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Commit ea061ee0 authored by Hichem R. A.'s avatar Hichem R. A. Committed by Hichem R. A.
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[Array] new cmdline options

parent 95c25298
1 merge request!32Update ocplib-simplex, some fixes
Pipeline #54914 failed
......@@ -11,17 +11,17 @@
"no-wegraph no-res-ext no-res-aup"
"no-wegraph no-res-aup"
"array-res-ext array-res-aup"
"no-res-ext no-res-aup"
"array-wegraph array-res-ext"
"array-wegraph array-res-ext array-res-aup"
(mode promote))
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
"no-wegraph no-res-aup"
"array-res-ext array-res-aup"
"array-wegraph array-res-ext"
"array-wegraph array-res-ext array-res-aup"
(mode promote))
(rule (alias runtest) (action (run %{bin:colibri2} --size=50M --time=60s --max-steps 3500 --array-res-ext --check-status sat
(rule (alias runtest) (action (run %{bin:colibri2} --size=50M --time=60s --max-steps 3500 --no-wegraph --no-res-aup --check-status sat
--dont-print-result %{dep:test6.smt2})) (package colibri2))
(rule (alias runtest-learning) (action (run %{bin:colibri2} --size=50M --time=60s --max-steps 3500 --array-res-ext --check-status sat --learning --dont-print-result %{dep:test6.smt2})) (package colibri2))
(rule (alias runtest) (action (run %{bin:colibri2} --size=50M --time=60s --max-steps 3500 --array-res-ext --array-res-aup --check-status sat
(rule (alias runtest-learning) (action (run %{bin:colibri2} --size=50M --time=60s --max-steps 3500 --no-wegraph --no-res-aup --check-status sat --learning --dont-print-result %{dep:test6.smt2})) (package colibri2))
(rule (alias runtest) (action (run %{bin:colibri2} --size=50M --time=60s --max-steps 3500 --no-wegraph --check-status sat
--dont-print-result %{dep:test6.smt2})) (package colibri2))
(rule (alias runtest-learning) (action (run %{bin:colibri2} --size=50M --time=60s --max-steps 3500 --array-res-ext --array-res-aup --check-status sat --learning --dont-print-result %{dep:test6.smt2})) (package colibri2))
(rule (alias runtest) (action (run %{bin:colibri2} --size=50M --time=60s --max-steps 3500 --array-wegraph --array-res-ext --check-status sat
(rule (alias runtest-learning) (action (run %{bin:colibri2} --size=50M --time=60s --max-steps 3500 --no-wegraph --check-status sat --learning --dont-print-result %{dep:test6.smt2})) (package colibri2))
(rule (alias runtest) (action (run %{bin:colibri2} --size=50M --time=60s --max-steps 3500 --no-res-aup --check-status sat
--dont-print-result %{dep:test6.smt2})) (package colibri2))
(rule (alias runtest-learning) (action (run %{bin:colibri2} --size=50M --time=60s --max-steps 3500 --array-wegraph --array-res-ext --check-status sat --learning --dont-print-result %{dep:test6.smt2})) (package colibri2))
(rule (alias runtest) (action (run %{bin:colibri2} --size=50M --time=60s --max-steps 3500 --array-wegraph --array-res-ext --array-res-aup --check-status sat
(rule (alias runtest-learning) (action (run %{bin:colibri2} --size=50M --time=60s --max-steps 3500 --no-res-aup --check-status sat --learning --dont-print-result %{dep:test6.smt2})) (package colibri2))
(rule (alias runtest) (action (run %{bin:colibri2} --size=50M --time=60s --max-steps 3500 --check-status sat
--dont-print-result %{dep:test6.smt2})) (package colibri2))
(rule (alias runtest-learning) (action (run %{bin:colibri2} --size=50M --time=60s --max-steps 3500 --array-wegraph --array-res-ext --array-res-aup --check-status sat --learning --dont-print-result %{dep:test6.smt2})) (package colibri2))
