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Commit 11d17b69 authored by Hichem R. A.'s avatar Hichem R. A. Committed by François Bobot
Browse files

[Array] added restricted ext, aup rules

parent e2ebc1fb
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1 merge request!27New array and sequence theory
......@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
open Colibri2_core
open Colibri2_popop_lib
let restrict_ext = ref false
let restrict_aup = ref false
let db = Datastructure.Push.create Ground.pp "Array.db"
let debug = Debug.register_info_flag ~desc:"For array theory" "Array"
let stats = Debug.register_stats_int "Array.rule"
......@@ -33,6 +35,22 @@ let convert ~subst =
let int_ty =
let array_ty = Expr.Ty.array int_ty int_ty
(* Helper functions *)
let is_array env n =
(function { app = { builtin = Expr.Array; _ }; _ } -> true | _ -> false)
(Ground.tys env n)
let is_foreign env n =
match Egraph.get_dom env Foreign_dom.key n with
| Some IsForeign -> true
| _ -> false
let is_nonlinear env n =
match Egraph.get_dom env Linearity_dom.key n with
| Some NonLinear -> true
| _ -> false
(* Builtins *)
module Builtin = struct
type _ Expr.t += Arr_diff
......@@ -139,12 +157,78 @@ module Theory = struct
(aup_pattern, aup_run)
(* extᵣ (restricted extensionality):
- (a = b) ≡ false |> (a = b) ⋁ (a[k] ≠ b[k])
- a, b, {a,b} ⊆ foreign |> (a = b) ⋁ (a[k] ≠ b[k]) *)
let rext_pattern, rext_run =
let rext_pattern = Pattern.of_term_exn ~subst:Ground.Subst.empty ta in
let rext_run env subst =
Debug.dprintf2 debug "Found rext1 with %a" Ground.Subst.pp subst;
let an = convert ~subst env ta in
Egraph.register env an;
let rext_pattern_bis = Pattern.of_term_exn ~subst tb in
let rext_run_bis env subst_bis =
Debug.dprintf2 debug "Found rext2 with %a" Ground.Subst.pp subst;
let subst = Ground.Subst.distinct_union subst_bis subst in
let bn = convert ~subst env tb in
Egraph.register env bn;
let eq = convert ~subst env (Expr.Term.eq ta tb) in
let is_registered = Egraph.is_registered env eq in
Egraph.register env eq;
(* it can't be false if it is not registered? *)
let is_false = Boolean.is_false env eq in
(is_registered && is_false) || (is_foreign env an && is_foreign env bn)
then (
let v = convert ~subst env distinct_term in
Egraph.register env v;
Boolean.set_true env v)
InvertedPath.add_callback env rext_pattern_bis rext_run_bis
(rext_pattern, rext_run)
(* ⇑ᵣ: a ≡ b[i <- v], b[j], b ∈ non-linear |> (i = j) \/ a[j] = b[j] *)
let raup_pattern, raup_run =
let term = tb ti tv in
let raup_pattern = Pattern.of_term_exn ~subst:Ground.Subst.empty term in
let raup_run env subst =
Debug.dprintf2 debug "Found raup1 with %a" Ground.Subst.pp subst;
let n = convert ~subst env term in
Egraph.register env n;
let term_bis = tb tj in
let raup_pattern_bis = Pattern.of_term_exn ~subst term_bis in
let raup_run_bis env subst_bis =
Debug.dprintf2 debug "Found raup2 with %a" Ground.Subst.pp subst;
let subst = Ground.Subst.distinct_union subst_bis subst in
let bn = convert ~subst env tb in
if is_nonlinear env bn then (
let v =
convert ~subst env
Expr.Term.eq ti tj;
Expr.Term.eq ( term tj)
( tb tj);
Egraph.register env v;
Boolean.set_true env v)
InvertedPath.add_callback env raup_pattern_bis raup_run_bis
(raup_pattern, raup_run)
let init env =
(fun (p, r) -> InvertedPath.add_callback env p r)
[ (adown_pattern, adown_run); (aup_pattern, aup_run) ]
let l = [ (adown_pattern, adown_run) ] in
let l = if !restrict_ext then (rext_pattern, rext_run) :: l else l in
let l =
if !restrict_aup then (raup_pattern, raup_run) :: l
else (aup_pattern, aup_run) :: l
List.iter (fun (p, r) -> InvertedPath.add_callback env p r) l
(* ext: a, b ⇒ (a = b) ⋁ (a[k] ≠ b[k]) *)
(* ext: a, b ⇒ (a = b) ⋁ (a[k] ≠ b[k]) *)
let new_array env f =
Datastructure.Push.iter db env ~f:(fun f2 ->
