Virgile Prevosto authoredVirgile Prevosto authored
ACSLLexer.h 21.47 KiB
/* */
/* This file is part of Frama-Clang */
/* */
/* Copyright (C) 2012-2021 */
/* CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies */
/* alternatives) */
/* */
/* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU */
/* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software */
/* Foundation, version 2.1. */
/* */
/* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
/* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. */
/* */
/* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 */
/* for more details (enclosed in the file LICENSE). */
/* */
// Description:
// Definition of the ACSL++ lexer.
#ifndef ACSL_LexerH
#define ACSL_LexerH
#include <list>
#include "DescentParse.h"
#include "ACSLToken.h"
extern "C" {
#include "intermediate_format.h"
#include "Clang_utils.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Token.h"
/** @file */
namespace clang {
class ASTContext;
class DeclContext;
class Sema;
class Scope;
class MacroArgs;
class Token;
class MacroInfo;
} // end of namespace clang
/** @file */
namespace Acsl {
/*! @class Lexer
* @brief Builds a token Token from a string buffer.
* The main method of the class Lexer is readToken. It reads characters from
* the input string buffer and then it returns the token that has been read.
* readToken returns either RRHasToken, in which case lexer.queryToken()
* returns the token, or RRFinished, in which case the input has been completely lexed.
* \n \n
* The lexer is setup by first calling the constructor, and then calling setBuffer to
* set the input. setBuffer can be called repeatedly; each call to setBuffer will
* reset the internal state of the lexer.
* \n\n
* If queryToken() reveals the token to
* be a first kind enum token, then a simple static_cast conversion
* gives an access to what it is. If queryToken() reveals to be a second kind
* elaborate token the method getContentToken gives a read access to its
* content. \n \n
* The lexer uses one of two methods to lex the input. The frist method is to
* delegate the lexing to clang. In this case the input buffer is completely
* lexed into a series of clang tokens, which are then converted to ACSL tokens
* as they are requested by calls to readToken(). Note that a single clang token
* is sometimes multiple ACSL tokens and sometimes multiple clang tokens
* constitute a single ACSL token. By using clang, we delegate all of the
* preprocessing macro substitution logic to clang.
* \n\n
* The second lexing method is to lex the input directly with methods in this class.
* This method is used to perform a first pass through the input to check for
* preprocessing directives that are not permitted in ACSL. This method is also
* incompletely implemented, in that it does not implemente all preprocessing directives
* (e.g. evaluating #if directives) and does not closely implement the details of
* macro substition, digraphs, trigraphs, backslash-newlines and likely other details.
class Lexer : public Parser::Base {
/*! @class Error
* @brief Defines a lexing error to be reported into a Acsl::ErrorMessage.
class Error {
std::string filePos;
unsigned linePos; //!< Starting with 1
unsigned columnPos; //!< Starting with 1 -- FIXME check this
std::string message;
/*! Creates a Error message, copying information from the beginning token location */
Error(location position, const std::string& msg);
Error(const std::string& file, unsigned line, unsigned column,
const std::string& msg)
: filePos(file), linePos(line), columnPos(column), message(msg) {}
std::string str() const;
friend std::ostream & operator <<( std::ostream &os, const Error &err ) {
return (os << err.str());
typedef DLexer::AbstractToken AbstractToken;
typedef ReadResult (Lexer::*ReadPointerMethod)(const std::string& buffer,
size_t& position, location loc);
typedef DLexer::Token Token;
typedef Parser::TTextBuffer<char> TextBuffer;
typedef std::list<std::pair<std::string,AbstractToken> > Utf8SymbolSet;
std::string _buffer; //!< The text material being lexed
size_t _position; //!< The current position within _buffer
bool _hasFinished; //!< set true by the lexer when the end of input has been reached
location _tokenLocation;
//!< The ACSL location of the current token in the source text, updated as the source text is read
clang::SourceLocation _clangSourceLocation;
//!< Location of the annotation text (the contents of _buffer) as provided by clang (not updated as tokens are lexed)
TextBuffer _currentToken;
//!< text content of _token that the lexer is currently reading.
Token _token; //!< Token that the lexer most recently completed
bool _hasNewlineToken; //!< if the previous token was a comment -- FIXME explain this
char _context; //!< context for comments and for constant reading.
char _extension; //!< additional information for reading a literal extension.
enum { Unknown, Dec, Oct, Hex, Bin } _digits;
//!< kind of digits allowed when parsing numeric constant
enum { LeadZero, Digits, FracPart, Exponent, ExpNext, ISuf, FSuf } _litState;
//!< current state of numeric literal parsing
DLexer::CharacterLiteralToken::Type _charLitKind;
std::list<Error> _errorList; //!< List of errors produced by the lexer.
