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Commit e50d9d75 authored by Allan Blanchard's avatar Allan Blanchard
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No more Extlib.swap, Extlib.opt_fold, Extlib.filter_map

parent 5b6794aa
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......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ let cv_to_attr = function
let rec protect_array_type al dim d =
match d with
| JUSTBASE -> ARRAY(d,al,dim)
| PARENTYPE (al1,d',al2) ->
| PARENTYPE (al1,d',al2) ->
PARENTYPE(al1,protect_array_type al dim d', al2)
| ARRAY(d',al',dim') ->
(* array dim of array dim' of d' is d' foo[dim][dim'] *)
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ let make_integral_constant_kind k v =
let s =
match k with
| IBool
| IChar_s | ISChar | IWChar_s | IWSChar
| IChar_s | ISChar | IWChar_s | IWSChar
| IChar | IWChar | IShort | IInt -> ""
| IChar_u | IUChar | IChar16 | IChar32 | IWChar_u | IWUChar
| IUShort | IUInt -> "U"
......@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ let make_closure_access env id_name is_ref =
let access = MEMBEROFPTR (mk_var env closure_name, id_name) in
if is_ref then UNARY(MEMOF,mk_expr env access) else access
let mk_signature res_type param_types =
let mk_signature res_type param_types =
{ result = res_type; parameter = param_types; variadic = false }
let mk_arg_decl ty name loc =
......@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ let convert_binary kind assgn e1 e2 =
| BOLogicalAnd, AKRValue -> BINARY(AND,e1,e2)
| BOLogicalOr, AKRValue -> BINARY(OR,e1,e2)
| BOComma, AKRValue -> COMMA [e1;e2]
| _, AKAssign ->
| _, AKAssign ->
"Binary operator is not supposed to have an assign kind"
......@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ let is_unary_assign = function
let rec make_addrof e =
match e.expr_node with
{ e with expr_node = UNARY(ADDROF,e) }
(* I think this is handled well by cabs2cil. *)
| QUESTION _ -> { e with expr_node = UNARY(ADDROF,e) }
......@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ let rec make_addrof e =
| [] ->
"Trying to take the address of an empty expression"
| a::l ->
| a::l ->
{ e with expr_node = COMMA (List.rev ((make_addrof a) :: l))})
......@@ -546,9 +546,9 @@ let mk_compound_init env lv typ init =
let rec aux_struct acc lfields linit =
match lfields, linit with
| _,[] -> acc
| [],_ ->
| [],_ ->
env "Too many initializers for class %a"
env "Too many initializers for class %a"
Fclang_datatype.Qualified_name.pretty (name,tk)
| (fname,ftype)::lfields, (what,i)::linit ->
assert (what = NEXT_INIT);
......@@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ let rec convert_base_type env spec decl typ does_remove_virtual =
| Int ISChar -> ( spec_type [Tsigned; Tchar ]) @ spec, decl
(* TODO: intKindForSize returns a type of exactly 16 bits. There is no
function for providing an ikind of at least 16 bits yet. This should
be added to Cil. Indeed, it could theoretically be possible that
be added to Cil. Indeed, it could theoretically be possible that
intKindForSize 2 fails while there exist types of a strictly
greater size. *)
| Int IChar16 -> spec_of_ikind (Cil.intKindForSize 2 true) @ spec, decl
......@@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ let rec convert_base_type env spec decl typ does_remove_virtual =
(fun d ->
rt_decl (PROTO (decl (protect_ptr_type attrs d),args,[],variadic)))
| Pointer(PStandardMethodPointer _)
| LVReference (PStandardMethodPointer _)
| LVReference (PStandardMethodPointer _)
| RVReference (PStandardMethodPointer _) ->
Frama_Clang_option.not_yet_implemented "pointer to member"
| Pointer(PVirtualMethodPointer _)
......@@ -695,11 +695,11 @@ let rec convert_base_type env spec decl typ does_remove_virtual =
| RVReference (PVirtualMethodPointer _) ->
Frama_Clang_option.not_yet_implemented "pointer to member"
| Array a ->
let is_array_attribute = function
| SpecCV _ -> true
| _ -> false
let get_array_cv_attribute = function
| SpecCV _ as cv -> Some (cv_to_attr cv)
| _ -> None
let attrs = Extlib.filter_map is_array_attribute cv_to_attr spec in
let attrs = List.filter_map get_array_cv_attribute spec in
(fun d ->
......@@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ and convert_fptr env s does_remove_virtual =
and convert_signature env l does_remove_virtual =
match l with
| [] ->
(* in C++, an empty list is strictly equivalent to (void), i.e. no
(* in C++, an empty list is strictly equivalent to (void), i.e. no
argument at all. In C, a prototype with no argument means that the
arguments are not specified, so that a subsequent declaration could
provides one or more arguments. We thus normalize that to (void) for
......@@ -1156,7 +1156,7 @@ and convert_expr_node ?(drop_temp=false) env aux e does_remove_virtual =
{ eloc = Convert_env.get_clang_loc env;
econtent =
{ prequalification = List.append
......@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@ and convert_expr_node ?(drop_temp=false) env aux e does_remove_virtual =
let target_name, ttd =
Convert_env.get_class_name_from_pointer env target.plain_type
let target_qualification =
let target_qualification =
match ttd with
| TStandard -> QStructOrClass(target_name.decl_name)
| TTemplateInstance params ->
......@@ -1538,11 +1538,11 @@ and convert_expr_node ?(drop_temp=false) env aux e does_remove_virtual =
match exp.econtent with
| Static_call (n,t,(FKConstructor _ as kind),args,tm,_) ->
(* clang seems to insert the temporary in the list
of arguments, but only randomly...
of arguments, but only randomly...
