David Bühler authoredDavid Bühler authored
layout: default
date: 21-06-2019
title: Release of Frama-C 19.0 (Potassium)
Frama-C 19.0 (Potassium) is out. Download it here.
Main changes with respect to Frama-C 18 (Argon) include:
- new check annotation, similar to assert except that it does not introduce additional hypotheses on the program state
- new options added to frama-c-script
- compatibility with lablgtk3
- New annotation "//@ split exp" to separate the analysis states for each possible value of an expression until a "//@ merge exp" annotation.
- New option -eva-partition-history to delay the join of the analysis states at merging points; useful when a reasoning depends on the path taken to reach a control point.
- By default, prints a summary at the end of the analysis.
- New meta option -eva-precision to globally configure the analysis.
- Improved precision on nested loops.
- new auto-search mode to automatically apply strategies and tactics (see -wp-auto)
- extended simplifications on range, bitwise and C-boolean values (_Bool is now handled by default)
- refactored float model (although it still requires further axiomatisation)
- support for user-defined logic functions and predicates without labels
- new option -e-acsl-functions that allows the user to specify a white/black list of functions in which annotations are monitored, or not.
A complete changelog can be found here.