François Bobot authored
Just partially connected to existing theory
François Bobot authoredJust partially connected to existing theory
dom_polynome.ml 4.99 KiB
(* This file is part of Colibri2. *)
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(* Copyright (C) 2014-2021 *)
(* CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies *)
(* alternatives) *)
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(* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *)
(* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, version 2.1. *)
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(* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
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open Colibri2_popop_lib
open Colibri2_core
open Colibri2_stdlib.Std
let debug =
Debug.register_info_flag ~desc:"for the arithmetic theory of polynome"
module T = struct
include Polynome
let name = "SARITH_POLY"
module ThE = ThTerm.Register (T)
module Table = struct
module H = Datastructure.Hashtbl (T)
let h = H.create Node.pp "HARITH_POLY"
let set ~old_ ~new_ n d =
(match old_ with
| None -> ()
| Some old_ -> if not (Polynome.equal old_ new_) then H.remove h d old_);
| None -> Some n
| Some n' as s ->
(* Should not have to register here *)
Egraph.register d n;
Egraph.register d n';
Egraph.merge d n n';
h d new_
include Pivot.Total (struct
include Polynome
let name = "LRA.polynome"
type data = A.t
let nodes p = p.poly
let of_one_node n = monome A.one n
let subst p n q = fst (subst p n q)
let normalize p ~f =
let add acc cl c = Polynome.x_p_cy acc c (f cl) in
Polynome.fold add (Polynome.cst p.cst) p
let set d cl ~old_ ~new_ =
match is_one_node new_ with
| None -> (
match Polynome.is_cst new_ with
| None -> Table.set ~old_ ~new_ cl d
| Some q ->
Egraph.set_value d cl (RealValue.nodevalue (RealValue.index q)))
| Some cl' -> Egraph.merge d cl cl'
let solve p1 p2 : _ Pivot.solve_total =
let diff = sub p1 p2 in
(* 0 = other - repr = p1 - p2 = diff *)
Debug.dprintf2 debug "[Arith] @[solve 0=%a@]" pp diff;
match Polynome.extract diff with
| Zero -> Pivot.AlreadyEqual
| Cst c ->
(* 0 = cst <> 0 *)
Debug.dprintf2 Debug.contradiction
"[LRA/Poly] Found 0 = %a when merging" A.pp c;
| Var (q, x, p') ->
assert (not (A.equal A.zero q));
(* diff = qx + p' *)
Subst (x, Polynome.mult_cst (A.div A.one (A.neg q)) p')
let node_of_polynome d p =
match Polynome.is_cst p with
| None -> (
match Table.H.find_opt Table.h d p with
| Some n -> n
| None ->
let n = ThE.node (ThE.index p) in
Egraph.register d n;
assume_equality d n p;
| Some q -> RealValue.node (RealValue.index q)
(** {2 Initialization} *)
let converter d (f : Ground.t) =
let res = Ground.node f in
let reg n = Egraph.register d n in
match Ground.sem f with
| { app = { builtin = Expr.Add _ }; tyargs = []; args; _ } ->
let a, b = IArray.extract2_exn args in
reg a;
reg b;
assume_equality d res (Polynome.of_list A.zero [ (a, A.one); (b, A.one) ])
| { app = { builtin = Expr.Sub _ }; tyargs = []; args; _ } ->
let a, b = IArray.extract2_exn args in
reg a;
reg b;
assume_equality d res
(Polynome.of_list A.zero [ (a, A.one); (b, A.minus_one) ])
| { app = { builtin = Expr.Minus _ }; tyargs = []; args; _ } ->
let a = IArray.extract1_exn args in
reg a;
assume_equality d res (Polynome.of_list A.zero [ (a, A.minus_one) ])
| _ -> ()
let init env =
Daemon.attach_reg_value env RealValue.key (fun d value ->
let v = RealValue.value value in
let cl = RealValue.node value in
let p1 = Polynome.of_list v [] in
assume_equality d cl p1);
Ground.register_converter env converter;
Disequality.register_disequal env (fun d n1 n2 ->
match (get_repr d n1, get_repr d n2) with
| Some p1, Some p2 -> (
match Polynome.is_cst (Polynome.sub p1 p2) with
| Some c when A.is_not_zero c -> true
| _ -> false)
| _ -> false)