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(*                                                                       *)
(*  This file is part of Frama-C.                                        *)
(*                                                                       *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2017                                              *)
(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies             *)
(*         alternatives)                                                 *)
(*                                                                       *)
(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU  *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software      *)
(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                             *)
(*                                                                       *)
(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                *)
(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of       *)
(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                  *)
(*                                                                       *)
(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                *)
(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).           *)
(*                                                                       *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(* ---  List with constant-time concat                                  --- *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)

type 'a t =
  | Empty
  | Elt of 'a
  | Add of 'a * 'a t
  | App of 'a t * 'a
  | List of 'a list
  | Concat of 'a t * 'a t
  [@@ deriving eq]

let empty = Empty
let elt x = Elt x

let length t =
  let rec scan n = function
    | Empty -> n
    | Elt _ -> succ n
    | Add(_,t) | App(t,_) -> scan (succ n) t
    | List xs -> n + List.length xs
    | Concat(a,b) -> scan (scan n a) b
  in scan 0 t

let add x = function
  | Empty -> Elt x
  | t -> Add(x,t)

let append t x = match t with
  | Empty -> Elt x
  | t -> App(t,x)

let list = function
  | [] -> Empty
  | [x] -> Elt x
  | xs -> List xs

let concat a b =
  match a,b with
    | Empty,c | c,Empty -> c
    | Elt x,t -> Add(x,t)
    | t,Elt x -> App(t,x)
    | Concat(a,b),c -> Concat(a,Concat(b,c)) (* 1-time optim *)
    | _ -> Concat(a,b)

let rec ulist = function
  | [] -> Empty
  | x::xs -> concat x (ulist xs)

let rec map f = function
  | Empty -> Empty
  | Elt x -> Elt (f x)
  | Add(x,t) -> Add(f x,map f t)
  | App(t,x) -> App(map f t,f x)
  | List xs -> List( f xs)
  | Concat(a,b) -> Concat(map f a,map f b)

let rec umap f = function
  | Empty -> Empty
  | Elt x -> f x
  | Add(x,t) -> concat (f x) (umap f t)
  | App(t,x) -> concat (umap f t) (f x)
  | List xs -> umap_list f xs
  | Concat(a,b) -> concat (umap f a) (umap f b)

and umap_list f = function
  | [] -> Empty
  | x::xs -> concat (f x) (umap_list f xs)

let rec iter f = function
  | Empty -> ()
  | Elt x -> f x
  | Add(x,t) -> f x ; iter f t
  | App(t,x) -> iter f t ; f x
  | List xs -> List.iter f xs
  | Concat(a,b) -> iter f a ; iter f b

let rec fold_left f w = function
  | Empty -> w
  | Elt x -> f w x
  | Add(x,t) -> fold_left f (f w x) t
  | App(t,x) -> f (fold_left f w t) x
  | List xs -> List.fold_left f w xs
  | Concat(a,b) -> fold_left f (fold_left f w a) b

let rec fold_right f t w = match t with
  | Empty -> w
  | Elt x -> f x w
  | Add(x,t) -> f x (fold_right f t w)
  | App(t,x) -> fold_right f t (f x w)
  | List xs -> List.fold_right f xs w
  | Concat(a,b) -> fold_right f a (fold_right f b w)

let rec for_all f = function
  | Empty -> true
  | Elt x -> f x
  | Add(x,t) -> f x && for_all f t
  | App(t,x) -> for_all f t && f x
  | List xs -> List.for_all f xs
  | Concat(a,b) -> for_all f a && for_all f b

let rec exists f = function
  | Empty -> false
  | Elt x -> f x
  | Add(x,t) -> f x || exists f t
  | App(t,x) -> exists f t || f x
  | List xs -> List.exists f xs
  | Concat(a,b) -> exists f a || exists f b

let rec filter f = function
  | Empty -> Empty
  | Elt x as e -> if f x then e else Empty
  | Add(x,ts) -> if f x then add x (filter f ts) else filter f ts
  | App(ts,x) -> let ts = filter f ts in if f x then append ts x else ts
  | List xs -> list (List.filter f xs)
  | Concat(a,b) -> concat (filter f a) (filter f b)

let rec filter_map_homo f = function
  | Empty -> Empty
  | Elt x as e -> (match f x with | Some x' -> if x == x' then e else Elt x'
                                  | None -> Empty)
  | Add(x,ts) as e -> (match f x with
      | Some x' when x == x' ->
        let ts' = filter_map_homo f ts in
        if ts == ts' then e else add x' ts'
      | Some x' -> add  x' (filter_map_homo f ts)
      | None -> filter_map_homo f ts)
  | App(ts,x) as e -> (match f x with
      | Some x' when x == x' ->
        let ts' = filter_map_homo f ts in
        if ts == ts' then e else append ts' x'
      | Some x' -> append  (filter_map_homo f ts) x'
      | None -> filter_map_homo f ts)
  | List xs as e ->
    let rec aux f same old accu = function
      | [] -> if same then old else list (List.rev accu)
      | x :: l ->
        match f x with
        | None -> aux f false old accu l
        | Some v when v == x -> aux f same old (v :: accu) l
        | Some v -> aux f false old (v :: accu) l
    aux f true e [] xs
  | Concat(a,b) as e ->
    let a' = (filter_map_homo f a) in
    let b' = (filter_map_homo f b) in
    if a == a' && b == b' then e else concat a' b'

let rec partition f = function
  | Empty -> Empty , Empty
  | Elt x as e -> if f x then e,Empty else Empty,e
  | Add(x,ts) ->
      let pos,neg = partition f ts in
      if f x then add x pos , neg else pos , add x neg
  | App(ts,x) ->
      let ok = f x in
      let pos,neg = partition f ts in
      if ok then append pos x , neg else pos , append neg x
  | List xs ->
      let pos,neg = List.partition f xs in
      list pos , list neg
  | Concat(a,b) ->
      let apos,aneg = partition f a in
      let bpos,bneg = partition f b in
      concat apos bpos , concat aneg bneg

let rec is_empty = function
  | Empty | List [] -> true
  | Add _ | App _ | Elt _ | List _ -> false
  | Concat(a,b) -> is_empty a && is_empty b

let is_num_elt n m =
    fold_left (fun n _ -> if n < 0 then raise Exit else n-1) n m = 0
  with Exit -> false

let rec singleton = function
  | Elt x | List [x] -> Some x
  | Empty | List _ -> None
  | Add(x,t) | App(t,x) -> if is_empty t then Some x else None
  | Concat(a,b) ->
      match singleton a with
        | Some x -> if is_empty b then Some x else None
        | None -> if is_empty a then singleton b else None

let rec choose = function
  | Empty | List [] -> raise Not_found
  | Elt x | List(x::_) | Add(x,_) | App(_,x) -> x
  | Concat(a,b) -> try choose a with Not_found -> choose b

let rec collect t xs =
  match t with
    | Elt x -> x :: xs
    | Empty -> xs
    | Add(x,t) -> x :: collect t xs
    | App(t,x) -> collect t (x::xs)
    | List ys -> ys @ xs
    | Concat(a,b) -> collect a (collect b xs)

let elements t = collect t []

let pp pelt fmt t = Pp.iter1 iter Pp.comma pelt fmt t