The command `make bundle` will create a relocalisable directory named
`bundle` containing the ` colibri` executables.
## Dependencies
In addition to the =Eclipse (CLP)= environment that is
distributed within the bundle, the `colibri` solver relies
on two auxiliary libraries:
- ``
- ``
The simplex library needs to link to ``, which can
be installed using your distribution (e.g. on Debian from
the ` libgmp-dev` package).
In order to build ``, it is necessary to
have `opam` installed and configured, in order to install
the following OCaml modules:
- dune
- fmt
- gen
- menhir
- ocplib-simplex
- parsexp
- spelll
- uutf
- zarith
The exact versions required are listed in `.gitlab-ci.yml`.
## Compilation on linux
The command `make` builds all the libraries and executables.
The `Makefile` can be parameterized by two environment
variables, `BUNDLE` (which is the directory where the bundle
is created), and `ECL_VERSION`, which indicates which
version of the Eclipse library should be used (see `Makefile`
for details).
## Compilation on windows
The compilation is helped by using, it will install ocaml
compiler but also mingw for the C part. Use `ocaml-env` to setup the
environement for the compilation. Then the compilation is the same
than for linux.
## Remarks
`Bin/` and `Src/` directories are copied from their respective
repositories using the `` script found in
`gatel/Src`'s original repository. They should be considered read-only
This is the open-source colibri distribution.
This software under the LGP2.1 LICENCE.