Virgile Prevosto authoredVirgile Prevosto authored
convert_env.mli 11.38 KiB
(* *)
(* This file is part of Frama-Clang *)
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(* Copyright (C) 2012-2021 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies *)
(* alternatives) *)
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(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
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(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
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(* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
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(* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *)
(* for more details (enclosed in the file LICENSE). *)
(* *)
(** Managing conversion environment *)
open Intermediate_format
open Cabs
type env
val empty_env: env
val add_c_global: env -> definition -> env
(** add a global c definition to the list of translated items. The ghost
status of the definition is given by the env itself (see
{! Convert_env.is_ghost })
val get_c_globals: env -> (bool * definition) list
(** get the list of translated global definitions, in the order
in which they were added.
val fatal: env -> ('a,Format.formatter,unit,'b) format4 -> 'a
val temp_name: env -> string -> string
(** [temp_name env prefix] returns a fresh name based on [prefix]. *)
val add_namespace: env -> qualification -> env
(** enter a new, inner namespace *)
val set_namespace: env -> qualified_name -> env
(** Sets the namespace to the one enclosing the corresponding symbol *)
val set_namespace_from_class: env -> (qualified_name * tkind) -> env
(** given the fully qualified name of a class, set the namespace to the inner
of it *)
val get_namespace: env->qualification list
(** give the names of the nammespaces currently opened. Newest is last. *)
val reset_namespace: env -> env
(** close the most recently opened namespace. *)
val class_name_from_qualifications:
env -> qualification list -> (qualified_name * tkind) option
val class_type_from_qualifications: env -> qualification list -> typ
val add_local_var: env -> string -> typ -> env
val add_formal_parameters: env -> arg_decl list -> env
val add_global_var: env -> qualified_name -> typ -> env
(** [add_global_var env name is_extern_c typ] *)
val get_local_var: env -> string -> typ
(** @raise AbortFatal if not found *)
(** [unscope current old] returns the same environment as [current] except
for local vars, that are reset to the ones of [old]. *)
val unscope: env -> env -> env
val get_global_var: env -> qualified_name -> (bool * typ)
(** returns the type and whether the variable is an extern C one or not.
@raise AbortFatal if not found *)
val set_loc: env -> location -> env
val get_loc: env -> cabsloc
val get_clang_loc: env -> location
val set_extern_c: env -> bool -> env
val is_extern_c: env -> bool
val set_ghost: env -> bool -> env
val is_ghost: env -> bool
val qualify: env -> string -> qualified_name
val set_current_func_name: env -> qualified_name -> env
(** set the current function name. Might also change the namespace if the
function is fully qualified.
val get_current_func_name: env -> string
val set_current_return_type: env -> typ -> env
val get_current_return_type: env -> typ
val reset_func: env -> env
(** also reset the namespace if needed *)
val get_current_class: env -> Fclang_datatype.Qualified_name.t option
val set_current_class: env -> Fclang_datatype.Qualified_name.t -> env
(** also performs a {! set_namespace_from_class} *)
val reset_current_class: env -> env
(** also reset the namespace *)
val add_typedef: env -> qualified_name -> qual_type -> env
val get_typedef: env -> qualified_name -> qual_type
(** @raise AbortFatal if not found *)
val has_typedef: env -> qualified_name -> bool
val add_struct: env -> (qualified_name * tkind) -> (string * qual_type) list
-> env
(** indicates that the given struct has some virtual member functions. *)
val virtual_struct: env -> (qualified_name * tkind) -> env
(** changes only the template parameters in the qualification.
This function should be used for mangling.
val typedef_normalize : env -> qualified_name -> tkind
-> (qualified_name * tkind)
val signature_normalize : env -> signature -> signature
val qual_type_normalize : env -> qual_type -> qual_type
val get_struct: env -> (qualified_name * tkind) -> (string * qual_type) list
val struct_has_virtual: env -> (qualified_name * tkind) -> bool
val add_default_constructor:
env -> qualified_name -> signature -> env
(** adds the given constructor as the default constructor for the
appropriate class. Does nothing if such a constructor already exists.
val add_default_constructor_base:
env -> qualified_name -> signature -> env
(** adds the given constructor as the default constructor for the
appropriate class when used as a base class of a parent.
Does nothing if such a constructor already exists. The distinction is
only meaningful for classes that have virtual bases.
val get_default_constructor:
env -> (qualified_name * tkind) -> qualified_name * signature
(** given a class name, returns the name and signature of its default
constructor if it exists.
