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Commit 43a3e076 authored by François Bobot's avatar François Bobot
Browse files

Use an external table for polynome/product to node

In order to not keep some and simplify the debug gui
parent dfcb06fe
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1 merge request!17Separate Abs and Sign
......@@ -34,9 +34,35 @@ end
module ThE = ThTerm.Register (T)
let node_of_polynome p =
module Table = struct
module H = Datastructure.Hashtbl (T)
let h = H.create Node.pp "HARITH_POLY"
let set ~old_ ~new_ n d =
(match old_ with
| None -> ()
| Some old_ -> if not (Polynome.equal old_ new_) then H.remove h d old_);
| None -> Some n
| Some n' as s ->
Egraph.merge d n n';
h d new_
let new_ d p =
match H.find_opt h d p with
| Some n -> n
| None ->
let n = ThE.node (ThE.index p) in
H.set h d p n;
let node_of_polynome d p =
match Polynome.is_cst p with
| None -> ThE.node (ThE.index p)
| None -> Table.new_ d p
| Some q -> RealValue.node (RealValue.index q)
include Pivot.Total (struct
......@@ -56,11 +82,11 @@ include Pivot.Total (struct
let add acc cl c = Polynome.x_p_cy acc c (f cl) in
Polynome.fold add (Polynome.cst p.cst) p
let set d cl p =
match is_one_node p with
let set d cl ~old_ ~new_ =
match is_one_node new_ with
| None -> (
match Polynome.is_cst p with
| None -> Egraph.set_thterm d cl (ThE.thterm (ThE.index p))
match Polynome.is_cst new_ with
| None -> Table.set ~old_ ~new_ cl d
| Some q ->
Egraph.set_value d cl (RealValue.nodevalue (RealValue.index q)))
| Some cl' -> Egraph.merge d cl cl'
......@@ -30,6 +30,6 @@ val events_repr_change :
val init : Egraph.wt -> unit
val node_of_polynome : Polynome.t -> Node.t
val node_of_polynome : _ Egraph.t -> Polynome.t -> Node.t
val normalize : _ Egraph.t -> Polynome.t -> Polynome.t
......@@ -40,16 +40,42 @@ end
module ThE = ThTerm.Register (T)
let node_of_product abs sign =
module Table = struct
module H = Datastructure.Hashtbl (T)
let h = H.create Node.pp "HARITH_PRODUCT"
let set ~old_ ~new_ d n =
if not (T.equal old_ new_) then H.remove h d old_;
| None -> Some n
| Some n' as s ->
Egraph.merge d n n';
h d new_
let new_ d p =
match H.find_opt h d p with
| Some n -> n
| None ->
let n = ThE.node (ThE.index p) in
H.set h d p n;
let node_of_product d abs sign =
let t = { T.abs; sign } in
ThE.node (ThE.index t)
Table.new_ d t
let set d cl abs sign =
let set d cl ~old_abs ~old_sign abs sign =
if Sign_product.equal sign then
Egraph.merge d cl
let aux () =
Egraph.set_thterm d cl (ThE.thterm (ThE.index { abs; sign }))
Table.set d cl
~old_:{ T.abs = old_abs; sign = old_sign }
~new_:{ T.abs; sign }
match Product.is_one_node abs with
| None -> aux ()
......@@ -85,7 +111,9 @@ end = Pivot.WithUnsolved (struct
let p, c = subst p n q in
if Q.is_zero c then None else Some p
let set d cl abs = SolveSign.iter_eqs d cl ~f:(fun sign -> set d cl abs sign)
let set d cl ~old_ ~new_ =
SolveSign.iter_eqs d cl ~f:(fun sign ->
set d cl ~old_abs:old_ ~old_sign:sign new_ sign)
type data = Q.t
......@@ -176,7 +204,9 @@ end = Pivot.WithUnsolved (struct
let attach_info_change d f = Events.attach_any_dom d Dom_interval.dom f
let set d cl sign = SolveAbs.iter_eqs d cl ~f:(fun abs -> set d cl abs sign)
let set d cl ~old_ ~new_ =
SolveAbs.iter_eqs d cl ~f:(fun abs ->
set d cl ~old_abs:abs ~old_sign:old_ abs new_)
type info = Sign_product.presolve * Sign_product.t
......@@ -234,14 +264,14 @@ let factorize res a coef b d _ =
| NODE n, NODE n' when Egraph.is_equal d n n' ->
(cst, (n, v) :: acc)
| _ ->
let n = node_of_product abs sign in
let n = node_of_product d abs sign in
Egraph.register d n;
(cst, (n, v) :: acc))
(, [])
[ (pa, sa,; (pb, sb, coef) ]
let p = Polynome.of_list cst l in
let n = Dom_polynome.node_of_polynome p in
let n = Dom_polynome.node_of_polynome d p in
let pp_coef fmt coef =
if Q.equal coef then fmt "+" else fmt "-"
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
(* val assume_equality : Egraph.wt -> Node.t -> Product.t -> unit *)
val node_of_product : Product.t -> Sign_product.t -> Node.t
val node_of_product : _ Egraph.t -> Product.t -> Sign_product.t -> Node.t
module SolveAbs : sig
