Allan Blanchard authoredAllan Blanchard authored
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title: Kernel & Plugins - Frama-C
active: 2
<p>The Frama-C platform allows checking security, verifying requirements and
guaranteeing trust in C programs, thanks to a collection of collaborative
<a href="/html/kernel-plugin.html">plugins</a> that
perform static and dynamic analysis, for safety- and
security-critical software. Collaborative verification across cooperating
plug-ins is enabled by their integration on top of a shared kernel and
datastructures, and their compliance to
<a href="/html/acsl.html">a common specification language</a>.
<p>The Frama-C kernel is based on a modified version of
<a href="https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/3-540-45937-5_16">CIL</a>.
CIL is a front-end for C that parses ISO C99 programs into a normalized
representation. Frama-C extends CIL to support
<a href="/html/acsl.html">ACSL</a>.
This modified CIL front-end produces the C + ACSL abstract syntax tree (AST),
an abstract view of the program shared among all analyzers. In addition to the
AST, the kernel provides several general services.
<li>Messages, source code and annotations are uniformly displayed</li>
<li>Parameters and command line options are homogeneously handled</li>
<li>A serialization mechanism allows the user to save results of analyses
and reload them later</li>
<li>Projects isolate unrelated program representations, and guarantee the
integrity of analyses</li>
<li>Consistency mechanisms control the collaboration between analyzers</li>
<li>A visitor mechanism facilitates crawling through the AST and writing code
transformation plug-ins</li>
<p>Analyzers are developed as separate plug-ins on top of the kernel. Plug-ins
are dynamically linked against the kernel to offer new analyses, or to modify
existing ones. Any plug-in can register new services in a plug-in database
stored in the kernel, thereby making these services available to all plug-ins.
<p>Frama-C allows a user to work on several programs in parallel thanks to the
notion of project. A project consistently stores a program with all its
required information, including results computed by analyzers and their
parameters. Several projects may coexist in memory at the same time. The
projects are partitioned so that a modification on a particular projet does
not impact the others. The project mechanism may also be used for example
to perform different code transformations on the same original project, or to
execute a particular analysis on the same project but with different
<h1>Collaborations across analyzers</h1>
<p>In Frama-C, analyzers can interoperate in two different ways: either
sequentially, by chaining analysis results to perform complex operations; or
in parallel, by combining partial analysis results into a full program
verification. The former consists in using the results of an analyzer as input
to another one thanks to the plug-in database stored by the Frama-C kernel.
The parallel collaboration of analyzers consists in verifying a program by
heterogeneous means. ACSL is used to this end as a collaborative language:
plug-ins generate program annotations, which are then validated by other
plug-ins. Partial results coming from various plug-ins are integrated by the
kernel to provide a consolidated status of the validity of all ACSL
properties. The kernel automatically computes the validity status of each
program property from the information provided by all analyzers and ensures
the correctness of the entire verification process.
<p>The main correctness property of the Frama-C kernel can be stated as:
"if the consolidated status of a property is computed as valid [resp. invalid]
by the kernel, then the property is valid [resp. invalid] with respect to ACSL