(rule (alias runtest-learning) (action (run %{bin:colibri2} --size=50M --time=60s --max-steps 3500 --check-status sat --learning --dont-print-result %{dep:test6.smt2})) (package colibri2))
- sat/test3.smt2:
works with:
- "--array-res-ext"
- "--array-wegraph --array-res-ext"
- "--no-wegraph --no-res-aup"
- "--no-res-aup"
- sat/test4.smt2:
works with:
- ""
- "--array-wegraph"
- "--no-wegraph --no-res-ext --no-res-aup"
- "--no-res-ext --no-res-aup"
- unsat/distinct2:
fails with:
- ""
- "--array-wegraph"
- "--no-wegraph --no-res-ext --no-res-aup"
- "--no-res-ext --no-res-aup"
- sat/test4.smt2
......@@ -11,17 +11,17 @@
"no-wegraph no-res-ext no-res-aup"
"no-wegraph no-res-aup"
"array-res-ext array-res-aup"
"no-res-ext no-res-aup"
"array-wegraph array-res-ext"
"array-wegraph array-res-ext array-res-aup"
(mode promote))
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ let new_array =
fun env ind_gty val_gty f ->
(* Extensionality rule ext: a, b ⇒ (a = b) ⋁ (a[k] ≠ b[k]) *)
let agty = Ground.Ty.array ind_gty val_gty in
(if not (Options.get env restrict_ext) then
(if Options.get env no_res_ext then
match GHT.find_opt db_gty env agty with
| Some s ->
......@@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ open RWRules
Command line options:
- "None": uses RW1(adown), RW2(aup), idx and extensionality
- "--array-res-ext": restricts the extrensionality rule using the foreign
- "--no-wegraph": don't use the weak equivalency graph
- "--no-res-ext": don't restrict the extrensionality rule using the foreign
- "--array-res-aup": restricts the RW2 rule using the linearity domain
- "--no-res-aup": don't restrict the RW2 rule using the linearity domain
- "--array-ext-comb": to support additional combinators
(const, map, def_ind, def_val)
- "--array-blast-rule": uses the blast rule when it suits
- "--array-def-values": suppots the rules on the default values
- "--array-wegraph": uses the weak equivalency graph
let converter env (f : Ground.t) =
......@@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ let converter env (f : Ground.t) =
match s with
| { app = { builtin = Expr.Base; id_ty; _ }; args; tyargs; _ } ->
if IArray.is_empty args then (
if Options.get env restrict_aup && f_is_array then
if (not (Options.get env no_res_aup)) && f_is_array then
(* update of the Linearity domain *)
Linearity_dom.upd_dom env fn Empty)
else if Options.get env restrict_ext then (
else if not (Options.get env no_res_ext) then (
(* update of the Foreign domain *)
let subst, arg_tys =
match id_ty.ty_descr with
......@@ -94,9 +94,10 @@ let converter env (f : Ground.t) =
Id.Array.set_id env a;
Id.Index.set_id env i;
Ground.add_ty env i ind_gty;
if Options.get env use_wegraph then WEGraph.new_select env fn a i;
if not (Options.get env no_wegraph) then WEGraph.new_select env fn a i;
(* update of the Foreign domain *)
if Options.get env restrict_ext && == Expr.Array then
if (not (Options.get env no_res_ext)) && == Expr.Array
(* id and ground type are set during registration *)
Foreign_dom.set_dom env (Ground.Ty.array ind_gty val_gty) i IsForeign;
if Options.get env extended_comb then (
......@@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ let converter env (f : Ground.t) =
Id.Index.set_id env k;
Id.Value.set_id env v;
(* update of the Linearity domain *)
if Options.get env restrict_aup then
if not (Options.get env no_res_aup) then
Linearity_dom.upd_dom env fn (Linear b);
(* application of the `idx` rule *)
let rn = Equality.equality env [ mk_select env a k ind_gty val_gty; v ] in
......@@ -158,7 +159,7 @@ let converter env (f : Ground.t) =
Egraph.register env eq_node;