Note that the parameter's list never contain the receiver
let args =
let args =
if List.length args = List.length t.parameter then
{ eloc = exp.eloc;
econtent =
......@@ -1976,7 +1976,7 @@ and combine_trunc l1 l2 =
and find_type_list env typ l =
let rec aux typ =
match typ with
| Void | Int _ | Enum _ | Float _ | Pointer _
| Void | Int _ | Enum _ | Float _ | Pointer _
| LVReference _ | RVReference _ | Lambda _ ->
Convert_env.fatal env "Using compound initialization for a scalar value"
| Array typ ->
......@@ -2369,7 +2369,7 @@ and convert_statement env st does_remove_virtual =
| None -> def
| Some stmt -> SEQUENCE (make_stmt env def, stmt, cloc))
| _ ->
(* We put all these declarations in a special block,
(* We put all these declarations in a special block,
but the initial declaration itself need to stay out of it.
let def = DEFINITION (decl NO_INIT) in
......@@ -2623,7 +2623,7 @@ let make_class_decl env name tkind kind inherits fields body has_virtual =
| Some inherits ->
(fun result inherits -> match inherits.is_virtual with
| VStandard ->
| VStandard ->
append_bases (Class.get_virtual_base_classes
(inherits.base, inherits.templated_kind)) result
| VVirtual ->
......@@ -2635,7 +2635,7 @@ let make_class_decl env name tkind kind inherits fields body has_virtual =
let virtual_inherited_fields = List.fold_left
(fun result (base,tb) ->
let n, t = Convert_env.typedef_normalize env base tb in
let n' =
let n' =
if Class.has_virtual_base_class (base,tb) then bare_qname n else n
......@@ -2663,11 +2663,11 @@ let make_class_decl env name tkind kind inherits fields body has_virtual =
has_virtual || Convert_env.struct_has_virtual env (n,t)
match inherits.is_virtual with
| VStandard ->
| VStandard ->
let n, t = Convert_env.typedef_normalize
env inherits.base inherits.templated_kind
let n' =
let n' =
if Class.has_virtual_base_class
then bare_qname n
......@@ -2710,7 +2710,7 @@ let make_class_decl env name tkind kind inherits fields body has_virtual =
match virtual_base_classes with
| [] -> None, env
| _ ->
let bcfields, bfields_typ =
let bcfields, bfields_typ =
(List.fold_left create_field ([],[])
(List.append fields inherited_fields))
......@@ -2907,13 +2907,13 @@ let rec add_bare_to_qualification qualif = match qualif with
| [QTemplateInstance (name,prms)] -> [QTemplateInstance (bare_suf name, prms)]
| x::l -> x:: (add_bare_to_qualification l)
(* functions required by the generic implicit body builder to
(* functions required by the generic implicit body builder to
create a given implicit member function. *)
type implicit_operation =
type implicit_operation =
{ is_copy: bool;
(* is this a copy/move operation or default constructor or destructor *)
Convert_env.env -> bool -> qualified_name * tkind ->
Convert_env.env -> bool -> qualified_name * tkind ->
(qualified_name * signature) option;
Convert_env.env -> bool -> qualified_name ->
......@@ -3480,7 +3480,7 @@ let add_special_member env name kind rt args =
(if d then Convert_env.add_default_constructor
else Convert_env.add_default_constructor_base)
env name (signature l)
| FKConstructor d,
| FKConstructor d,
_::({arg_type= { plain_type = LVReference (PDataPointer t) }}::l as args)
when is_own_class t && List.for_all has_default_value l ->
(if d then Convert_env.add_copy_constructor
......@@ -3511,7 +3511,7 @@ let add_special_member env name kind rt args =
let add_arg_names l =
let new_name idx = if idx = -1 then "x" else "x" ^ (string_of_int idx) in
(fun (acc,idx) arg ->
......@@ -3762,10 +3762,10 @@ and convert_class env name tkind kind inherits body has_virtual =
(* implicit definitions might depend on internal defs, in particular in
presence of nested classes that occur as data member of the current class.
let add_glob = Extlib.swap Convert_env.add_c_global in
let add_glob = Fun.flip Convert_env.add_c_global in
new_env |>
List.fold_right add_glob types |>
Extlib.opt_fold add_glob bare_decl |>
Option.fold ~some:add_glob bare_decl |>
add_glob decl |>
List.fold_right add_glob others |>
List.fold_right add_glob my_implicits |>
......@@ -3893,9 +3893,9 @@ let add_glob_temp env defs (def,init_stmt) =
let is_frama_clang_array_init_name = function
| Implementation { decl_name } ->
let prefix = "__fc_init_array" in
let l = String.length prefix in
let l = String.length prefix in
l <= String.length decl_name && String.sub decl_name 0 l = prefix
| Declaration _ -> false
| Declaration _ -> false
(* NB: we should have a loc for the declaration itself
as well as for the body*)
let rec convert_global env glob =
......@@ -741,9 +741,9 @@ let rec convert_annot env annot =
let mangle name signature =
let name, t = Convert_env.typedef_normalize env name TStandard in
Mangling.mangle name t signature in
let read = (Extlib.swap mangle None)
let read = (Fun.flip mangle None)
read in
let write = (Extlib.swap mangle None)
let write = (Fun.flip mangle None)
write in
LDvolatile(mem,(read,write)), env
| Daxiomatic(loc,s,annots) ->
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