-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to add a publication -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # My publication is about a plug-in which is not in the list Add your plug-in to the file `_data/publications.yml`. Note there are 3 categories: - distributed with Frama-C - internal CEA plug-in - external plug-in Put your plug-in in the right one. There are two mandatory fields and an optional one: - id: a unique identifier, with only lower-case characters - name: the name of your plug-in - short: a short name for your plug-in if its name is more than 10 characters long. Create a directory named as the unique identifier of your plugin in the directory `_fc-publications`. Once your plug-in is added to this list, you can follow the guidelines for "My publication is about a plug-in which is in the list". # My publication is about a plug-in which is in the list In `_fc-publications/<your-plug-in>`, create a file named as follows: - <year of publication>-<conference/journal short name>-<initial letter of the name of each author>.md For example, for a publication, published in 2019 in the "Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation" conference, by "Sandrine Blazy, David Bühler and Boris Yakobowski", the path to the file is: - `_fc-publications/eva/2019-vmcai-bby.md` Note that when a field does not make sense (for example, for a user manual, the name of the conference), it can be simply ignored, see for example: - `_fc-publications/general/user-manual.md` Then the file is structured as follows: ```md --- plugin: <plug-in identifier> authors: "<the authors>" <-- optional title: "<Title of the publication> book: "<Name of the conference/journal>" <-- optional place: "<University/School where the teaching takes place>" <-- optional ("teaching" category) link: URL to access to the publication <-- optional year: year of publication category: "<kind of publication>" short: "A short description for the publication." <-- optional --- Abstract of the publication <-- optional (but highly recommended) ``` In the "General" directory, the category can be: - manuals - foundational - kernel - tutorials - teaching In other directories, it can be: - manuals - thesis - foundational - tutorials - other - teaching Notes: - if you think you need a new category, it can be added, but the file `html/publications.html` should be updated accordingly, - publications in the `teaching` category only appear on the "Teaching" page. # I want to associate my publication to a HTML content or to store some files If your publication includes some content that should be stored on the server, add a directory named according to the name of your file in the `download` directory. For example for: `_fc-publications/eva/2019-vmcai-bby.md`, we should create a directory `download/publications/2019-vmcai-bby`. If you want to generate specific HTML pages for your publication (for example online exercices for a publication in the `teaching` category), proceed as above, but in the `html` directory instead of `download`. See for example the directory: `html/publications/2010-ensiie-vslg` and its corresponding publication file `_fc-publications/general/2010-ensiie-vslg`.