// macro arguments for clang::TokenLexer
typedef std::vector<std::list<std::pair<unsigned,
DLexer::AbstractToken*> > > MacroTokensStack;
MacroTokensStack _macroTokensStack;
std::vector<clang::MacroArgs*> _currentMacroArgumentsStack;
std::set<std::string> _usedMacros;
enum StateLexer { SLStandard, SLMacroArgs, SLMacroTokens} _stateLexer;
mutable std::vector<std::string> _stringsForToken;
const clang::Sema* _clangSema;
//!< Pointer to the clang Sema structure, for access to various Clang services
unsigned lexerWarning;
unsigned lexerError;
unsigned ppWarning;
unsigned ppError;
Utf8SymbolSet _AcceptedUtf8Symbols;
//!< utf8-encoded symbols that are parsed in ACSL specifications
//! Stack of tokens from expanding macros; these are the next tokens to be read
std::stack<DLexer::Token> _token_stack;
std::list<Token> _acslTokens;
//!< next tokens to be read, produced when a clang token represents multiple ACSL tokens
std::list<clang::Token> _clangTokens;
//!< list of clang tokens representing the input
bool _clangTokensSet;
//!< true if lexer used clang to do the actual lexing (so take tokens from _clangTokens)
bool _rawOnly;
//!< If true, then do not expand macros (only valid when NOT using clang)
//! If true, the ACSL preprocessor only does a check for ASCL-specific PP restrictions, and
//! leaves all other error reporting, etc., to the clang preprocessor
bool _ppCheckOnly;
/*! whether the given character could be the first character of an
accepted utf8 symbol.
bool isUtf8SymbolStart(char cid);
/*! Advance position until a non-space (and non-@) character is reached; skips backslash-newlines,
* skips comments, and if skipNewLines is true, skips new line characters as well; the position
* argument and the (beginning) line and character positions in the loc argument are updated,
* and will point to the first non-space character when the function returns (and the character
* at that position is returned). An '@' symbol is space.
// FIXME - is this still used
char skipSpace(const std::string& buffer, size_t& position, location loc, bool skipNewLines=true);
// FIXME - document
void handlePPDirectiveInACSL(const std::string& buffer, size_t& position, size_t start, location loc);
// FIXME - document
// FIXME - is this still used
const std::string getPreprocessorToken(const std::string& buffer, size_t& position, location loc, bool skipNewLines, bool raw);
//! advances to end of line, issuing a warning about any non-white-space, non-comment material present.
// FIXME - is this still used
void complainAboutExcessMaterial(const std::string& buffer, size_t& position, location loc, bool warn);
//! Advances Lexer to just before the end of line, ignoring everything, but advancing past backslash-newlines
// FIXME - is this still used
const std::string skipUpToEndOfLine(const std::string& buffer, size_t& position, location loc);
//! Skips to next preprocessing directive, reading and returning it; used to skip material within conditional if/ifdef/ifndef blocks
const std::string skipToNextPPDirective(const std::string& buffer, size_t& position, location loc);
// FIXME - is this still used?
void skipThroughToken(const std::string& tok, const std::string& buffer, size_t& position, location loc);
// FIXME - is this still used?
const std::string getAndTrimRestOfLine(const std::string& buffer, size_t& position, location loc);
// Utilities for handling macros
/*! Consults clang to see if the given string has a macro definition */
bool isDefinedMacro(const std::string& id);
/*! Gets macro information from clang (defined only if isDefinedMacro is true) */
clang::MacroInfo* getMacro(const std::string& name) const;
/*! Expands an identifier if it is a macro, returning the first token and pushing other tokens
* on to the _token_stack; returns the token itself if it is not a macro.
DLexer::Token expandIfMacro(const DLexer::Token& token, Parser::Base::ReadResult& result);
// FIXME - is this needed?
bool handleMacroExpandedIdentifier(const std::string& identifier,
clang::MacroInfo *macro, ReadResult& parseResult);
/*! Used to read the arguments of a macro */
clang::MacroArgs* readFunctionLikeMacroArgs(const std::string& identifier, clang::MacroInfo *macro);
/*! Converts a clang token into an ACSL token; if the clang token represents multiple ACSL tokens,
* the extra ACSL tokens are pushed onto _acslTokens
DLexer::Token convertClangTokenToACSLToken(const clang::Token& source) const;
//! Converts an ACSL token to a clang token
clang::Token convertToClang(DLexer::Token source) const ;
// Note here that charnum2/linenum2 are the end of a token (or the current position while
// accumulating a token); charnum1/linenum1 are the beginning of the token.