Boolean.set_true env eq_node);
if Options.get env use_wegraph then WEGraph.new_store env a b k v
if not (Options.get env no_wegraph) then WEGraph.new_store env a b k v
| {
app = { builtin = Builtin.Array_diff; _ };
......@@ -216,7 +217,7 @@ let init env =
Array_value.init_ty env;
Array_value.init_check env;
Ground.register_converter env converter;
if Options.get env use_wegraph then (
if not (Options.get env no_wegraph) then (
Id.Array.register_new_id_hook env WEGraph.new_id_hook;
Id.Array.register_merge_hook env WEGraph.eq_arrays_norm;
Id.Index.register_new_id_hook env WEGraph.new_index_id_hook;
......@@ -227,7 +228,7 @@ let init env =
(* extᵣ (restricted extensionality):
- (a = b) ≡ false |> (a[k] ≠ b[k])
- a, b, {a,b} ⊆ foreign |> (a = b) ⋁ (a[k] ≠ b[k]) *)
if Options.get env restrict_ext then (
if not (Options.get env no_res_ext) then (
(* if Options.get env use_wegraph then (
(* (a = b) ≡ false |> (a[k] ≠ b[k]) (when a and b are neighbours) *)
Equality.register_hook_new_disequality env apply_res_ext_1_2;
......@@ -241,7 +242,7 @@ let init env =
Foreign_dom.register_hook_new_foreign_array env apply_res_ext_2_1);
let l = [ (adown_pattern, adown_run) ] in
let l =
if Options.get env restrict_aup then (raup_pattern, raup_run) :: l
if not (Options.get env no_res_aup) then (raup_pattern, raup_run) :: l
else (aup_pattern, aup_run) :: l
let l =
......@@ -24,16 +24,26 @@ open Colibri2_popop_lib
open Popop_stdlib
module HT = Datastructure.Hashtbl (DInt)
let restrict_ext =
Options.register ~pp:Fmt.bool "Array.res-ext"
let no_wegraph =
Options.register ~pp:Fmt.bool ""
value & flag
& info [ "array-res-ext" ] ~doc:"Restrict the extensionality rule")
& info [ "no-wegraph" ]
~doc:"Don't use the array theory's weak equivalency graph")
let restrict_aup =
let no_res_ext =
Options.register ~pp:Fmt.bool ""
value & flag
& info [ "no-res-ext" ]
~doc:"Don't restrict the array extensionality rule")
let no_res_aup =
Options.register ~pp:Fmt.bool "Array.res-aup"
value & flag & info [ "array-res-aup" ] ~doc:"Restrict the ⇑ rule")
value & flag
& info [ "no-res-aup" ]
~doc:"Don't restrict the array's ⇑ (select over store) rule")
let extended_comb =
Options.register ~pp:Fmt.bool "Array.res-comb"
......@@ -54,12 +64,6 @@ let default_values =
& info [ "array-def-values" ]
~doc:"Use inference rules for default values")
let use_wegraph =
Options.register ~pp:Fmt.bool "Array.wegraph"
value & flag
& info [ "array-wegraph" ] ~doc:"Use the array's weak equivalency graph")
let debug =
Debug.register_info_flag ~desc:"Debugging messages of the array theory"
......@@ -455,8 +459,8 @@ end) : IdDomSig = struct
| Some id1, n1, Some id2, n2 ->
Datastructure.Push.iter merge_hooks env ~f:(fun f ->
f env (n1, id1) (n2, id2) b)
(* id1 always stays, b allows to determine which one will become the
representative *)
(* id1 always stays, b allows to determine which one will become the
representative *)
| _ ->
(* Ideally, should be unreachable, but it is with the test
"./colibri2/tests/solve/smt_array/unsat/ite1.smt2"? *)
......@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@
(* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *)
val restrict_ext : bool Options.t
val restrict_aup : bool Options.t
val no_wegraph : bool Options.t
val no_res_ext : bool Options.t
val no_res_aup : bool Options.t
val extended_comb : bool Options.t
val blast_rule : bool Options.t
val default_values : bool Options.t
val use_wegraph : bool Options.t
val debug : Debug.flag
val convert : subst:Ground.Subst.t -> 'a Egraph.t -> Expr.term -> Node.t
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