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attribution: '© <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
L.marker([48.7125, 2.1945]).addTo(map)
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posts = data['items'];
html = "";
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++){
post = posts[i];
tags = "";
for (let tag = 0; tag < post['tags'].length; tag++){
tags += "<label class=\"tag\"><a href=\"" + post['tags'][tag] + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + post['tags'][tag] + "</a></label>";
html += "<li><a class=\"qus\" href=\"" + post['link'] + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + post['title'] + "</a> <span class=\"ans\">" + post['body'].replace(/<[^>]*>?/gm, '').substring(0, 320) +"...<p class=\"tags\">"+ tags +"</p><aside>" + "<span class=\"vote-count\">" + post['score'] + "<br>Score</span> <span class=\"answer-count\">" + post['answer_count'] + "<br>Answer</span> <span class=\"views-count\">" + post['view_count'] + "<br>Views</span></label></aside></li>";
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<h1 class="pageTitle">Contact Us</h1>
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<p>If you think Frama-C could be part of any kind of scientific collaboration, including research projects, internships,
PhDs, post-doctoral positions and dissemination activities, please contact <a href="">florent.kirchner(at)</a> or <a href=
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<h3 class="subTitle">Community</h3>
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Gitlab Issues
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The official Frama-C issues on its Gitlab (for bug reporting and feature requests).
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Stack Overflow
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The Frama-C community uses Stack Overflow for general-purpose questions.
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The official Frama-C mailing list (announcements and general questions).
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Frama-C on Gitlab
Frama-C development repositories (including daily snapshots and related code bases, such as open source case studies).
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ACSL on Github
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Official Github repositories for the ANSI/ISO C Specification Language (ACSL).
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<h1 style="clear: both;">Find us</h1>
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