// Error grabs charnum1 -- the beginning of the token.
/*! Adds current character to _currentToken and advances the end-position of the token
* (the resulting position and loc information points to just after the stored token),
* returns the character at the new position
char advanceChar2(const std::string& buffer, size_t& position, location loc) {
_currentToken << buffer[position];
char ch = buffer[position];
if (ch == '\0') {
if (getMoreCharacters()) ch = buffer[position];
return ch;
/*! Advances the position and begin-position of loc, returning the character at the new position,
* without affecting the accumulating token; skips over backslash-newlines. FIXME - what about comments
char advanceChar1NoToken(const std::string& buffer, size_t& position, location loc);
/*! Advances the position and end-position of loc, returning the character at the new position,
* without affecting the accumulating token; skips over backslash-newlines. FIXME - what about comments
*/ // FIXME - more detail, should this be used?
char advanceChar2NoToken(const std::string& buffer, size_t& position, location loc);
/*! returns true if the character is a valid digit for the currently
* selected base. Assumes that _digits is not UNKNOWN.
bool isDigit(char ch) const {
if (ch == '0' || ch == '1') return true;
if (_digits == Bin) return false;
if ( '0' <= ch && ch <= '7') return true;
if (_digits == Oct) return false;
if (ch == '8' || ch == '9') return true;
if (_digits == Dec) return false;
if ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'f') return true;
return ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'F');
/*! sets the type of the given token based on the value of _digits */
void setType(DLexer::IntegerLiteralToken *intToken) const {
if (_digits == Hex)
if (_digits == Bin)
if (_digits == Oct)
/*! Returns an identifier or keyword token for the given text (without
* an initial backslash) according to whether the text is a protected token
* (cf. AcslToken.h)
Token protectedKeywordOrIdentifier(const std::string& textNoBS);
void reparseWithClang(const std::string& text, clang::SourceLocation clangLoc);
//! Internal utility function to read a token beginning at the given position,
//! called by readToken()
ReadResult readToken(const std::string& buffer, size_t& position, location loc);
//! sets the stored token; only valid if not currently set
void setToken(const Token& token)
{ assert(_token.getType() == AbstractToken::TUndefined);
_token = token;
/*! Utility function that comments out the remainder of a line within the text, starting
* at the given offset in the input buffer
void removeFromRevision(size_t start);
/*! reads the next token beginning at position and and stores it in _token,
* updating position and leaving loc with the new tokens beginning and end positions;
* position will be the character after the lexed token (FIXME - check this)
* FIXME - explain result, here and in the following
ReadResult readMain(const std::string& buffer, size_t& position, location loc);
//! read the end of a CommentToken, depending of the kind of comment
//! (a line one or a delimited one).
ReadResult readEndComment(const std::string& buffer, size_t& position, location loc);
//! read an IdentifierToken from buffer beginning at position, putting the token
//! in _token and updating position and loc
ReadResult readIdentifierToken(const std::string& buffer, size_t& position,
location loc);
//! read a character literal
//! in _token and updating position and loc
ReadResult readNumberToken(const std::string& buffer, size_t& position, location loc);
//! read a Character Token from buffer beginning at position, putting the token
//! in _token and updating position and loc
ReadResult readCharLiteral(const std::string& buffer, size_t& position, location loc);
//! read a protected Token (one starting with a backslash)
//! from buffer beginning at position, putting the token
//! in _token and updating position and loc
ReadResult readProtectedToken(const std::string& buffer, size_t& position, location loc);
//! reads one or more chars in buffer, starting at position, interpreting them as a
//! UTF8 character; only a predefined set of UTF8 characters are recognizezd
ReadResult readUtf8Symbol(const std::string& buffer, size_t& position, location loc);
/*! A common point to call for not-yet-implemented features (issues an error message) */
void notImplemented(const clang::Token& source) const;
// FIXME - want this to be static so it can be reused
/*! When using clang, call this method on new input to lex the entire input into clang preprocessor tokens,
* which are placed in the _clangTokens list
void lexUsingClang(const clang::Sema* _sema, const std::string& input, clang::SourceLocation loc, std::list<clang::Token>& clangTokens);
