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[doc] detecting unsound definitions

Merged Loïc Correnson requested to merge feature/unsafe-definitions into master
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@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ type param =
| Param of Expr.rsymbol
| Value of Expr.rsymbol
| Axiom of Decl.prsymbol
| Unsafe of Ident.ident
let ident = function
| Type ty -> ty.ts_name
@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ let ident = function
| Param rs -> rs.rs_name
| Value rs -> rs.rs_name
| Axiom pr -> pr.pr_name
| Unsafe id -> id
type parameter = {
param : param ;
@@ -51,9 +53,14 @@ type parameter = {
let is_external { builtin ; extern } = builtin <> [] || extern <> None
let is_unsafe = function
| { param = (Unsafe _) } -> true
| { param = (Value _ | Axiom _ | Type _ | Param _ | Logic _) } -> false
let is_hypothesis = function
| { param = (Value _ | Axiom _) } -> true
| _ -> false
| { param = (Value _ | Axiom _ | Unsafe _) } -> true
| { param = (Type _ | Param _ | Logic _) } -> false
type signature = {
locals : parameter Mid.t ;
@@ -166,7 +173,7 @@ let rec cany (ce : Expr.cexp) =
| _ -> false
(* Detect (fun result -> result = a) s.t. check a *)
let constrained_post check (p : =
let constrained_post unless (p : =
match p.t_node with
| Teps rp ->
let r,post = Term.t_open_bound rp in
@@ -176,7 +183,7 @@ let constrained_post check (p : =
| Tapp(f,[a;b]) ->
not Term.(ls_equal f ps_equ) ||
not @@ is_var r a ||
not @@ check b
not @@ unless b
| _ -> true
| _ -> true
@@ -188,18 +195,56 @@ let constrained (rs : Expr.rsymbol) =
| RLlemma -> true
| RLnone -> rs.rs_cty.cty_post <> []
| RLpv pv ->
let check = is_var pv.pv_vs in
List.exists (constrained_post check) rs.rs_cty.cty_post
let unless = is_var pv.pv_vs in
List.exists (constrained_post unless) rs.rs_cty.cty_post
| RLls ls ->
rs.rs_cty.cty_post <> [] &&
let xs = (fun pv -> pv.Ity.pv_vs) rs.rs_cty.cty_args in
let check (a : Term.term) =
let unless (a : Term.term) =
match a.t_node with
| Tapp(f,es) ->
(try Term.ls_equal f ls && List.for_all2 is_var xs es
with Invalid_argument _ -> false)
| _ -> false
in List.exists (constrained_post check) rs.rs_cty.cty_post
in List.exists (constrained_post unless) rs.rs_cty.cty_post
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Sound Expression Detection --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec safe_let_defn (def : Expr.let_defn) =
match def with
| LDvar(_,e) -> safe_expr e
| LDsym(_,ce) -> safe_cexpr ce
| LDrec lts -> List.for_all safe_rec_defn lts
and safe_rec_defn (d : Expr.rec_defn) = safe_cexpr d.rec_fun
and safe_expr (e : Expr.expr) =
match e.e_node with
| Evar _ | Econst _ | Eassign _ | Epure _ | Eabsurd -> true
| Eexec (ce, _) -> safe_cexpr ce
| Elet(def,e) -> safe_let_defn def && safe_expr e
| Eif (a, b, c) -> safe_expr a && safe_expr b && safe_expr c
| Ewhile(a,_,_,b) -> safe_expr a && safe_expr b
| Efor (_, _, _, _, b) -> safe_expr b
| Eraise (_, e) | Eexn (_, e) | Eghost e -> safe_expr e
| Eassert ((Assert | Check), _) -> true
| Eassert (Assume,_) -> false
| Ematch (a, ps, xs) ->
safe_expr a &&
List.for_all safe_branch ps &&
Ity.Mxs.for_all safe_handler xs
and safe_branch (_,e) = safe_expr e
and safe_handler _ (_,e) = safe_expr e
and safe_cexpr (ce : Expr.cexp) =
match ce.c_node with
| Cfun e -> safe_expr e
| Capp _ | Cpur _ -> true
| Cany ->
(* don't understand why, but that why3 does *)
ce.c_cty.cty_args = []
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* --- Module Declarations --- *)
@@ -213,21 +258,32 @@ let add_mtype henv (hs : signature) (it : Pdecl.its_defn) : signature =
let add_rsymbol henv hs (rs : Expr.rsymbol) (cexp : Expr.cexp) =
if Id.lemma rs.rs_name then hs else
match rs.rs_logic with
| RLlemma -> hs
| RLnone | RLpv _ | RLls _ ->
if cany cexp then
if constrained rs then
add henv hs (Value rs)
add henv hs (Param rs)
else hs
match cexp.c_node with
| Cfun e when not (safe_expr e) -> add henv hs (Unsafe rs.rs_name)
| _ ->
match rs.rs_logic with
| RLlemma -> hs
| RLnone | RLpv _ | RLls _ ->
if cany cexp then
if constrained rs then
add henv hs (Value rs)
add henv hs (Param rs)
else hs
let add_psymbol henv hs (pv : Ity.pvsymbol) (exp : Expr.expr) =
if safe_expr exp then hs else add henv hs (Unsafe pv.pv_vs.vs_name)
let add_rec_def henv hs (def : Expr.rec_defn) =
if safe_rec_defn def then hs else add henv hs (Unsafe def.rec_sym.rs_name)
let add_pdecl henv (hs : signature) (d : Pdecl.pdecl) : signature =
match d.pd_node with
| PDexn _ -> hs
| PDtype tys -> List.fold_left (add_mtype henv) hs tys
| PDlet (LDsym(r,c)) -> add_rsymbol henv hs r c
| PDlet (LDvar _ | LDrec _) | PDexn _ -> hs
| PDlet (LDvar(v,e)) -> add_psymbol henv hs v e
| PDlet (LDrec defs) -> List.fold_left (add_rec_def henv) hs defs
| PDpure -> List.fold_left (add_decl henv) hs d.pd_pure
let rec add_munit henv (hs : signature) (m : Pmodule.mod_unit) : signature =