaration and the location of the previous declaration. If this is the
* case, then the declaration is parsed with the Acsl::Parser::parse method.
* @sa{ clang::Preprocessor::addCommentHandler,
* FramaCIRGenAction::AnnotationCommentHandler,
* FramaCIRGenAction::Visitor
* }
class AnnotationComment {
enum Kind { KUndefined, KGhost, KGlobal, KNext, KNextStatement,
KNextLoop, KLabel, KOuterLoop };
clang::SourceRange _range; //!< Precise location of the comment.
Kind _kind;
/*!< Attachment information for the comment.
* This field is set up by the constructor
* <tt>AnnotationComment::AnnotationComment(const clang::SourceManager&,
* clang::SourceRange)</tt>.
// A StringRef seems to be sufficient (see the implementation of RawComment
// for DOxygen), but as we don't want to make any assumption of the
// lifetime of the lexing support we prefer to perform a copy of the
// comment during the parsing phase, for it to be useable by visitor
// FramaCIRGenAction::Visitor.
std::string* _commentText; //!< Content of the comment.
clang::SourceLocation _commentTextLocation; //!< Location of the beginning of the comment text (without comment markers)
bool _isLineComment;
AnnotationComment(const clang::SourceRange& range)
: _range(range), _kind(KUndefined), _commentText(NULL),
_isLineComment(false) {}
AnnotationComment(const AnnotationComment& source) // FIXME - replicated pointer to comment text
: _range(source._range), _kind(source._kind),
_commentText(source._commentText), _isLineComment(source._isLineComment)
virtual ~AnnotationComment() {}
void freeContent()
{ if (_commentText) { delete _commentText; _commentText = NULL; } }
const std::string& getContent()
{ assert(_commentText); return *_commentText; }
Kind getKind() const { return _kind; }
const clang::SourceRange& getSourceRange() const { return _range; }
clang::SourceLocation getSourceLocation() const { return _commentTextLocation; }
bool isValid() const { return _commentText != NULL; }
bool isGhost () const { return _kind == KGhost; }
bool isGlobal() const { return _kind == KGlobal; }
bool isNext() const { return _kind >= KNext && _kind <= KNextLoop; }
bool isNextContract() const { return _kind == KNext; }
bool isNextLoop() const { return _kind == KNextLoop; }
bool isNextStatement() const { return _kind == KNext; }
bool isLabel() const { return _kind == KLabel; }
bool isOuterLoop() const { return _kind == KOuterLoop; }
bool isLineComment() const { return _isLineComment; }
virtual void parseGhostGlobal(
//ForwardReferenceList& globals,
//ForwardReferenceList* classContent,
clang::DeclContext* clangContext,
//clang::ASTContext* astContext,
clang::Sema* sema,
clang::Scope* scope,
clang::CompilerInstance& compilerInstance,
clang::ASTConsumer* consumer) {assert(0);}
virtual void parseGhostStatement(
clang::DeclContext* clangContext,
clang::Sema* sema,
clang::Scope* scope,
clang::CompilerInstance& compilerInstance,
clang::ASTConsumer* consumer) {assert(0);}
virtual void parseGlobal(ForwardReferenceList& globals,
ForwardReferenceList* classContent, const clang::DeclContext* clangContext,
clang::ASTContext* astContext, clang::Sema* sema,
clang::Scope* scope, Clang_utils* clangUtils, const RTTITable& rttiTable,
location loc) {assert(0);}
virtual void parseCodeAnnotation(ForwardReferenceList& codeContainer,
const clang::DeclContext* clangContext, clang::ASTContext* astContext,
clang::Sema* sema, clang::Scope* scope, Clang_utils* clangUtils,
const RTTITable& rttiTable, location loc) {assert(0);}
virtual /* code_annotation */ list parseLoopAnnotation(
const clang::DeclContext* clangContext, clang::ASTContext* astContext,
clang::Sema* sema, clang::Scope* scope, Clang_utils* clangUtils,
const RTTITable& rttiTable, location loc) { assert(0); return NULL; }
virtual void parseStatementAnnotation(ForwardReferenceList& codeContainer,
const clang::DeclContext* clangContext, clang::ASTContext* astContext,
clang::Sema* sema, clang::Scope* scope, Clang_utils* clangUtils,
const RTTITable& rttiTable) {assert(0);}
virtual void parseFunctionContract(option& /* function_contract */ contract,
const clang::DeclContext* clangContext, clang::ASTContext* astContext,
clang::Sema* sema, clang::Scope* scope, Clang_utils* clangUtils,
const RTTITable& rttiTable) {assert(0);}
virtual Kind getAnnotationKind(const std::string& text, clang::SourceLocation clangLocation, const clang::Sema* sema) const
{ assert(0); return KUndefined; }
//! checks annotation for improper use of preprocessor direcctives, returns true if errors found
virtual bool checkAnnotation(const std::string& text, clang::SourceLocation clangLocation, const clang::Sema* sema, std::string& revised) const {
return true;
class AnnotationCommentFactory {
static AnnotationComment* createAnnotationComment(
const clang::SourceManager& sourceMgr, const clang::SourceRange& range, const clang::Sema* sema);