Lexer(const Lexer& source) = delete;
//! creates a lexer
Lexer(const clang::Sema* sema);
/*! Destructs internal state of the lexer */
~Lexer() {
if (!_macroTokensStack.empty()) {
MacroTokensStack::iterator iterEnd = _macroTokensStack.end();
for (MacroTokensStack::iterator iter = _macroTokensStack.begin();
iter != iterEnd; ++iter) {
std::list<std::pair<unsigned, DLexer::AbstractToken*> >::iterator
tokenIterEnd = iter->end();
for (std::list<std::pair<unsigned, DLexer::AbstractToken*> >
::iterator tokenIter = iter->begin();
tokenIter != tokenIterEnd; ++tokenIter)
if (tokenIter->second)
delete tokenIter->second;
/*! returns true if all tokens have been read */
bool hasFinished() {
return _hasFinished;
/*! sets the input to a new buffer, replacing any old state and buffer */
Lexer& setBuffer(const std::string& buffer, const clang::SourceLocation& sourceLocation, int position = 0, bool useClang = true, bool raw = false) {
_buffer = buffer;
_revised = buffer;
_position = position;
if (_tokenLocation) free_location(_tokenLocation);
_tokenLocation = makeLocation(sourceLocation);
_clangSourceLocation = sourceLocation;
_clangTokensSet = false;
_rawOnly = raw;
_hasFinished = false;
if (useClang) initFromClang();
return *this;
/*! revised input text, in cases where some error recovery is possible */
std::string _revised;
/*! The routine to use to read tokens by means of the lexer; tokens are read from
* buffer beginning at position; the token is stored in _token, with loc holding the
* beginning and end position of the the token. On return position will point to the character
* just after the token (FIXME - check this). Lexer sips over initial white space
* comments, and backslash-newlines
*/ // FIXME - loc has end position or one beyond end?
// FIXME - what about trigraphs, digraphs
ReadResult readToken();
// FIXME - explain
void eatToken(ReadResult& result);
//! returns the stored token; note that tokens have a single owner, so the caller
//! will be the actively owning instance
Token& extractToken() { return _token; }
//! returns the abstract token contained in the stored token (which must be valid)
AbstractToken queryToken() { return _token.getFullToken(); }
//! returns (a pointer to) the token location (does not own the returned value)
location seeTokenLocation() const { return _tokenLocation; }
// FIXME _ explain
const AbstractToken& getContentToken() const { return _token.getContent(); }
// FIXME - explain
void assumeContentToken() { _token.assumeContent(); }
//! returns true if errors have been accumulated by the lexer
bool hasErrors() const { return !_errorList.empty(); }
//! returns (a reference to) the list of lexer errors;
//! error instances can be copied from and deleted using this reference
std::list<Error>& errorList() { return _errorList; }
//! returns true if there is a stored token
bool doesNeedClear() const { return _token.getType(); }
//! deletes (frees) the stored token and prepares the lexer to read the next token
void clearToken()
{ _currentToken.clear();
_context = '\0';
_token = Token();
// FIXME - document - does this need to be public?
void initFromClang() {
lexUsingClang(_clangSema, _buffer, _clangSourceLocation, _clangTokens);
_clangTokensSet = true;
std::string str(const location loc) {
std::ostringstream s;
s << loc->filename1 << ":" << loc->linenum1 << ":" << loc->charnum1 << "::" << loc->filename2 << ":" << loc->linenum2 << ":" << loc->charnum2;
return s.str();
/*! returns verbose information about a clang token (including start and end location) */
std::string str(const clang::Token& t) const;
/*! returns verbose information about a clang source location */
std::string str(const clang::SourceLocation& loc) const;
/*! returns the source text for a clang token */
std::string text(const clang::Token& t) const;
/*! makes a ACSL location from a clang source location */
location makeLocation(clang::SourceLocation source) const;
/*! sets _tokenLocation from a pair (beginning and end) clang locations */
void setLocation(const clang::SourceLocation& begin, const clang::SourceLocation& end);
/*! returns true if two clang locations are the same */
bool sameLocation(const clang::SourceLocation& begin, const clang::SourceLocation& end) const;
// If the input buffers are such that they do not necessarily contain the whole input, then
// getMoreCharacters() should be implemented to add material to the buffer when called.
/*! Adds more material to _buffer, resetting _position as needed; returns false if no more
* material was added.
// There are not yet any non-vacuous implementations of this function so its uses may not be correct
bool getMoreCharacters() { return false; }
} // end of namespace Acsl
#endif // ACSL_LexerH