let subst =
......@@ -166,18 +250,32 @@ end
let converter env (f : Ground.t) =
let s = Ground.sem f in
(match s.ty with
| { app = { builtin = Expr.Array; _ }; _ } -> Theory.new_array env f
| { app = { builtin = Expr.Array; _ }; _ } when not !restrict_ext ->
(* Application of the extentionality rule *)
Theory.new_array env f
| _ -> ());
match s with
| { app = { builtin = Expr.Base; _ }; args; _ }
when IArray.is_empty args && !restrict_aup ->
(* Update of the restrict_aup domain *)
Linearity_dom.upd_dom env (Ground.node f) Empty
| { app = { builtin = Expr.Base; _ }; args; _ } when !restrict_ext ->
~f:(fun n -> if is_array env n then Foreign_dom.set_dom env n IsForeign)
| { app = { builtin = Expr.Select; _ }; args; _ } ->
let a, k = IArray.extract2_exn args in
Egraph.register env a;
Egraph.register env k
Egraph.register env k;
if !restrict_ext && is_array env k then
Foreign_dom.set_dom env k IsForeign
| { app = { builtin = Expr.Store; _ }; args; _ } ->
let a, k, v = IArray.extract3_exn args in
Egraph.register env a;
Egraph.register env k;
Egraph.register env v;
(* Update of the restrict_aup/Linearity domain *)
if !restrict_aup then Linearity_dom.upd_dom env (Ground.node f) (Linear a);
(* application of the `idx` rule *)
let subst =
open Colibri2_core
open Colibri2_popop_lib
open Popop_stdlib
module FVal = struct
module T = struct
type t = IsForeign [@@deriving eq, ord, hash]
let pp fmt = function IsForeign -> fmt "IsForeign"
include T
include MkDatatype (T)
let name = "Array.foreign.value"
module D = struct
module Value = Value.Register (FVal)
type t = FVal.t = IsForeign [@@deriving eq]
let is_singleton (_ : Egraph.wt) _v = None (* ? *)
let key =
(module struct
type nonrec t = t
let name = "Array.foreign"
let inter (_ : Egraph.wt) IsForeign IsForeign = Some IsForeign
let pp = FVal.pp
include D
include Dom.Lattice (D)
type t = IsForeign
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val is_singleton : Egraph.wt -> t -> Colibri2_core.Value.t option
val key : t Dom.Kind.t
val inter : Egraph.wt -> t -> t -> t option
val pp : t Fmt.t
val set_dom : Egraph.wt -> Node.t -> t -> unit
val upd_dom : Egraph.wt -> Node.t -> t -> unit
open Colibri2_core
open Colibri2_popop_lib
open Popop_stdlib
module LVal = struct
module T = struct
type t = NonLinear | Linear of Node.t | Empty [@@deriving eq, ord, hash]
let pp fmt = function
| NonLinear -> fmt "NonLinear"
| Linear n -> fmt "Linear(%a)" Node.pp n
| Empty -> fmt "Empty"
include T
include MkDatatype (T)
let name = "Array.linearity.value"
module D = struct
module Value = Value.Register (LVal)
type t = LVal.t = NonLinear | Linear of Node.t | Empty [@@deriving eq]
let is_singleton _ _ = None
let key =
(module struct
type nonrec t = t
let name = "Array.linearity"
let inter d d1 d2 =
match (d1, d2) with
| NonLinear, NonLinear | NonLinear, Empty | Empty, NonLinear ->
Some NonLinear
| Linear n, Empty | Empty, Linear n -> Some (Linear n)
| Linear n1, Linear n2 ->
if Egraph.is_equal d n1 n2 then
(* does this ever happen? *)
Some (Linear n1)
else (
Egraph.set_dom d key n1 NonLinear;
Egraph.set_dom d key n2 NonLinear;
Some NonLinear)
| NonLinear, Linear n | Linear n, NonLinear ->
Egraph.set_dom d key n NonLinear;
Some NonLinear
| Empty, Empty -> Some Empty
let pp fmt = function
| NonLinear -> fmt "NonLinear"
| Linear n -> fmt "Linear(%a)" Node.pp n
| Empty -> fmt "Empty"
include D
include Dom.Lattice (D)
type t = NonLinear | Linear of Node.t | Empty
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val is_singleton : Egraph.wt -> t -> Colibri2_core.Value.t option
val key : t Dom.Kind.t
val inter : Egraph.wt -> t -> t -> t option
val pp : t Fmt.t
val set_dom : Egraph.wt -> Node.t -> t -> unit
val upd_dom : Egraph.wt -> Node.t -> t -> unit
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