layout: default
date: 04-12-2019
title: Release of Frama-C 20.0 (Calcium)
Frama-C 20.0 (Calcium) is out. Download it [here](/fc-versions/calcium.html).
Main changes with respect to Frama-C 19 (Potassium) include:
##### Kernel:
- the minimum required OCaml version is now 4.05.0
- more strict checks related to ghost variables in non-ghost code, and support for ghost parameters
- visitor behavior functions were moved from Cil to a new module Visitor_behavior
##### Eva:
- New octagon domain inferring relations of the form
a ≤ ±X±Y ≤ b between pairs of integer variables X and Y.
- New option "-eva-auto-loop-unroll N", to unroll all
loops whose number of iterations can be easily bounded by <N>.
- Dynamic registration of abstract values and domains:
developers of new domains no longer need to modify Eva's engine.
##### WP:
- Use native Why3 API (now requires why3 at compile time); deprecated native alt-ergo & coq output
- New cache mechanism for why3 provers, see -wp-cache option
##### E-ACSL:
- Support of rational numbers and operations.
And a new plug-in, Markdown-report (MdR), to generate reports in both Markdown and SARIF formats.
A complete changelog can be found [here](/html/changelog.html#Calcium-20.0).