val get_repr : _ Egraph.t -> Node.t -> Product.t option
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ let divide d (p : Polynome.t) =
| NODE n, NODE n' when Egraph.is_equal d n n' ->
(cst, (n, v) :: acc)
| _ ->
let n = Dom_product.node_of_product abs sign in
let n = Dom_product.node_of_product d abs sign in
(cst, (n, v) :: acc))
(, []) l
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ module WithUnsolved (P : sig
val solve : info -> info -> t solve_with_unsolved
val set : Egraph.wt -> Node.t -> t -> unit
val set : Egraph.wt -> Node.t -> old_:t -> new_:t -> unit
end) : sig
val assume_equality : Egraph.wt -> Node.t -> P.t -> unit
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ end = struct
let set_poly d cl p chg =
Egraph.set_dom d dom cl p;
List.iter (fun p -> P.set d cl p) chg
List.iter (fun (old_, new_) -> P.set d cl ~old_ ~new_) chg
let add_used_product d cl' new_cls =
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ end = struct
match P.subst q cl p with
| None -> (new_cl, P.S.add q acc, chg)
| Some q -> (new_cl, P.S.add q acc, q :: chg)
| Some q' -> (new_cl, P.S.add q' acc, (q, q') :: chg)
let new_cl, acc, chg = fold (Node.M.empty, P.S.empty, []) q.repr in
let repr = P.S.choose acc in
......@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ end = struct
match po with
| None ->
add_used_product d cl (P.nodes eq);
set_poly d cl { repr = eq; eqs = P.S.empty } [ eq ]
set_poly d cl { repr = eq; eqs = P.S.empty } [ (eq, eq) ]
| Some p -> (
if (not (P.S.mem eq p.eqs)) && not (P.equal eq p.repr) then
......@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ end = struct
let eqs = p.eqs |> P.S.add eq |> P.S.remove repr in
let p = { repr; eqs } in
add_used_product d cl (P.nodes eq);
set_poly d cl p [ eq ])
set_poly d cl p [ (eq, eq) ])
and subst d cl eq =
Debug.dprintf4 debug "[Pivot] subst %a with %a" Node.pp cl P.pp eq;
......@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ end = struct
| None ->
let p = { repr = eq; eqs = P.S.empty } in
add_used_product d cl (P.nodes eq);
set_poly d cl p [ eq ]
set_poly d cl p [ (eq, eq) ]
| Some p ->
assert (Option.equal Node.equal (P.is_one_node p.repr) (Some cl));
subst_doms d cl eq;
......@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ module Total (P : sig
val solve : t -> t -> t solve_total
val set : Egraph.wt -> Node.t -> t -> unit
val set : Egraph.wt -> Node.t -> old_:t option -> new_:t -> unit
end) : sig
val assume_equality : Egraph.wt -> Node.t -> P.t -> unit
......@@ -428,9 +428,9 @@ end = struct
let used_in_poly : Node.t Bag.t Node.HC.t =
Node.HC.create (Bag.pp Pp.semi Node.pp) "used_in_poly"
let set_poly d cl p =
Egraph.set_dom d dom cl p;
P.set d cl p
let set_poly d cl old_ new_ =
Egraph.set_dom d dom cl new_;
P.set d cl ~old_ ~new_
let add_used d cl' new_cl =
......@@ -463,12 +463,12 @@ end = struct
| None -> assert false (* absurd: can't be used and absent *)
| Some q ->
let new_cl = Node.M.set_diff (P.nodes p) (P.nodes q) in
let q = P.subst q cl p in
let q_new = P.subst q cl p in
add_used d cl' new_cl;
set_poly d cl' q)
set_poly d cl' (Some q) q_new)
add_used d cl (P.nodes p);
set_poly d cl p
set_poly d cl None p
module Th = struct
include P
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ module WithUnsolved (P : sig
(** [solve t1 t2] solve the equation [t1 = t2] by returning a substitution.
Return Unsolved if the equation can't be yet solved *)
val set : Egraph.wt -> Node.t -> t -> unit
val set : Egraph.wt -> Node.t -> old_:t -> new_:t -> unit
(** Called a new term equal to this node is found *)
end) : sig
val assume_equality : Egraph.wt -> Node.t -> P.t -> unit
......@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ module Total (P : sig
val solve : t -> t -> t solve_total
(** [solve t1 t2] solve the equation [t1 = t2] by returning a substitution. *)
val set : Egraph.wt -> Node.t -> t -> unit
val set : Egraph.wt -> Node.t -> old_:t option -> new_:t -> unit
(** Called a new term equal to this node is found *)
end) : sig
val assume_equality : Egraph.wt -> Node.t -> P.t -> unit
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