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Andre Maroneze authored

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Open source case studies for Frama-C

This repository is a collection of open source C codes to be used with Frama-C, in particular with the Eva (Evolved Value Analysis) plug-in.

Most directories contain open-source code that constitutes a "case study". A few contain sets of tests, benchmarks or tutorials.


  • GNU Make >= 4.0;
  • (optional, for some scripts) Python >= 3.7.

Basic usage

  • (required once) make submodules: initializes the local Frama-C submodule;

  • (required once) make framac: prepares a git submodule with a clone of the public git of Frama-C, compiles it and installs it locally (in frama-c/build/bin);

  • (required once) add the following alias to your shell:

      alias fcmake='make -C .frama-c'

    Each "case study" contains a .frama-c subdirectory with the Frama-C Makefile. Running fcmake will run Frama-C related targets; running make will run the case study's original Makefile (if it exists).

  • cd to the subdirectory of one of the case studies; We recommend 2048 for a short and fast analysis, or debie1 for a finalized analysis.

  • Run fcmake to parse and run Eva on the predefined targets.

Makefile targets

The scripts provided with Frama-C create several Makefile targets, according to the intended usage. The main ones are:

  • display-targets: lists the base targets
  • For each base target t, the following targets are generated:
    • t.parse: parse the sources;
    • t.eva: run Eva;
    • t.eva.gui: open the GUI.

Each target depends on the previous one: running t.eva.gui will automatically run t.eva if required; the same for t.parse.

Other generated targets:

  • t.parse.gui: open the GUI with the result of the parsing, without running Eva. Mostly useful in conjunction with other plug-ins.
  • t.stats: print time/memory usage.


  • The output of t.eva is verbose, but you can ignore it; the important information (warnings and alarms) can be inspected via the GUI.
  • The result of the analysis is stored inside .frama-c, in subdirectories t.parse for parsing and t.eva for the Eva analysis. Each subdirectory contains a few log files.
  • To try other parametrizations, simply edit variables CPPFLAGS/FCFLAGS/EVAFLAGS in .frama-c/GNUmakefile and re-run fcmake.


A summary of the case studies, with a brief description, URL, number of Eva targets, etc, is available at

Source code modifications

We attempt to minimize changes to each case study, to keep the code close to the original. Here are the most common kinds of changes:

  • A .frama-c directory is added, with a GNUmakefile which defines the Frama-C targets and parameters;
  • Some stubs file (e.g. stubs.c) are added to the .frama-c directory, either to emulate an initial state with command-line arguments, or to provide code/specifications for library functions, missing code, non-portable features, etc.
  • When code modifications are needed (and cannot be moved to the stubs file, e.g. when adding a specification to a static functions), we often protect them by #ifdef __FRAMAC__ guards, to ensure the code compiles as before when not using Frama-C. Note that this is not always the case.
  • Some unnecessary files for the analysis (e.g. documentation, project setups for IDEs, non-code resources) are removed.
  • Some Makefiles were renamed Makefile.original, and a simplified OSCS-related Makefile has been added. This enables compiling some targets in a way that is useful for certain build tools.

In case studies related to benchmarking, examples or test suites, we often apply modifications more liberally.


The main objectives of these files are:

  1. Non-regression tests;
  2. Benchmarking;
  3. Practical examples.

Therefore, some of the code bases are voluntarily parametrized with suboptimal parameters, for non-regression testing. Some code bases undergo partial, progressive improvements. Only a few constitute "finalized" case studies.


If you know of other open source code bases where Frama-C/Eva produces interesting results, please contribute with pull requests including the case study sources and your .frama-c/GNUmakefile.

On the other hand, if you have some interesting open-source C software (ideally, C99-compatible) that you are unable to parse and/or run with Frama-C/Eva, consider creating an issue in this repository¹ with the description of the problem you are facing (e.g. missing/incompatible declarations in the Frama-C libc, problems when preprocessing/parsing the code, constructs unsupported by Eva, etc). Ideally, create a (WIP) pull request with the sources in a new directory, ready to be prepared for the case study.

¹ Note: direct account creation is disabled in Frama-C's Gitlab; linking a Github account is always possible.


License files are kept in each directory where they were originally found, when available. We also summarize the license of each directory below.

  • 2048: MIT
  • basic-cwe-examples: see LICENSE
  • bench-moerman2018: MIT
  • c-testsuite: see LICENSE and LICENSE-tests
  • cerberus: see LICENSE
  • chrony: GPL
  • debie1: distribution and use authorized by Patria Aviation Oy, Space Systems Finland Ltd. and Tidorum Ltd, see README.txt and terms_of_use-2014-05.pdf
  • genann: Zlib, see LICENSE
  • gzip124: GPL
  • hiredis: Redis license (BSD-style), see COPYING
  • icpc: Unlicense
  • ioccc: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0), see COPYING
  • itc-benchmarks: BSD 2-clause, see COPYING
  • jsmn: MIT
  • kgflags: MIT, see LICENSE
  • khash: MIT
  • kilo: BSD 2-clause "Simplified", see LICENSE
  • libmodbus: LGPL
  • libspng: BSD 2-clause, see LICENSE
  • libyaml: MIT, see License
  • line-following-robot: MIT + modified BSD (for included avr-libc), see LICENSE and avr-libc/include/LICENSE
  • mibench: several, see LICENSE file inside each subdirectory
  • mini-gmp: LGPL or GPL
  • miniz: MIT
  • microstrain: GPL and others, see LICENSE
  • monocypher: see README
  • papabench: GPL
  • polarssl: GPL
  • qlz: GPL
  • safestringlib: MIT
  • semver: MIT
  • solitaire: public domain, see solitaire.c
  • stmr: MIT
  • tsvc: MIT, see license.txt
  • tweetnacl-usable: public domain, see LICENSE.txt
  • verisec: several, according to each app
  • x509-parser : GPLv2 / BSD, see LICENSE

Troubleshooting / Debugging

(This section is mainly for Frama-C/plug-in developers who want to test OSCS with specific versions of Frama-C)

OSCS can work in different modes:

  1. With a local Frama-C, installed via the Git submodule 'frama-c' (after running make framac);
  2. With another, locally-installed Frama-C;
  3. With Frama-C installed in the PATH.

This behavior is defined in This file is included (as a symbolic link) in the .frama-c directory for each case study. Changing this file will change the behavior of all case studies.

  • Mode 1 (by default) is enabled as soon as make framac is executed.
  • To enable mode 2, modify the FRAMAC_DIR= line in to point to the bin directory of your locally installed Frama-C.
  • To enable mode 3, simply comment the FRAMAC_DIR= line.

If the value of FRAMAC_DIR is invalid (does not point to an existing directory), an error will be raised.

If you need help debugging, consider adding messages such as $(info FRAMAC_DIR is: $(FRAMAC_DIR)) to When running one of the make targets, these messages might help understand if the path has been properly set.