@raise AbortFatal if no default constructor has been set for this class.
val get_option_default_constructor:
env -> (qualified_name * tkind) -> (qualified_name * signature) option
(** given a class name, returns the name and signature of its default
constructor if it exists or None if no default constructor has been
set for this class. *)
val get_option_default_constructor_base:
env -> (qualified_name * tkind) -> (qualified_name * signature) option
(** given a class name, returns the name and signature of its default
constructor when used as a base class of a parent, if it exists,
or None if no default constructor has been set for this class. *)
val add_copy_constructor:
env -> qualified_name -> signature -> env
val add_copy_constructor_base:
env -> qualified_name -> signature -> env
(** add a copy constructor for the class when it is used as a base class
called from a parent. Only useful when the current class has virtual
base classes. *)
val get_copy_constructor:
env -> (qualified_name * tkind) -> qualified_name * signature
val get_option_copy_constructor:
env -> (qualified_name * tkind) -> (qualified_name * signature) option
val get_option_copy_constructor_base:
env -> (qualified_name * tkind) -> (qualified_name * signature) option
(** gets the copy constructor for the given class when used as a base class
of a parent. Only used if the current class has virtual base classes. *)
val add_move_constructor:
env -> qualified_name -> signature -> env
val add_move_constructor_base:
env -> qualified_name -> signature -> env
val get_move_constructor:
env -> (qualified_name * tkind) -> qualified_name * signature
val get_option_move_constructor:
env -> (qualified_name * tkind) -> (qualified_name * signature) option
val get_option_move_constructor_base:
env -> (qualified_name * tkind) -> (qualified_name * signature) option
val add_destructor:
env -> (qualification list) -> env
val add_destructor_base:
env -> (qualification list) -> env
val has_destructor:
env -> (qualified_name * tkind) -> bool
val has_destructor_base:
env -> (qualified_name * tkind) -> bool
val add_assign_operator:
env -> qualified_name -> signature -> env
val add_assign_operator_base:
env -> qualified_name -> signature -> env
val get_assign_operator:
env -> (qualified_name * tkind) -> qualified_name * signature
val get_option_assign_operator:
env -> (qualified_name * tkind) -> (qualified_name * signature) option
val get_option_assign_operator_base:
env -> (qualified_name * tkind) -> (qualified_name * signature) option
val add_move_operator:
env -> qualified_name -> signature -> env
val add_move_operator_base:
env -> qualified_name -> signature -> env
val get_move_operator:
env -> (qualified_name * tkind) -> qualified_name * signature
val get_option_move_operator:
env -> (qualified_name * tkind) -> (qualified_name * signature) option
val get_option_move_operator_base:
env -> (qualified_name * tkind) -> (qualified_name * signature) option
val add_aggregate: env -> qualified_name -> ckind -> tkind -> bool -> env
(** adds an aggregate type of the given kind. The boolean flag indicates
whether the aggregate is an extern C type. *)
val get_aggregate: env -> (qualified_name * tkind) -> (ckind * bool)
(** @raise AbortFatal if not found *)
val is_extern_c_aggregate: env -> qualified_name -> tkind -> bool
(**@ raise AbortFatal if not found. *)
val struct_or_union: env -> (qualified_name * tkind) -> typ
(** returns the corresponding C++ typ, namely [Struct name t] or [Union name t].
[name] must be an aggregate
@raise AbortFatal if not found *)
val current_struct_or_union: env -> ckind
val is_anonymous: env -> bool
(** whether current class/union is anonymous *)
val get_class_name: env -> typ -> (qualified_name * tkind)
(** returns the name of the class bound to the given [typ], which can be
either a class or a typedef. *)
val get_class_name_from_pointer: env -> typ -> (qualified_name * tkind)
(** [get_class_name_from_pointer env ty] returns the name of the class [ty]
points to, unrolling typedefs if needed. *)
val get_class_name_from_reference: env -> typ -> (qualified_name * tkind * bool)
(** [get_class_name_from_reference env ty] returns the name of the class [ty]
is bound to, either directly (returned boolean flag is [false] or through
a reference (returned flag is [true]). Typedefs are unrolled as needed. *)
val get_struct_name: env -> typ -> (qualified_name * tkind)
(** get the name of the given aggregate (or pointer/ref to aggregate) type
unfold typedef if needed. *)
val get_signature_type: env -> typ -> signature
(** get the signature of the given functional type. *)
val get_struct_name_exp: env -> exp_node -> (qualified_name * tkind)
(** get the name of the aggregate type of the given object. *)
val get_dynamic_signature: env -> exp_node -> signature
(** gets the dynamic type of the given expression. *)
val closure_var_kind: env -> string -> bool option
(** [Some is_ref] if the given string
(that may be "this") is a captured identifier,
where [is_ref] is true iff the capture is done by reference.
[None] otherwise. *)
val reset_closure: env -> env
(** remove information about captured identifiers. *)
val add_closure_info: env -> capture list -> env
(** Associates the given identifiers to the appropriate closure kind. *)